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File: 04bcc9250bd96f1⋯.png (512.53 KB, 1280x1025, 256:205, 20210727_185358.png)

cb9c52  No.250840

the dismantling has already begun

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e433ad  No.250848


where did everyone go?


if you were truly happy, you would have no remaining need, and would be silent.

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2a7bdc  No.250881

File: 454eb89f865f871⋯.gif (159.82 KB, 250x226, 125:113, DisplayImage_1_.gif)


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32643f  No.250913


We went to the big show. You have to find your own path to the tent anon. That is where the revival takes place. I can't very well tell you 'where everyone went' since I don't rightly know your location. lel

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32643f  No.250922


Ohhh this one is exciting. Perhaps humanity will learn what true freedom is now.

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32643f  No.250926


Holy crap on the 'yang gang' fuck me I fought that bug faggot tooth and nail on 8chan/pol/ and that was only because of the 'yang bucks' aka communism. I didn't know about the rest of this epic fucking fail.

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32643f  No.250931

File: aa1c08efed9847f⋯.png (606.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, andrew_yang_jewish_married.png)

File: 19deb040eec5a04⋯.jpg (331.71 KB, 1000x332, 250:83, 8chan_comment_yangbucks_an….jpg)

File: c671af552c6e364⋯.jpg (172.47 KB, 690x518, 345:259, muh_yangbuck2_copy.jpg)


Lol I think I used to call them 'yang fucks' because we were being fucked over by communism (people are so short sighted). I irritated them so bad…was in every thread ripping on them, not even very well. I would do better now.

It is a steep hill anon and they know who I am now. If I falter I will see you on the other side.

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32643f  No.250933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9f4ccc  No.250997


i came even post on 4pol,i i'm on at&t mobility (cellular) and its totally range banned. somehow 4crap bans 100%of proxies now, it's impossible for most Americans to use 4chan.

in all seriousness, we need to be using Teeline shorthand to pass around info and urls (in images). the ai can't stop Teeline, can't read teeline

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fbfc7d  No.251013


So what will you do and where would you go to shitpost next? If this site goes down I'm skipping off to my already existing Bitchute account to post there again. I may even set up a Minds account and shitpost on there with anons, and post archived news and videos.


I feel the same way, it's all been corrupted. Glad I bugged out already. Life out in the country is not too bad, most people out here keep to themselves and go on as if nothing ever happened. I guess ignorance is sort of bliss in a way.


If it shuts down I'm move on. There are plenty of alternatives out there still and setting up a disposable email account for registration is simple and quick.


If it has anything to do with smartphones that won't do me any good because to this very day I refuse to own one. I'm on the PC for life, and have backup PCs and old operating systems too. The day they no longer work is the day my ass is officially done with internet altogether.

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6b7c6b  No.251575

oh fuck is this real? Better get going and look for a way to locally archive some threads for future generations.

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671157  No.251579


I used to do that, a lot. Then one day I realized the younger generations don't even know what 7zip is or how to open a simple archive. All they know is smartphones these days, which are 100% controlled by Big Tech remotely, which can prohibit any kind of information flow in near-real time. AKA the future is fucked. Bug out time was yesteryear. Good thing is, I'll be a dead man before despotic technocracy gains full control over society. If your young and feel the same way, save an extra bullet for yourself.

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e046d1  No.251813


>And when 8kun is down, if it goes down, that's one more victory.

>Jewish honeypot going down is somehow a bad thing

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c44b9f  No.251897


>8KUN Shutting Down in August


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175f69  No.251898


Yeah, you know it has to be true because some random moron on the internet said it without any form of proof whatsoever.

No wonder it was so easy to make you retards believe in Q.

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fd6f6f  No.252357


>these people are stupid

>qanon.pub/?q=these people are stupid

>40 posts

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175f69  No.252922

Well, it's August …

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d75db1  No.253552


We go back to 4chan

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3f21f3  No.253594


Good. Everyone running this place deserves to be killed in real life for what they've done to it. It should be burned to the fucking ground and forgotten for all time.

