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File: ff16cd4f10116d8⋯.jpg (199.48 KB, 1368x855, 8:5, sandyhookgirls.jpg)

File: b874921ae49db1d⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 600x800, 3:4, pandemicon.jpg)

e8099e  No.257551[Last 50 Posts]


My estimate on this rumor coming true is probably right around 50 percent likely IF WORD IS NOT SPREAD. HEADS UP:

The deep state's COVID con job is failing. Let's put a rumor related to this to bed. If people had spread such info two days before 911, they'd have never done it. SO HERE GOES:

This rumor states that the deep state, in an effort to save their covid con job, will be staging false flag murders of nurses and attacks on hospitals, blamed on "the radical right" who "want to stop the covid vax". Under normal circumstances, with a rock stupid public they had the privilege of screwing over prior to 911, they'd absolutely do this. But word is out now, and we can put the screws to them before they even think about doing such a thing.

Here is exactly why the alt-right would never do this rumor, as it is circulating:

NOT DEAR AT ALL LEFTIST FROG IN THE POT CON JOB: The alt right would never do this because the alt right fully understands that a vast majority of the nurses go along with this due to trickery and deception on YOUR PART. Unlike what you want to say is true, the alt right is NOT STUPID. If the alt right did anything at all, and it was legitimately done and not just and FBI con job, it would be directed at the top of the pyramid and it would be successful. Not the lame *SS bull**** the FBI always does that has no effect at all other than to evoke sympathy, you know, LIKE THE CHRISTCHURCH SHOOTING AND SANDY HOOK.

Kid yourselves all you want, but WE ARE NOT STUPID.

All these girls who "died at Sandy Hook" were alive for a reunion photo later. And every last one of them is probably in a top flight position or headed for one, at OUR SOCIETAL EXPENSE.


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e8099e  No.257554


I'm still going to put this out there. Don't care what you think of Jim Stone.

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e8099e  No.257557


Go ahead and 'expose' him, big deal. The message is out, the warnings are out. People know. The jig is up.

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e8099e  No.257558


Now, like good goyim, go take your THIRD 'booster' vaccine! It surely is 'helping' your immune system, right?

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85fdca  No.257603


That's not really a surprise. You don't read very much about current events either (except if it has something to do with Israel I suppose). You purposely ignore most news sources. So why would it be a shock you wouldn't know I've been passing this kind of info and warnings out on many other platforms? Let me guess: none of those sources you care about either.

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077f3f  No.257609


Does having a smooth brain run in your family or are you first generation lissencephalic?

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5df9ca  No.257611


I must be doing something right if it pisses you off, because if you are not a bad actor you would not be pissed about a simple warning to the public.

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077f3f  No.257612


When a crazy man in the streets comes running up to me screaming about how warts love his nipples because they are pink, I don't feel warned and I'm not "pissed off" when I point out he's insane.

This is not a "warning to the public". This is the ranting of the insane. Explain to me why this is any different than the absolute nutcases screaming into microphones at city council "public comment" meetings about how "Saturn is in the same position as it was during the American revolution and you are all the red coats!"

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1f4e6d  No.257613


You better HOPE this false flag does not happen because if it does I'll be bumping this thread every day from then on as a reminder. No one trusts the openly corrupt.

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077f3f  No.257615


It's not a matter of "hope". I don't sit around hoping every little bizarre potential scenario doesn't happen. I don't "hope" a bus doesn't fall from an airplane and slam into my living room. I simply accept that it's a stupidly unlikely scenario and move on with my day, comfortable in the knowledge that it won't happen.

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077f3f  No.257617


Now, my guess however, is that you'll take stories like this and CLAIM he's a paid actor - hired by George Soros, no doubt - in order to make anti-vaxxers look bad. You will completely disregard the fact that this sort of thing has been going on for decades. You will completely disregard the fact that some people are just .. fucking nuts. You will disregard anything that goes against your personal narrative as a "shill" or "controlled opposition" because you will never be able to face the reality that you're wrong.

