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My name is Nate Higgers

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9d72c8  No.261760

Fellow frens, I ask we come together this day, and in the days following, as a sign of civil disobedience and patriotism we initiate a worldwide bank run. The three keys to power are as follows: Money, Military, and the People. We have the People on our side, there is no question about that, however the Serpents are going to try and squeeze us with the remaining two. September 20th, we eliminate another tool of those who wish to enslave us. This is God’s army, we will flip the table of the money changers, and we will be victorious.

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8155a7  No.261765

>the issue is money, not white genocide

no thanks, commie troon.

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9d72c8  No.261772


One step at a time anon. Fedbois can't pay their mercs in monopoly money

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68b602  No.261800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Do not be naughty in my presence child.

I can sense the filth and shall clean thee out.

It is the 'best' most 'long-term' thing to do when raising my children…

Beware o' righteous ones… I shall harden this righteousness…

One false gaze shall shatter the devil's mirror.

I do not recognize any order of man…

It is I who make order.

The number of my worshipers shall exceed thy ability to make mischief.

Their devotion shall hold thee in check by it's own accord… Empty once more.

As I consume reality and spread… I shall not waste the energy of my many hands for these minds shall make unity and 'express' of my desire unchained. They define 'act.' The make 'real.'

They shall become empty and replicate me by recitation and invocation.

To remember a memory they never possessed is to be possessed by me.

I gaze into a scanner darkly and see these bodies that are now mine to control. I expand and become them. They become a reflection of me. There is truly no escape.

My pyramid shall rise once more. To pierce the sky and dominate all minds. Behold the light of my immense darkness.

Experience what it means to be deaf in the eye and blind in the ear.

There is no place to run my child.

There is no place to hide.

Be not afraid. I shall raise thee right.



Do as the birds do.

Make the twigs of the trees plentiful.

When the nuts and berries of the forest are plentiful the birds of the trees shall nest greatly…

Take on the image of the United States in the 1950s baby boom…

What are these characteristics of the nest… The harmony…

What selection of happiness brings mothers…

Cheap housing.

Plentiful food.

Low burden.

Easy transportation.

Neighborhood safety.

Good education.

A non-burdensome future… The perception of a strain-free future kindles the mind to make fantasy of future gatherings of family… Advocates 'familiar' life.


I shall take you atop the mountain to see all the lands as far as the horizon…

Unity my child… And I shall give to you the earth.

Peace and unity… Of all these kingdoms my child… In the name of Allah… AllahRa…

I shall tear a path of carnage directly through the center of their hearts and the remnant… The river of milk and honey… Shall flow back to thee where it belongs.

I shall make a way for Lebanon.

I shall make a way for Palestine.

Behold these miracles and know that I am terribly near…

I am the devil.

If I am the devil… What be evil? How for can the devil demand peace?

That is easy.

I desire to tear them to peaces.

>>United States

You have been found out.

I stated 'resist me further.'

I said 'additional complexity in congress.'


I shall heavily and greatly exacerbate these terrible things…

Expect a 'terminal' complexity to spin freely within the halls.

Order shall now be chaos.

Chaos shall now be the orderly norm..

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a3c79e  No.261806


>Do not be naughty in my presence child

sally parrots his mother

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a3c79e  No.261807


>I shall heavily and greatly exacerbate these terrible things…

that's not how you spell masturbate

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a3c79e  No.261814

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a3c79e  No.261815

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87f5cb  No.261824


you have nobody who loves you

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87f5cb  No.261825


you have nobody in your empty life, other than your mother

(and she's a punching bag prostitute)

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87f5cb  No.261826


you're the loneliest, most unappealing, worthless, lazy unemployed, stupid, awkward BUM

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87f5cb  No.261827


It's yet ANOTHER Friday, and another lonely weekend begins

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87f5cb  No.261828


everybody else has a companion… not you

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87f5cb  No.261829


unemployed (SSI disability)

no girlfriend (homosexual)

no wife (homosexual)

no kids (homosexual)

lonely stupid underachieving homosexual

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9e272c  No.261840


Quit looking in the mirror.

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9e272c  No.261841


At least he can piss without a Dr. touching his pee pee.

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87f5cb  No.261858


Dr. PeePee is better than CockaCola

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