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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ec04bd5bf8362de⋯.jpeg (485.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ussa_today_lol.jpeg)

a9789c  No.260028

11 Flights of Afghans Flown to Wisconsin, 300 Land in Philadelphia

Anons here claim this is a 'white nationalist' board but I don't see anyone calling this out, the replacement agenda for White America!


50,000 more illegals to be added all over the US, mostly to conservative rural States (which are mostly White!)

Care to talk about it? If not, why not? Let's see what the Neo-nazis have to say!

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c28ba1  No.260030


It seems to me they'd be more at home in Minnerapeolis.

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a9789c  No.260031


Lol. True, but they already destabilized most America's major cities already, the next target on their list - and even more hated by (((big government))) - is our small towns and more rural areas. It's pretty much the last vestige of traditional white America, the country they want destabilized, destroyed and replaced.

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511d57  No.260033


We're fine with it. We the people invited them here because they helped us over there. They're not sneaking over the border in the middle of the night.

Welcome new Americans!

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2f36b8  No.260060


"We the people"? Funny, I don't recall me getting any say. I don't recall a vote on it. I don't recall a public debate about it. All I see is a government doing whatever the hell they want to do. Even if it has negative consequences for America and our society. 'So are these people even being vetted, you know, coming from a war zone? Who are they, what did they do to help the US exactly? Why didn't average Americans really have a say? "We the people"? I don't think the government really cares about us to be honest, and they likely don't care who these people really are either. This is all to rub more salt in America's wounds. So be it, as long as they leave me alone I won't have a reason to shoot them.

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511d57  No.260061


>I don't recall me getting any say.

That's because it's not about just you. It's "WE the PEOPLE" not "YOU the PERSON". We are a collective, our voice is our vote, and we ordain and establish our Constitution and Laws and elect people from among us to represent the collective "We".

Someday, when you grow up and maybe get some hair on your vagina, you'll understand that the sun doesn't rise and set on your personal feely-feels.

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2f221c  No.260065


>>Supposed Middle East

You are dumb and weak.

I took one from the United States.

A mechanic killed himself after a rush-job led to the death of an entire family.

You supposedly believe in the infinite power of yode/God/AllahRa, but are quick to say what is and isn't…

Death is not the end of anything.

And what if I took one and named it rape, to be known by countless children?

What if I took her and named her plague, to be known by many men?

Death is unknown and thus in my domain…

Beware these words…


Think very carefully about that.

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