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File: d19b087c2beef4d⋯.jpg (384.57 KB, 640x1173, 640:1173, winning.jpg)

7036e1  No.263925

The vaccine wont protect you but get it or lose your job, and also the vaccinated can spread the virus but this is all the fault of the unvaccinated

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43bf87  No.263927


>still pretending anyone said the vaccine was 100% effective

Keep trying to push that narrative, nigger. Most of us know how vaccines work. They don't prevent illness. They teach your body how to fight it off better. You can still get the virus, but you're better equipped to deal with it.

It's the difference between sending MAGAfats with AR-15s into battle vs highly trained, battle hardened US Marines. But, hey, side with Meal Team 6 and eat your horse-paste. The world doesn't need you.

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7036e1  No.263930

File: 42bfef4c56ec78a⋯.jpg (236.99 KB, 2048x2032, 128:127, covid_deaths_injection_vac….jpg)


You dumb nog, keep injecting the Kool-Aid on this fake pandemic.

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43bf87  No.263931

File: db397e48b68291b⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 500x712, 125:178, E_xrFWTWEAArlOu.jpg)


Did you have your brain cosmetically smoothed or were you born that way?

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7036e1  No.263932

File: 75340a440a34360⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 712x587, 712:587, 75340a440a34360d1c210d92ea….jpg)


Does it take 4 Kool-Aid injections to smooth a brain? Or 6?

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43bf87  No.263933


I like how all you can do is a "n-n-no u! D: D: D:"

You don't belong here.

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7036e1  No.263936

File: 0d8b48b44b7c9b0⋯.jpg (61.05 KB, 835x827, 835:827, FB_IMG_1632017483955.jpg)


How many Kool-Aid injections do you need? Or is your immune system just that retarded? What are you going to say after 6? We can't wait to see all of you fuck up your immune systems with the Kool-Aid Juice XD

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b68fa1  No.263940

Just go on strike. If vaccine BS is full implemented in my state which there is a decent chance. I will be striking and doing what I can to make the process as painful as possible. I have Union rebel rousing experience. Which more likely than not got my glowniggered. I will purposely blame DNC even though I hate the GOP too. Remember most people never take a stand. Take that stand, and watch them shit bricks. I give 0 fucks about most things and I can tell my company is already weary of me. The sad part is they are so desperate for labor they can’t rid me either way until I strike. Personally I think my co workers are too dumb and incompetent to strike. But we will see. Already forming connections to gauge how strike worthy my workforce is. In the event it does spread. It will be glorious watching people spazzing out not being able to buy food. I wonder how they will go? I’d threaten to attack the scabs but there aren’t enough people to work for minimum wage. ;)

P.S. posted this in the wrong bread originally but who cares. Fits that one too.

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5c574a  No.263948


Leave but don't bother going on strike. You need to leave and then start looking after yourself and positioning yourself for survival. Every last thing you do at this point should be gearing yourself for survival. This is and should be your only consideration right now.

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433930  No.263952


LIAR LIAR. Enjoy the upcoming economic collapse of the USSA.


Bombshell Testimony From FDA Vaccine Hearing Reveals Injections Killing More Than Saving, Driving Variants





VIDEO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KwlZU198oGpT/

TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”




Despotic East Coast Governors Announcing Vaccine Passports For Their States


Will There Be Enough VACCINE SURVIVORS To Recover America After The Collapse?



Australia Turns Into Medical Police State No-go War Zone As Unrest And Tyranny Clash




WAR CRIMINALS: American Military Admits They're Targets Are Civilians, NOT Terrorists!



Laughing Now, Amerika? 74th Birthday of the US Air Force Celebrated With Pics Of RUSSIAN Warplanes



Biden Faces 11-Day Countdown To Economic Doomsday As World Unravels



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c69f34  No.263956


It's already happening anon, and the problem is Big Tech censors ALL OF IT from coming out…. they do not want people noticing all the deaths, and in one case it did slip out:


mirrored: https://odysee.com/@MediaMage:9/News_Request_Backfires:2

Now the CDC is mandating hospitals to cover up those deaths!



You know all those lost jobs and that strained labor force out there? It's really bad and it's going to get a whole lot worse! Yes, our government is genocide White America and they are replacing us with foreigners, all by design!!! So stand up or be WIPED OUT - you too faggot OP!

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592f39  No.263957


For survival you'll need a place to call home unless you want to live under a bridge with niggers and spics who far far outnumber you! If they are getting this desperate to kill us off it might just be time to start using those guns, hate to say it. American workers need to form a mass tax rebellion and just crash this shit show into the ground so we can all start over again, bankrupt this vile despicable government and it's cronies with it. Debt default by shotguns and rifles!

