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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 4d8ca8bb3661f08⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Fake_Jews_rejected.jpg)

9ed739  No.259379

Your golems are turning on you.

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893e31  No.259382

the same way your mother turns on you every time she hints that you need to move into your own place?

Have you heard that Jerry isSTILLbent out of shape just because last year I ridiculed him about being a TRUMP FAGGOT and I continued ragging him all the way up to the election, reminding him every day that Trump was going to lose, and after Trump lost I continued ridiculing his STUPID AS FUCK DECISION, and as he witnessed the death of MAGA at the US Capitol on Jan. 6th I still ridiculed him andJerry is STILL butthurt as fuck

hint : don't be a wimp like jerry

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893e31  No.259383

seriously, though……

be a MAN…. unlike Jerry…. don't be a wimp

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893e31  No.259384

trust me : you can handle this…….

you're a big boy now

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9ed739  No.259385

File: 1b865559726c738⋯.png (133.09 KB, 679x411, 679:411, romanian_poster_4.PNG)


stay defeated silly troon

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893e31  No.259386


Against your corrupt mother who made you leave her home for a better life ?

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9ed739  No.259387

File: d0f7b033f982178⋯.png (718.26 KB, 706x942, 353:471, romanian_poster_14.PNG)



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893e31  No.259388


You've never defeated anybody or anything in your entire life, other than an imaginary fantasy roleplay scenario with your effeminate little Dungeons and Dragons sissy boy world…

That's why the word defeat is so important to you

Because you have self-defeated yourself into beimg a 34 year old unemployed mooch who has to fabricate stories about internet and marketing and independent wealth whenever society realizes you're just an out of shape dungeon master sitting in his mother's house avoiding responsibility

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9ed739  No.259389

File: 49e977f96ecb735⋯.png (567.74 KB, 487x737, 487:737, romanian_poster_2.png)


shhh only dilation now

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893e31  No.259390




not even your mother does anymore

She just feels used and manipulated

Resentful and ready to get rid of you

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9ed739  No.259391

File: b244bc5c8412d73⋯.png (77.8 KB, 672x504, 4:3, romanian_poster_10.PNG)


shhhhhhhhhh fake jew. it's time to dilate

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893e31  No.259392

File: 8f3aef8e4f8cff3⋯.jpg (322.47 KB, 1080x1634, 540:817, PicsArt_08_25_07_11_32.jpg)

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893e31  No.259393

File: 5cd04cb024c5f7c⋯.jpg (329.36 KB, 1080x1634, 540:817, PicsArt_08_25_07_15_46.jpg)

days without pussy turn into weeks without pussy

which become months without pussy

which become years…….

you're a stud

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893e31  No.259394

it's SO SUPERIOR of you to live the life of a prepubescent child

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893e31  No.259395

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here…

I'm guessing in your earlier teen years, your psychiatric disorder hadn't yet fully manifested, and although you were a completely awkward geeky dork who never learned how to socialize and 'fit in', and nobody really liked you, the psychiatric disorder hadn't kicked into full gear yet… Your mother knew there was something wrong with you, that you hadn't developed like normal boys do, but she still didn't realize you were going to become mentally ill and become a HUGE BURDEN in her life…

Then, probably around 17 you began to manifest your paychiatric disorder, but you even ended up moving out of your mother's house temporarily as you tried to make it on your own.

But your independence didn't last very long, and the symptoms of your psychiatric disorder became worse and worse, and you couldn't cut it out there in the real world, because you're incapable of fitting in, soyou ended up moving back in with your mother and applying for a psychiatric disability on her advice

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893e31  No.259396


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893e31  No.259397

oh…. and I almost forgot….


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893e31  No.259398

a superior upper echelon BURDEN ON MOMMY

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9ed739  No.259399

File: 0b4f43e35344e5b⋯.png (462.58 KB, 689x616, 689:616, romanian_poster_5.PNG)

are you still kvetching about not being chosen?

