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My name is Nate Higgers

File: f13b86f364dc81b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 921x684, 307:228, Eat_the_candy_.PNG)

9a730a  No.253409[Last 50 Posts]

NAC and glutathione!!!

The Jab has graphine oxide in it, we know this right boys.

remember the masks too? they put them under microscope and they ALSO had graphine oxide… why TWO jabs?

They are trying to get as much graphine oxide in us as possible. I heard it may even be in our meat from cow feed and shit too.

We need to get it out, and if you, like me, like most of us on this board are not vaxxed… well you may actually still care about (some) people who have been and should let them know about this.


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9a730a  No.253410

File: 2a32fd9360891a8⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 686x637, 14:13, candy.gif)

Graphene inside the body acquires magnetic properties and is a superconductor. It serves for energy storage and condensation and was a strong candidate. Without yet having any knowledge of what was inside the vial, we realized that the industry or rather the stock market of the graphene industry had high uptrend peaks just as the COVID-19 vaccination campaign was starting at the beginning of the year, late December and early January. But also, quite curious, during the flu vaccination campaign.

When we have seen the possibilities that graphene has, or rather, that graphene oxide nanoparticles have inside the body when it comes to neuromodulation and when it comes to picking up neuronal electrophysiological effects for brain mapping, we have realized the possibility that graphene is being injected. Can graphene be injected? Yes. Graphene can be injected. And, in fact, some scientific papers have already raised the possibility that it could be used as a nanoadjuvant in vaccines. With that hypothesis of suspicion, we did what anyone could have done and what I also recommend that you can do if you have access to a vial.

We had access to a sealed vial from Pfizer, and by means of a request for services to a university, specifically in my name, it was sent for an analysis of the vial, where we were looking for the material in question: graphene. After some time of investigation by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Doctor in Chemical Sciences, Bachelor in Biological Sciences and member of the University of Almeria, we obtained this preliminary report where we are told that there is indeed solid evidence of graphene oxide in the sample and that it is also the main component of what they wrongly called a vaccine.

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30ae64  No.253421




new rules…. leave now or be permabanned

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30ae64  No.253422




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30ae64  No.253423




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30ae64  No.253424

File: 23d73f09a8c9c1e⋯.png (323.05 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210803_123632.png)


perhaps you should've finished High School?

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30ae64  No.253425

File: cfa3bd3fc9b6181⋯.jpg (265.11 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_08_03_12_21_44.jpg)



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30ae64  No.253426

File: d79db4901c8bccf⋯.jpg (275.41 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_08_03_12_18_06.jpg)



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30ae64  No.253428

File: f519ea96da0aca3⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 500x386, 250:193, 61HyMzmICQL_AC_SY580_.jpg)


inYOURcase, a High School Diploma is also required

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30ae64  No.253429

File: 78e0f89b464024e⋯.png (122.59 KB, 480x374, 240:187, ged.png)


or, more realistically, a G.E.D.

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30ae64  No.253430

File: 3eeefc72a8be3b7⋯.jpg (273.45 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_08_03_12_14_31.jpg)


or you'll be permabanned

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30ae64  No.253431

File: 59985a6b0ac7885⋯.jpg (256.43 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_08_03_12_03_53.jpg)


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30ae64  No.253433

File: 4635d8c4e94a862⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1141x1080, 1141:1080, PicsArt_08_03_12_57_44.png)

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30ae64  No.253434

File: eb2a60837720efc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1165x1080, 233:216, PicsArt_08_03_12_53_10.png)

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9a730a  No.253435

File: d6658ff875618de⋯.png (416.8 KB, 713x556, 713:556, Arigat_gozaimashita.png)

Thanks for validating the info shills

lots of flak when you are over the target

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30ae64  No.253438



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30ae64  No.253439


if "the target" was NOT COMPLETING HIGH SCHOOL, then OP is definitely hovering directly over it

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30ae64  No.253440

File: 5f1c5ec60eddc47⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1156x1080, 289:270, PicsArt_08_03_01_14_52.png)

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30ae64  No.253441

File: 5d9c6815fa8e1a7⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1156x1080, 289:270, PicsArt_08_03_01_16_01.png)





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30ae64  No.253442


There have been a number of African Americans posting in /pnd/ recently, pretending to be Caucasian.


