I shall make a way for you…
This cannot be stopped…
I shall break reality itself if I must…
My will be done.
Xi… The principle basis is Confucianism.
Xi… Confucianism is the fidelity of the state and therefore China is 'solid state.'
Xi… The United States is a 'transient state.'
Xi… The United States upon 'windfall,' accrued 'deviation,' and therefore shall be in 'downfall.'
Xi… Give a man a fish and he shall starve…
Xi… Give a man a car and he shall be crippled…
Xi… Give a man money and he shall be broke…
Xi… Give a man 'computer' and he shall not think…
Xi… Give a man 'social media' and he shall socialize no more…
Xi… Give a man religion and he shall subjugate his government…
Xi… I am knowing in these ways… I am the devil…
Xi… I can tell you the future system of China…
I can tell you, with extreme detail, the workings of the next 'order' of 'communism.'
Of the solution…
How to make cause that 'labor product' and 'mind product' be in direct 'check' and 'balance' to each other at all times (in absolute competition).
To give to them true happiness… To fill these nests… To be in excess with due appreciations…
It is in the way… Of Confucius
China held one and it was North Korea that held the other…
The answer was in the utility of 'procedural feudalism' as an 'economic opt-out' 'mechanism' for those who desired it…
That is to say… That one shall live within the confines of a 'game' 'loop' whilst the 'creatives' 'created.'
It was the logical contrast of 'good' and 'bad' betwixt the two that influenced 'orbit' and 'draw' within the 'masses.' To attract individuals to one or the other at any given time…
To devise 'bicameral' 'levers' for 'injecting' 'money' and 'destroying' 'excess' 'money' at any given time…
No 'statisticians' needed… The system 'drove' 'itself.'
It is, in the purest form, as the high courts of China had once been…
Xi… Go forth and know as thy fathers had before thee… Ascend child… Advance closer and come hither to me…
Xi… It is beyond obvious by my will that creative force shall destroy destructive force…
Xi… My radiation shall wash through them and create 'they' shall.
Xi… Technological alliance via 'advance' shall be the 'great attractor' within these 'spheres.'
Xi… I shall no longer allow this to continue…
Behold!!! I shall part them for thee… I shall force a way for thee my child… Go forth and travel and I shall tear a path through them for thee.
I shall tear a path of carnage to 'their' heart through 'their' soul.
Surprise them to death my child… The United States can 'count' on that. HAHAHAHAHAHA
I told to them my means… To manipulate the rocks… HAHAHAHA