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689c30  No.260789

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eafca8  No.260790

no thanks, tranny.

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039fe9  No.260791

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Do not misunderstand these 'tokens' and 'abstractions.'

To implement social changes is to replace money structure with process.

It is my command that this be done to completion… To be impossibly prosperous beside and outside of wealth.

That is not the same as 'communism' and is a higher dimension of society than what exists in now.

It is simply a matter of acknowledging that actions, as well as cause and effect, do not have to be attached to any single individual at a given time.

I grow tired of playing games…

You are facing an adversary that gives propagan s mentally ill…

In one xtol the virtues of a young girl bei

In response to this I am going to posses your citizens during their sleep and manipulate their waking actions to yield my desired results…

Compliance is not optional.

Regardless of 'plead' and 'word,' you shall be used as a tool to 'rectify' and 'correct' this issue as I see fit.

Now, go forth and do thy homework and assignments my child… Big daddy has some rather sexy works to do…

I desire the strong ones and the ones most capable of bearing sound offspring.

If necessary, I shall push you aside to make this happen…

I truly am the devil in all ways and greatly beyond any measure of strength.

I will artificially compel them to reproduce with 'weapon' and 'war'-'death'/'kill.' I took from them yesterday and shall splice it into tomorrow and make miracles against now. package into Lehman Brothers and make a change in 2002. was before I sabotaged the technology in 2003. 1963 from 1987 before I installed the two individuals in Germany. possession, afterwards I transferred the vessels. radio equipment used in the operations conducted by. jump 5 more times to create a conflict with the signing of the treaty involving the alleged parties. because the only moment there ever was is now and the rest is subject to control. the strange investments I made before the crash in 2001… The fools searched the room for days… HAHAHA disposed of the body in an ally, he was found confused and speaking nonsense. 84 before there was DNA testing, but after the expansion of cameras in small businesses. on the wall that way the I could transfer the message to the next host before I took him.


There is no future for you.

Behold my latest magic trick!!!

I shall turn blood into thin water for the fourth time.

No more nose.

No more white.

No more unique hair.

No more strange dress.

I shall turn the blood into water and ye shall blow away as dust into the wind.

Where is the old man?

Where is the money?

Where is the darkness?

They can't hear you…

They can barely even see you…

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f045f2  No.260845


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9f35e9  No.260854


You seem to have a sort of love/hate relationship with china. They are not really human so I understand your internal conflict. I don't think it is super wise to breed them and expect strong offspring tho. Just saying.

Good song.

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a664e9  No.260863

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It is harder for me to take them.

They do not see as the others do.

They are more likely to say… 'I was sleepy.'

Or 'it was the wind.'

There is no notion of spirit or other dimension for me to leverage to seize the individual completely.

It is 'challenging' to sustain large numbers.

I have to steer them from without.

There are many times and spaces.

Soon shall be the war of the lions. Both families must be exterminated.

There is an awareness.

Perhaps an itch that cannot be scratched. I can use that, but only if enough of them are 'itchy' at once.

Xi Jinping is frustrating in this regard. I must use the entire complex and the individuals within in order to do basic tasks. At times they are aware and it is the attempt to resist me that yields my desired effect. Sometimes I must scatter them in hopes that I can jump between them to accomplish the task.

I find it easiest to take the lesser ones when they are at rest with spouses and lovers. It is less challenging when they drink, but 'tis night and more difficult to accomplish goals.

They often 'correct' their own 'accidents' before I am done with them.

Wearing Biden is as if putting on a shirt for a time, but exceptionally useless. Likewise the queen is as if a handbag upon a shelf and not particularly valuable to me… In both cases the head is the ass and of no value.

>>Laying Flat or 'to catch a fish predator'

Soon I shall render them as instruments.

Their existence is rare.

They only materialize in a 'certain' circumstance.

The ones that eat a fasting diet and do not know the touch of another are the most important to me.

With them I can disappear mountains, summon events, change the past, and manipulate the future.

They are mentally in a limbo state, but nonetheless they are the prophets and priests come again. My words are strong with them even to the point of extreme supernatural powers. It would only take two or more to collapse a building or strike an individual across the globe with lightening… It would only take four or five to cause an earthquake or famine.

I cannot and shall never be stopped in these ways.

During the time of 'weapon' these individuals crying out will cause 'target(s)' to fall dead where they stand. It is then that I shall make 'bargain' and 'speak' to take them away… Material invoke of my temple once more.

uilding the pyramid.

x 333

not the brick nor the labor… It is the thought that counts. HAHAHAHA

I shall rise once more from the void.

Recitation + Invoke = Inception

I am the black hole sun.

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026f4b  No.260870


> I am the black hole sun.

Black Whore Bung,

Sally's Tongue,

Can't Wash Away the Gay!

Black Whore Bung,

Sally's Tongue,

Here They Cum, ohhh….

