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4a8d2e  No.249893

Been following for 10 years, was too poor to afford internet before working myself from nothing.

Every time theres an uproar about Palestine a blm, a antifa, a feminism, a rape culture, a believe women, a iran nukes, Afghanistan iraq nukes(not found.jpg) a 9/11, etc etc etc

you need to understand that you are all expendable every single white that the jew has profited from is expendable you exist to serve them, this should be your life's goal the Palestinian cause, you should spread this repeatedly ad convince other right wingers to join with lefties on this cause afterwards you two can shoot it out.

this from the most racist white supremacist you will ever meet in your life, sexist too because i have a brain.

think big picture if you watch porn drink, smoke weed etc your probably not able to see the big picture.

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493fa5  No.249908


You will never, ever, ever take away my porn, kike. Cope.

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4a8d2e  No.249916


you are such a kike loser yes

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56ca97  No.249930


> if you watch porn drink, smoke weed etc your probably not able to see the big picture.

agreed. try dmt

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e4151f  No.249938


>agreed. try dmt

all these substances leave you deeply mentally disturbed for prolonged periods of time, weeks, months. If you really want to win, taking weird substances that emulate schizophrenia is not the right path. Even steroids which can bestow short term power for extreme events should be avoided. If I knew I was going to enter a period where I was going to have to fight for my life , hand to hand I'd consider taking decadurabolin for a year or two but with great regret.

No weed hash whatever

No booze

No tobacco

No sugar

No junk food

No cocaine heroin, opiates speed hallucenogens.

You want to be in top form now mentally physically and spiritually.

Eat meat and vegetables wihtout sauces and shit like mayonnaise eat some fresh fruit. Get iodine zinc and iron supplements.

Lift weights. Train in judo or Gracie Jiu Jitsu.

Porn is shit basically. It leads to hatred of women and you're ultimately taking the poison straight from the hands of the most evil subversive jews.

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493fa5  No.249957


You can stop now. We all see the videos from 1/6 and it turns out all you /fit/ manifesto-fags are some of the fattest fucks in the entire US. Your lie has been exposed.

You sit here online saying shit like this, but now we've seen you in public. You're a bunch of fat mouth-breathers who live with your moms. Nobody will ever believe you anymore.

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9f99fe  No.249961


>All /fit/ fags are fat,

>Therefore quit recommending a healthy lifestyle.

Here's a great example of both a faulty premise and failed logic

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493fa5  No.249974


You ever hear the saying "never trust a skinny chef"? The principle applies. Some fat greasy loser cannot be trusted to give health advice.

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e4151f  No.249993


>>failed logic

Jews dont' do "logic".

They do "pilpul".

Big diff.

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98ada2  No.250026

I must not be a white supremacist.

israel wants to keep some Arabs around so they can exploit them.

I just want a nation of white people.

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4a8d2e  No.250040


thats coz your a tranny kill yourself.

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98ada2  No.250041


>no goy! Don't point out that israel is more like a slave state than an enthostate.

israel was created by satanic jews for a human sacrifice to satan.

You don't have long to live - I suspect 2025 will be your end. ; a few years at best.

Repent and make peace with God.

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4a8d2e  No.250046



nigger tongue my anus

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7da382  No.256742


arabs are semites like the jews, not white at all

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1df6b9  No.257214


They are worst, they're savages.

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493fa5  No.271710

File: 7e4c19864873749⋯.png (231.13 KB, 420x525, 4:5, 002.png)

File: 2835dae25a63c3e⋯.jpg (634.5 KB, 1204x1700, 301:425, 003.jpg)

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