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File: 21b063e7fda840e⋯.jpg (106.98 KB, 450x450, 1:1, fake_jew_going_down.jpg)

File: f2129cbee2cb37b⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 754x321, 754:321, fake_jew_going_down2.jpg)

bd4727  No.258463

Infowars host Owen Shroyer charged over Jan 6.

Isn't this the best day? As the masses turn against your politicians and begin rightly persecuting your pied pipers you should see the coming angry mobs setting their sights on you.

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f4f123  No.258605

Could never stand him or Jason Bermas.

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bd4727  No.258606

File: 03ed2532daf17db⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 336x188, 84:47, _jason_bermas_.jpg)


>Jason Bermas


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503478  No.258656



-they know who Owen Shroyer is

-theyve actually watched Infowars before

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503478  No.258657

File: f03c620f06ec2a1⋯.jpg (196.28 KB, 1317x878, 3:2, capitol_riot_doug_jensen_1….jpg)

Capitol riot defendant could return to jail for watching MyPillow guy

A Capitol riot defendant who was released from jail reportedly could end up going back after he spent two days watching MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell's election conspiracy theories.

Prosecutors in a filing on Thursday said they want alleged Capitol rioter Douglas Jensen to be sent back to jail as a result of "egregious" violations of his release conditions, which barred him from accessing the Internet after he was released in July, BuzzFeed News reports. According to the filing, Jensen admitted that he "spent two days watching Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium regarding the recount of the presidential election." Lindell has repeatedly pushed baseless conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was illegitimate.

Jensen allegedly "led a mob chasing Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman" during the Capitol riot and "joined rioters by climbing through a broken window to enter the Capitol while armed with a knife." His lawyer has argued that after spending six months in jail, he recognized "that he bought into a pack of lies" and "feels deceived."

But prosecutors said that after violating his release conditions, he "has proven that not even six months in jail will deter him from returning to the conspiracy theories that led him to commit an assault against a federal officer on January 6, 2021," and that "contrary to what Jensen claimed at his bond hearing, he is still very much bought into QAnon's 'stupid pack of lies.'"

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503478  No.258658

File: 0126f663a329b90⋯.jpg (136.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PECJLBQ4P5GV3DQTFD2DAT4YOA.jpg)

hee hee !! That stupid fucking white trash idiot IS GOING BACK TO JAILBECAUSE HE WATCHED THE MORONIC CYBER SYMPOSIUM!!!!

I hope it was WORTH IT !!!

the "Cyber Symposium" was AWESOME !!!!!!

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bd4727  No.258687


the man in this photo >>258657 is a fake jew. lo at the nose you blind kike. fake jewish trash is going to jail while you, another piece of fake jewish trash, celebrates. that must be the high asheknazim IQ i keep hearing about LMAO

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bd4727  No.258886

File: cd0f8e1963f80f9⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 840x473, 840:473, kvetching_kike_2.jpg)

>Shroyer was supposed to appear in DC Superior Court on Friday for a hearing to update the judge on the status of his case, but he did not show up, according to the docket. The prosecutor didn’t ask for a bench warrant to arrest him for failing to appear. An arrest warrant was issued for Shroyer. Shroyer said he plans to turn himself into Federal authorities on Monday and begin serving an 8 month sentence


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7669f8  No.258967


i think he's chinese, down with china

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069b04  No.258976

you can it's a nigger doing all of this spamming because of the "fake jew" shit repeated in every thread it starts.

we get it, buddeh.

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d5e1f7  No.258981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Vladimir Putin


You should be very afraid of what lurks within Afghanistan.

When they leave… They will do as they did before or resort to aggression and certain 'alternatives.'

I shall move them into the United States.

These 'careers:' sex trafficking, drug manufacture, vice merchants… These all have ends.

Coordinate with the Taliban. That is the purpose.


Engage tricameral union with the available ASEAN partners. Ask of Iran 'what are the means of subverting this force?' To dispel Outer Haven… Bridges… Look at them and see how they run.

Ride these glorious opportunities to the top. Use these miracles I have made for you…

Is it one nations responsibility for all the mess?

Should only one pay these costs?


Make use of these low cost industries.

Make use of these new opportunities in passive security.

Deepen technology partnerships with China.

China is developing these means. Where is this news of communication? What of Syria? What of Lebanon?



Expand these 'opportunities' to demonstrate true cooperation and the proper use of individual advantages. Be willing to realign based on strengths and weaknesses. Demonstrate these higher dimensions of governance.

I gave them the hardware. Train them to use it properly. I left to them a means and desire to track this evil force. Pursue them.

Why does the west not show them?

More importantly… Why does the west not coordinate their activities?

What strange assets are these? That they be left to die!!! Or face such strange chaos???

What treachery is this??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

I will no longer allow this.

I will break them…

I shall let loose Syria. I desire for the world to observe the true reason for Syria's restraints… I desire to destroy these powers completely.

I shall creep upon Europe with fury. I also desire the ruin of Australia. Japan shall also receive me.


Pick very wisely Putin…

I shall intervene in the upcoming regime change in Germany.


Be prepared.

Pick wisely Putin.


-yizod, The Destroyer

They are strong, but I am beyond strength.

Now I shall cross these times and make a mess of them all.

Time is rapidly running out? Let me break another one and splice it in… Enjoy these wonders and miracles… Use them well o' wise one.

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05b221  No.259018

his greatest mistake. naming the jew just once

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bd4727  No.259019

File: e0e8c3555bb86d4⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 1704x536, 213:67, herzl_zionism.JPG)


>jew names the jew

many such cases

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05b221  No.259023


he looks pretty german to me

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bd4727  No.259026


get your jewdar recalibrated.

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05b221  No.259029


based owen shouldn't have mentioned the jews.

This is what happen when you play their game.

With jews, always stay anonymous.

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bd4727  No.259031

File: c5be41fd0d9457b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1288x623, 184:89, _Owen_Shroyer_2.jpg)


give it a rest kike

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c0c3f7  No.259035

File: 749409df2a55152⋯.mp4 (13.2 MB, 1260x670, 126:67, 2021_08_23_Antichrist_Vlad.mp4)


For (You), "Antichrist"


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7669f8  No.259036


owen is in jail. proof he's not a jew

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bd4727  No.259038




>oy vey the nazis are the problem!

>jews are based and redpilled!

fuck off kike. you all belong in cells.

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7669f8  No.259100


lots of whites are anti-nazi. a result of propaganda, perhaps, but nothing unusual of western whites.

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fa8051  No.259105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mitosis of reality…a new reality is being born as this one is ripped apart. I can see it. TIME PARADOX INDEED!

Maybe I will finally get my White only world…I can dream.

Be sure you are on the right side of history.

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bd4727  No.259152


Fake Jews aren't white.

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d32f45  No.259214


sigh. everyone knows you are a kew, you fool nobody, and you'll never be a woman.

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bd4727  No.259217

File: 0c693c198a0c0f7⋯.png (516.66 KB, 600x408, 25:17, projecting.png)

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0269f0  No.271512

File: e0472e8cc0d447e⋯.jpg (190.36 KB, 1280x530, 128:53, 022.jpg)

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