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File: 887e8930f14b1a1⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Qu0IxCwvzf8qEJfZZ.jpg)

6cbcbb  No.259173[Last 50 Posts]

This is a disturbing sign of corruption and incompetence of leadership. This is a sign of total moral decay. This is a sign of a third world nation state. This is a sign of bad governance and bad public policy. This is a sign of a falling Empire. This is what the streets of Philadelphia look like today, 22 minutes of raw footage, no commentary:


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14a601  No.259174


Imagine coming back from wars in Afghanistan to your home city and seeing this! What a fucking shame.

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44793e  No.259175

File: 7520b6574a44c0b⋯.png (142.5 KB, 1025x284, 1025:284, phili_1.PNG)

File: 73c6c45cbf0eabf⋯.png (24.47 KB, 946x202, 473:101, phili_2.PNG)

File: 02acac3e37b7b7e⋯.png (29.68 KB, 873x200, 873:200, phili_3.PNG)


Tragic. If only we could identify the core problem….

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14a601  No.259176


Exactly. Dual citizenship needs to end in this country. They are clearly serving their own special interests, not this nation!

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44793e  No.259177

File: 9653f136ceca403⋯.gif (89.1 KB, 220x154, 10:7, amen.gif)

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5361af  No.259220

After watching this video I really start to appreciate where I live and what I have. There is no doubt we live in a country of haves, and have nots. I am very fortunate to be one of the haves. Is there any public charity left in the US that is not crooked and won't outright steal the donated money?

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b4a585  No.259226

File: 034f6b7d67509d8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 1408x527, 1408:527, yuken_shotgun.jpg)

single barrel shotty

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980e2b  No.259227


Nice if you need to makeshift your own DIY firearms. However I prefer my American Tactical Bulldog 12G shotgun which has 10 round magazines for the shells, plus it's lighter weight than average shotguns.

There are some tips how to make your own firearms in the link below (skim past all the music videos by William Frawley and most the field stripping tutorials and you'll find some videos how to build DIY shotguns and pistols):


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7fa6bb  No.259245



it was just ONE war

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7fa6bb  No.259246


that's the SIDEWALK, not the street

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14a601  No.259247


Yah, well, it's a MESS. It's a shithole, third world.

By the way, I hope you listened to me the other day!


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7fa6bb  No.259248

File: 1cbc857231a27a8⋯.png (139.75 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210825_092603.png)


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7fa6bb  No.259250

File: 2ace4dda6f2874f⋯.png (3.38 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210825_092246.png)



it's so OBVIOUS that you've never been to Philadelphia, because PHILADELPHIA HAS ALWAYS BEEN DISGUSTING….

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7fa6bb  No.259252

you seem to think Philadelphia 'used to be nice', and now it's gone down the toilet…


Philadelphia IS A TOILET, and it's always been a toilet

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5361af  No.259253


When a store near you has half or less the goods stocked up, remember I told you about it in advance!!!

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5361af  No.259254


Ready Or Not…

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7fa6bb  No.259255

File: 71e3fc734570533⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210825_093308.png)


HIS is what the SIDEWALKS of Philadelphia look like today…

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5361af  No.259256


You are the same person who told me vaccine passports won't happen. I told you in advance they'll be pushing hard for ID 2020!

Israel: https://archive.md/atAIn

France: https://archive.md/22EWO

Australia: https://archive.md/kgAb0

New Zealand: https://archive.md/qmiZr

Germany: https://archive.md/U61Zh

Canada: https://archive.md/ngPZO

United Kingdom: https://archive.md/KulQk

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Conspiracy still?

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7fa6bb  No.259257

File: 801dfd6f6cba0f7⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210825_092300.png)

File: 0dc36a2e66cdce6⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210825_092347.png)

File: 20a938a718a1379⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210825_092428.png)


…..and HIS is what the STREETS of philadelphia look like today

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7fa6bb  No.259258


2020 ended 9 months ago

you need meds

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6cbcbb  No.259259


'ID 2020' is a covid vaccine passport agenda just like Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 (the UN switched the name, not me).

Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

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7fa6bb  No.259261



store shelves went empty SIXTEEN MONTHS AGO

we've been experiencing supply chain disruptions for sixteen fucking months

but here you are, 26 months later, making a "psychic prediction," of supply chain disruptions?


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6cbcbb  No.259262


Not that UN Agenda 21/2030 are vaccine passport agendas, but they are agendas non-the-less.

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7fa6bb  No.259263



it wasn't an evil planned takeover of the world

It was just a suggestion that Nations become self sufficient

and ID 2020 is a little bit late, because it's almost 2022

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e6622f  No.259264

File: df004bd3d419d64⋯.jpg (186.68 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Biden_Takes_Knee_for_BLM_w….jpg)


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6cbcbb  No.259265


No. We experienced SOME disruptions, like TP and sanitation product shortages during Covid but production was ramped up later and they recovered. This is a whole other wave of shortages! And it will be MUCH bigger this time!!!

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a7f48f  No.259266


Oh sure, you mean like planning and trying to co-ordinate MASSIVE LAND GRAB agendas of rural areas!? Forced relocation to mega cities? Forced deindustrialization of the Western World? Sure, very "self sufficient" indeed! Glad they are not succeeding very well, thanks to backlash and public exposure!!!

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7fa6bb  No.259267


lol !!! dude, you used to be a lot better at this…

what happened?…. you're slipping

you act like the word AGENDA has a negative evil connotation…



your AGENDA is fear

I like their agenda better than your agenda

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a7f48f  No.259268


UN 'Agenda 21' = the WEF's 'Great Reset' ….. it's literally the same 'carbon neutral' goal!!! And that is neo-feudalism and technocratic slavery!

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7fa6bb  No.259269





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7fa6bb  No.259270



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980e2b  No.259271


Well they best be prepping for MUCH harder times ahead!

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928a75  No.259272


>A city of 141.7 mi² area

>Focus on a couple city blocks and say it's the whole thing

Nobody is ever going to believe you.


>And it will be MUCH bigger this time!!!

Yeah, and Trump's going to get re-elected, then Biden's going to resign within a month and make Harris president, then Trump will get reinstated in May, then Trump will get reinstated in August, then 8kun will be shut down in August … and on and on and on and on.

Nobody is ever going to believe you.

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980e2b  No.259274


And even if they do now, chances are if they buy almost anything on the internet, chances are they'll be waiting MONTHS to get what they need. That is, unless that inventory already exists in the US!

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980e2b  No.259275


>Yeah, and Trump's going to get re-elected, then Biden's going to resign within a month and make Harris president, then Trump will get reinstated in May, then Trump will get reinstated in August, then 8kun will be shut down in August … and on and on and on and on.

I never said any of that. Never.

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7fa6bb  No.259276


he was making fun of people who THINK THEY KNOW THE FUTURE

you don't know jack shit


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980e2b  No.259277


>Nobody is ever going to believe you.

Fine. Go ahead, wait and find out.

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980e2b  No.259278


Fine. Go ahead, wait and find out.

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7fa6bb  No.259279


he was demonstrating how you FOCUS ON ONE CHERRY PICKED MINUTAE and blow it out of proportion with fear and exaggeration

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7fa6bb  No.259280




like you've been doing for 22 years

ever since you warned people to wait and find out about Y2K

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e6622f  No.259281

File: 5d4690100982a0b⋯.jpg (38 KB, 474x474, 1:1, KAMALA_Ooh.jpg)



Thanks to Kamala Kanceling Kristmas and telling them there will be no presents this year.


> chances are if they buy almost anything on the internet, chances are they'll be waiting MONTHS to get what they need. That is, unless that inventory already exists in the US!

On the bright side, Kamala says if you hurry you can get your Kamala Kristmas T-Shirts NOW!

