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9184f5  No.258481

hi i want to share this videos

1.George Hunt Stumbles Into NWO Meeting, Exposes 1992 Earth Summit (Agenda 21)


2.Freedom Used As A Carrot By Eugenicists For Vaccination



4.propaganda tv news


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c94f3a  No.258498


1.George Hunt Stumbles Into NWO Meeting, Exposes 1992 Earth Summit (Agenda 21)


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658fa3  No.258612


Very few today even consider talking about UN Agenda 21, but it is still very relevant even today. Their whole 'green new deal', global depopulation and 'great reset' was really declared in Rio Brazil, 1992. Most the youth do not know that.

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658fa3  No.258613


Ironically, guess what the first organization was to protest UN Agenda 21? "Democrats Against UN Agenda 21" …. but now days it's conservatives who are protesting these 'green new deal' 'great reset' ideas. Interesting how times have changed so much.

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8a71d6  No.258637


you're TOTALLY CONFUSED about the "agenda 21" thing.

it was simply a NON-BINDING SUGGESTION that all countriesget their shit together and become self sufficient by the year 2000

that's all……….

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8a71d6  No.258638


exactly WHAT is so "terrible" about the suggestion that Nations become self-sufficient?

plus, that was pitched 29 years ago….

the suggested target for self-sufficiency was Y2K

the same time YOU made the decision to become self-sufficient (prepping)

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8a71d6  No.258639


however, YOUR 'self-sufficiency agenda's never stopped….

While the allegedly 'evil agenda 21' became a moot point 21 years ago.

Nowadays, it's basically just a suggestion that the world works together to protect our environment

(and if you're one of those idiots who thinks the environment doesn't need protecting, then you're a lost cause)

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8a71d6  No.258642

your propensity for predictable paranoid panic about "the green deal" is COMPLETELY WASTED STRESS ON YOUR PART.

there is no green new deal

and you continually ramble on about THE GREAT RESET, which is even more garbage…

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8a71d6  No.258643

you are SO ADDICTED TO FEAR, that you quite literally FABRICATE FEAR over NOTHING.

you think people find your fear "alluring" and "persuasive", but nobody in their right mind is interested in mimicking your downward spiral

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8a71d6  No.258644

feel free to name EVENONEperson who was influenced by you to throw their life down a toilet, and live in fear.

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8a71d6  No.258645

It's kinda like how Marshmallow Sally thinks his incessant JEW THIS JEW THAT impresses people, convincing himself that he's somehow "influential"

nobody listens to his garbage, because it's nothing more than the manifestation of his weak psychology and inability to overcome an inferiority complex.

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8a71d6  No.258646

people are busy living their own lives…

keep your personal psychological problems to yourself.

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8a71d6  No.258647

HINT : if you want to "influence people", DON'T DEMONSTRATE PSYCHOLOGICAL WEAKNESS

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8a71d6  No.258648

instead of demonstrating BEING STEAMROLLED AND OPPRESSED, try something that's actually alluring, like SUCCESS

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8a71d6  No.258649

complaining about being the underdog is NOT how to influence anybody

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8a71d6  No.258650

If you want to "pull people in" and attract others :


losers complain

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8a71d6  No.258651

winners never complain

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8a71d6  No.258652


and everybody sees through it

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8a71d6  No.258653

every time he "claims victory", it's perceived as a COMPLAINT ABOUT BEING AN UNDERDOG

a sign of failure

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8a71d6  No.258654

it's a lot like AIDS-RIDDLED EMBARRASSING CHARLIE SHEEN ranting about "winning" as he fades off into the long forgotten assclown pile

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8a71d6  No.258655



but if you're going to keep trying to make the rest of us live in fear, then we hope YOUR end is nearer than you think

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c94f3a  No.258682


dude are you ok? what fear? i think you have a disorder no wonder you have some caps lock text

but i think you come from another board to mislead nice try troll

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c94f3a  No.258683


stop spam dude

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3cab9f  No.271757

File: de40284e345d43c⋯.jpg (160.22 KB, 944x1284, 236:321, 037.jpg)

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