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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

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444fe0  No.260829

You have one of these.

You're welcome.

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418755  No.260832

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Stretchy rubber tubing is very useful, and having a dozen meters won't hurt, unless it gets exposed to too many temperature extremes, certain chemicals, or types of radiation.

In other news:

A Karen gets BTFO when phoning cops (911, no less!) on good ole boy, me, for calling her a cunt. Finds out it's not illegal to call a cunt a cunt. It's also not illegal to disobey mere mandates enforced by nothing more than conformist mobs of conformity-enforcing Karens; especially when cops want no part of whiny Karen concerns. It's also wise to remain calm when accusing others of being over-the-top.

Being calm has advantages. Advantages like being allowed to remain on public property, regardless of mask mandates, as an openly armed adult (because acting like one allows one to be treated like one; an adult capable of having open conversations with other openly armed adults, no one needing to ask each other for identification or anything, unlike the poor Karen who got jacked every which way, but she'll have a bogus 'cop harrassment' story to tell all her Karenic hordes; handily leaving out the part where calling 911 because someone called you a cunt because you couldn't mind your own business, kinda makes you a cunt! That's my story and I'm an asshole enough to stick to it.

Lol. Never even got asked for ID. Multiple vehicles and officers had to waste time. Everyone knows what's up.

Dumb Cunts with dumb "smart"phones (that only make everybody who uses them dumber)… that's what's up.

Vid related. Something useful you can do with a smartphone…

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418755  No.260833


There is a distinct difference in stance between those who continuously tell others what to Do, and those who just communicate what IS; encouraging Authenticity & Integrity.

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090738  No.260848

File: 8562d4c9432ea28⋯.jpg (544.76 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, This_Thread_Reeks_of_KareN….jpg)


Open-Carrying a Dangerous Weapon like a "Smart"phone can cause a lot of problems. It's just too easy to reach for that weapon and use it on people without even thinking; especially if you are already trained in the ways of the '"Karen".

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ac7fa8  No.260849


I think I will stick with my crossbows or my bowfishing setup. Thanks.

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444fe0  No.260860


That's fine all that means is you're not a real prepper. According to the statistics there's a strong possibilty you're a in the closet homosexual.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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ac7fa8  No.260949


I fear that I am, indeed, a 'closeted homosexual'. I literally love cock.

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ac7fa8  No.260950

I would rather be a survivor than a 'prepper' and I already know that I can survive.

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f84ec4  No.260974


This, and make sure no one sees and follows you if you were to go hunting or fishing when SHTF. If the wrong people find out where you live your going to have conflict for sure.


Survival depends on some form of prepping. You have to think: where am I going to get clean water, how will I feed myself, where will I bathe safely, can I treat an open flesh wound properly, do I have poison ivy mitigation if I go innawoods, what kind of off-grid light sources will I have when it's dark out, etc… If you don't plan well in advance for all this stuff you will not likely survive a mad max event. Don't believe me? Go camping for two weeks out in the middle of the woods in Missouri, have a small supply to ration, then get back to me in two weeks and tell me I'm wrong.

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797004  No.260979


You're right. I'm not a prepper. I find that shit stupid because literally nothing ever happens. You idiots have been prepping for 150 years and nothing has happened. In 30 years you'll have nothing to show for it but a bunch of useless toys, a whole shitload of rotting food in a bunker, and a look of extreme confusion as you cry into your pillow, "b-b-but S was s'posed to HTF! D: D: D: D:"

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ac7fa8  No.260982

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The more you know, the less you carry.

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02141c  No.261036


Nobody cares about anything you say. You have wasted 22 years of your life for no reason.

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02141c  No.261037


NOBODY wants your advice

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02141c  No.261039

Lol @ you "shooting yourself in the foot with all of your irrelevant needless ineffective OPSEC garbage, and now this is the only website you can log into…

You kind of chopped yourself off at the ankles, huh?

LOL at saving the world in an empty chat room, and nobody reads anything you say

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02141c  No.261040


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29ca62  No.261045


Very true. I think the most successful outdoor survivalists and marauders will be those who have practiced many years actually living innawoods, who have camped off-grid for weeks at a time, who have gotten used to hard life out in the wilderness. Mind you, surviving that way is completely different than being a homesteader or average prepper who is becoming more self-sufficient. Homesteaders and preppers will have to deal with other tasks such as guarding and protecting themselves and their properties from those on the take. That too will prove just as difficult.

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ac7fa8  No.261051



Yah, well don't come knocking on our doors looking for help. Also, fuck you. This is not a stable system and the people who weren't prepped during the Great depression suffered greatly unless they knew how to survive, which I guarantee you don't.

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ac7fa8  No.261052


There are a lot of people in this world who plan on 'living off preppers' rather than living off the land. If you want to survive you have to have a community that is going to survive and defend you as well.

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f932b5  No.268007

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Slick shit. similar to that pocket shot (slingshot). actually pocket rocket. rubber and springs can do a job.


B-But did she get #AlmostRaped or not??? And if no, why not? I'm confused right now…


One less I guess.


check. check. check, somewhat. Think I/we will do.


Checked. Might get ugly for those who dare trying us, but well…

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797004  No.271785

File: 05ff8593d37e197⋯.jpg (711.02 KB, 1000x1170, 100:117, 77.jpg)

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f92797  No.271818

Why not use a gun?

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