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File: f8791ba487e576f⋯.gif (307.85 KB, 240x240, 1:1, 1602783877865.gif)

451606  No.258273

This entire board is dogshit. Give me ownership of this board and I'll either finally fucking kill it, or I'll make it actually not be dogshit.

We got at least 16 goddamn threads dedicated to shitty /v/drama I presume. Every single poster is clearly a qfaggot retard who

formats his shitty

retarded replies like this like he's on reddit

and links to http://shittywebsitenews.io/ like a fucking


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c43aec  No.258286


Nah. You don't really want this to be a free open discussion board. I do and that's why I DO NOT want control freak mod ownership. You'll end up deleting anything you don't like, I know your kind. I'll admit I used to be a bit like that myself too until I had a change in heart and wanted to be more open minded.

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5acfcd  No.258297


you just want to 'own' this chatroom so you can pressure users into sending you more dick pics.

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451606  No.258298


I don't give a fucking shit if it's not a "free open discussion board." Hell, as long as all of you retarded qboomers are banned, I'll be content being banned too. You're basically telling me because you don't want milk that's a day after expiration, you want to drink the mystery milk that could be months old or just from the cow's tit.

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5acfcd  No.258301


stfu chatroom sissy

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5acfcd  No.258302

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, 1c3c89fd5bee7621ab6bd7b582….jpg)



another lonely weekend begins


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5acfcd  No.258305


just like Sally:

- you are UNEMPLOYED

- you don't have a wife

- you don't have kids

- you don't have a girlfriend

all you've got is AN EMPTY CHATROOM

(today is the big day)

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5acfcd  No.258306



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5acfcd  No.258307


you're NOT twelve years old anymore


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5acfcd  No.258309


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5c110a  No.258317


No one is a "qboomer" here. Where did you get that idea? No, you want to create your own safe space. If you cared about the board you would like a diversity of ideas and not some hive mind safe space.

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1dd189  No.258335

File: c6c1e21c5131ed3⋯.jpg (18.82 KB, 500x302, 250:151, No.jpg)


>Give me ownership of this board

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451606  No.258340


What I care about is formatting and no drama really. Stop posting your fucking jewtube links, archive your goddamn links, etc, stop


like this

you sperg


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1dd189  No.258418


Nobody wants /pnd/ to be impamfy's /pol/. We are fine being 8kun's /b/. Fuck off.

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c4b015  No.258735



Everyone else on this stinking corpsesite can die.

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f7ed59  No.258948

File: 5d3fafdc837a317⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 399x384, 133:128, 1569469628477.jpg)


go back to twitter then, faggot.

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42b95e  No.258953


You should be telling OP that. OP wants this board to be 'moderated' like Twitter is.

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47e88e  No.258965

File: de91677da4678ee⋯.webm (2.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, not_my_problem.webm)

don't like it? don't visit

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1dd189  No.258993

File: c1ffb8e01d8952c⋯.jpg (74.2 KB, 750x750, 1:1, lol.jpg)

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7345ed  No.259020

how come the board starts going slow, lags, crashes and fails to reload as soon as an anti-jew thread starts getting replies?

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d2ca7c  No.259519


Because Jim is a kike.

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2546b0  No.259620


you know its literally run by feds right? neinchan is back anyway

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fd95e2  No.273303


> This entire board is dogshit.

OP Does Make a Valid Observation.

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fd95e2  No.273309


>retarded replies

are there any other kind?

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fd95e2  No.273315

File: 164e93b3c30c9c4⋯.jpeg (135.88 KB, 740x556, 185:139, Your_Access_To_This_Site_….jpeg)


Sure is dead in here.

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03d81f  No.273317


>This entire board is dogshit.

what about purple anon

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83fe0c  No.273318


screw off. that fagot is currently contained to his own threads. don't bring him in here by talking about him

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