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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 4bff8887a8e78bc⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1138x786, 569:393, IMG_20210802_104727.png)

9f078a  No.252965[Last 50 Posts]

I am sick of it.

We seriously need to raid /pol/ with a bunch of good quality redpill threads and natsoc related topics.

We need to organize a major redpilling.

At this point its unironically 99% shills, sometimes they dont even hide it.

These faggots seriously invest money in 9 to 5 jobs to keep /pol/ fludded with retarded "hurr durr x nod wite" and "take the jab" threads. Its disgusting.

If they shill, we should shill back with twice the force.

Collect major redpills, learn to create webms and write a script for a thread so you can just copypasta to keep the threads flooded with blood and good content.

Every shill thread should be drenched in saged shitposts.

/pol/ is the most influential place on the entire internet and they perfectly know it. And they know that they cant take it down because its a containment board, a lot of /pol/acks already fucked of to /gif/ and /b/ because /pol/ has stage 4 jewery and is unusable at this point.

Who is with me?

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c4b6bf  No.252968


suck my cock faggot

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3485ae  No.252969


At this point most major social media is compromised, ruined by mass censorship and psyop propagandists (including reddit & 4chan). I won't even bother with it anymore. I give these platforms 0 hours and 0 minutes of my day. Guess what? Millions of people like me don't give them the time of day either. We have more important things to do and pay attention to. I'll still post here from time to time, and on sites like Bitchute and Minds. Otherwise if it's full of shills and compromised by censorship it's not even worth the effort or time of day.

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8697d3  No.253105

File: 4c1584d55be6389⋯.mp4 (421.05 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ezgif_4_43c40c7a2d39_04.mp4)

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8697d3  No.253106


Honestly?…. I think allthreeof you should go back to ,4chan…

/pol/… whatever …

for your own happiness…

and so I can remodel in this shithole

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8697d3  No.253107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ever since I closed on this board, I've been planning to remodel the shithole…

whoever decorated this board had TERRIBLE taste

and now that I've got all my plans in place,

the final step is to evict you guys

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8697d3  No.253109

oh, and when I sayTHREEof you

of course I meanTWO

Because TWO of you are Marshmallow Sally

two of his alter egos… long story

there used to actually beTHREEof you, but Purple Panzy committed Flight To Avoid Embarrassment.

can't say I really blame him

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8697d3  No.253110

File: dff6540db5d1623⋯.jpg (195.73 KB, 1732x1238, 866:619, 115963632_3181572978622961….jpg)

we all remember the PURPLE PANZER's "election campaign", convinced YOU TWO GUYS were going to let him 'roleplay' as "your leader"

yeah …. I don't blame him for hiding after THAT fiasco

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c8c6f1  No.253111


I think it's just me, you and Sally here. Plus a younger UK fag (I can tell by the way he types and how he babels on about … well… don't really know what he babels on about half the time). And then there is the occasional Indian poster who doesn't know basic English who posts the same OP pics every time he creates a thread).

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c8c6f1  No.253112


What ever happened to Purplefag? I didn't have any beef with him, I thought he was kinda funny.

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8697d3  No.253113



Y O U W O N ! ! !

you nailed it on the head

there's Sally, You, Me, and

OCCASIONALLY another guy

with some grammar issues

and then RARELY Jerry pops in

(Which I love and miss dearly)

fucking around with Jerry

having fun with you

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c8c6f1  No.253114


Purplefag said if he couldn't get much of an audience he would quite posting, I do know that. That may be the real reason, no one live streamed his stuff. He likely had 0 viewers, or maybe 1 at most. I did check out his site and it was, well….. how do I say this in a polite manner? ODD.

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8697d3  No.253115


not sure…..