The 23andMe ancestry DNA test only costs $99

Upload verifiable DNA test results,

If you are 100% White, I will reimburse The $99

And if you're not 100% White, you're stuck with the bill, and You're a worthless nigger

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1f7e69  No.253443



>someone posted on my facebook quilting group that graphene oxide was bad and that it's in the vaccines and I don't need proof because nobody would ever just LIE on facebook!

You win smooth brain of the day.

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30ae64  No.253444

File: ff01d86453ea018⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1156x1080, 289:270, PicsArt_08_03_01_20_50.png)

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30ae64  No.253445

File: 0d1bdbfedbae0b2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1156x1080, 289:270, PicsArt_08_03_01_22_06.png)

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30ae64  No.253446

File: 04203f6d99bac73⋯.jpg (324.52 KB, 1499x1080, 1499:1080, PicsArt_08_03_01_26_34.jpg)

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30ae64  No.253448

File: b837ce390e04662⋯.jpg (294.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_08_03_01_34_29.jpg)

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30ae64  No.253449

File: bc009928478e7b9⋯.jpg (332.78 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_08_03_01_31_11.jpg)

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30ae64  No.253450

File: a98d7ca6b4fe61e⋯.jpg (254.45 KB, 1080x1584, 15:22, PicsArt_08_03_09_51_30.jpg)




if you're 100% white


if you're not 100% white


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30ae64  No.253451

File: 4f2ead8e40b3bfc⋯.jpg (274.11 KB, 1629x1080, 181:120, PicsArt_08_03_01_43_03.jpg)


Scientific terminology seems dazzling to the uneducated.. doesn't it?

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30ae64  No.253452



There's a less than 2% chance that you're 100% white

That's why we have put the new rules in place

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30ae64  No.253453

File: ee15b1cb501c6a7⋯.jpg (206.73 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_08_03_01_46_17.jpg)


imagine how much differently your life would be if you had simply BEEN NORMAL

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30ae64  No.253455

File: 103176fe3587cba⋯.jpg (11.74 KB, 260x275, 52:55, 5657fbb1303ea6623d4e71c479….jpg)


no matter what YOU say :

there's a 89% chance you've got Nigger in your DNA

Conveniently, now there's a way you can validate yourself !!!


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30ae64  No.253459

File: 1ffd594029c8b0d⋯.jpg (439.5 KB, 1627x1080, 1627:1080, PicsArt_08_03_02_01_47.jpg)


you literally have no basic understanding of science whatsoever, do you?

If science was an anime cartoon, you'd be masturbating to it right now.

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30ae64  No.253461


Like I said :

Upload verifiable DNA ancestry test results

if you are 100% white I will reimburse you the $99 test fee

If you are not 100% White that's your problem not mine

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30ae64  No.253462

File: f65c9802ae89111⋯.jpg (344.85 KB, 1080x1495, 216:299, PicsArt_08_03_02_05_44.jpg)

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30ae64  No.253463



Refusing to take the DNA test


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30ae64  No.253464

File: 52833d654b86390⋯.jpg (321 KB, 1080x1186, 540:593, PicsArt_08_03_02_09_51.jpg)

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a05a76  No.253465


is it true that you believe in god? really? embarrassing

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2d65ce  No.253466

File: e48625645f9f5bc⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1454x1080, 727:540, PicsArt_08_03_02_18_06.png)

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21f33b  No.253516

lotta IP-hopping, huh

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3a1162  No.253592


is it possible for this graphene to pick up radio wavess like a foxhole radio? iron in blood with the dna as the antenna ? … wait this 23 and me shit, 5g implementation …. banning of china 5g in americastan… golly gee this is a deus ex plot

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1f7e69  No.253633

File: 0bddbf91b75e96f⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1332x1332, 1:1, An_actual_woman.png)


Don't bother. These people are mad at an actual beautiful woman. Now watch them rage reply

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4c3b5a  No.253896


Here's the explanation of Graphene Oxide pseudo/pnd/scum

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4c3b5a  No.253901


Graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) were demonstrated in the past decade as biocompatible carbon-based materials that could be efficiently used in bioelectrochemical systems (BESs). Specifically, for redox enzyme encapsulation in order to improve electron communication between enzymes and electrodes.

