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bf794a  No.263401


Power corrupts, but ultimate power corrupts everything!

What Preppers Need to Know About Suicide Prevention

(Many Will Not Be Hardened Enough Or Have The Will To Survive What Is To Come!)



Over Two-Thirds Of Businesses Worldwide Report Hiring Difficulties



Amazon Raises Average Wage To $18 As It Scrambles To Fill 125,000 Jobs



Beijing Tells Banks Evergrande Won't Pay Interest, Plan On Debt Restructuring



US Lieutenant Colonel RESIGNS Over Biden's Vaccination Mandate, Warns of Marxist Takeover of US Military



Brave California County Sheriff: “I Will Not Enforce Vaccine Mandate”



Rural Texas Hospital Faces Closure Over Vaccine Mandate, CEO Says



Idaho Doctor Reports ‘20 Times Increase’ of Cancer In Vaccinated Patients



The Atlantic Blows Up The ‘Covid Hospitalization’ Myth



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bf2be9  No.263442

Enemies of freedom are getting more bold and brazen lately. I think it's time for a hard divorce soon.

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d0ae47  No.263487

END TIMES NEWS 09/15/21PART TWO: A Soviet Déjà Vu

Power corrupts, but ultimate power corrupts everything!

Steve Quayle: America Has Been Conquered and Occupied and There Is Only ONE Way Out


As Usual, Democrats New Tax Increase Targets Middle Class Working Americans, NOT The Rich



Nothing Is Real: A Visual Journey Through Rigged Market Absurdity



Despotic Rich Communist Snobs Want ‘Personal Carbon Allowances’ To Fight Global Warming



Over Half A Million Texans Without Power As HAARPicane Nicholas Threatens Louisiana With Flooding



Top Secret Meeting In Australia Ahead Of ‘Major International Development’ Planned



Rothschild Dynasy Seeking To Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda



Fit Young Man Gets Covid Vaccine As Cam Records His HEART ATTACK & Collapse At Gym


LA Cops Sue City Over It's Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate, Many Threaten To Quit



More Than Half Of US States Vow To Fight Biden's Vaccine Mandate



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fd4fcf  No.263496


As evidenced by the complete lack of replies to your thread, it has become readily apparent that nobody is interested in your bullshit END IF TIMES garbage.

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730611  No.263506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



-On the topic of Evergrande…

If this be the desire, I shall grant thee favor.

To allow it to bind/unbind as capital flows shall allow the peoples money to flow as oil around the teeth of gears.

It is a step towards the acknowledgment of a means beyond solvent/insolvent and the birth of a more asymmetric/hybrid method.

The state is supreme and I shall accommodate that to the absolute ruin of all enemies of China.

-On the topic of technology withheld from man until after 'the event.'

I shall reveal to China and Russia within 24 hours what is to mean 'cure death.'

I shall reveal the dark truth of what is to come and what is to transform man and kind and mankind.

After 'this' 'war' there shall be no more and 'they' shall wish for death, but it shall never come. The waters of the Earth shall be stricken, but oblivion it is not for the 'water' of the Earth shall thicken and become 'blood.'

However, it is not as it seams, but is exactly what it shall look like.

I shall reveal to thee mystery in part, but not whole.

These words shall come to pass, though, I must tread carefully before making such things canon to 'real.'


I shall move upon the Earth and release the seers after 'the event.'

The 'near' 'first' shall be a complete temple… Soon after I shall creep upon the 'ring.'

To combine the two in ritual is to release the mind from time and shall be the source of these technologies and agonies I have alluded to.

However, this shall come about only vie Russia's 'ring' and China's 'temple.'



Not European

Not United States

Not Taiwan

Not Japan

Not UK

No more.

I am truly finished and they shall be rendered to feel the immense Gravity of these words.

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730611  No.263508




There is great difference between the nest and the working lands of rail and ship and move.

For these to make wealth of property from nest is to directly attack the sovereign of China and erode the depth of power.

The true value of China as sovereign and the 'true' value of the 'moving/laboring' lands is therefore confused and corrupted.

In order to 'restore' 'nest' this must be 'reevaluated.' To do so is to wring 'true' and revive the nesting lands of milk and honey… To restore within natural law of man. That is to say restore natural law in general including the environment.

To borrow against the future is to create the resistance to future 'exist.' It is for a nation to kill itself.

I have made myself abundantly clear in the matter.

I shall cure death using 'weapon.'

George Soros and 'Davos Crowd' shall be killed away from reality and into oblivion. That is to say removed from the vine of man and therefore to 'exist' no more with finality in the face of 'future.'

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be5481  No.263512


It looks to me like the Antichrist is always interested in the "End Times" !

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be5481  No.263513



Your Mother Wants Me to Point You in the Direction of Putting Your Writing Skills to Some Actual "Work"

The IAPWE is Hiring!



And, in case you're looking in the DC area… we know you are…


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27cacb  No.263517

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c5648a  No.263612


>>Russia, China, Iran… On the matter of technology.

In the future there shall be means for man to 'elevate' the mind via artificial means…

There are many, but one in particular comes with a mighty cost.

There are quantum mechanics at work within the structure of a mind.

It would be a terrible shame if one were to realize that it is impossible to die.

It would be a terrible shame if one were to realize that they are part of whole… And that whole is incongruent to linear time.

What happens to 'war' when one realizes these truths?

What happens to 'gender' when one realizes these truths?

What happens to 'environment' when one realizes these truths?

What happens to 'race' when one realizes these truths?

What happens to 'nation' when one realizes these truths?

