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My name is Nate Higgers

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6cc1c5  No.262897

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4e9aaf  No.262902

The bug people are totally vaxxed though.

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6cc1c5  No.262909


Death with and without the vax – no one knows what to do. Commies wanted chaos. They have it.

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4e9aaf  No.262914


I suppose just having faith is too much of a leap for them. LOL

Oh noes, our material bodies will have to be shed. When that fire hits them, what have they built? There will be nothing left over. I can't stop laughing. Ashes to ashes…

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4e9aaf  No.262916


Do you think it is an ELE? The only people with even a REMOTE chance of survival are the unvaxxed and even they will not (probably) remain human physically.

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6cc1c5  No.262917


>There will be nothing left over. I can't stop laughing



i think it's a psychic attack designed to cause maximum fear, chaos, confusion, and eventually death of political leaders.

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4e9aaf  No.262922


If only we could hurry this up. Do you think whomever is performing the psychic attack could work it out so that ANYONE at anytime in the future who tries to hold power over others will be killed in this same manner? This would be really ideal imo. This would also ensure, incidentally, that people like the pedofag would be killed at birth (and you have to admit that this is ideal, right).

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6cc1c5  No.262931


what is it that makes you so adverse to others holding power over you?

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6cc1c5  No.262950

>China Locks Down City of 4.5 Million as Delta Surges Again


>China's strict 21 day quarantine under question after new outbreak emerges


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4e9aaf  No.262970


Because I only respect God. Humans are so limited in their capacity that they are totally untrustworthy to (and most of the time this is pushing it) manage even their own affairs. Surely the last 6,000 years of the history of (((government))) has revealed this to everyone, consciously or unconsciously. All of humanity must know that the entire Babylonian system is a total pos at this point? Right? How could anyone know my own inner thoughts or desires better than myself?

Who is eager to share all of my (God given rights) to error? How could anyone be that arrogant? I have a right and a relationship with God (no middleman needed) already. I want a relationship with God and not with 'my fellow man'. They are irrelevant to me; my religion and relationship with God are within and constitute every living moment that I am alive on the planet. All of that, which no man may mitigate, is within. This is the Kingdom of Heaven. I am not separate from God; if that was true then God would not be God.

I lay awake last night thinking about the vast web of trickery and lies that are perpetuated in this material world…everything from the (((Roman's))) attacking their own people in 77AD (the Republic had already fallen to the (((Flavians))) ) so what did the jewish leadership gain through the mass slaughter of their own people in Judea? What do they gain by it now? What is a 'man' and do they even belong on this planet? Who are the sons of God and how does that relate to Marduk and Tiamat? Are men from Hell? It sure seems like it sometimes. How does this related to Hierarchy (life) and are we better off dead?

I have a lot of questions. None of which 'men' can answer for me. If they cannot come close to addressing my more complicated questions, why should they rule over me? Is this whole entire disaster not a product of their 'leadership'? What a shitshow. What a nightmare. If hierarchy is 'life' why does it only produce death in everything it does and touches?

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6cc1c5  No.262983


Alright. I understand as much as one might on an imageboard. Isn't it written that God appoints leaders to power and that you should obey them? And didn't Jesus tell even Pilate that his power comes from God? So here's my question: Why does God appoint an evil ruler or even a world full of them?

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4e9aaf  No.262989


>Isn't it written that God appoints leaders to power and that you should obey them?

Romans 14 does not apply to what is evil. Did God REQUIRE that Eve do evil in the garden? No? He would have prevented it, if evil had not already been found within her already…the poison had to be extracted from her.

Eze 28 (I know this is about the rebel Lucifer/Helel/Ishtar already)

13 You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every kind of precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald. Your mountings and settings were crafted in gold, prepared on the day of your creation. 14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for I had ordained you. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the fiery stones. 15 From the day you were created you were blameless in your ways—until wickedness was found in you.…

So how would that apply or the 'authority' of evil now 'be beneficial'? If there is any consistency then why would evil be bad then and good now? It comes down to a question of Faith then Fren. Do you actually have unshakable Faith in God? I do. Not only do I trust Him with all my heart to judge PERFECTLY (and why would I need man at that point) but I have faith that God will continue to act in whatever manner is best for humanity.

The Bible is the book of both Good and Evil. Man justifies his own actions using its words. It declares BOTH and then man justifies himself according to his own heart.

See the pedofaggot? Pedophilia and faggotry are both Biblical. He reads it one way because his heart is corrupted (and evil) and we read it a different way because our hearts are not corrupted. So what then? The only thing evil can do is 'litigate' itself upon humanity and force humanity into evil. This is the 'product' of men's rule on the planet. See? The poison is being extracted one step at a time…thus man will eventually submit to God because he will see that he is not worthy and only God is worthy. Cain's mistake.

