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d35794  No.254058

>made this meme

>logged onto reddit

>"your account has been suspended

>lol why

>… inciting violence against paedophiles…

>I fucking hate reddit

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d35794  No.254060

Muh joos and usrael

This isn't about fucking Israel, it's about seppos and their savagery

But also fuck israel, Palestine for Palestinians

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336f3e  No.254083


Europe is just as fucked as many American cities and States are. Europe today is like one big giant California. Only differences between Europe and America is we have A LOT more land, our population is A LOT more vastly spread out and we have the guns if push came to shove. In truth the level of subversion/corruption/diversity/insanity all depends where you live in America. Anyone who has not traveled the country before or has not moved several times in their lives would know next to nothing about this. The best thing you could do to learn what "America" is all about is to travel the country, look around, dine out, talk to locals. Visit a couple cities, take trips to the suburban areas and drive some backroads and junctions across country and take a look at some of the rural regions and stop by smaller towns. When you travel 8 or 9 states doing that you'll realize just how massive America really is and how your life is not anything like the life many others live!

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336f3e  No.254084


Sorry, that comment was meant for the OP.

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c61d1c  No.254085


You should have listened. You should have used Teeline shorthand.

Teeline shorthand is for humans, ai bot censorship is Teeline blind.

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336f3e  No.254086


Make a thread about it and show others how to do that then. Some like me have no idea what the heck you are talking about.

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73961d  No.254121



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73961d  No.254122


try pig latin

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c39ff7  No.254470


teeline, you write in a special way, bit it's just English. but ai struggles, for many reasons

>Teeline is for humans, not ai censorship bots

i can't make threads, for some reason.

teeline is a special kind of shorthand. shorthand is a way to write English (or whatever) quickly. teeline is special for a crazy number of reasons. but basically shorthand is really hard for ai to interpret.

mindblowing: teeline is MUCH harder for ai to attack, while also being one of the easiest to learn.

once you learn to read and write Teeline you'll "get it", and understand that making little rule changes could have a profound impact on ai, not on readability.

no longer is Teeline for speed, it's for evading automated ai censorship.

here's a crazy way Teeline is AMAZING:


if you do pig latin with Teeline, you are moving the consonant to the end, and adding a suffix. if you think about it, the suffix is junk, it could be anything.

youway ouldcay utpay anythingway onway ethay endway

youdog ouldc'dog ut'p'dog anythingdog ondog ethdog enddog

but if you really want it to go wild (when you Teeline you'll understand how wild the outlines are getting already) insert a sentence into middles>

inserted unrelated text: oh say can you see by the (… dawns early light)

result: yoohu cousayld pucant anytyouhing oseen thbye enthed

small changes also have a profound impact on the teeline outlines, from an ai perspective. this is what makes Teeline GREAT: it puts the power into the hands of the people, make the ai cry electonic tears of failure.

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896fb5  No.254610

Hmm,how is that so surprising? Plebbit isn't like the chans.

Of course they ban any spicy memes.

As for their reason "insert" does it matter? Make new account and keep on going. All part of the game .

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896fb5  No.254613


The USA is unironically the last bastion of freedom. That why it is under attack from within.

If they yield and collapse there is nothing standing in the way of globohomos ushering in their world government.

As European i root for Americans (the real ones) to stand firm. and don't let those blackblock and globohomo commies ever bully you into submission.

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bb15e0  No.254618


Amen, that's about it anon. That's why we must, at all cost, stick to our guns and support local local local. As long as we dig our heels into the dirt and don't budge there is next to nothing the despot globohomo commies can do about it.

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b697f2  No.271447

File: b826669c9f81d0d⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 650x1110, 65:111, 016.jpg)

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