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b2a3fa  No.257623


probably right around 50% ?

in other words, never gonna happen

thanks for the heads up

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b2a3fa  No.257624


>mentions DEEPSTATE

>denies being a Q retard

Ask Sally for some Seroquel

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b2a3fa  No.257627

File: 17dd46534ea8da0⋯.jpg (379.71 KB, 1499x1080, 1499:1080, PicsArt_02_04_08_40_15.jpg)

"the alt right is NOT stupid"

stopped reading there

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b2a3fa  No.257629


lol of course you will…..

you'd better get to steppin'

because there are THOUSANDS

of idiotic rumors you missed

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b2a3fa  No.257631

Seroquel Sally has a BUNCH of untouched Seroquel….

he's on a psycho disability, but obviously isn't taking his prescribed psych meds.

I hear atypical antipsychotics do wonders for RUMOR SYNDROME

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b2a3fa  No.257632

By mentioning the term DEEPSTATE, you unwittingly showed your hand, and proved thatyou get your "information" from the same uneducated white trash trailerpark garbage that said Trump was going to become president again 7 days ago

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740d5d  No.257633

US Government Is Really Earning The Hate



The Biden regime is trying to dismantle State's rights to protect American citizens' Constitutional freedoms and well being!

This government is beyond corrupted in every way, insolvent and incompetent. They can't win wars they started. More than half of the citizenry do not trust these lying SOBs anymore. This government is an insult to this country, and a total disgrace. Treasonous, bankrupt, corrupt, greedy, despotic, immoral, pigs!

Why don't they go save the 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan? As if they really care about America!!!


Prepare yourself, we live in a FAILED STATE, despotism is here, prepare for collapse: https://archive.md/qEbvg

Never give up the guns because that would be a sentence far far worse than death itself!!!

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b2a3fa  No.257634


because you have nothing real to offer

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5df9ca  No.257635


That was a warning from Jim Stone and I mirrored it, IN FULL. And I could care less what idiots think about it!!!! The warning is up and spread around now!!!!!

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b2a3fa  No.257636



right ?

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5df9ca  No.257637


Your false flags are not going to subjugate us!!!!!

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5df9ca  No.257638




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b2a3fa  No.257639


>thinks jim stone is relevant

>calls other people "stupid"

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b2a3fa  No.257640


oh, yes… they certainly WILL

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b2a3fa  No.257641


lol in other words : psychosis

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5df9ca  No.257642


Anyone who comes near me is going to DIE REGRETTING IT.

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89a0b5  No.257645

Oh shit, my roosters are cuckling they want out of the coup….

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077f3f  No.257646


I can smell the fungus on your balls through the screen. Get up off the chair and go shower once in a while, dude.

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b2a3fa  No.257648



this "fascinating board" is just you, me and sally


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b2a3fa  No.257649


been awake all night AGAIN ?

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b2a3fa  No.257650


you should seriously consider meth

you're already staying awake all night long, and sinking ever deeper into your downward spiral

Why not do meth, so at least you'd have an excuse for not accomplishing anything?

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b2a3fa  No.257651

how I can tell you've got an organic psychiatric disorder :

you already present with all the symptoms of meth use, but you're not on meth

(that's egg zack lee how psychiatrists diagnosis works)

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b2a3fa  No.257652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

but imagine if it was REAL

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077f3f  No.257653




Your bot has broken. It seems to have confused me with someone else.

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b2a3fa  No.257654


my butt?

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b2a3fa  No.257655

oh shit…. now he wants to talk about my butthole again


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f5c446  No.257656

Now, back to what I was saying….

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f5c446  No.257657

What was I saying?

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f5c446  No.257659


They are trying their best to subjugate ALL Americans in ALL States! That is they're final end game goal, and to genocide those who refuse to comply to their iron fist feudalism!!!

