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File: bab240b47b594f6⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 163113589977.jpg)

626ec1  No.262074

I'm a jobless virgin but yet when I enter here I realize that people in this board is even more pathetic than me

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275fef  No.262079


You forgot to mention the fact that you're also illiterate

Because you're lazy

And your pathetic laziness in your youth is what led you to your pathetic stupidity in adulthood

You can't even construct a simple coherent statement without making a grammatical mistake

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626ec1  No.262081

File: ed43390ddb61458⋯.png (216.9 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1629710832307.png)


I commit that grammar mistakes purpodesly because I HATE AMERICA AND AMERICANS

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275fef  No.262082


you're SO STUPID, that you quite literally don't know when to use the wordIS, and when to use the wordARE, because you can't grasp the concept of singular versus plural

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275fef  No.262084


You're also a liar and a coward

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275fef  No.262086


you are SO STUPID, that you are oblivious to the fact that images will not display on this website

But that doesn't stop you from uploading them anyway

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275fef  No.262087


You were sadly mistaken.. it turns out thatYOUare the most pathetic sack of shit who ever stumbled in here

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626ec1  No.262088





Seethe you dumbass Amerimutts Angl*id scum niggers


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3b136c  No.262097


Hello Mr. Soros.

Goodbye Mr. Soros.

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275fef  No.262131


<Can't speak fluent ANYTHING

<Calls others "mutts"

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275fef  No.262133


Excuse me, I've run out of toilet paper.

can I borrow your life for a minute?

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1e9083  No.262278


>fucking stupid vapid whores who happen to have vaginas does not make someone great or cool.


>paying taxes to a shitty government and slaving away for a shitty society does not make someone great or cool

Double retard.

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626ec1  No.262299


>Seven posts by this ID

>uses Plebbit-tier jokes

Kill yourself

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