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File: 896b763f8bb7ae1⋯.jpg (513.69 KB, 1280x1106, 640:553, 20210803_184504.jpg)

634a2f  No.253523

tsk tsk tsk

Oh well…. He's fucked now….

Too Bad… He was THE ONLY

Reassuring thing about last year

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634a2f  No.253525

Jerry :

did you by any chance save any of my Cuomo shoops ?

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936f11  No.253551

File: 9a0b9fcc4a116fb⋯.jpg (982.7 KB, 2643x1982, 2643:1982, PicsArt_03_27_02_42_50.jpg)

File: 32d349afe543b61⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB, 1024x767, 1024:767, REAL_Reason_JN_Loves_Cuomo.gif)




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936f11  No.253554

File: f520822cc99a6fa⋯.jpg (168.51 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, PicsArt_05_01_03_44_52.jpg)


> He was THE ONLY Reassuring thing about last year

The kind of stoopid you'd have to be to find anything at all "reassuring" about Andrew Cuomo, EVER, is on a whole 'nother level of fuckerdumb, imho

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88cee2  No.253569


His only mistake was not paying off the women he groped and making them sign an NDA. Otherwise, he has been a top alpha dog during the worst of the pandemic. Shame they're putting him out to pasture, but I suspect he'll be just fine.

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88cee2  No.253615


See, exactly. I am 100% on board with you here.

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88cee2  No.253617


I like beautiful women. Matter of fact, WOMEN like beautiful women! But, you're not allowed to SAY you like beautiful women.

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e40788  No.253658


egg zack lee™

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70e055  No.253920


lol you'reFULL OF SHIT !!

Number one, you don't know anything about New York City whatsoever, what it used to be like or what it's like today.

Number two, he's the governor of the state of New York, NOT THE MAYOR, and he's not responsible for improving NYC or "making it worse"

Number three, NYC is WAAAYYY better than it used to be…

You quite literally have no idea what you're talking about

And you're simply relying on common myths and memes shared by people who have never even been there before…

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70e055  No.253921


lol @ "run NYC into the ground"


That's a very generic statement, but you can't even describe any details of how the city was allegedly running to the ground...

FACT : you don't know Brooklyn from the Bronx

Because you couldn't make it in New York

No matter how much you "prepared"

it's too fast for you

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70e055  No.253922


corrupt ?

Feel free to name one politician who isn't

(after all- YOU voted for TRUMP hahahaha)

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70e055  No.253923

there's one thing Cuomo ISN'T :


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88cee2  No.271438

File: c41b5c6bff07591⋯.jpg (124.41 KB, 700x857, 700:857, 004.jpg)

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