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3223de  No.257660


the textbook definition of overcompensation for feelings of inadequacy :

posting RIDICULOUS PSYCHOTIC FAR FETCHED RUMORS, and claiming that by posting it, you have "prevented the rumor from coming true"


lol @ you

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3223de  No.257661


what you were saying :

something about both you and Sally thinking you're "making a difference" by posting in an empty board with only THREE people in it at it's busiest


what you were saying :

only you care

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3223de  No.257662

CHANGING THE WORLD by posting the exact same garbage 24/7 to the same TWO people who don't care

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f5c446  No.257663


Luckily…. SOME people….. such as Jim Stone, such as Dave Hodges, such as Alex Jones…. such as Steve Quayle… Mike Adams et al…. are, for the most part, telling it like it is and openly calling out these evil plans! And millions of Americans do not want to live in a dystopia nanny medical technocratic feudalistic police state iron curtain. Why would we?

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3223de  No.257664


yes…. a fucking CHATROOM

don't go patting yourself on the back, telling yourself the term "imageboard" means anything


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f5c446  No.257665


WRONG…. there are FIVE people who come here, one not that often anymore and another who almost never posts but lurks here (maybe the UK dude?)

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3223de  No.257666




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3223de  No.257667




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f5c446  No.257668


Then there is me, you, Jerry and Sally. But Jerry hardly posts here either.

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f5c446  No.257669


Before I moved, when I was on /pnd/ the board was booming. There was actually some who posted REAL NEWS like me. Then I moved last year and did not come back online for around 6 to 7 months. When I did come back, almost no one was here anymore….. it went from a booming board with the 'covid cult' (being rapidly exposed) to suddenly nobody here……

May Sally "the Antichrist" could tell me something about that!?

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b2a3fa  No.257670


there is SALLY….. YOU….. AND ME

that's it

you're going to need more than that to STOP A FALSE FLAG EVENT

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b2a3fa  No.257671


you don't need the ANTICHRIST to explain it…

I'll do it for you…


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b2a3fa  No.257672

why would anybody want to come here AND WATCH THREE PEOPLE REPEAT THEMSELVES?

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b2a3fa  No.257673

and YES…. I admit being repetitive

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b2a3fa  No.257674

Just like you and Sally, I am NOT going to stop repeating myself

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f5c446  No.257675


No, there is the UK dude who rarely speaks (he has spoken once before to me and I liked the dude, he actually respects freedom!)

Then there is another rural prepper (like me!) who rarely ever comes on here anymore. I haven't seen him show in months!

Then there is Jerry, he shows up now and then, just to shit on people or laugh.

Then there is you and me and Sally the Marshmellow Antichrist.

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b2a3fa  No.257676

this pattern will continue indefinitely

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b2a3fa  No.257677



I am aware that there are 2 superfluous outside entities that pop in here once every 3rd blue moon


it's only 3 of us

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f5c446  No.257678


A total of SIX people posted here in the last year!


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b2a3fa  No.257679



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b2a3fa  No.257680


Jon Fox posted in this CHATROOM yesterday

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f5c446  No.257681


You know, we're practically a little small town!

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b2a3fa  No.257682

He's the one who offered to pay for Sally's imaginary dog's veterinary care

IF he could call the vet

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f5c446  No.257683


I'm sure he saw my threads and is now prepping for SHTF and the second coming of Jesus Christ!

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b2a3fa  No.257684


we don't even qualify as the last trailer down in the trailerpark

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b2a3fa  No.257685


honestly? Jon and his mom know who you are and they psychoanalyzed you

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b2a3fa  No.257686

they both think the same thing about you that I do

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b2a3fa  No.257687

granted, they based a lot of their analysis on what I told them about you


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b2a3fa  No.257688

because I like you

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b2a3fa  No.257689

the only variation between my opinion and theirs :

They both think you're simply terrified of dying alone

and you desperately try to convince yourself that the rest of the world is going to die with you

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b2a3fa  No.257690


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b2a3fa  No.257691

that's where their assessment and mine converge

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b2a3fa  No.257692

because Jon, his mother, and I all know :

you're going to pass away from natural causes

and the 'insane downward spiral of Earth's will continue for thousands of years…

just like it has been doing since man first appeared

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b2a3fa  No.257693

I hate how my autoincorrect always adds an S

after I use single quotation marks

turning a singular into a misconstrued plural

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b2a3fa  No.257694


it's an illusion

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b2a3fa  No.257695


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b2a3fa  No.257696


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b2a3fa  No.257697

but NOT if your grandchild becomes a videogame anime dungeons and dragons imageboard douchebucket