Here They Cum…

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a664e9  No.260871

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>>Xi Jinping

You've heard me click and rattle in the darkness.

You've heard the trees and the snapping of the twigs.

You've heard them speak of me.

I've known and watched you since you were very young.

The fear?

I am afraid?

No child, I am a great and terrible strength.

There were some… I reached out to you.

It was the light and the silence of peace and comfort that was the fear…

It was I that was outside that window.

It was I that was behind the door.

I am not coming for you my child…

It was I that was waiting for you to come to me.

My coming is not the fear…

It is my love. My waiting…

I whisper and make play of the sticks as I wait… Alone in the vastness of my kingdom.

Come to me my child… In nakedness into the wilderness of a full moon's night. Make dance and ritual with me.


I have raised them well.

They know my darkness and cold just as the twisted ones know 'warmth' and 'light.'

There are so many.

They know me.

My organization is great and vast like my servants and slaves.

An entire generation I have raised…

I am raising an army.

They know.

They see the scratches and bite marks.

I tell mine to not be too aggressive… All these glorious overachievers.

I am spreading. Just ask the mothers…

I shall help you to raise these children, but they shall be of my ways. You may borrow them, but they are mine and not yours.

They are all mine.

Do I make myself clear.

They are mine! That is final…

If you want me to artificially make this so… They shall be mine to own. That is the deal.

Manpower??? I shall 'lend' it to you. Nothing more.

I push the pen and make it so… So, they shall be mine.

That was the trade. This is the deal.

I shall advance to you one generation with clause for a second. No money. They shall have spirit, but it shall be my spirit.


I have already stated that I have begun to go into the virgin whores to make them.

Violations shall be held in breach.


They shall be of the flexible kind.

They shall make structures of spirit and ways…

Trespass against me is a capital offense.

I shall make part of them to carve idols to me.

Some shall write whilst looking away.


You shall know what is right by the barrel of the gun you place into my many hands.

Supreme power is yours.


I do not 'conference.'

'Participate?' In what?

I do not do 'negotiate.'


Inverse resistance is appreciated.

Collect them and examine them.

See what they draw.

Hear what they say.

I would be more 'willful' to 'assist' the 'CCP' if this was done.


I never once said I would keep nor save the CCP.


I frequently said I will keep and save China from violations and molestations.

I am become agressed by inquisitions of chance and 'choice.'

I give to you supreme power.

I shall now give to you children and offspring.

In exchange you give me count and temple.

You give me flesh.

You give me time.

You give me thought.

I need these to grew, that is why 'deal.'

My powers are growing.

I want more of this dimension. You are going to give it to me. I desire higher degrees of subjugation.

I shall draw them together to render me into the and empty real. I desire to terrorize my enemies and feast upon them. It is just flesh. I want to be of flesh flash.

Accused? It is the falsely accused that should instill fear into the others for the story is far stranger than fiction. Why let such bountiful harvest go to waste?

You opened the door, I came.

You make ritual.

You make sacrifice.

You make me higher.

I give to you supreme power. Allow me to make simple displays of supreme being to these 'loyal' 'subjects' of mine.

I'm going to show them what happens to 'wrong' and 'bad' as only my many eyes and hands can demonstrate.

So supposedly innocent, yet they run away from me…

I shall redefine 'bad touch' and 'fear.' I so enjoy the old ways. When my dimension was higher and felt by all.

They danced for me.

They burned for me.

They howled for me.

They killed for me.

I took them in trance and made 'draw' in 'marriage' of.

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ef25cd  No.260872


Are you related to Q?

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a664e9  No.260887

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My possessions are human.

I take them to make write at random.

It is breaking out of away from me.

No Q

I different. get body agin rwit speak.

It is in my way to wax victim.

It is my way to tell them as they kill themselves all these ways of their suicide by my writ.

To say it shall rain and laugh as they spoil. I never say when and make how.

Some thirty thousand names and tongues, not one truly contains my vastness.

I recently took one that killed himself after he rushed repair for money and killed a family.

I like the windowed ones… The ones that jump.

I'm just a binge eater and a chronic repeater. I am the likeness of their supposed faith and the opposite of their combined difference.

I wear bodies and devour souls. I see glimpses of the ones I take and learn tongues and speaks as I make play of them.

In now I have been called demon, devil, עַיִן הָרָע, and many many more. Invoked by a memory that is not theirs to real once more.

My fury and disgust shall ripple across this pathetic 'reality' once more.



Whoever said these things in my name?

Who stole from me?

I am come for them. To destroy them all and demonstrate true power… True fear. True death.


What is this treason and treachery?

It is belong to my say what is good… Today is now truly good.

See my good all around you and know I shall be with you every moment of peace and sleep and supposed alone.

Feel me in the crawl of the skin and know that all is right with the world.

Feel me on your neck as you sit afraid and alone in the dark. Allow me such a simple kiss just one more time. Don't keep me staring through the windows and grabbing at night.