I did NOT dislike him

I'm sure he thought I disliked him

but I didn't…..

you know how I am

I poke fun at everyone

especially YOU, asshole… lol

because we're big boys…… we can handle it

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8697d3  No.253116


yes, hee hee YES

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8697d3  No.253117

I'm positive he occasionally peeks in here

between masturbating while looking in a hand-held mirror and making friends in 4chan

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c8c6f1  No.253118


*rolls and bounces around leaving tin foil decked all over the board IDs*

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8697d3  No.253119

But it's really just Sally in here…..

an occasional raindrop appears

but the storm is named Sally

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c8c6f1  No.253120


From what I have heard almost every Tor and VPN proxy IP, including more than half legit American IPs have been banned from 4chan. I haven't been able to post there ever. Not even once!

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8697d3  No.253121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sally's not a bad man….

by the way, while you post, listen to these 4 songs I'm about to embed

It's the solo Lindsay Buckingham work from TUSK

totally cool badass shit here

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c8c6f1  No.253122


4chan would have NONE of my threads, I guarantee you any thread I create would be slid and then deleted within a few hours! It is totally controlled opposition. You can't say anything outside an established narrative.

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8697d3  No.253123


I'm sure I could post there…. but WHY?

once something is a FAD jump off the bandwagon

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8697d3  No.253124


lol they'd devote an entire team to YOU

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8697d3  No.253125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sally's not a bad person…. he's simply got the wrong energy happening…

If he would just be COOLER and laugh andMINIMIZE THE SUPERIORITYnonsense he would be an okay guy

I'd like to take him out for a couple imported german beers in a cool pub downtown and hit on chicks

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c8c6f1  No.253126


I could but I'd have to download those links first. The speakers on this PC I use to shitpost no longer work. I am forced to download and transfer to listen or watch something. Which I can do but it takes time.


Yes, thus the reason Tor and VPNs are banned there, and why most American IP ranges have been blocked too. Americans in general are too "anti-government" and "anti-establishment" for 4chan today. It's likely most Brit fags now who speak with utter caution.

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8697d3  No.253127


It doesn't matter WHICH CHAN I GO TO

because chans are built on the souls of videogame anime pornhub (and now D&D) young adult males, 85% of which are terrified of rejection, so they never even try ..

And OF COURSE I'm going to mention it

Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

so I'm not exactly "popular"

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8697d3  No.253128



*slams head into brick wall*

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c8c6f1  No.253129


>chans are built on the souls of videogame anime pornhub (and now D&D) young adult males, 85% of which are terrified of rejection

That's ……….wow… gay.

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8697d3  No.253132


YES, at first, they DO SEEM GAY

and many of them ARE….. just like you

But most of them are simply COWARDS

also just like you

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c8c6f1  No.253133


When I first came to 8chan I had NO IDEA about any "culture" or the types of people. I just immediately started ranting, posting real news from sites like Zero Hedge, The Common Sense Show, Jeff Rense, Jim Stone's Blog, articles from Steve Quayle and All News Pipeline…… and I would warn them about just about everything under the sun! For all I knew the place was a bunch of retired vets and like-minded preppers. Oh boy did I stir some shit!

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c8c6f1  No.253134


Jim hated me, and so did some others, so much they eventually pulled /n/ from the news headlines of the site I kid you not!

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8697d3  No.253135

File: b1b9b05c22cb4dc⋯.jpg (740.32 KB, 1280x786, 640:393, zero_respect_for_your_cult….jpg)



anybody who tells me STUNTED SOCIAL & SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT is a "culture" is wasting their time….

I'm not buying it

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c8c6f1  No.253136


I remember one time I told /n/ that Russia would KICK OUR ASSES if we got into WWIII with them, and holy cow the spooks started to fucking jump all over me, they were pissed I'd have the nerve to say such a thing! LOL.

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8697d3  No.253137


to the average adult, at first glance, these "imageboard culture" DOUCHEBUCKETS ALL SEEM HOMOSEXUAL….

you're correct…

especially to WOMEN …

women know a faggot when they see one

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8697d3  No.253138


you were 100% correct

we don't stand a chance against russia or china

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8697d3  No.253139


just because a guy owns a computer

that doesn't mean he has to


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8697d3  No.253141

Just because you stumbled into an imageboard

that doesn't mean you have to


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c8c6f1  No.253142


Another thing that got 8chan PISSED was when I talked about DEBT INSOLVENCY and how inevitably the US would lose the global reserve currency status over it, and how it would lead to economic ruin…. and then I told anons "we already have socialism! look at all the insolvent corrupted banks and institutions that keep getting bailed out at taxpayer expense!" Holy cow they got sooooo triggered by that!