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b2a3fa  No.257698


a term used by people who try to convince themselves that they're "better than chatroom losers"

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b2a3fa  No.257699


you can post images in chatrooms

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b2a3fa  No.257700

this is nothing more than a CHATROOM


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b2a3fa  No.257701

IMAGEBOARDS = inferior versions of MBUZZY & MOCOSPACE

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b2a3fa  No.257702

I used to "disrupt" a chatroom site called WEIRDTOWN.COM

disrupt….. WAAAYYY before they came up with the stupid term TROLL

and although the name WEIRDTOWN sounds lame

the site was AMAZING !!!!!

I'd work rooms with 3,000 people in them

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f36e80  No.257703


Sally is the spook then, and You busted his con job. He was trying to get us to donate to him so he could DOX US and report it to the feds:




>>257347 <- THIS


UPDATE: As I was trying to post this something shut my internet off! FUCKING GLOWIES! Luckily I save UTF-8 txt before I have posted it!!!

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b2a3fa  No.257704

File: 8b0ae467b9e8535⋯.jpg (277.21 KB, 1024x900, 256:225, JN_THE_MOST_OFTEN.jpg)

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b2a3fa  No.257705


Has it ever occurred to you then real life isn't a series of multi-layered conspiracies?

Sally simply wants money because he needs to move out of his mother's house

He's a lazy fucking bum who refuses to get a job and stays awake all night sleeping through the day because he realizes they don't do job interviews at night and that's the easiest way to manipulate his mother into letting him continue living at the end of her hallway

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f36e80  No.257706


I'm terrified of something else completely. Much worse than death. I'm terrified of tyranny. I'm terrified of being treated as a human cattle.

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b2a3fa  No.257707

there is no "spooking"…. no "conspiracy"…

he's simply a LAZY FUCKING BUM

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b2a3fa  No.257708


so you FREELY ADMIT being psychotic?

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f36e80  No.257709


I think Sally is playing dumb, I think he's a spook and doesn't want to be revealed!

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b2a3fa  No.257710



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b2a3fa  No.257711


lol you're not very good at 'reading people'



a fantasy based lonely little boy




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f36e80  No.257712


>upon the collapse

You shalt see the Earth shaken

And all marshmellows forsaken

total collapse for thee have made

and the preppers will be hunt to be slayed

as the violent video games I have played

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f36e80  No.257713


Maybe part of that is true, but I still think he reports to the feds, even if he doesn't make a career from it.

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b2a3fa  No.257714

it's really not complicated at all……


he's in his mid 30s



(his mother allowed him to become one)


the antichrist thing proves he needs to

compensate for feelings of inferiority



lol @ "spook"

you're SO addicted to fake conspiracy garbage

that you think SPOOKS and FALSE FLAGS are real

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b2a3fa  No.257715


See….. I always try to give you an 'out' by

saying you refuse to look for a job

I'm trying to help you

because the truth if the matter is

you're on an SSI Psycho disabity

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f36e80  No.257716


No, I really do think Sally is a wannabe fed. He may not have a career at it. But he would like one, because he is the kind of guy that likes to boss other people around and intimidate them.

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b2a3fa  No.257718


lol dude…………


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f36e80  No.257719


I was mocking Sally there as a joke.

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f36e80  No.257720


It doesn't matter his age (well maybe in this case it may if he still plays rollplay and video games) what really matters is that he needs to stop pretending he can control the world. That's not going to happen, the collapse is coming for him as well! And he and his mother should both be prepared for that!

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b2a3fa  No.257721


he doesn't try to BOSS PPL AROUND

he considers himself to be more 'sophisticated'than that

but he DOES think his effeminate 'dungeon master' tier roleplay is 'INTIMIDATING'

it's very much the way an overly melodramatic middle aged woman who reads vampire romance novels would try to imitate an 'intimidating man'

corny and cheesy and effeminate

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b2a3fa  No.257722



you also claim to be "saving the world"


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b2a3fa  No.257723



but I'm the only one of the 3

who realizes

nobody reads our garbage

Not even us

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b2a3fa  No.257724

i don't dislike Sally

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b2a3fa  No.257725

he and I made REAL PROGRESS recently

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f36e80  No.257726


The problem is my opsec is too good my computer is tagged as 'a bot' and auto-banned from many popular sites these days, I kid you not!! Plus, even when I could post my comments get taken down very quick! I am ultra-hated and targeted for censorship, as is most the sources I post!