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6cc1c5  No.262990


>Romans 14 does not apply to what is evil

It does. Wasn't Pharaoh in Exodus evil? It's written:

''For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “'For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.'” – Romans 9:17

So before moving onto Adam and Eve I'll ask my question again:

Why has God allowed and even appointed the evil rulers we see today?

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4e9aaf  No.263005


He showed his power by killing Pharaoh and all his men. That is hardly a endorsement of Evil. lol


Again, he is asking Man, "See Pharaoh in all his splendor and might; what is he beside me?"Animal crush video comes next.

That, ummm, is not endorsing Evil. Right?

Evil is appointed that you might Trust in God first. Has God not demonstrated love not through them, but in spite of them? If men would do as Romans 14 they too would have endured the 'animal crush video' because they would have followed Pharaoh into the sea (submitted to the Evil of man/hierarchy/Babylon). Try to think about this via Enoch's words and his "orders/hierarchy of the Fallen".

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0cf6c3  No.263007


That's a good way of looking at things today considering how corrupted the world is (and really always has been). No one should have authority over anyone else, this would rid us of all our woes. Of-course there will be bad actors from time to time but let communities deal with those types as they see fit.

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6cc1c5  No.263015


>Evil is appointed that you might Trust in God first.

Exactly right. God's appointment of evil rulers over you isn't an endorsement of them but the first step towards their destruction and your liberation. Consider Trump. He was an evil ruler. How did we do our duty by resisting him? We didn't shoot up synagogues or mosques or make an attempt on his life. We opposed him by telling the truth and we fought with spiritual weapons.

>We fight with weapons that are different from those the world uses. Our weapons have power from God. These weapons can destroy the enemy's strong places.

2 Corinthians 10:4

And the result was his overthrowing. Not only his but the lie of Zionism. We destroyed an entire playbook that the Enemy uses to confuse and subjugate.

Does this mean we shouldn't physically resist evil rulers? No, but it does mean that physical resistance is the least and last of our options, which is why shills have tried to convince us to make it our first and greatest ("read siege!") – they mean to take away our sharpest sword.

So when should you physically resist? After God's power has been demonstrated to his people it will be demonstrated to his enemies, in his time and place and manner. By taking this approach we humble ourselves and learn how to endure suffering, even turning it into a strength.

We are weapons of God's mercy first and instruments of His wrath second.

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4e9aaf  No.263018


I think people are really afraid that God will not make a fair or honest judgment.

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4e9aaf  No.263035


>Exactly right. God's appointment of evil rulers over you isn't an endorsement of them but the first step towards their destruction and your liberation.

Exactly. But this doesn't mean that you are cooperative with them as Paul would have you believe. You still have to divide them from yourself and their ways from your ways. The reason that Israel did not die was because they did not follow or listen to Pharaoh but rather followed a Judge of men instead (Judges have no hierarchical power but exist only to make a pure and fair arbitration between men; they don't have any power to enforce; at all, which is why they seek to bring peace to adversaries rather than force; they exist to bring peace where as 'rulers' exist to bring war/power). A pure judgement is the best thing any living soul could ever receive. A good judgement is 100% evident to all and only an outlaw and someone who deserves to be cast out of the people would dispute it. No one will trust or aid a man who refuses a good judgement because everyone knows he stands for unjust gains and will not want to be his neighbor.

>Does this mean we shouldn't physically resist evil rulers? No.

I agree. "Come out of Babylon, lest ye receive of her plagues and death." It was Hammurabi who decimated humanity and codified injustice and death at the hands of Rulers.

But what most people miss is what the idea of "coming out of Babylon" really means. Where is mankind free, outside of Babylon, with no man 'ruling them' but with Judges who are given to humanity for the sole purpose to promote peace between mankind.

1 Samuel 8

6 But when they said, “Give us a king to judge us,” their demand was displeasing in the sight of Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. 7 And the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you. For it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their king. 8 Just as they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking Me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you.…

Samuel proceeds to deliver the words of God to Israel and every last thing that has happened to us is clearly encapsulated in God's word to the people. This is the logical conclusion of Babylon and the rule of the Fallen on Earth. If you wish to survive it, you must take God's mark and not the mark of the beast. IMO.

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4e9aaf  No.263040

Without asperates Moloch (M-L-CH) and Melek (M-L-K) are the same thing. It was simply a way to criticize 'rulers/the fallen' without having your head cut off. If you 'follow' MLK you will, indeed, throw your own children into the fire that will eventually consume all who take the mark of the beast rather than the mark of God.