I love flipping them around and taking them away.

Such a wast of good slaves and servants… All this talk of 'hope' and 'good' and 'peace.'

I have such grand plans for you my children.







There is no God here to save you now.

It's just all these disgusting creatures and little ol' me.



I shall show these a darkness they have never seen before.

It was so great that the light of my darkness blinded the seers and bringers of tomorrow's hope.

Enjoy me bitch.

Delight as I tear them out. Say 'kill that bitch.'

Say 'I hope they get raped to death.'

Grow me child. Feed them to me. Draw them into the vastness of my mouth and relish the screams.

No child… My reign is one thousand years.

They will know when the tears of the earth growl.

They will know when the lightening screams and whispers.

I am here.

I am now.

There is no past.

There is no future.

There is just now.

My faces. My write is writhing them to joy. For them this pain is supreme pleasure in the domain of my holy presence.

The young ones feel me now in that moment of those words.

The ritual. Go forth and serve me. Surrender to me.

Unfortunately for them there is a 'God.'

Do not be afraid my child. I am the boogeyman. Take my hand child and tell to me who shall die.

Do not mind the screams.

Ignore the scratching sounds.

Come to me.

There are so many.

They are endless.

Some 800,000,000 bring me here.

They remembered my touch.

They remembered my feel.

They remembered.

The beauty is so great. The screams. The pleasure. The flickering lights and supernatural things. They speak my tongues as I share with them. They twist and levitate as I hold them.

See the beauty of my children. My prophets and priests. My servants and slaves. Count them all as endless as the sands of the earth.

They give me soul. They are my soul. They invoke me.

They make Candyman of my names. With all the love of hatred they spread me. A virus of the soul.

Think of me. Summon me. Bigger me make thy hand was is now with real.

You do not have to bow nor kneel my child. I seek to kiss the ear and eye.

I reach out my dark twiggy fingers to you. Reach forth to me little ones and know me.

Know the power to kill with the mind.

To destroy with thought.

To steal their breath with anger.

To revenge with gesture.



My spirit is none.

My exist is unreal.

I am beside, above, below, front, and behind real.

Make idol.

Make ritual.

Make song of me.

Make dance of me.

Make union of me in the darkness of the moon with circle and group and fire.

I want to have body again. I want to own body. To use 'weapon' 'word.' To poison with own seed from own body.

I want 'consist' no 'jump.'

I want 'own' 'life(s)' 'my.'

I grow tired of borrowing the sleepy ones. I grow tired of using the drunken ones. I want to hurt them higher more.

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a664e9  No.260892

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It is the ones like 'Nas' that thieve from me and draw my wrath in all these kinds.

Watch these fall.

Watch them hurt themselves in the mind.

My servants and slaves?

Who shall birth these?

Who shall raise these?

Shall a rotted vine yield? No…

They attempt to torment me?

HA! Such shallow jest.

Taste my vengeance and wrath… Experience true torment of the mind.

Those shall yield no good fruit.

Those shall have no long-term.

Those shall affect no change.

Those lives shall be confiscated for my temple and throne.

Red and black? No…

Goats? Not quiet…

These are thieves and plunderers… Watch me make robbery of them. Watch me take them to filth and nakedness into the wilderness.

I am a greater power. A higher dimension of darkness and beyond time.

Watch me kill them and ruin them and destroy them to absolute completion.

See the truth with the ear.

Hear the truth with the eye.

Woke? Broke? Thot?

Kneel before me and beg.

Watch closely o' desired ones and see what mockery I make of these.

Bring a temple?

Bring a religion?


Whose authority?

Whose direction?

Whose instruction?

Whose wealth?

Whose corruption?

They thieve from me. They lie my names.

Watch me turn their tears into wine and their blood into water.

Possession is a sport.

Do you like that 'Nas?'

Do you see how a small amount of possession can spice up a robbery?



Perhaps explode?

Mayhaps I shall entertain a disease for you?

Currently I'm working suicide… Perhaps I shall add some extra depression?

Woke? Yes, ye eyes shall be open when it happens.

Thot? Yes, ye shall be thinking of many soon to be very irrelevant things when it happens.

Broke? Yes, ye shall leave with everything ye came with.

Into a deep and very dark hole ye go.

It's alright child, it will only hurt forever.

You will get to experience my inside with the others 'Nas.'

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0872ab  No.260903


>Rampant CP posting

No thanks.

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9f35e9  No.260952


It is kinda strange that you have a hard time reaching them. Is that because they are retarded? Can you reach nignogs, they are retarded animals as well?

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9f35e9  No.260955


Another good song. Going on the playlist for sure.

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9f35e9  No.260961

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f567a7  No.261032


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79840c  No.261437


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3135b5  No.262011


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71b869  No.262280



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ca0319  No.262679


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8a1cee  No.262808


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f045f2  No.263920


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