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b2a3fa  No.257727

but because he's not taking his prescribed meds

he's unstable

That's not an insult

It's an observation

he's unstable, and he flip flops back and forth

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f36e80  No.257728


The other problem: almost every major platform now days has PHONE VERIFICATION….. will not touch that with a ten foot pole!

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b2a3fa  No.257729


so you OPSEC'ed yourself out of being able to make a difference….

Let's hope reincarnation is real

And next time you won't waste 22 years of your life this way, shooting yourself in the foot, and defeating your own agenda before you even began

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b2a3fa  No.257730


oh well, huh ?…….

………….too bad

better luck next lifetime

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b2a3fa  No.257731

apparently, you're not going to figure out how to defeat THE BOOGEYMAN

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b2a3fa  No.257732

imagine if Noah "saved the world" by building an impenetrable BOX AROUND HIMSELF so nobody could hear anything he said

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f36e80  No.257733


I kid you not, people have called me a Russian shill, a Chinese shill, and Israeli shill, a Muslim shill, a fascist, a commie…..

And NO ONE has gotten anything right about me!

I'm just pro-freedom and anti-corruption! I'm a drunken redneck who perhaps has a borderline paranoid schizophrenic issue is all.

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b2a3fa  No.257734


and instead of saving the world

two animals at a time

you settled with repeating your warnings

to the TWO RATS in your BOX

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b2a3fa  No.257735


lol sally fantasizes that he's discovered we are in russia


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b2a3fa  No.257736



instead of saving the world with A


noah built a BOX

and discoveredtwo ratsinside the box with him

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f36e80  No.257737


I feel like that was more done by outside forces that took some algorithms and locked me out from the mainstream internet.

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b2a3fa  No.257738

so noah repeated his warning about the flood


Until Noah passed away of natural causes years later, with no flood ever occurring

And the two rats nibbled and chewed at the box and escaped

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b2a3fa  No.257739


It's very common for humans to blame others for their own stupid decisions

Somehow victim statements come in handy for people who make stupid decisions

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f36e80  No.257740


Oh by the way, I'm starting to get spooked because I'm noticing SOME sites can now start to detect spoofed metadata and block users simply by meta-spoofing! That includes certain news sites. They're literally targeting my online existence for extinction!!! I knew they would eventually do this within time too, at some point I may not be able to do anything with this computer and call it quits and just wait till the marauders or gun grabbers come for me!!! And waiting and ready I will be!!!!!

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b2a3fa  No.257741


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b2a3fa  No.257742



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f36e80  No.257743

Well this board is blessed to have you Johnny! I'm really very thankful you keep it alive and going even when I'm not here!

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b2a3fa  No.257744


the first of two strokes occurs around 7AM in March 2023

unable to speak or move the right side of your body, you are ambulated to an emergency room, and transferred to a rehabilitation nursing home two days later…

The second stroke occurs within a week

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b2a3fa  No.257745


lol I'm just a bored LOSER

I'm here because I'm a loser

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b2a3fa  No.257746


If you were still alive you would be happy to learn that the world continued.. life went on..

The declinism continued, as it always has, and nobody noticed because that's the nature of declinism….

Each subsequent generation has no reference to realize that things have always been bad

And things have always been good

It's really just a matter of perspective

It's a decision you make every day

How you're going to perceive existence

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b2a3fa  No.257747

AND ?…….

