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File: dd2f20a5c4e6ee4⋯.jpg (107.03 KB, 660x440, 3:2, RB_COMP_BUNKER_RICH_.jpg)

cbab57  No.254102

As Predicted, The Rich Are Bailing America For Offshore Havens Before The Collapse



Billionaire Google co-founder Larry Page is a New Zealand resident, the government has confirmed to Stuff.

On Thursday evening a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) confirmed the world’s sixth richest man has Kiwi residency.

The development comes the same day Stuff broke the news that Page visited New Zealand earlier this year, amid Covid-19 border restrictions, after his child fell ill in Fiji.

Stuff’s investigation this week included an enquiry with MBIE on Tuesday about Page’s immigration status. MBIE’s response was: “Mr Page is not a permanent resident.”

MY COMMENT: I call BS about the covid fear! Recall the numerous past articles about the rich buying up properties in New Zealand including underground silo bunkers!? I certainly do! And by the way, THIS was the reason they wanted and needed to disarm citizens in New Zealand! I have no doubt in my mind that mosque shooting was a staged false flag event to disarm those citizens before these billionaires start buying up the whole country over there! This whole country will likely turn into an extension of Israel, WATCH WAIT and SEE!

PROOF FROM 2018: "A small handful of capitalists are buying up land in New Zealand and building underground bunkers. They range in size and price per person, some of them extremely large with the ability to house up to 300 people – some cost $8 million per person."



PROOF FROM 2020: "The Aristocrat bunker features a swimming pool, gun range, gym, sauna, bowling lane, media room, personal bathrooms with showers."




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1d9fec  No.254103


BY THE WAY: Expect no 'natural disasters' or out-of-control wildfires to be a problem here in this country! This is their escape haven, just like Israel is too! Pay attention, they are going to do everything they can to destroy and implode the West as they sit back in their offshore bunkers laughing how they destroyed our lives!!!! Any respectable government would have these traitors killed via economic hitmen!!!!

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fead48  No.254106


You don't have to feel compelled to mention Israel or use the word Bolshevik just to appease these malfeasant unaccomplished disgruntled disenfranchised bitter resentful lonely adult men in here

Never jump on someone else's bandwagon

No matter how many times you bend over to fit in with these guys by mentioning Jews and Bolsheviks and Israel.. they don't accept you..

They think they are superior to everybody

You and me and Jerry included

So don't waste your time dropping down to their level

Just do Your own thing

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effb0b  No.254112


>just to appease these malfeasant unaccomplished disgruntled disenfranchised bitter resentful lonely adult men

I didn't, NZ really is going to become another safe haven for uber rich criminal oligarchs and bankers when SHTF here. That's a FACT, we are seeing it happen right now. They did the same in Israel (or as some argue Palestine) before they turned Europe into a shithole and tried to destroy Russia under the USSR. And yes most of these people are communists, fascists, despots and zionists who hijack our governments, exploit and bankrupt our countries for their own selfish interests and then they flee to other nations before those subverted-corrupted nations completely collapse into chaos. There seems to be a trend with these insane criminal nutcases!! How this is even allowed to continue is beyond irrational.

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cbab57  No.254114


>They think they are superior to everybody

They are sadly mistaken then. Within less than a day coming back here half the new threads are dumb cartoon memes bitching about reddit and 4chan (as usual) and not one iota of intellectual discussion! Long ago I would get a lot of news from anons posting on these types of chans. Now days I don't even bother, I have to find the news for myself.

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c03822  No.254177


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ab52f6  No.254218

File: ed9ea6acfea98e6⋯.png (85.31 KB, 598x863, 598:863, USSR_not_jewish_1953.png)


>and tried to destroy Russia under the USSR

No, they tried to destroy Russia when the USSR dissolved.

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093243  No.254401


The rich are getting their houses in order for the impending engineered economic collapse. Anyone who isn't will be very unhappy once this manufactured and fully engineered takedown of the economy and their "Great Reset" gets rolled out. Yes the "Great Reset" is in the works and yes they are planning to bring back feudalism for the masses. Of-course the masses won't like it, so there will be many future wars to come. God help us.

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c710d5  No.254457


The USSR itself was full of despotic criminal Jews destroying Russia very much the same happening to the USSA today. Fuck communism. No matter how many times this is repeated it doesn't work. And it never will.

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75eb16  No.254485

I hope they manage to grow gills in the meantime, it's gonna be a post collapse favourite hobby of survivors to ferret out those bunker locations and block all the entrances with tons of dirt and rubble and then flood all their ventilation shafts with water

It would be fun when they try to escape their flooding vaults only to find out they got entombed before they drown to death.

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389680  No.254525

File: 1842cb5569fe011⋯.jpg (145.5 KB, 900x721, 900:721, Reagan_Soviet_jews.jpg)


>The USSR itself was full of despotic criminal Jews destroying Russia very much the same happening to the USSA today.

No, it really wasn't. That's why they all kept trying to get to the US in the 70s and 80s.

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3ad7d9  No.254575


I too would LOVE to live to see that day. I'm just worried that the general public will be too stupid to go after these (((criminals))), and might instead be invading farm land and those who had nothing to do with any of this who have just been trying to stay away from corruption & urban crime.

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367e4c  No.255578


It couldn't be because their banking cartel outright looted and robbed future generations of the United States and now they're trying to stir a domestic war over their covid plandemic & slow-kill 'vaccines' could it???


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a87a55  No.255621

Sure they're fleeing, they've helped destroy and loot the nation.

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7665a4  No.255656

File: da4a35aa160d8d0⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 619x615, 619:615, freedominflation.jpg)

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1165fb  No.262952

They're adding $1 million to the national debt almost every 30 seconds today. Literally the only think propping up our insolvent rigged broke-as-fuck 'economy'. No shit those who have the wealth would leave, if I could afford some underground rural resort in an offshore safe haven I'd likely consider it too.

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