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7fa6bb  No.259282


so in other words…. all you've got is hyped fear

that you wish was contagious


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7fa6bb  No.259283



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7fa6bb  No.259284

out of nearlyEIGHT BILLION HUMANS, there isONE LONELY MANwho is riddled with pointless fear, and wasted effort…

and thatONE MANconvinceshimselfthat he isSAVING THE WORLDby copying and pasting garbage from nutsy paranoid websitesIN AN EMPTY CHATROOM

only 2 or 3 people ever see your copied and pasted rubbish

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e6622f  No.259285

File: ccc706a695d6524⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Seethe_More.jpg)

Johnny's just miserable and mad at himself for supporting the wrong policies and the wrong representatives to implement the wrong policies he is supporting… The policies that soon, NOBODY will be supporting… not even those completely out of their minds, like Johnny and all of his kind are… So, as usual, he is taking it out on those he considers his lessers (which is EVERYBODY.)

It is a pathetic and weak stance.

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7fa6bb  No.259286

you're the ANTI-NOAH

you're the WORST 'savior' in history

because all of your pointless wasted OPSEC bullshit prevents you from accessing larger crowds online

you've limited your audience down to 3 cynical men

and we've heard it all before, so we don't even pay attention to it anymore


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7fa6bb  No.259287


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7fa6bb  No.259288


lol @ you thinking I consider myself to be "better than anybody"

actually, NO…..

I see everybody as being equally inadequate

Including me

I see us as equals

for example, both you and I survive off disability checks

but unlike you, I'm not afraid to admit it

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14a601  No.259289


He's going to realize the hard way, it does not matter if he is too scared to face reality. It's going to come back and bite him and there won't be much he can do about it at that point. I however am glad I own what I own now…..

Although I did order 2 extra 110Ah 12v(s) for my solar inverter system more than two moths ago and they have yet to ship them to me!

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7fa6bb  No.259290

File: d8bdbef49ed8e61⋯.jpg (181.48 KB, 1280x865, 256:173, PicsArt_12_16_12_11_02.jpg)


I'm actually EXTREMELY HAPPY, especially when it comes to my beliefs and which policies I support

it's YOU who's angry and frustrated, all of your beliefs and supported policiesNOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH FOR A SECOND TERM, furious that your "amazing policy caveman" didn't have what it takes, and nearly a year later, here you are insisting TRUMP WON


go punch Nancy again

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7fa6bb  No.259291


as ifYOUMR. TINFOIL can talk about others "being too scared to face reality"

hahahahaha you're insane, dude

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a7f48f  No.259292


What policies do you support, exactly?

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a7f48f  No.259293


*explodes tin foil all over the board in panic rage*

But seriously, what policies do you support?

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7fa6bb  No.259294


I support jerry's policy of taking out his frustration on the only people around him….

three females

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cead6c  No.259295


Well I'm here pretty much doing the same, ranting. But I am telling you the way it is, the shortages are only going to get worse. Have you noticed the price of copper these days?

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e6622f  No.259296

File: 038b2e6483b6f60⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 666x666, 1:1, Black_Lives_Do_NOT_Matter_….jpg)


> lol @ you thinking I consider myself to be "better than anybody"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

> "We Did This to You!"

ad infinitum…

> white trash this, white trash that… TDS on steroids…

And like all you leftists, you turned your hate for one persona on all personas who disagreed with your hateful ideologies…

Pardon me if I don't accept your claims of "humility". All you do is tear others down online all fucking day. On a dead site, no less!

All you do is spread diarrhea hate spam and lies.

And when someone calls you on it, you double down on the lies and the diarrhea hate spam.

You are truly a miserable cunt, and I recommend no one have any interaction with you.

Soon no one but the BLM niggers you support will interact with you, as they destroy your asshole and eat your cats.

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7fa6bb  No.259297


jerry got butthurt…. his "eastern indian Himalayan sea salt maharishi Enlightment" has taught him how tpo CARRY A GRUDGE

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7fa6bb  No.259298


well, perhaps I forgot to mention that YES, I'm better than you

but you're special

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e6622f  No.259299


Wee Wee Wee little man.

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cead6c  No.259300

I'll tell you what, if anyone else is a homesteader who has copper water pipe installed, here is my suggestion: either get it replaced with PEX piping (easier to DIY and much more sturdy and resistant to leaks)… or stock up on a bunch of extra copper pipe and joints, extra plumbing solder, extra gasket and extra small propane tanks for your blow torch. Either way will cost you some but when SHTF it may save you a lot of grief!!!

