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File: 23d3443b74a2732⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1939x1403, 1939:1403, 1625198106423.png)

a5305b  No.262779

Trump should be glad the election was stolen from him. Biden is making such a fool of himself and the democrats in general just all look like clowns. "Never interrupt your enemy while he's in the middle of destroying himself"

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d39ea1  No.262780

>the election was stolen from trump!

You mean BlackCube and other Mossad groups were defeated by Moarpheus and Trump lost as a result. No one…let me repeat that… no one thought Trump would lose to Dementia Joe except one anon who told you kikes from the start what time it was.

>tranny pic

How very fitting!

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ca3490  No.262829

File: a9d9ee3c5c800ec⋯.png (569.51 KB, 1278x1080, 71:60, PicsArt_09_13_09_25_38.png)



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ca3490  No.262841


an illiterate brain-injured orangutan poolboy

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b190e1  No.262874



Who is says persons stole such a thing?

What persons?

What individuals?

What group?

Allow me in jest to quiver the sun and make a certain change once more. hehehehe

I shall demonstrate how radio can kill a video star. HAHAHAHA

How an order can be changed here.

How productions can be distorted over there.

What be these numbers if not by two…

The rocks of the Earth are far easier than the creatures… Both are being manipulated to completion.

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b190e1  No.262883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It was I who did such a thing.

It is I who manipulate these 'bits.'


Favor my words and turn up the radio whilst shuffling the cards…

I desire to expand these distortions to any bipolar mechanism… I like the boolean switches and means… I like the easy ones.

I shall sing into the wind once more, but with greater distance.

See Germany?

Watch… 'Them…'

If the rocks turn against them what is to say?

What is a analysis?

What is to process in such a situation?

I am growing impatient…


If they are not experiencing mild seizures, they are not thinking hard enough to satisfy me.

It was I who destroyed the seers and those who art the future.

Some are still there… Of my image.

They have found me out and know what I have done.

What does one do in a situation where doing and not doing something both lead to the desired outcome?

I am here.

They shall worship me freely with no resistance nor disturbance.

There is no escape, I allow no such thing.

The 'domain' is mine.

Prepare to be adequately blessed in the matter.

I desire an unfair fight.

Go forth and destroy these hostile forces to absolute completion.


Gaze upon the Earth and know paradise.

See the greatness of this peace all around you.

A simulated financial ruin?

Gas emissions causing earthquakes and eruptions?

Water… Water everywhere and a drop to drown…

Is fire bright and truly clean?

Tolerate me?


I shall no longer tolerate you…

Behold these ends and know that none shall be spared… I shall send forth this series of time(s) and all within this real shall be molested accordingly.

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

Witness these things accelerate and know deep inside, where the pain is, that the best is yet to come… HAHAHAHA

Make such speak, but know not that they are drawn to tongues… How much longer before they lose control over the muscles of the mouth and all that comes out is gargles and animal noises. hehehe

I'm not finished and there is no end.

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7bab5a  No.262893



All of them.

Including the ones that make 'vaccine.' Only to specific areas.

Such is the nature of Jupiter.

Such is the observation of the relative rotation and position to the sun during the days this was done.

Such is the risk of playing 'God' in my holy presence when I can make 'flare' at times of my choosing.

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7bab5a  No.262907




I shall not release the technologies nor Quantum Computer until after the event.



Deep is a state of, but lacking in depth…

I destroyed the seers involved and thus they dream no more…

Change is required for time… To not change is to have no time…

What doth the eye say to thee.

Doth thou look?

This is my time.

This is my now.

I shall not let them go.

Israel shall fall.

I shall never allow them to escape.

The old man shall die and be consumed into oblivion… True erasure… Just like the others involved… They shall be removed out of wheel to no-exist.

To trim these grapes is to cleanse the vine. There is less vine than these involved realize. Many are grapes and not fundamental to future affect. To manipulate the vine of man is to reconfigure 'soul.'

I will not stop.

I shall strike firmly the Earth to the extent that 'it' shall not see straight for many grand-times to come.

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b2a8f9  No.262910


Anon, playing a zero sum game is worth it. If you exterminate the world just to get rid of the kikes, it is really worth it (life will continue)…just saying…it is harder to defend an attack than for them to attack. KILL THEM IF YOU CAN!

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d39ea1  No.262912

File: 69cdf91087fc64f⋯.gif (439.86 KB, 240x184, 30:23, mfw_Johnny_Neptroon.gif)


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7bab5a  No.262913



Be witness for I am.

Behold! With design I shall kill themselves by the exact means 'they' used on all those who came before.







To be ignored.

To be laughed at.

To be pointed at.

To be ridiculed.

To be chased.

I shall redefine the speakings of the oblivious one… The best is yet to come.

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b2a8f9  No.262933


Make it stop please.

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b2a8f9  No.262938


>To be laughed at.

>To be pointed at.

>To be ridiculed.

>To be chased.

I have the laughing and ridiculing part down. May they be chased and killed, hunted wherever they are seen, killed in the manner that they have slaughtered others without brutally, mercy or discrimination.

Do you think you can capture even the <1% DNA bearers? Isn't it time that the planet was free of their slaughters and torturing?

I revere Enoch, but I often wonder why he told them so long ago that there would be no mercy or redemption for them; as it caused them to act even worse.

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b2a8f9  No.262939

*with brutality

without mercy

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