As Tucker reported there's 5 million white people missing from the census and it happened under Trump's watch.
If you don't listen to a word out of Trump's mouth and look at his actions it becomes clear he's been the most anti white president ever but Biden may top him. Trump not only made sure the Sacklers stayed out of jail, he tried to appoint a pro opiate shill as the opiate czar.
Rudy Guiliani negotiated the sweetheart deal for the Sacklers. Trump and Guuiliani and the media even managed to get many if not most white people classified as domestic terrorists.
Here's a piece w/ audio by Ron Unz on Vioxx, that killed half a million people in 5 short years. It's pretty brief and quite the eye opener.
It peaked my interest i decided to look into Vioxx. What do you know, three jews were in charge of handling the clinical trials and all that. They knew it was deadly but like the Sacklers they covered it up and sold as much as they could.
Under the Trump admin Vioxx was quietly brought back to "help" the Goy, yes it's available.
The head Jewess in charge of over seeing safety is the lady in the pic.
And in the ultimate irony is white people are now dying en mass from not getting vaccinated. Yes get vaccinated folks.