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File: cd3871a6f27f638⋯.png (11.87 KB, 795x399, 265:133, lol_gibson.png)

94e37d  No.253758

You cry and cry and cry about woke cancel culture, but your best friendo still has a career. You are a solution trying to find a problem.

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69063e  No.253791


I don't cry about it, numbskull, I laugh at it!

Why? Because I don't let it bother me.

I have collections of all my favorite older music, older TV shows, older movies, older books and older everything, all backed up physically offline, and there ain't nothing you faggots can do about it. You can find me sharing it all on P2P and torrents too.


Go cancel yourself.

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de1785  No.253803


actually NO…..

I personally cry and cry and cry and cry about only having one penis….

Oh, the things I could have accomplished if I only had a couple more attached

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de1785  No.253804


however, I appear in two scenes with Mel Gibson. During shooting the working title was WALDO

and I live in atlanta

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de1785  No.253805

The specific event was the night I took SEVEN strippers home and fucked ALL OF THEM BY MYSELF

(okay, the one night turned into an entire weekend)

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de1785  No.253806

I was the Stripclub DJ, and I had two strippers living in my bed… They actually referred to themselves as "my girlfriend" (singular)

one was a TEENY TINY blonde with perfect tiny upright tits, the other was also TEENY TINY and Japanese (also tiny tits, the way I demand)


all of the dancers made thousands, and so did I

It was an upcoming holiday AND I STILL CANT REMEMBER WHICH HOLIDAY IT WAS but anyway, my two GIRLFRIEND asked two other dancers if they wanted to come home, get high and fuck…

We called a cab because I was way too drunk to drive

By the time we called the cab, three more dancers decided to join us, so I called another cab.

it was MADNESS

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de1785  No.253807

I fucked all of them every way possible…..

all of them one by one

(and I fucked one of them REPEATEDLY the whole weekend because she was SO HOT)

by the time the weekend passed, one by one they other 5 girls left

and me & my two girlfriend got in bed and passed out

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de1785  No.253808

ATLANTA : badass

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de1785  No.253809


except the grocery store

Hmmm………… Soon

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de1785  No.253810


On The Line is GARBAGE

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de1785  No.253811

AGENT GAME is Rubbish

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de1785  No.253812

AGENT GAME was filmed in Augusta Georgia (because Augusta is also rubbish)

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de1785  No.253813

PANAMA is a cinematic Septic Tank

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de1785  No.253814

DANGEROUS is for women

meaning OP will enjoy it thoroughly

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de1785  No.253815

BANDIT is akin to the crap film FALLING DOWN


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de1785  No.253816

and I've been on quite a few movie sets

From what I could tell, WALDO (now called last looks) did NOT seem like anything I'd pay to see

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de1785  No.253817



That's the closest you're going to get


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de1785  No.253818

File: 2a7ae094b0bec8f⋯.jpg (611.33 KB, 945x1280, 189:256, 20210804_150909.jpg)


I wonder what your mother would think if I gave this Batman statue to you to decorate your room


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de1785  No.253820

File: e46c50856624ee2⋯.jpg (960.89 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210804_151154.jpg)

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de1785  No.253821


you need a Batman statue

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de1785  No.253822

File: 8ed7b5c57001e89⋯.jpg (192.81 KB, 784x1463, 112:209, PicsArt_08_04_03_32_12.jpg)


a Batman statue that represents JEWISH HOLLYWOOD PIMPING MEL GIBSON OUT LIKE A STREETWALKING PROSTITUTE, while making billions off him….

and he makes a measly $368 million

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de1785  No.253823


or a pacifier

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94e37d  No.271441

File: ce5abac1095c2c5⋯.jpg (94.56 KB, 550x814, 25:37, 007.jpg)

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