The Taliban considers what israel is doing is immoral LOL and it is.
Like a light switch all you will hear is how the Taliban are terrorist and we need to go back in. Our defense budget and foreign policy have the true goal of establishing global Jewish hegemony. You may think that's an overstatement but it's not.
IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE that without exception we are sanctioning countries who don't recognize Israel or complain about the shit they do to the Palestinians or cut deals with Iran.
We are sanctioning (aka trying to starve them to death) Cuba Venezuela Iran North Korea Syria and soon the Taliban because they don't support the shit Israel is doing.
If you don't agree with the Jewish an the military industrial complex's side then you're a terrorist. Do you realize how fucking insane of a statement that is, like we are almost living under a Bolshevik regime.
Mr Mayorkis should resign, he's lost touch with reality.