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d5e087  No.262888

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23019e  No.262928

Hasn't that always been the case? It is simply manifesting now in a more obvious way in the material world. How many have they murdered in cold blood? Millions? Hundreds of Millions?

What goes around comes around. Years ago I prayed that their blood murders would be visible on them, literally that it would manifest in their flesh and that people would finally see the demons for what they really were. My deepest wish is that this comes true and that LITERALLY their blood will be upon them.

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d5e087  No.262932


amen amen

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feb3f2  No.263147


You might think this would be unrelated. It's not.


A little bird tweeted that Mr. Putin might be going somewhere underground for a reason.

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d5e087  No.263150

File: 65b86e655a7d5b2⋯.png (90.61 KB, 857x883, 857:883, _zerohedge_muh_nazis_.png)


Out of all the news sources covering this story you decided to go with (((ZeroHedge))). I wonder why…

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23019e  No.263158

File: 716affc479650e3⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 487x647, 487:647, 2021_09_14_163226.jpg)


I am sure he meant Weimar and not the Nazi's.

Right now we are smack dab in the middle of the New Weimar Order.

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d5e087  No.263159

File: 8019af81704ef11⋯.png (73.47 KB, 857x674, 857:674, _zerohedge_.PNG)


He meant Nazis. As for Weimar 2.0 this was planned to produce Hitler 2.0 which would result in Israel 2.0. It's all a scam that has since been exposed. Being exposed it can not come to fruition.

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23019e  No.263160

File: 498e37bb0fef429⋯.jpg (62.48 KB, 613x602, 613:602, 2021_09_14_163700.jpg)


You know this is in part because we allow niggers to dictate 'ethics' along with jews (a people who are totally and completely without a shred of ethics). I wish this was a mug shot.

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23019e  No.263161


Do you have early life on him?

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d5e087  No.263163

File: cabdf5242c77c99⋯.png (166 KB, 1098x446, 549:223, zerohedge_4.PNG)

File: 4d0f1943bb0694e⋯.png (130.13 KB, 547x556, 547:556, zerohedge_3.PNG)

File: 52ea036b814d680⋯.png (37.94 KB, 742x396, 371:198, zerohedge_2.PNG)


she seems ok to me



Not early life. Most of these higher level Mossad niggers have an obscured early life for some reason.

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23019e  No.263165


Defiantly not 'ok'. She was the ethics lead at google for AI but was deeply involved with extortion and IMO racketeering and intimidation. Not a good person. If there was any Justice on this planet she would be strung up alongside her BLM brothers (but obviously blacks can't be held responsible for their crimes anymore).

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d5e087  No.263166


I don't know much about that. She criticized Israel and got fired. Many such cases.

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23019e  No.263167


>spoke out against isreal

That might be true but she also engaged in extortion and racketeering IMO. She got fired because she attempted to extort money out of Google, not because she spoke out against israel. I have the letters which she published online, in a further attempt at more extortion, because she literally could not tell the difference between right and wrong and thought that she was in the right. It is embarrassing that this person could ever occupy a position having ANYTHING to do with ethics.

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d5e087  No.263168

File: 8fbd3bc7bbbdea9⋯.jpg (393.65 KB, 988x825, 988:825, blacks_then_and_now_3.jpg)


yeah that's fair. like i said i havent heard of her before now. trying to rekt google is pretty cool tho. the thing with blacks, particularly african-americans, is that everything we hate about them boils down to judaism. they're either "woke" marxists (marxism is jewish) or degenerate vulture capitalist (vulture capitalism is jewish). the blacks who dont fall for either of these are generally disregarded or even embraced. we're going to help so many different types of people by finally answering the jewish question.

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23019e  No.263171


They can help themselves back to africa since only White men of good character can be a citizen of the USA.

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d5e087  No.263173

File: f58c3524aab9bd3⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x960, 2:3, hitler_racism.jpg)


I'd rather see all races unite against the Jewish anti-race.

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23019e  No.263180


I am an ethnoglobalist. I only care about Europeans. All other races are immoral.

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7b7f16  No.263221


I got it from Zerohedge because that's one of many news sites I get updates from – and no I am not concerned what you or anyone else thinks about Zerohedge. It's one of the best news aggregation websites out there today, prove me wrong by posting a better one.

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