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893e31  No.259400

the unaccomplished little "antichrist" at the end of mommy's hallway

unaccomplished, unloved, unwanted and unnoticed

stunted, stagnant, angry, frustrated, powerless

greasy and unbathed

as the rest of the world progresses

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893e31  No.259401


and his only source of confidence

his imaginary fantasies

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893e31  No.259402

lol @ the weak irrelevant powerless little boy

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893e31  No.259403

the powerless little boy that nobody notices

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893e31  No.259404

YOU are the one to blame for your own weakness

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567a15  No.259405

File: eb32d45d9fe1931⋯.jpg (572.18 KB, 1080x1918, 540:959, image_2019_11_09_19_18_32.jpg)



I cannot find all my old SUPERIOR material right now, and am busy with all those things a giraffe should be busy with, so…

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893e31  No.259406

nobody feels sorry for you, sissy

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9ed739  No.259407

File: b634e94997d4b29⋯.png (136.08 KB, 929x538, 929:538, romanian_poster_11.PNG)

ah. so you are still kvetching. go ahead continue. when you're finished put weev on so i may abuse him a huwhile.

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893e31  No.259408


I like that graphic a lot


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567a15  No.259409


I know. So am I.

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893e31  No.259410


the funniest part ?………..

You're poor mother was the ONLY HUMAN who actually felt sorry for you and tried to help you

In fact, she basically destroyed her own life trying to help you


because you're a little bitch

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893e31  No.259411


I thought they had you stationed in Bulgaria.. you're back in country now?

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893e31  No.259412

File: 6b8cbe15b41f2ef⋯.png (108.06 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210825_194835.png)


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893e31  No.259413

lol @ SUPERIOR material

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893e31  No.259415


…..and, THAT is why I'm here to remind you……

that now your mother realizes you're a bitch

and now,NOBODYfeels sorry for you anymore

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567a15  No.259416

File: a1e22d26d9c0c5b⋯.mp4 (347.53 KB, 444x480, 37:40, scrolling_for_awhile.mp4)

File: 4746cf6a6a621ca⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cheeki_Breeki_2.jpg)


Well, not once I go across the street.

Speaking of… I gotta go…

Dinner's almost ready.

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893e31  No.259417

File: a0672730dc2a705⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_16_05.jpg)

File: bc92d988ca25f0d⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_15_35.jpg)

File: 1dd6852e496529f⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_13_35.jpg)


btw the office wrote me, and that's how I knew you had been in Bulgaria

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893e31  No.259418


Be well,and tell Natalya I said hello

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567a15  No.259427

File: d9515269631bcae⋯.jpg (418.28 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, SUPREME.jpg)

File: 9a1a06a0087498e⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 488x436, 122:109, SUPREME_Fake_Jew.jpg)


She said I could make one SUPREME contributory post this evening…

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893e31  No.259431


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9ed739  No.259432

File: 9f435cfbf22176b⋯.png (38.4 KB, 630x166, 315:83, romanian_poster_6.PNG)

s/he's still going xD

put (((weev))) on and go make us a couple sammiches.

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893e31  No.259433

Sally would look cool as fuck with a Jim Watkins goutee and moustache

Savadore Sally™

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893e31  No.259434

Wendy just saw that pic if Jim, and she was like "WHAT THE FUCK ISTHAT??!!"

"That's Jim Watkins"

she looked closely, and said "omg recoil"


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893e31  No.259435

she actually SAID "recoil"

now she's saying "he's SO DISTURBINGLY GROSS, there really isn't a fitting word to describe it"

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e1496c  No.259475

File: dffc047c6921ff4⋯.jpg (158.6 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, SUPREME_JN_w_Wendy.jpg)

File: 531e7a548e41f5e⋯.jpg (164.14 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, SUPREME_JN_w_Wendy_and_SUP….jpg)

File: 2f3061b66bcebb0⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 318.37 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, SUPREME_JN_w_Wendy_and_SUP….gif)

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80224a  No.271508

File: 6257f0a2b615568⋯.jpg (378.55 KB, 1500x1746, 250:291, 018.jpg)

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