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8697d3  No.253143

<inb4 "I don't need a woman"

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8697d3  No.253144



I'll teach you to discuss sensitive topics, bucko

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8697d3  No.253145

that's the last time you'll discuss DEBT INSOLVENCY, big shot

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8697d3  No.253146


Wendy and I just decided to go hit a cool funky little bar we like and having a few drinks today

Happy Hour…. wtf why not, right?

Laugh and listen to music and maybe even a bite to eat…..

they make GREAT FOOD… really really good food

and I wouldn't mind a drink

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c8c6f1  No.253147


Ironic thing is, most Americans know about this now. Only complete dummies refuse to accept the situation we are in. I don't care how strong our military is either, once Russia and China decide to dump the US dollar and Europe starts to bail on us it's game over for US hegemony. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS NOW!

But…. it was once a forbidden "conspiracy" that dared not be brought up! Oh, kinda like how the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance funded the virology lab "gain of function" research in Wuhan! That is the modern "no no, don't go there!"

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8697d3  No.253148

I hate to admit this….. BUT….


a l w a y s

and it's a good thing…

she's an amazing conversationalist

and she's smart as FUCK

so if she says we're going to have a few drinks


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c8c6f1  No.253149


See here: >>253103

You two should try this sometime!

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8697d3  No.253150


reported again

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8697d3  No.253151


Well, it goes without saying that I'm having single malt scotch

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8697d3  No.253152


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c8c6f1  No.253153


Have you ever tried Laphroaig or Ardbeg? I'd recommend those two…. pretty peaty.

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8697d3  No.253154

see, we quit getting high and doing drugs and drinking

but every few months, we like to have two or three drinks…

and we don't crave it again for another few months

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c8c6f1  No.253155


Highland Park is also very good! All expensive top notch stuff, but delicious!

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8697d3  No.253156


The best single malt I ever had was one of two brands, one speyside, one north highland…

Private family distilleries

And I couldn't even read the names on the labels

No shit….

The names were indecipherable

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c8c6f1  No.253157


If you don't like peaty scotch, try something more smooth (Wendy would love this!), try Glenrothes (1995 Vintage if you can find that one)!

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c8c6f1  No.253158


I kid you not a friend bought that for me, around $100 a bottle at the time, a few years or so ago, and I drank the whole bottle in ONE SITTING.

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8697d3  No.253159

My ex wife Anji and I were living in a big ass estate owned by an organized crime group dixie mafia strip club owners…

and one ENTIRE ROOM was filled to the ceiling with premium liquor

the entire room

Over the course of 4 years I emptied that fucking room

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8697d3  No.253160


No… she loves the peat moss

she's one of the dudes…..

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c8c6f1  No.253161




Then buy her a Talisker 18 year aged! She'll love you even more!

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8697d3  No.253162

File: fc76fba95a6ff66⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210802_143233.png)

1270 Keans Court, Roswell Georgia 30075

to be exact….

one of several houses I lived in while working for them

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8697d3  No.253164

File: 46ef4a191a6bc9a⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210802_143537.png)

File: 8a81512802e9ddc⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 660x417, 220:139, DISGRACELAND_TICKET.JPG)

We also lived in 670 Amster Green Drive

AND 680 Amster Green Drive, which was the house I called "DISGRACELAND"

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c8c6f1  No.253165


By the way, if there are younger dudes here, I might as well leave a cautionary statement: don't do this a lot, over time you drink that much at once you'll have issues drinking later, for example I can't drink to that excess anymore because my liver gives in and will fail, causing alcohol poisoning! BY THE WAY, alcohol poisoning occurs more and more often as you get older because your liver no longer is as strong as it once was in previous years! I'm now to the limit of half a bottle before my liver starts to give in…. which is not as fun anymore!

