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404f71  No.254217

Guy in Alberta, Canada wins a court case about distancing ticket in which he subpoenas prosecution with releasing proof of lab isolation of covid. Ofc they dont have it and he wins. As a result Alberta ends restrictions, quarantine, contact tracing and other BS.

>also general prosecutor from Ottawa appears in a case about fucking ticket


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a8edb5  No.254220


>Alberta ends restrictions, quarantine, contact tracing and other BS

Except a Google search proves this wrong. Nobody believes your bullshit anymore. Kill yourself on livestream for our entertainment or fuck off.

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f4cba1  No.254221


Wow, look at this pissed off jackboot commie! Wooo!


Good if true.

PS (not related, it's a message to Johnny Neptune): ZZ Top is playing in the town of Washington Missouri tonight. Only costs $35 entry fee to the park but sadly can't go, too much to do around the homestead the next couple days. As a tip, if you happen to fly to St. Louis and drive an hour to Washington MO, and it's packed, just go across the Missouri river on 47 (or is it the old Highway 100?) and park your car on the road side in the boonies. I heard events are very loud there and you'll be still able to hear them play a couple miles away.

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f4cba1  No.254222


Sir, it's (You) I meant to call the commie jackboot, just to make that clear.

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f4cba1  No.254225


>ZZ Top is playing in the town of Washington Missouri tonight

And protip: most of Missouri is not communist, other than St. Louis, which is quarantined to their own shitty county, NO masks or vaccines required (not that you'd care Johnny, just like to throw that out there!)

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a8edb5  No.254246




>changes IP because he knows his OP is fucking retarded and wants to be able to claim "b-b-but that's not meeeee"

Kill yourself on livestream for our entertainment or fuck off.

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9d660c  No.254399

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fbc30e  No.254410


I don't use Google but I decided to look this up to see if the dude is a larper, or outright lying about the whole thing. HE IS A LARPER…. he may have had something to do with it, but really it was a Right-wing party that decided to end the whole lockdowns over there!

See here: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/08/03/alpa-a03.html

" With its announcement last week of an end to all public health measures to combat COVID-19, Alberta’s hard-right United Conservative Party (UCP) government has effectively declared the pandemic over. This criminal decision—which is now being implemented with only tepid, token opposition from the rest of Canada’s political establishment—threatens the lives of tens of thousands of people in Alberta and across the country, as the spread of the more contagious and lethal Delta variant accelerates.

As of August 16, all masking requirements and contact tracing will be abolished in what Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw has termed the “next phase,” where the public will have to “live with COVID-19.” COVID-19 testing will be available only for severely ill symptomatic people, so as to “help direct patient care decisions.” "

So there you have it. Also Rebel News is calling this fag out:


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16d728  No.254411


PS: WSWS is commie propaganda, but at least they did admit it was a conservative party that finally ended the lockdown, not just a court case. I find it funny how the commies are all so butthurt over people living their own lives and being able to go outside and enjoy themselves. Really shows us what socialism and in extension communism is all about.

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3b6bff  No.254458


Yah sure, everyone is a Jew for not agreeing with you. I've heard this all before. 10,000+ times. I really don't care anymore. It's so lame, stupid and boring. Endless insults is not a sign of intellectualism it's a sign of weakness. Enjoy the dead board loser.

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dfbbaa  No.254469


Well 4chan is censored to all hell and no one cares about 4chan and 8kun is basically dead. I come here once a day, typically during morning hours to check up, and sometimes at night when I have nothing better to do like right now. That's nice you think you are in control of anything online though, but in the end when SHTF it will all be gone and you'll have whatever it is you prepped with IRL.

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2b3612  No.254727


>Also Rebel News is calling this fag out:

Rebel needs to blame China. All those fight the fines court cases and nothing about the virus even existing?

Someone tell Ezra the secret to China's success. Since there's no voting there are no female voters. Wuhan has 9 subway lines and no welfare queens.

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a8edb5  No.271452

File: 719a1b1f475cf59⋯.jpg (414.59 KB, 900x635, 180:127, 031.jpg)

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