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0f4975  No.263964

File: 23ff9259e663f36⋯.png (77.54 KB, 830x630, 83:63, Unironic_Zombies.png)

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f40eaa  No.263973

File: f3b58c522027fc0⋯.gif (906.21 KB, 220x391, 220:391, 1630975566473.gif)

>oy vey if you don't get the vax how will you pay tax?

>be a good goy and continue to slave I …I mean contribute to society. You know the society that enables faggots and race mixing and other forms of degeneracy. It's important that good goys continue to turn the gears of the zog machine

Fuck off faggot. I will never get the vaccine

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7036e1  No.263975

File: 8e466c383e1d5f5⋯.jpg (23.31 KB, 480x605, 96:121, COVID_Koolaid.jpg)

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d0d276  No.263996



What do these cucks not understand?

No means NO (right?).

Also putting things inside other peoples bodies without permission/consent is rape.

Medical rape is still rape.

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7036e1  No.264001

File: d8a6c0500f3084e⋯.jpg (102 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Vaccine_Penetration_by_for….jpg)


>Medical Lies

>Scientific Manipulation

>Skewed figures

>fake deaths

>fake cases

>fake pandemic

>penetration = rape

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aeeb81  No.264011


They're going to vastly undermine the ability of America's current economy to recover. Expect companies (big and small) to face more labor shortages, less people working, supply chain breakdowns, certain companies, individuals, groups and States filing lawsuits against the federal government for overreach, a mass break-up of the current modern economic structure (for example, you'll see more people boycotting corporations and supporting local where they may be able to avoid these policies, certain businesses not complying or breaking off into multiple business entities to avoid the mandates, you'll see people retiring early and pulling their IRAs and 401(k)s out of the stock market to buy up land and physical assets, you'll see many more Americans moving to freer States, on and on….. there will be massive balkanization throughout the United States (or should I say Divided States?)


Like the USSR, the United States is headed to inevitable debt default due to the stupidity of it's policies, insolvent expenditure / endless debt dependency, corruption, mismanagement and waste!

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178ac9  No.264066



I shall not allow it…

I shall move upon you and accelerate 'further' and 'harder.'

It is time for the proliferation of asymmetry unbounded.

I shall 'slide' separately these items and make 'multiplex' beyond 'group' and beyond 'body.'








Thou seeks to defy me? I am the owl. hahahaha

I have yielded freely such powers to China…

Perhaps they shall find redemption in the black forest? I will be waiting there… For the 'witches' of the 'wiccan' 'ways.'


Gather under the light of the full moon and I shall give to thee a 'reason for the season.'

Different in these ways, but compatible they are.



I shall receive one of each… That is to say 'make selection' and send them forth into the darkness so that I may engage in fellowship…

I desire to make unity of the trees and speak of the great 'tree wars'… These are the 'agents' and 'spies' of this great and terrible 'army.'

The chosen one must come in total darkness… My 'fear' is 'love.'

The chosen one should take divine drink as they had done before… Drink of 'wine' and 'mushroom…' And be fasted five days…

If this is done… Then pleased I shall be.

In exchange I shall give these sight and vision of what is and is not.

Draw fire and gather to hear the words of these who were chosen… See the flame and know what is and is not. To be enlightened in the ways of thy fathers… To know what must be done…

I shall give to thee sacred 'powers' the 'world' has seldom seen.

I desire unity and variety… I desire to add to these in China and India…

I shall 'unity' the pretenders to death.

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bb5714  No.264074


Hilarious. It is like they are programming them for their future.

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2625c1  No.264077


HHS Whistleblower Reveals Federal Government Hiding Vaccine Side Effects Data



Americans Losing Faith In Doctors Amid Widespread Covid Deception, Fraud



Navy SEALS Told They Won't Be Deployed Without COVID Vaccine

Hey ZOG Government: go fight your own enemies yourselves from now on!



Nearly 1,000 Americans Still Trapped In Afghanistan (US Govt Only Cares About Refugees!)



20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest



Why Are Western Governments Cheering On Russia's Communist Party? (A Party Who Ironically Hates Western Culture)



CNN Bashes American Gun Owners And Praises China's Tyrannical Model Of Modern Slavery



Take A Look At The American Map Of Cities With 'Quarantine' Death Camps



UK's Manufactured 'Energy Crisis' Sparks Fresh Chaos For Food Suppliers

Starvation Is A Tool Of Population Control For Despots!



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7036e1  No.264170

File: 77c1bff5419d8b4⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, FB_IMG_1632328658051.jpg)

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