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7fa6bb  No.259301

File: d6219557bb98514⋯.png (265.46 KB, 1719x1080, 191:120, PicsArt_12_16_10_22_17.png)

novembers right around the corner

and you STILL can't accept that your team were LOSERS

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7fa6bb  No.259302


says the toothpick WHO BEATS HIS GIRLFREND !!

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cd7f27  No.259303


…with that gasket for temp leak fixes, add in some extra hose clamps too…

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e6622f  No.259304


He still thinks life is a game.

With "Teams".

What a pathetic loser.

I'm outtah here for today.

Y'all can waste the day if you want.

I won't.

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7fa6bb  No.259305

File: e279103d8ebf2ce⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 1346x901, 1346:901, PicsArt_12_16_12_48_33.jpg)


you have no problem using violence against women

but you don't have the balls (or money) to make a financial bet AGAINST AMAN

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7fa6bb  No.259306


no need to announce your departure…

get lost…. run back to your dead board

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7fa6bb  No.259307


woman beating white trash "GURU"

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cd7f27  No.259308


It is like a game in the end, someone will win, someone will lose. The question: will citizens win against corrupted despots, or will we lose and meet our fate with bullets riddled in our corpses (or die in death camps and starve out)? It may not be like a fun 'game' to us, but it sure is to the crazies out there!

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7fa6bb  No.259309


woman abusing swami

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e6622f  No.259310


What a lying cunt.

I will literally kill him if I ever see him.


I consider him a threat to my life and that of my family.

I would be happy to put a bullet in his brain.

It would be a service to humanity.

Come on out to the West, bro!

I can ease your suffering!

But as for today, I'm outtah here.

Your lies about me being violent to women are not enough to get me to interact with you anymore.

I do not care if anyone believes your lies.

If they take anything you say seriously then they are as pathetic as you are.

But you are dangerous.

Your kind deserves what you will recieve.

A violent and bloody end.

See ya. Wouldn't wanna be ya, ya dumb nigger.

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7fa6bb  No.259311

File: d7798e9f4b77d94⋯.jpg (119.79 KB, 1647x1080, 61:40, PicsArt_12_17_10_06_32.jpg)

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cd7f27  No.259312


His board is as dead as this one Johnny.

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7fa6bb  No.259313


you're like a stick bug

it takes you 3 minutes to stand up off the bed you spend your life laying on

you're an intimidating man, aren't you?

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7fa6bb  No.259314



his genius "marketing idea" of calling it freedomzine guaranteed that NOBODY would ever go there

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5361af  No.259315


Chill out, Johnny is possessed by demons, literally. His body is held captive by these entities and they feed off the hate they create under his mind control.

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7fa6bb  No.259316

File: b76e8e3ba5f1aba⋯.png (245.95 KB, 1240x1080, 31:27, PicsArt_12_17_10_12_34.png)


you're a big intimidating tough guy, aren't you?

(go punch Nancy again)

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7fa6bb  No.259317

File: 40d8344dc89af1c⋯.jpg (248.2 KB, 1598x1080, 799:540, PicsArt_12_16_08_54_28.jpg)


are YOU intimidated by cowardly men who beat their girlfriend ?

I'm not……. not at all

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5361af  No.259318


I'm intimidated by demons because I have personally witnessed and have fallen victim to them before.

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7fa6bb  No.259319

he is a big intimidating tough guy online

making effeminate threats

but in real life, he BEATS HIS GIRLFREUND NANCY

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7fa6bb  No.259320


trust me, even Nancy's not afraid of him.. .

she simply leaves…. she walks across the street to where she lives with her mother

FACT : men who beat women are NOT Intimidating

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5361af  No.259321


Although, many people don't really notice this, not everyone does anyway. It all depends on severity of the possession, and especially your faith. If you have no faith in God, you won't notice the demons at all! You have to have some kind of connection with Jesus to notice being possessed by them, and when you ward them off you can hear them chant and whisper spells and threats against you, some of which are trying to provoke suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

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7fa6bb  No.259322

Last year, we were considering moving into one of Jon's properties in Portland, but after all the turmoil, Jon sold both houses he owned in Portland…

so it looks like if THE SLOW MOTION STICK BUG wants to prove he can be violent against more than just a woman, he's going to have to come to Atlanta

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7fa6bb  No.259323



you literally just described clinical schizophrenia

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7fa6bb  No.259324

so…… the woman beater ran to hide…

and now it's me and a schizophrenic

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5361af  No.259325


>but after all the turmoil, Jon sold both houses he owned in Portland

A lot have. There is a huge growing wave of taxpayers moving away from the collapsing third world cities. Just wait…. this is only the beginning!!!

