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File: 72d77d79c286e63⋯.jpg (196.74 KB, 593x584, 593:584, 1628339848378.jpg)

f8d6e6  No.257056

I hate America and americans

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524aed  No.257057

File: 8b52def31c6055f⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 24c54707b4d1f76cdaa78fceb2….jpg)

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455cf7  No.257072




shut the fuck up nigger

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455cf7  No.257078

basically i'm just not gonna take your bait

i know.. ugh.. i know…. i'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

it's just i'm not gonna take it is all


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524aed  No.257091


>most are not fans of a big government nanny police state

Ok, that's a lie. Right-wing conservatives want government involvement in every tiny aspect of our lives. They literally want to make everything that hurts their feely-feels illegal and get into endless wars, which means the government has to grow. Leftists tend to want to legalize everything and end war, which means less government interference.

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94fc16  No.257104


If the 'leftists' simply back off on mandating masks, pushing for mandatory vaccines and gun grabbing and stop pushing 'green deals' that would drastically reduce our lifestyle and increase the cost of living (and big government), THEN I would be fine with them. I don't care much for the endless wars either. I was never a fan of either George Bush, Nixon took us off the gold standard and Reagan didn't do shit to stop all the outsourcing so I get it. But like I said, both parties suck and need to be reformed for the best interest of the average working class!

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94fc16  No.257107


>less government interference

Less government interference also means reducing taxes, reducing govt budgets, reducing govt regulations and limiting governmental authority and power over the citizenry, the economy and foreign policies.

Just like I can't exactly say Republicans want limited government if they support endless wars, no one else can say Democrats want limited government by supporting gun control or a 'green new deal.' It doesn't work that way, wither we expand or limit governmental budgets and power, or it gets expanded. And that is the problem, both parties debate how to expand government power rather than limiting it.

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455cf7  No.257108

File: f51f80843010804⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 512x320, 8:5, 555meme.jpg)


>Leftists tend to want to legalize everything and end war, which means less government interference.

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455cf7  No.257109


The State should be an unassailable colossus, standing astride the realm for 1000 years with every jew trampled underfoot.

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4c8426  No.257110


The Jews corrupt governments, and that's the problem. When they are corrupted they seek more and more power and control over everyone else. A just government (which is rare in human history) cracks down on those who try to corrupt them or others in society, good governments are not looking to ruthlessly power grab and make more enemies - good governments simply hunt down the corrupters and make sure they send the message to others that would do the same.

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b4657c  No.257127


>The Jews corrupt governments

So kill them.

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54e5e3  No.257161


lol you're funny, and insane, but you're a good guy


feel free to name even ONE real life incident where jews oppressed you….

see?…. you oppressed yourself

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54e5e3  No.257162


the reason you complain is because you're admitting being an underdog

winners don't complain….

LOSERS complain….

so you're disenfranchised?….

too bad

you disenfranchised yourself

jews didn't make you become

a geeky lonely imageboard douche

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54e5e3  No.257168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ain't no jew did this to you

it was YOU who decided to behave

like a god damn SCHMUCK

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54e5e3  No.257172

I'm willing to bet $1,000 cash that you've NEVER been in a business deal with a jew, never worked with a jew, never hung out with a jew, and NEVER EVEN ATE AN EVERYTHING BAGEL WITH LOX SPREAD….


I see zero indication of real life experience

hard to 'live an actual life"

when you're a self imposed

prisoner of imageboards…

no pussy….. no job…..

no accomplishments…..

just bouncing back and forth

between 8kun & 4chan over and over


the "authoritarian of nothing"







you No-Pussy-Gettin' genius

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5b9f3f  No.257176


Lox bagels are not a Jewish food, although some Jews might like it of-course, (I do too), it's actually a British recipe. The recipe was originally bagel, cream cheese, smoked or raw salmon, onions and capers, placed between the bagel buns. It's British food.

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fe6dbb  No.257178

ain't NOBODY done disenfranchised you, Hitler

you chose to live this way

too bad

Hint: next lifetime, play Football instead of Dungeons and Dragons, learn how to socialize instead of watching anime, learn how to talk girls into fucking you instead of playing videogames, andactually accomplish somethinginstead of spending your entire existence in imageboards pretending like you're an intimidating nazi

Translation : next time don't be gay

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fe6dbb  No.257179


lol @ BRITISH DELIS hahahaha

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fe6dbb  No.257180

I recently made a HUGE EFFORT in here to NOT be a dickhead

oh well……

that didn't last long, did it?

