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File: 63f3b4fc1180563⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 4000x3774, 2000:1887, Christ_servant_of_the_Jews.jpg)

3d9908  No.254039

Is Christianity a pro-white religion?

Can white people do better than Christianity?

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a714d0  No.254042


Literally everywhere you see white people going against their own group interests, you see the influence of Christianity.

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a714d0  No.254044


Same thing, both Abrahamic cults.

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a714d0  No.254049


Just because there is infighting within Abrahamism doesn't mean any of the factions are good.

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a6b195  No.254051

File: 7447897d477e295⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>This 1 verse out of 31,102 verses proves we hate jews

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a714d0  No.254055


>Christianity is entirely distinct and removed from "Judaism"


This is childish, like when you deny that most of your culture comes from Britain

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a714d0  No.254064


Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef:

Was born a Jew

Was circumcised as a Jew

Was a Rabbi

Taught Jewish doctrine

Taught it exclusively to Jews

Referred to non-Jews as "dogs"

There is nothing in the world more Jewish than Christianity, not even Judaism.

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a6b195  No.254067


>language never changes, goy

How smooth one's brain becomes when poisoned by kike-on-a-stickism.

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a6b195  No.254069


>expects meaningful debate

>believes in a magic sky daddy

You are not welcome here.

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a6b195  No.254071


You never had a debate to begin with. You are a child who believes in fairy tales. Nobody here is going to take you seriously.

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a714d0  No.254075


>Scripture further tells us that "fake Jews" choose to LARP as Jews because they're Synagogue of Satan. So I mean… c'mon.

You're obviously a massively brainwashed spiritual weakling.

Go into the mountains with some magic mushrooms, then report back to us once you know the difference between God and Yahweh.

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d9ce24  No.254081


Christianity is overall a pro-human pro-life religion. The purpose is to live by moral and only discriminate against evil or sinful actors. But like everything else today there is subversion and corruption in many Christian institutions (big churches and the Vatican for example) just like there is subversion and corruption in all the other institutions (medical, educational, entertainment, political, governmental, etc). There are many types of denominations of Christians (some more strict and serious than others). There are also non-denominational Christians (like myself) who do not organize or support institutional Christianity for the reasons mentioned above [think pedophilia in the corrupted churches, profits over scripture and moral, etc]

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f94ec5  No.254092


>There is nothing in the world more Jewish than Christianity, not even Judaism.

Fucking based.

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f94ec5  No.254093


Come back when you realize Yahweh is the God of Christianity.

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a714d0  No.254166


Christians are about to go the way of Serapis-worshippers. Their time is up.

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4750ab  No.254179

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e0ea7d  No.254259

File: 68b492bdb3cde62⋯.png (104.16 KB, 500x566, 250:283, isnt_an_atheist_scumbag_go….png)

File: a22c27c8f6ae13e⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 496x507, 496:507, scumbag_god_o_978154.jpg)

File: bff1f2a310d26c3⋯.jpg (130.53 KB, 660x660, 1:1, god_meme3.jpg)

File: d94cd2d150ff9a2⋯.jpeg (11.26 KB, 222x227, 222:227, download_4_.jpeg)

It would he good without the whole "fear of god" nonsense. The general public are becoming more and more atheist. YOU CANT SCARE THESE PEOPLE STRAIGHT WITH THINGS THEY CANT AND WONT BELIVE IN



no God no God no God

Just get rid of God. It's fucking stupid.

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a6b195  No.254263


Jim only pays people $0.02 per post.

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e0ea7d  No.254268


The pictures just prove a point. That God is a contradicting douchbag and nothing that is written about him makes any logical sense. It's a scary story to get people to behave. Too bad. People aren't afraid of it anymore. It's not me you should mock. Just like how they mocked God, you mock the truth

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e0ea7d  No.254270


Blah blah blah! Nobody fucking cares. No one is afraid of you or your fairy tale. Try using things like AIDS and niggers being the missing link. Nobody cares for God. But science. Is everything to these people. You need to change. Because you're dying. You probably would rather be dead anyways. I guess just die. Nobody is gonna miss you.

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a953b5  No.254381

Christianity influenced me. But I'd like to keep it at arm's length.

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dca41f  No.254390

File: f9dd435a079dfeb⋯.jpg (352.94 KB, 3800x3200, 19:16, cdc5b51695de2fe482b3333ba4….jpg)

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a714d0  No.254395


You're talking about Yahweh, the tribal deity of the Jews, not God.

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0de20d  No.254397


Jesus is my Lord and Savor, there is nothing you can say or do to stop that anon.

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e0ea7d  No.254403


Semantics. They're all bullehit


The Bible says being selfish is a sin. You're supposed to convert people. How can you do that when no one believes in God? Guess you're going to hell for being a bad Christian

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954f83  No.254406


>The Bible says being selfish is a sin.

Perhaps greed is a sin, but I'm not very greedy. I intend to do my best to defend my family and other locals nearby when SHTF. That's all I can do, that and warn people to get prepared, and I've been doing that over and over. That's all I can and will do. God will be the final Judge, not other humans.

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e0ea7d  No.254426

Christ cucks, what is gonna happen when life is wiped out by catastrophic events like the sun exploding or something hitting and destroying the earth? What's gonna happen to God and heaven and hell when all humans are wiped out? Is God gonna start again somewhere else? Are your angle bodies just gonna live in some make believe earth in the clouds where everything is perfect and you keep breeding make believe humans? Will God just be like "that's it. No more humans. This is all that's coming to the party. The rest are in hell. GG" you guys don't think very gard huh? It's all, living by faith in the moment. Just laugh and don't don't about the illogical nonsense of it all. 😒

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2e0372  No.254427

File: 67d6fe8e2e4945e⋯.jpg (282.17 KB, 1538x2048, 769:1024, Fedora.jpg)

>This thread

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e54b55  No.254441

I think Christianity is a pro white religion and without it we would have never even have our history or prosperity in western nations.

The people who built it where Christians.

The decline that is happening is due to the fact we lost our faith in Christ and thus a unifying belief system.

Now were getting zionist secularism, degeneracy and globohomo agendas as the new religion and look how much good that is doing our race and our nations.

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e54b55  No.254907


At this point in time i wonder if there will soon be a revival of Christianity. I would not be surprised if many conservative minded people, join the church.

But first something must be done with the corruption through the clerical hierarchy. before you can ahem "actually drain the swamp"

Gay, noses, and female priest need to gtfo.

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a714d0  No.255089


^ the Rabbi speaks.

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a714d0  No.255090


There will soon be a massive spiritual revival, but it won't be an Abrahamic one.

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2c2185  No.257032

Whites who aren't Christian are called "kikes".

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e0ea7d  No.267712


Christianity is a white religion. No doubt. It's all about empathy. And white people are the most empathetic people EVER

I honestly believe history is exaggerated or just plain wrong. As in the only sources were faked. It's why white people failed. They turned the other cheek again and again and again.

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b1f47b  No.267721


when was the last time you predicted anything accurately?

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dc342d  No.267724


Let me guess…never?

Also, God doesn’t need Christianity but humanity sure does.

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a6b195  No.271772

File: 822acdcb533f10a⋯.jpg (158.13 KB, 750x1200, 5:8, 88.jpg)

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