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f6a9d5  No.261200

Spokesman for extremist group that took over Afghanistan says it wants ties with all countries in the region, and even willing to cooperate with US, but not Israel


Based Taliban helping to sever the fate of 'Israel' from the U.S..

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f6a9d5  No.261206

“Yes, of course, in a new chapter if America wants to have a relation with us, which could be in the interest of both countries and both peoples, and if they want to participate in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, they are welcome”, Shaheen said.

However, there was no chance for ties with Israel.

“Of course, we won’t have any relation with Israel. We want to have relations with other countries, Israel is not among these countries,” Shaheen said.

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f6a9d5  No.261208

>try to isolate the U.S.

>get isolated


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57e1ba  No.261222


There are still plenty of nations out there, all run into the ground by kikes that are willing to suck the poison from their cocks anon.

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f6a9d5  No.261223

>>261222 (checked)

yeah, man. but there are even more citizens within those nations who only need a little encouragement to overthrow those kikes. israel falls first, then diaspora.

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95ee88  No.261277


Israel will fall because they already accepted endless vaccines. Do you really think that's going to save lives? LOL.

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f6a9d5  No.261279


Their lives are long forfeit.

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5d84b3  No.261281


The problem is, many other White countries will fall too, like much of Europe, definitely Australia and Canada too. All nations that accept endless mandatory vaccines are going to fall. That includes China. It includes most of the world. The United States ironically will fall for other reasons but we'll have some cushion (the guns!) so some of us will be able to make it on the other side and hopefully restore a Constitutional form of government (albeit there will have to be reform, more restrictions and limits to their power to curb this kind of infiltration, subversion and corruption we see going on today, the local citizens will have to be given more authority too, such as legalizing local vigil antes to put bad people with bad intentions to rest!)

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6838f9  No.261317

File: 5d45c13582412c8⋯.jpg (133.65 KB, 1253x944, 1253:944, wtf_.JPG)


The Taliban considers what israel is doing is immoral LOL and it is.

Like a light switch all you will hear is how the Taliban are terrorist and we need to go back in. Our defense budget and foreign policy have the true goal of establishing global Jewish hegemony. You may think that's an overstatement but it's not.

IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE that without exception we are sanctioning countries who don't recognize Israel or complain about the shit they do to the Palestinians or cut deals with Iran.

We are sanctioning (aka trying to starve them to death) Cuba Venezuela Iran North Korea Syria and soon the Taliban because they don't support the shit Israel is doing.


If you don't agree with the Jewish an the military industrial complex's side then you're a terrorist. Do you realize how fucking insane of a statement that is, like we are almost living under a Bolshevik regime.

Mr Mayorkis should resign, he's lost touch with reality.

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f390b9  No.261499


the world has no intention of a working relationship with them.

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f390b9  No.261500


Great pic. thanks for letting me read it. that changed my life.


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