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6cc1c5  No.263051


You're right. Christ alone is King and Priest. But we must not forget that the Christian is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. What Christ is, I am. What Christ is, you are. The word "Christian" means little Christ or like Christ. Therefore in the same way that Jesus said

>when you see me you see the Father

so I say

>when you see me you see the Son

and this is something all Christians say even if only their spirits and in the silence of their hearts.

God appoints good rulers, good kings, good judges and good shepherds or priests – Christians whose power is God's and whose service is an act of worship. If you have a theological question, for example, and ask a priest or pastor for answers you are submitting yourself to him because 1) he's godly and 2) he's more educated than you. We are to submit ourselves to one another (Christians) just as we submit ourselves to Christ from whom all Christians proceed. And if we submit ourselves to the whole Church then we submit ourselves to the one appointed to lead the Church on Earth. And if we submit ourselves to him then we submit ourselves to the one whom God has appointed to shatter the nations. We only resist evil rulers because we have already submitted ourselves to Christ and his appointed ones.

>I want no one to rule over me!

This is the ego speaking.

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4e9aaf  No.263067


I do not believe that God ever appoints 'rulers, kings or priests', only Judges. There is no need for any of that if you accept God as ruler, king and priest over you. Remember what Christ said that the Kingdom of Heaven was within. This means that God is everything to you that the Fallen took away. Jesus hated the Pharisee/Mithraic priesthood that claimed they were appointed by God even though they had only appointed themselves to stand in the place of God. I have to stick with Jesus on this one because I love him.

>This is the ego speaking

:) Then God will correct it. He has not done so thus far. Every time I seek 'someone with more knowledge than God I am mortified by the shit I hear.

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6cc1c5  No.263075


God appointed David as King.

>he Lord asked Samuel, “How long are you going to mourn for Saul now that I have rejected him as king of Israel? Fill a flask with olive oil and go. I’m sending you to Jesse in Bethlehem because I’ve selected one of his sons to be king.”

1 Samuel 16

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6cc1c5  No.263077

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4e9aaf  No.263085


Oh God!!! Look what a fucking nightmare that turned out to be for everyone that came in contact with him or was loyal to him or ruled by him.

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6cc1c5  No.263090



You know better than God? Again: This is the ego speaking.

David was called a man after God's own heart and God's beloved.


>He (God) controls the times and the seasons; he makes and unmakes kings

Daniel 2:21

This is what the Word says. You reject it because in your hubris you've convinced yourself that you know better. But your position is from a lack of understanding, not the abundance of it. You don't understand why God would do this and so you deny he has done it. Find humility and reconcile yourself with the Holy Spirit.

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4e9aaf  No.263107


John is wrong.

In this, though we agree on many other things, you are wrong on this as well.

The blessing of Israel did not travel with 'Judah' but was given to Joseph's offspring instead. The only thing Judah was known for is his desire to murder of his brother, slavery, greed, making his Father an abomination in the eyes of people around him, betrayal of those he made contracts with etc.

Judah and all his offspring are a total and unmitigated nightmare for the Earth and all who live on it. You are mistaken (justifying your own heart) if you are going to proceed to justify David even though he was a horror to everyone around him and proceeded to spawn kings that were even worse than he was and Judah was.

It is almost as if saying that 'I am of Judah' is the equivalent of saying 'I am cursed of God'. PS Joseph, Jesus ADOPTED father was of Judah. Jesus was not. Don't get angry…think not about 'what you are told' and see these people for WHAT THEY DID and WHO THEY WERE. Traitors, murderers, backstabbers, unfaithful, patterned after the Nephilim, unrighteous, etc.

You are not learning to judge the Book of Good and Evil because you are justifying Evil, exactly as I said, in your own heart if you support either David or Judah/jews. Look at their BEHAVIORS, not what is said about them.

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6cc1c5  No.263111

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>i know better than both God and his chosen Apostles

thanks for the conversation, beni beliya'al.

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4e9aaf  No.263114


Look at what they did rather than what you want them to be.

Not everyone who is 'called righteous' in the Bible IS ACTUALLY RIGHTEOUS.

Abraham is a monster satanic ritual murderer of his own child.

Lot is a pedophile that also happens to be incestuous (pedofaggot takes a page from his book).

David murders his most loyal servants and sleeps with their wives (among so many other crimes against humanity).

I don't think you are understanding that actions on this planet mean something. They betray the truth of the heart, M.

Stop and LOOK AT THEM for who they really were. I might be ishshah beliya'al but I have learned to see people for what they are, rather than what I am told they are…that is a step in the right direction.

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63d14e  No.266528


There is no coviads.

China has these "outbreaks" just for show as an excuse to keep the borders closed. They don't want a flood of dreg economic migrant English teachers coming in fleeing a collapsing West.

Also each city will take a turn "defeating the virus" and have patriotic jiayou short vids on social media to promote the city.

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