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7fa6bb  No.259326

"you can hear them chant and whisper spells and threats against you, some of which are trying to provoke suicidal and homicidal thoughts"


it's not even in question

it's a FACT

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7fa6bb  No.259327


jon didn't sell the houses until not that long ago…

like back in June…. he could explain it much better than me… the market value whatever

he's pretty fucking savvy about real estate

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a7f48f  No.259328


No. I admit I have borderline paranoid schizophrenia…. NOT full blown, although demon possession can escalate that.

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6cbcbb  No.259329


Then he knew prices were going to start to go down again, which they have.

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7fa6bb  No.259330

"you can hear them chant and whisper spells and threats against you, some of which are trying to provoke suicidal and homicidal thoughts"

you recently asked me if you have mania

Well, YES usually you do

but mania is a symptom, not a psychiatric disorder


that's textbook dissociative disorder

that's CLASSIC textbook schizophrenia

not an insult, not being mean….

it's a diagnosis

and it's 100% ACCURATE

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7fa6bb  No.259331


yep….. he waited until the right moment, then sold both properties

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7fa6bb  No.259332


. NOT full blown, although demon possession can escalate that.

"Demon Possession" IS schizophrenia

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cead6c  No.259333


Regardless, I am able to keep the demonic entities at bay, even when drinking a lot, which was once one of their exploitations or 'gateway' into controlling my psyche. Certain frequencies or wave vibrations tend to cast them off, I actually noticed by accident playing a random Slim Whitman album one time, the song "Ramblin' Rose' started driving them into a cluster fuck and eventually they expelled their control over my mind.

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cead6c  No.259334


So what I did is I would continue to binge drink on purpose and play that one song over and over again, and it worked every single time! Then I decided to test other songs and artists. Only a handful has worked well, not all I can remember either.

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cd7f27  No.259335


What's funny is other completely different artists, like Gene Chandler, can also ward them off. At least his pop hit Duke of Earl.

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e6622f  No.259337

File: 6534081ece3e49a⋯.jpg (224.42 KB, 1636x1080, 409:270, PicsArt_12_20_06_46_02.jpg)



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e6622f  No.259338


Guess I better learn to cross-link correctly, eh?


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e6622f  No.259339




Just helping /pnd/'s pph

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a7f48f  No.259340


Like I said, Johnny is being possessed by demonic forces, only he does not really know it, because he has no moral or connection to Jesus, which blinds the possessed.

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212dac  No.259341

What Johnny needs to do is play an array of different music from various artists. No rock, just older pop, country maybe some doo wop or old blues, and find some kind of frequency that wards them off, and if they are cast out by that certain frequency, he'll start to hear them and notice a change in his behavior soon after. But they will come back… they always do…. so he needs to keep records of those songs which have frequencies that drive them away.

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14a601  No.259343


I set up an 800 watt inverter for an older stereo set I have, so when SHTF and I get the curse I can power it up with a 12v battery and play some of those songs that ward them away. A couple others that work well for me: The Bluejays "Lover's Island" and The Dillards "Polly Vaughn."

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7fa6bb  No.259345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here's a song that demons HATE

Play this song once an hour every hour on the hour for the rest of your life and you will never have another evil demon whispering in your ear telling you to murder and your daughter and son-in-law and then kill yourself ever again

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7fa6bb  No.259346


but then again………….

Maybe that's Jesus whispering in your ear, because he knows you better than you know yourself…

And maybe it's God's plan that you kill your family and then put a shotgun in your mouth, and evenly distribute your brains across all of your expired cans of pork and beans

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928a75  No.271511

File: 13912b9292b8d60⋯.jpg (247.82 KB, 1063x1505, 1063:1505, 041.jpg)

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