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e52f9c  No.263557

Are you aware now? Let us play cat and mouse.


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2cdc6d  No.263576

BOREPHEUS is getting married in here TOMORROW NIGHT!!!

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2cdc6d  No.263578

File: ba33f635095ca28⋯.png (889.06 KB, 1080x1180, 54:59, PicsArt_09_15_08_58_31.png)

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2cdc6d  No.263579

File: 684fccccbee727b⋯.jpg (215.69 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_09_15_09_39_02.jpg)

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2cdc6d  No.263580

File: 75a101c93d52bd0⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 639x1024, 639:1024, PicsArt_09_15_09_28_09.jpg)

Enrique (lil cheezit) is Sally's ONLY "CULT MEMBER", and as such, Sally is obligated to marry him


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1a3059  No.263581


you're welcome for the s'mores idea

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2cdc6d  No.263582


Yeah, but I want S'LESS

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1a3059  No.263583

got more important things to do today besides spread misery, try to wake or roust the livestock, or celebrate the good fortune of marshamllows and cheezits to have found each other…

not that having more important things to do has ever stopped me before!

ahh well, got no sleep, in pain, now feel like i have so much to do in life i better just dig in again. every few days now i get the bug, then pay for it over the next few days, and take it out on everybody wherever i am. it is that wonderful day of rest today for all y'all! my day of work is the day i'm not bothering anyone else. i'm sure EVERYBODY would like me to work s'more!

with any luck, i can still turn this into a work day. i mean, pain is just another post that may be safely ignored, if one is already in possession of the knowledge and how to implement it with wisdom…


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906231  No.263584


Yep…. I'm taking care of some paperwork today

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906231  No.263585


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906231  No.263586

it's almost as if 8kun said "let's make this THE least beneficial, most irritating, completely worthless online experience of the entire internet"

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4f1897  No.263595


Where Did Millions Of American Workers Go?

A month (or more) ago I posted about how there was a shortage of workers (A shortage totaling about 30 million people) with only 7 million people on unemployment. If the country is in a recession, and 7 million are on unemployment, and despite the recession 30 million jobs need to be filled with no one available to fill them, then 20-30 million American people have to be dead. BY THE NUMBERS. There's no way out of it. These are not covid deaths either, they are VAX DEATHS, THIS IS WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE WENT, THE VAX KILLED THEM. This has been censored, but in ONE case the truth got out. Youtube is not censoring this particular video because they know damn well it will just be posted again, too many people have this.

They pulled off an enormous genocide and no one knew because big tech and the MSM censored it. They did it with Jewish doctors and a Jewish owned medical system, buried it with a Jewish MSM and Jewish owned big tech, and made it happen with a Jewish infiltrated and controlled government structure. They hid it by buying up all the dead people's homes with bailout money so there's not a glut of houses with questions attached on the market. If there was no genocide, then try to explain that video I posted yesterday and linked in this report, which shows a half hour of some guy scrolling through the channel 7 facebook post that backfired and got filled with people saying the vax killed their families and others they know:


BACKUP: https://odysee.com/@MediaMage:9/News_Request_Backfires:2

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID, Gets 180,000+ Responses Of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead



Americans Are Angry, They Want The FDA To Acknowledge Vaccine Deaths & Injuries



How States And Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden’s Covid Tyranny



5+ Minute Wait-Time For 911 Calls In Portland Amid Staff Shortages



Project Veritas Is Getting Thousands Of New Whistleblowers

This Could Publicly Destroy All Trust In Government, Our Institutions & Corporations!


Brankrupted Evergrande Suspends Trading In All Bonds



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c69b6e  No.263605


ITS SO OBVIOUS you're desperate for Sally's Approval

(that's the ONLY reason you added Jews into your post)

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c69b6e  No.263606


watching you beg Sally for his approval is pathetic

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c69b6e  No.263609


I never thought I'd see you SELL OUT

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ba91d2  No.263614




Jim Stone wrote that comment, I did not. Should have clarified that.

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6e3b78  No.263675



so it's JIM STONE who's desperate for Sally's Approval?

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692cf5  No.263724


I know everyone says Jim Stone is a secret agent but I have always enjoyed his work.

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