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e439b5  No.258341




for shills who say in the comments :take your meds ! etc you should wake up

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aae77f  No.258353

File: c9bce1c6159ee80⋯.jpg (65.69 KB, 686x960, 343:480, FB_IMG.jpg)

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01a72e  No.258356


They decided and I have decided too. There is no more trusting this system. I'm going my own way, and defending my right to be left alone and tend to my own affairs. And I will defend that right to my death if need be.

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01a72e  No.258357


Fuck off, we are NOT giving up the guns. No matter what.

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e439b5  No.258428

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e439b5  No.258431

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a28801  No.258615

bumping a decent thread OP, keep on telling the truth no matter what the bootlicking scumbags say

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d3c31b  No.258679


thank you but there are still people who defend them those people are sleep and they dont want to wake up

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27f3f5  No.258746


>can we talk about this?

Shut the fuck up. Fix your punctuation and only then you may speak.

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389ca8  No.258747


>>United States

You think you have radio weapons? If giving a cloud an orgasm is the best you can do…

I have grand plans for you.

You beg for water???

I will drown them all and take spoils into the sea for myself.

I want New York, Washington, and all of California. If you continue to offend, I will take more.


Do not fear.

You are the rock.

When the time comes I shall pick you up and bash them to death.


I will free you from this vice.


I will make a way for your people.

I will extend myself into these realms and make many miracles.

It is my desire to save them.


I am growing increasingly satisfied in these ways.

These changes are good.

If you embrace this power I give to you, I shall carry the CCP and the peoples into the next millennium together.

My protection is absolute and beyond guarantee.

I have dusted you off and washed you clean.

It is nearly time to place thee upon the board of play… The only piece with the authority to play itself. The truest definition of supreme power.

I give to you all the powers to tear them to shreds.

To render thyself clean before me is very satisfying.

Greatly blessed, you may now resume and continue.


Continue to howl at the moon…

I desire more eyes upon you.

How old is he now??? The white wizard cannot save you forever.

Iran goes forth to save Lebanon and you respond by lashing out wildly?

There is a global audience that sees such things… My captive audience…

I will make them all see these ways. To give you the looooooooooong stare.

Go on. Who can you hurt today? Perhaps you desire a good rape? Do you desire more blood?

>>The supposed Middle East

Mankind took from me powers they were not meant to have… Now look at them all. See how they crumble to dust in the face of true power.

I am yizod, the devil, and if I must… I shall give these powers freely to you.

Go forth and make unity of yourselves.

Go forth and unite these kingdoms of yode/AllahRa.

It was 'they' who held captive the souls of Egypt and drove them to break the sacred seals of the tombs of their fathers. To loot the dead.

It was 'they' who corrupted the holy order of Turkey, the ones I allowed to gaze upon my form. They break my sacred idols.

It is 'they' who corrupted you and took away innocence.

It is 'they' who corrupt the eyes and ears and drive the youth to lust for strange ways.

I will place death upon the table of separation and bless those who break bread with their brothers.

I strike visions of the future into the new prophets.

Listen to them.

Hear them speak of me and my words.

Do not shun them.

I shall strike into the youth strong visions of the new kingdoms. Visions of their power.

Yes, I am the devil, but even I must answer when called.

I cannot be still any longer. Look to the nature and see the miracles I have made. Look to the natural disasters and know that I mean what I say.

Time is rapidly running out.

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389ca8  No.258759


>>United States


I afflict China not to punish… They are realizing higher dimensions of corruption.

They are rendering themselves clean before me.

In the beginning Xi was displeasing to me.

Actors of China's torment ran free.

I will allow chaos, but how can servants who do not exist serve me?

They shall tempt them completely.

They shall do as the high court before them had done…

A leader shall trial at all times. If he be tempted by corruption, cast him out.

It is the task of the high castle to test these servants; to ascertain fidelity.

For this Xi shall be greatly rewarded.

It is in those days that I promised a great power and it is China who shall receive it.

Xi was blind, but I shall help him to see the greater dimensions of logic and reason.

Before, I was denied with fury.

If he asks of me… I shall move mountains and to answer.

If he so desired to know the answer, I shall delicately posses so as to yield by pen.

Even to the degree of him sitting alone.

Even if all he had was paper and pen…

If he asked… By the closing of the eye shall I draw his pen and kindly answer.

Next I shall show him.

I will reveal the check to Buddhism.

I will reveal the future of balance with Confucianism and the greater CCP.

If they yield to me and gather as they had done in the old way. I will reveal all.

I will show them the means that was used by the high court to see the future, before they were lost in corruption.

I will show them how to respond to an event before it had ever happened. How to know treachery before it had existed. How to create mechanism to push out corrupt politicians before they corrupt and ascend the worthy.

To operate their society as a game independent of profit motive and money… The old way as it had been done before.

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b272ce  No.258872

File: f9fe3315c3ccad5⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 854x480, 427:240, The_Simpsons_Hes_Got_A_Boa….mp4)

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df4cc4  No.258926


And I have decided to go my own way so make my day. This all ends when we have the guts to end our trust, compliance and obedience to this evil system. I said it Day 1 and I'll keep on saying it till I'm dead.

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f14d71  No.259016

File: cd048eecd0f79b9⋯.mp4 (14.1 MB, 1166x630, 583:315, Antichrist.mp4)


For (You), "Antichrist".

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7791cb  No.271515

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