>Orr Schlesinger, Lital Alfonta, in Methods in Enzymology, 2018

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606c2c  No.253903


I put a teaspoon of graphene oxide in my coffee enemas every morning.

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4c3b5a  No.253913


GO with abundant oxygen groups (carboxyl, hydroxyl, epoxy groups) [75, 76] can form complexes with organic pollutants and metal ions through electrostatic interaction, hydrogen bonding, and coordination, which is a benefit to its potential application in environmental pollution remediation and control [77–79].

>Songhua Lu, … Changlun Chen, in Interface Science and Technology, 2019

Good choice.

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e7eecf  No.253963


> this poison won't be poison if we just remove some of the poison from the rest of the poison

shut up and take your booster, slave!

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e7eecf  No.253964


> perhaps you should've finished High School?

Is that where they convinced you Reuters is a reliable source of truth?

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6a9bb7  No.253975

A nurse wrote:

There seems to be nurses quitting everywhere.

My hospital has cut down nurse staffing levels so severely that each nurse has 9 patients and no help, on her own for 12 hours. These are critical and complicated patients that need one to one monitoring. It forces nurses to stay past their shift another 4 hours to chart. A grand total of 15 or 16 hours with no break.

6 of my 9 patients last night were 300lbs plus and dead weight, constantly pissing themselves or trying to crawl out of bed and fall. Each one on the call bell 8 or 9 times an hour. The other three were critically ill, on complex time consuming drips and interventions.

Management has also taken away aides, phlebotomy, cleaning staff and lab techs, and outsourced catering to a horrible company that dumps out trays and then takes them away before a nurse can even get around to all her people and make sure they eat.

My comment: Why would they hire enough nurses and actually deliver value when the prime directive at an American hospital is to loot and steal? Remember, 9 patients LIKE THAT in a hospital likely made that hosptal between 500,000 and 1.5 million that night. When they charge that much, their only objective is to steal, and they proved that by getting rid of techs and aids and forcing YOU to take on more patients than you should even if you had help.

FACT: American hospitals are so corrupt that at this point their main directive is to rob everyone that enters them broke and liquidate their assets, plus stick them with bills forever. You are only there to provide enough legitimacy - a platform - for them to do this. Why would they care beyond that?

Claudia is getting private care in Mexico in the best places for cancer and we have been able to pay for it without insurance and ONLY from donations to this site. Obviously people have donated generously, but in the American system it would not have been enough to have the American medical system tell you your shoe size. The American medical system is an act of war that's begging for stolen valor to be handed to it as some form of charity. There is simply nothing more to the American medical system than that nowadays. Too bad for those stuck working the lower tier. (Jim Stone)

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a244af  No.253997

File: 2bb84d19cb65d32⋯.png (1.18 MB, 894x960, 149:160, I_Just_Left_the_ER.png)


> There seems to be…

all sorts of stories…

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042269  No.254004


At this point, and I've been thinking this over the last few weeks, the very last vestige of America as an institution has become corrupted beyond repair: the medical system. We all know we can't trust the educational system anymore, we can't trust the media, we can't trust our politicians, we can't trust our government or military either, everything has been fully compromised and corrupted…. now we can't even trust the people who are supposed to give us medical care either. This is a very sad and very scary time to be an American. We need to warn as many as we can, and get our houses in order. It's not too long before this whole corrupted system starts to implode and turns against us.

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1f7e69  No.271461

File: d4650d0881d4266⋯.jpg (207.74 KB, 649x1050, 649:1050, 034.jpg)

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e10d99  No.271521

File: 93ebbec2cd42503⋯.png (309.92 KB, 610x460, 61:46, Let_s_Go_Brandon.png)


Let's Go!

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e10d99  No.271522

File: c6524f75dc79802⋯.jpeg (86.66 KB, 828x786, 138:131, take_the_blue_pill.jpeg)


No. No. No.

The vaccine is totally safe, guise!

Take the Blue Pill!

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e10d99  No.271523

File: 8fd87bbda54a4fc⋯.jpg (54.99 KB, 480x792, 20:33, Oh_They_re_Effective_Alrig….jpg)


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Totally Safe.

And Don't Forget, "Effective"!

Very Very Effective.

Trust the Experts.

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e10d99  No.271530

File: b55260975d9deee⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, Are_You_Too_Woke_to_Wake_U….png)

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