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dce26f  No.261831

I'm watching shills from 8kun/pnd/ trying to convince /pol/ to support Zognald. But anons aren't having it. What a beautiful sight this is! There is no redemption for the Jewish State. Zionists, Bolsheviks, Freemasons, Luciferians, Kabbalists, Sorcerers, Subversives, Infiltrators… I can't wait to embrace them all and burn together, alive forever and ever.


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d0c4c3  No.261836


Huh? There's literally like 2 or 3 people at any given time here. Sometimes maybe just one when me and Johnny are busy IRL. You sure it's from /pnd/ and not a Q board?

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dce26f  No.261837


Q board is /pnd/ It's all the same shitty kikes. TRS is DailyStormer, DailyStormer is 4chan, 4chan is 8kun, etc..

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275e63  No.261855


how does somebody still have trump derangement syndrome at this late date lol

Is it an elaborate way to pretend that israel didn't do 9/11?

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dce26f  No.261864


Don't speak bad about Israel or you'll hurt Trump's feelings.

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862307  No.261870


you have no companion, nobody who finds you interesting enough to hang out with you

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dce26f  No.261871


>oyyyyy veeeyyyyyyyyy

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ec5f75  No.261890


Dude, if this were a Q larp board I wouldn't even bother lurking here and wasting time. /pnd/ is the board for actual debate, conversation and posting news and current events, like any /news/ style board should be about. It's not /pol/ or /leftypol/ and it's certainly not /qlarp/ either.

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dce26f  No.261894


The same shills behind Q are the same shills on /pnd/. It's all DailyStormer/TRS/MIGA bullshit. There is no debate. There is >>261870 kvetching over defeat.

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4889e3  No.261897


I think you are seeing enemies anywhere you go, which can be a symptom of post-traumatic stress.

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dce26f  No.261906


>oy vey shut it down

I already proved they're one large network


Why run damage control this late in the game?

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4889e3  No.261939


I'm not trying to shut anything down. Nor am I trying to offend you or discredit what you have to say. But that's part of my point I was trying to make, all you see is black & white. Almost like that war criminal George W Bush said "you are either with us or the terrorists." And he was a complete psychopath. The world is not that simple, everyone has their own personal perspectives, their own philosophy and belief system, some agree on some issues but not on other issues, some don't agree much at all but it doesn't make a person "bad" unless there are nefarious hostile intentions behind their belief system.

The way I see it is anyone who wants total control & domination over everyone else and total consolidated power, or authority, over all others are the ones who have nefarious hostile intentions because they refuse to believe anyone else is innocent and of good nature, they think they are incapable of making right decisions for themselves (kind of like Obama and how he said "Americans can't think for themselves" which was also - like Bush - is psychopathic.)

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dce26f  No.261958


>TRS is DailyStormer

>8kun is 4chan

>Duginism/Russian Bolshevism is Zionism

>It's literally the same people and they're part of a large international network and here's proof….

<NUH UH!!!!!11


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4889e3  No.261959


I too think politics is very corrupted and most of it staged as well, kind of like how both Trump and Biden support global hegemony, and both support vaccines. I think a lot of it is psychological trickery, like you mentioned. But let's dig deeper, and we can start to see a pattern: both sides want ultimate power or authority. Both desire to be the grand masters who dictate how society can or cannot run. I think that's a large part of the problem, that we have handed over so much centralized power to these people, these Zionists. We need to dismantle that power, and put it back into local jurisdictions, towns, cities and States, most of all individual citizens to choose how best to live their own lives without unnecessary intervention. To take away the power of ZOG, you have to remove the crown and shatter it so no one can wear that crown again.

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4889e3  No.261982


Not sure what you mean or how to respond but I'll give my two cents regardless. The sole purpose of any government should be to protect the nation and to bring equal justice to anyone who subverts law, undermines Constitutional freedom and is a threat to civil order. The problem we has is governments overstep their authority all the time and become subversive and corrupted themselves, and then it devolves into an endless cycle of power grabbing. This creates tension, distrust and public anger… a constitutional crisis, which is what we now see today!

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