In October 2025 Harry met Sally…


she works in a book store

and they move in together

and although she's chubby, she's a good woman

and they adopt a negro child

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b2a3fa  No.257748

File: a075d50df3dc001⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 220x330, 2:3, 220px_WhenHarryMetSallyPos….jpg)

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b2a3fa  No.257749

you and Sally share one unfortunate trait :


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b2a3fa  No.257750

KILLCEN needs a pet dog, rescued from the pound the same day it was scheduled to be euthanized

SALLY needs to adopt a negro child

(and ironically, Harriet is jewish)

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f36e80  No.257751


I am happy overall though, I am not always as I may seem here. I am just very cautious around electronics, especially cell phones! I keep mine tucked away in another room, so they can't eavesdrop on me as easily. And no internet on it, only a flip phone!

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f36e80  No.257752


I used to only use the rotary on landlines, but landline connections are too ridiculous even out here.

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b2a3fa  No.257753


Yeah…. After hearing it 174,309 times…


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f36e80  No.257754


too ridiculous IN PRICE that is

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f36e80  No.257756


I'm going to be raising meat rabbits and goats within the next year or two.

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b2a3fa  No.257757



life stages…..

you're supposed to tackle the obstacles in your YOUTH

by the time you're in your 30s, it's already too late to begin

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b2a3fa  No.257758



the exact opposite of taking care of something

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b2a3fa  No.257759


I'm going to be completely honest with you here :

the only two things about you that are STUPID AND REPUGNANT are :

-you actually believe Jesus existed

-you are a cold disconnected heartless unloving uncaring dissociated man who hates animals

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b2a3fa  No.257760

I'm AMAZED you lived this long

and never learned to love animals

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b2a3fa  No.257761

HINT : animals don't self defeat the way you did

Obviously theyre Superior to you

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b2a3fa  No.257762

your lack of compassion towards animals tells me the way you parented and treated your wife

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b2a3fa  No.257763

and that is NOT a compliment…. not at all

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b2a3fa  No.257764

"a man's true character can be measured in the way he treats animals"

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b2a3fa  No.257765

You're foolishly self centered, thinking YOU are what matters

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b2a3fa  No.257766


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b2a3fa  No.257768

that's the IRONIC PART….

in your delusional mind

you've convinced yourself

that you are the modern

day noah, saving the world


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b2a3fa  No.257769

wendy says she would bitchslap you in real life

simply for the way you treat anumals

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b2a3fa  No.257771

Okay, Wendy and I are COINCIDENTALLY about to go do another animal rescue

some piece of shit (like you)

CRUELLY dumped off some kittens

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b2a3fa  No.257773

so while we two atheists DEMONSTRATE TRUE "CHRISTIAN VALUES" by saving innocent lives…

you, a christian, will continue wearing horseblinders, and go about your day focusing on YOURSELF, convincing yourself what a "good person" you are

Be well

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b2a3fa  No.257774

Oh yeah, I almost forgot THE ANTICHRIST…..

seeya Sally

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b2a3fa  No.257775


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4609f1  No.257776

I like animals Johnny! I just like to eat them too!

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7b2520  No.257784

File: e9c291a34937126⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 474x252, 79:42, While_You_Were_Shitposting.jpg)

See ya guys later (if all goes well…)

Gonna go jump from a (hopefully) perfectly good airplane now…

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09ca78  No.257785


Hey Jerry.

You know what one of my roosters has been telling me today?


I'm pretty sure my rooster is trying to tell me shit is about to hit the fan!

As if I don't already know that!

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09ca78  No.257786


Or maybe he's just telling me he digs one of the chicks…. not so sure yet.

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740d5d  No.257787


Not really. I let my chickens out of the coup during the day to run around and eat and breed. Then I let them back in the coup at night, and keep them safe. And only when they serve their purpose (laying eggs) do I sacrifice a few for eating. Then I let them hatch some chicks, and take care of those for next season and repeat.

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0b86d3  No.257788

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077f3f  No.257863


That's not a false flag. It's some crazy Trumpfaggot who wants someone to pay attention to him. Well, he got his attention and now he's going to jail to own the libs.

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ae0cc5  No.258148


Maybe a Q nut. I've warned them not to "trust the plan" or anyone pushing that psyop. Life for them would be A LOT better if they had just simply prepped for SHTF and did their best to get out of dodge by now.

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077f3f  No.271724

File: b5ba1db52bc9c65⋯.jpg (178.6 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 015.jpg)

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