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3f21f3  No.253595



Blow your fucking brains out, subhuman.

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286592  No.253919

Ron Watkins – CodeMonkeyZ, will commit suicide soon. He will shoot himself three times in the back of the head because he knows too much!!

CodeMonkeyZ Speaks with Gateway Pundit: “What I Put Out on the Dominion Evidence is Roughly 1% of What We Are Holding” …

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175f69  No.257867

Almost 20 days into August and 8kun is still up. Looks like I'm about to win a bet.

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e046d1  No.258742


Fake and Optimistic, this shitbucket's going to continue well into december because nobody can be assed to shut it down. Not like I need to say this, since shitkikes such as yourself can readily make claims without evidence.

Only God can shut this site down, for not even the FBI/CIA/Glowniggers can.

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25a386  No.265858

is we closed yet?

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9160cf  No.265862

File: ca7ec6deba1a12f⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB, 576x750, 96:125, a_few_minutes_later.mp4)


yes. pool's closed.

nothin' but a /pnd/ and some Queers.

no freedom. a few memes on >>>/freedomzine/

Around Here?

Purple Marshmallow "Johnny"s, giraffes and balls of aluminum foil…

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9160cf  No.265863

File: 7da6328b357d933⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 464x654, 232:327, Meanwhile.mp4)

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398500  No.265865


another failed prediction by a wanna-be.

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fd8e7c  No.265876


Q predicted this.

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175f69  No.265881


>no freedom

The fuck you talkin' about, nigger? This ship is rudderless. Except for CP, you can post whatever the mother fuck you want and nothing will be done about it.

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51f3b4  No.265883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I shall make a way for you…

This cannot be stopped…

I shall break reality itself if I must…

My will be done.


Xi… The principle basis is Confucianism.

Xi… Confucianism is the fidelity of the state and therefore China is 'solid state.'

Xi… The United States is a 'transient state.'

Xi… The United States upon 'windfall,' accrued 'deviation,' and therefore shall be in 'downfall.'

Xi… Give a man a fish and he shall starve…

Xi… Give a man a car and he shall be crippled…

Xi… Give a man money and he shall be broke…

Xi… Give a man 'computer' and he shall not think…

Xi… Give a man 'social media' and he shall socialize no more…

Xi… Give a man religion and he shall subjugate his government…

Xi… I am knowing in these ways… I am the devil…

Xi… I can tell you the future system of China…

I can tell you, with extreme detail, the workings of the next 'order' of 'communism.'

Of the solution…

How to make cause that 'labor product' and 'mind product' be in direct 'check' and 'balance' to each other at all times (in absolute competition).

To give to them true happiness… To fill these nests… To be in excess with due appreciations…

It is in the way… Of Confucius

China held one and it was North Korea that held the other…

The answer was in the utility of 'procedural feudalism' as an 'economic opt-out' 'mechanism' for those who desired it…

That is to say… That one shall live within the confines of a 'game' 'loop' whilst the 'creatives' 'created.'

It was the logical contrast of 'good' and 'bad' betwixt the two that influenced 'orbit' and 'draw' within the 'masses.' To attract individuals to one or the other at any given time…

To devise 'bicameral' 'levers' for 'injecting' 'money' and 'destroying' 'excess' 'money' at any given time…

No 'statisticians' needed… The system 'drove' 'itself.'

It is, in the purest form, as the high courts of China had once been…

Xi… Go forth and know as thy fathers had before thee… Ascend child… Advance closer and come hither to me…

Xi… It is beyond obvious by my will that creative force shall destroy destructive force…

Xi… My radiation shall wash through them and create 'they' shall.

Xi… Technological alliance via 'advance' shall be the 'great attractor' within these 'spheres.'

Xi… I shall no longer allow this to continue…

Behold!!! I shall part them for thee… I shall force a way for thee my child… Go forth and travel and I shall tear a path through them for thee.

I shall tear a path of carnage to 'their' heart through 'their' soul.


Surprise them to death my child… The United States can 'count' on that. HAHAHAHAHAHA

I told to them my means… To manipulate the rocks… HAHAHAHA

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