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fe6dbb  No.257181


I've eaten at the best jewish delis in america ..

The Stage Deli in NYC for example

(which I did artwork for)

from New York to Miami to LA…

and I can definitely verify that THE BEST DELI IN AMERICA was Goldberg's Deli in Buckhead Atlanta

back when my friend Jack Goldberg still owned it, before the two South African white guys bought it and gentrified it….

Their food is STILL absolutely amazing….

but it used to be A-M-A-A-A-Z-Z-I-I-N-N-G

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fe6dbb  No.257182

See, I had called a self-imposed TRUCE of respect

I had voluntarily decided to NOT ridicule Sally…..

but then yesterday Sally decided to test the water

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fe6dbb  No.257183

and when you test the water………………..

I'm gonna get you wet

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fe6dbb  No.257184

I'm gonna make a splash………….

you can bank on it

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fe6dbb  No.257186

Luxuriant Waves of BRUTAL HONESTY

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fe6dbb  No.257187

Power Rangers….. Barney & Friends….

Thomas The Train……

Videogames… D&D…..

and Hitler

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fe6dbb  No.257189

I've never invested much belief in the alleged "expertise" of sheltered little boys who grew up SANS REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, and thought they could 'bypass' hands-on anecdotal experiences in the quest to be perceived as an "authority on life"

like I said previously…..


and they're more experienced than you

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fe6dbb  No.257192

so when I see an adult male

who has disenfranchised himself

with a video game controller in one hand

and a Dungeons & Dragons card in the other hand

A man who has voluntarily behaved in a way

that left him without a girlfriend wife or children

Well into his thirties….

and he wants to roleplay 'life coach'……

and offer out an endless stream

of thinly veiled 'victim statements'….

pretending as if JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS disenfranchised him ?….

I call bullshit

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fe6dbb  No.257193

File: 1dd6852e496529f⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_13_35.jpg)

But the day you finally UNPLUG YOUR BORING COMPUTER…….

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fe6dbb  No.257194

File: 41865e6adbaeb41⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_15_09.jpg)

STOP MAKING EXCUSES, STOP BLAMING OTHERS for your own stupid decisions…..

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fe6dbb  No.257196

File: bc92d988ca25f0d⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_15_35.jpg)


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fe6dbb  No.257197

File: a0672730dc2a705⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_16_05.jpg)


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fe6dbb  No.257198

File: a0421514ca8e5d0⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, PicsArt_08_17_07_25_35.jpg)

THAT'Sthe day your opinion will carry weight…

Until that day comes, YOU'RE BARNEY & FRIENDS

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fe6dbb  No.257199

Thomas The Train Power Ranger Dungeons and Dragons Imageboard Videogame EFFEMINATE FRUITFLY

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fe6dbb  No.257200

You think jews suck ?…..

they DO…..

all humans suck

but YOU are a child…. a little boy….

and it's YOU who turned yourself

into a lonely masturbating isolated

inexperienced unaccomplished

overcompensating clown

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fe6dbb  No.257201

the truth is :

jews succeeded, against all odds…..

YOU ?………….

Your mother wiped your ass for you your entire life

You were sheltered and coddled…

You had every opportunity imaginable

but youSTILLcan't put down the video game

and find a wife and have kids

You had no adversity, no odds were against you


Nobody's impressed by your neo-Nazi wannabe "intimidating badass" imageboard sissy games

Bouncing back and forth between 4chan & 8kun

pretending like you're an authority on life


I mean let's just be honest, Romeo……

It's obvious you're not sexually attracted to women

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fe6dbb  No.257205

Jews overcame insurmountable adversity…


You can't even look a woman in the eyes

And charm her pants off….

Jews never complain about being in control of the world…

It's YOU who complains everyday…

Winners don't complain… Only losers complain

I'm sorry you feel so disenfranchised

But at least it shows you're paying attention

At least you realize you're a chump

Now if you would only stop blaming others for your own self-imposed CHUMPINESS

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524aed  No.271714

File: ce5abac1095c2c5⋯.jpg (94.56 KB, 550x814, 25:37, 007.jpg)

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