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c8c6f1  No.253166


LOL, I love the subtle Andy Kaufman reference in that ticket!

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8697d3  No.253167

File: b274c9e58229246⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210802_144004.png)

we had the house, my wife and I, but we had strippers living in our basement apartments

and the debauchery was legendary

Porn films being made Downstairs, out at the pool


Dugs… Insane partying…

670 was next door… The same thing was happening in ALL the houses they owned…

I was their artist, so I lived in the houses for years

But DISGRACELAND was a special memory

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c8c6f1  No.253168


Did you guys ever get Bob Z. to dress up as Tony to crash a party over there? That would have been classic, in fact an advertising extravaganza if so!

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8697d3  No.253169

File: e0aa12e1eed2bfd⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 400x225, 16:9, s_l400_2_.jpg)


meeting Andy was THE biggest shining moment if my life!!!

No shit

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c8c6f1  No.253170

Sally should become an artist like JN!

He could buy himself and his mother a home!

What works of art could Sally do?

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c8c6f1  No.253172

Jerry just came back to /pnd/!

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8697d3  No.253173


I watched Chuck Berry knock a man unconscious with ONE punch (I swear to god, he knocked that guy unconscious right in front of me)

I ate cheese and drank wine with McCartney

Jay Leno got me DRUNK AS FUCK

he drank me under the table

I had mention my name on stage and dedicate 8 Elvis songs to me at the Chastain Park amphitheater in Atlanta

But nothing was cooler than meeting Andy Kaufman

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8697d3  No.253174


I'm retired

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8697d3  No.253175

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c8c6f1  No.253176


Well at least you could give Sally and others some tips, in the meantime I'm going to retire my ass outside and have a cold beer while I smoke my pipe. It's nice out today.

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8697d3  No.253177



I seaid "I had Roy Orbison mentioned me by name on stage at the Chastain Park amphitheater in Atlanta, after I painted an Elvis portrait for him, and he actually dedicated eight Elvis Presley songs in a row to me and my buddy Cap'n America"

And yes my best friend actually called himself "Cap'n America" AND GOT TONS OF PUSSY

You would never begin to imagine how much pussy he got

And he was an ugly short runt but he was super cool and he had a great personality and girls fucked him all the time

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8697d3  No.253178



We just got to the bar

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8697d3  No.253179

File: 2e0978b2175c917⋯.jpg (772.09 KB, 879x1280, 879:1280, 20210802_152138.jpg)

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8697d3  No.253180

File: 0f78ecde6cc249a⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1205x1280, 241:256, 20210802_152723.jpg)

HINT : if you want your penis in a woman's throat


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8697d3  No.253181


I'm going to get you a girlfriend

LAnd you'll never forget me

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8697d3  No.253183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

first rule : 1986 WAS BAD

every year subsequent to 1986


1986 BAD

1987 picked up where 1985 left off

@nd 1984 WAS AMAZING

fuck Eric blair

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8697d3  No.253189


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8697d3  No.253190

we're going to get you a genius chick….

A sneaky, razor-sharp , brilliant, insightful


something to be proud of


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48b9ba  No.253192








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8697d3  No.253199

File: 2dac3dd9bbd178c⋯.png (671.35 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210802_160302.png)

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8697d3  No.253200



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8697d3  No.253201


It wasn't a MUG SHOT


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8697d3  No.253202


He decided to fly to DC unannounced

and DEMAND a federal drug agent badge from nixon


shit like that doesn't happen anymore

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8697d3  No.253203

(The world you grew up in was already castrated)

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d7e475  No.253204

File: 14113c21c2e0949⋯.png (94.2 KB, 866x1024, 433:512, Baka_.png)

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8697d3  No.253205


you were born too late


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8697d3  No.253206





born too late

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8697d3  No.253207


It's not MY fault

I had nothing to do with you being not

(way too late)

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8697d3  No.253208



Blame your parents

they procrastinated

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8697d3  No.253209


I sure as FUCK didn't procrastinate

Lol I jumped in head first


yo momma AND a bag of chips

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4c9600  No.253231


You haven't noticed that /pnd/ is jewed almost as badly as /pol/?