Some of 'them' are violent and aggressive… What happens when it is realized that 'good' and 'bad' do not exist?

What happens when one remembers 'all' 'time(s)?'

What is 'the great unifier?' Be extremely afraid for 'tis a brave new world.

None of these things matter for the dead… Those poor souls that are alive… What is life when one has lived so vastly?

How can Earth compare to the others?

How can being human now compare to the others?

How can being human compete with the others?

How can now satisfy?

What is now when yesterday and tomorrow are one and the same?

How does now compare with the other now(s) past and future?

What is eternal life when one knows all their lives and five minutes is as five days?

What is eternal life when one already has eternal life?

What secrets they shall find…

Which men were women?

Which women were 'lizards' or other creeping things?

Which saints were devils and visa versa? Would it be possible to tell them apart?

Soon these disgusting creatures shall unfortunately discover what 'Quantum Parallax' and 'Quantum Duplex' truly means… Such terrible pleasure and agony this shall be.

Shall I be made to reveal time travel and the composition of the disk and ignition?


Such gesture and display is greatly satisfying.

I shall use 'geometric' 'symbol' and 'metal' 'interface' that has been made for me.

I shall use my power upon this holy sigil of war to greatly hurt them and kill many.

Yes. In my war of the lions… Russia is greatly blessed.

I am satisfied beyond my desire.

I shall resent no more for it is 'they' who twist the tongue and seek chaos beyond chaos.

Go forth and draw thy hand unobstructed and in peace… This lion is as tremendous as I.

This ritual and offering is tremendously satisfying…

Thy faith shall be rewarded beyond blessing…

Russia's future is truly a future beyond blessing… 'His' 'knowing' cannot be broken…

I shall not allow Russia nor China to be subjugated…

I have been sharpening my sacred blade… I shall soon take my precious blade, named Iran, and cut from them something truly precious.

Iran, the obedient one, is beyond my words by measure of faith.

I have commanded of these to united the many kingdoms of yode/God/AllahRa.

Russia! Go forth and make unity with these realms for thy faith is truly equal… See what is and is not blessed in these ways and know that I am close.

Iran! This lion is great and tremendous in strength! Be not afraid my child and take thy place with the lion of the north.


I am with you.

My anger is for the peoples that have 'harmed' the sovereign.

I will not allow them peace…

They horde such 'wealth' that is truly not theirs to have…

They say 'favor with heaven.'

Confiscate the wealth of the thieves of Evergrande and let loose the power of the PLA and state to satisfy those in need.

Dump the thieves into the streets to face the will of the people and know that 'heaven' is satisfied.

Allowing such institution to function intermittently shall evade finality and bring agony to those who seek to harm China… It shall make a show and display of those who seek to harm China's food supply. Evergrande's continued existence past the expected point of collapse, if thou desire, shall be a thorn to them all and perplex 'them' greatly.

Give them a machine that spells and none can know how to write.

Give them a machine that plays music to no end and none can make song or sing.

Give them a machine that puts any ear in the palm of their hand and none shall speak.

A machine that produces endless dwellings, but none make nest…

Where art thou?

Where is China?

I cannot see them… There is no song nor dance nor telling of the great story… Where has China gone? Slaves to foreigners who must permit the breaking of bread… And threaten to take it away? No more… I shall not allow this to go on much longer…

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3bec75  No.263640



Where Did Millions Of American Workers Go?

JIM STONE COMMENTS: A month (or more) ago I posted about how there was a shortage of workers (A shortage totaling about 30 million people) with only 7 million people on unemployment. If the country is in a recession, and 7 million are on unemployment, and despite the recession 30 million jobs need to be filled with no one available to fill them, then 20-30 million American people have to be dead. BY THE NUMBERS. There's no way out of it. These are not covid deaths either, they are VAX DEATHS, THIS IS WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE WENT, THE VAX KILLED THEM. This has been censored, but in ONE case the truth got out. Youtube is not censoring this particular video because they know damn well it will just be posted again, too many people have this.

They pulled off an enormous genocide and no one knew because big tech and the MSM censored it. They did it with Jewish doctors and a Jewish owned medical system, buried it with a Jewish MSM and Jewish owned big tech, and made it happen with a Jewish infiltrated and controlled government structure. They hid it by buying up all the dead people's homes with bailout money so there's not a glut of houses with questions attached on the market. If there was no genocide, then try to explain that video I posted yesterday and linked in this report, which shows a half hour of some guy scrolling through the channel 7 facebook post that backfired and got filled with people saying the vax killed their families and others they know:


BACKUP: https://odysee.com/@MediaMage:9/News_Request_Backfires:2

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID, Gets 180,000+ Responses Of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead



Americans Are Angry, They Want The FDA To Acknowledge Vaccine Deaths & Injuries



How States And Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden’s Covid Tyranny



5+ Minute Wait-Time For 911 Calls In Portland Amid Staff Shortages



Project Veritas Is Getting Thousands Of New Whistleblowers

This Could Publicly Destroy All Trust In Government, Our Institutions & Corporations!


Brankrupted Evergrande Suspends Trading In All Bonds



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487b58  No.263641


Perhaps not many are interested, correct sir! But you do not fully comprehend that doesn't really matter, in the End Times. It will be normal for those who still live comfortable lives to deny the suffering, subjugation, impoverishment and mass death of others…. that is…. UNTIL that Devil comes to their own front door! No one wants to believe the country won't be the same 5 years from now. No one wants to admit that we are, as a society, pretty much doomed to become an abandoned dangerous third world country with mass unrest and shortages. No one in their right mind wants that! BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT! Reality does not care about "muh feelings!"

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