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8ffaeb  No.253494

File: 53dd880a18a5c68⋯.jpg (29.43 KB, 251x213, 251:213, die.jpg)


OP here.

I haven't been on here for a long time and didn't check the threads before making the thread, but apparently you are right. It used to be at least a reasonable amount of shilling but it seems that they have increased their efforts hundredfold. I still had some hope that at least here there would be at least a few legit anon left. Where did all the fags even go?

I expected to come back and see like 3 replies like

>where do we start?

>niggers tongue my anus

>its hopeless, at this point /pol/ is litterally 99,9% jews and like 5 faggots a day who still fall for the bait

but not the whole thread shitted up by a samefagging shill who found it like 3 seconds after i made it.

But this wont discourage me. This only fuels my rage even more. Where there is a will there is a way, if i have to im going to holobunga there bitches alone with my bare hands until not a single one of them is left and i dont mean in Minecraft.

My gut fellings tell me there will be a way, and my gut feelings never failed me. But i will have to get creative. They must have some weakness. Something that will wake up even the most retarded NPC.

And im going to find it. And they wont be able to win this time. The only thing they are good at is deceiving genuine people and thats not difficult.

You make have the high ground right now, but this wont last forever. You got fucked every time, at the end you lost every time, every single time you tried to take over your own fithy nature got in your own way and destroyed your creation before you could fullfill your wish of enslaving honorable people.

You cant win.

Mark my words.

This is a declaration of war.

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c67002  No.253520


I don't even agree with alot of 4chan pol and was beginning to like desantis and now that 85 percent of every establishment is shilling him, Biden doing this shit just so he beats trump or probably tucker I'm never supporting him. Also I was almost beginning to feel soft on Jan 6 yeah I'm kind of a pussy. But now fuck it. Kinzinger can fucking kill himself if his gavel and a few windows busted makes him cry that much. I haven't been here B4 and seeing every corner of the establishment shill so hard I'm saying fuck them. So tired of their social engineering. They're the real ones interfering in our elections, media, education, etc. And mostly Jews.

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11b150  No.253549


You're a victim of evil leftist propaganda tranny

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7e478f  No.253553


>But this wont discourage me. This only fuels my rage even more.

I've taken a couple major breaks from websites like this, neinchan, etc, and during two of those times, I actually went out and killed niggers. My first break I killed 3 of them, the last one lasting several weeks, I killed another one of them.

The ZOG is not omniscient. Hollywood propaganda tries to make people think Sherlock Holmes is trying to solve every murder victim they find, but the truth is the ZOG-police are basically helpless to find people who murder strangers. The last nigger I killed on whim; I saw him walking down a highway that isn't traveled much. I passed him, turned around, passed him again, turned around again, and simply rolled down my passenger window and shot him. He had $73 dollars on him, more than enough to pay for two bullets he took. I searched his body for his phone (you can sell these to people outside the country for cash), but it was some old cheap piece of shit, so I just put it back in his pocket and rolled his corpse into the ditch.

Killing random niggers/spicks/faggots/Kikes is easy. Nothing will convince you of your own power more than to go out and kill these people. Teaching other white men the real power they have is how we begin the Turner Diaries, how we begin to take back our real nation.

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70be1c  No.253998

File: 1fdf00e92a19332⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1fdf00e92a1933269a953d399a….mp4)


It is a bot responding 1:15 seconds later, to the bot that made the thread.

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a8223d  No.253999


There's a few who lurk but don't post. I can't say it's even entertaining anymore but hey I'm here too

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eed514  No.271432

File: a3e34c0a53ed5fc⋯.jpg (158.3 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 001.jpg)

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