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File: 1352f1da65c93b9⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 679x368, 679:368, 8354a4e491c1eff65315c9.jpg)

26a047  No.248518

Terrorists are attacking and burning down churches across Canada with impunity.

It’s a reality most Canadians only thought possible for Middle Eastern countries like Syria, where ISIS has bombarded and razed dozens of Christian heritage sites in the name of Islam.

Now, after nearly six years of (((Bolsheviks))) calling Canadians racist and fanning the flames of hatred, hate crimes are becoming commonplace against Christians in Canada. Things have gotten so bad that even our American neighbours are beginning to worry.

The Counter Signal has kept a close eye on these terrorist attacks, reporting on the scene just hours after a fire in a refugee church.

Our information shows that since June, there have been 45 attacks on Christian and mainly Roman Catholic congregations. Of those, 17 of them have been scorched or burnt to a crisp in suspicious circumstances.

The fires and vandalism span six provinces and the Northwest Territories, some of which have been in the heartland of First Nations’ territory.

This unprecedented anti-Catholic assault began soon after the unveiling of a residential school burial site in Kamloops, BC which was then followed by more unmarked grave discoveries at a former residential school site in Saskatchewan and elsewhere.

While the mainstream media refuses to call it what it is – a terror campaign – Christians are being forced to defend themselves or hire private security just to protect their holy places of worship.



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02f038  No.248554


Good. Anywhere white people gather together should be burned to ashes and pissed on.

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9fc7b2  No.248664

have a bump

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c86cd2  No.248679


Commie or hired glownigger?

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02f038  No.248681


I'm your mom and only black cock should exist.

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82389b  No.248713


Fuck off commie.

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c628a8  No.249011

File: ec3aa7484f46dfe⋯.png (205.97 KB, 393x1249, 393:1249, Notre_Dame_and_the_Jews_.png)

reminder who does that

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930464  No.249029


All Abrahamic temples must burn. Every church, every mosque, every synagogue.

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47b809  No.249048


>Commie or hired glownigger?


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47b809  No.249049

Today's modern churches:

> women clergy? Sure, why not? Paul was fine with it.

> gays can be saved while still being gay? Sure, Paul was gay himself!

> gays in clergy, even youth pastors? Line 'em up. Worried about your kids? Just put razor blades in their anuses!

> divorce? No-fault AND initiated by women? Why of course! God is LOVE!

> Boycott israel? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

See how tempted I am to post jew jon lubitz critic burning parade float into Cats the musical nothing of value lost?????

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7ffbdb  No.249057

The native dead body thing is a hoax. Those kids have been dead for a 100 years. They are digging shit up from the 19th century and throwing it at us, trying to make us feel guilty. Even before covid the chugs (natives) tried to shut down our economy by blocking the rails and the government allowed them to do this, causing 100s of millions of dollars in damages.

The police are corrupt to the bone here, and will let niggers and natives get away with anything. The courts are run by kikes and pedophiles. This country is shit, and if i get rich id rather move to some spic place like argentina, it is actually whiter then Canada.

Do not be like Canada. We are Sweden on steriods.

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27376e  No.249061


>>Josh Hawley

This ignorance draws my anger…

Is a dog not good on a leash, but naughty otherwise?

They are the government, just coy at the moment.

You use Covid-19 to consolidate power, but for whom?

Do you wag the dog?

No, the dog wags it's tail, and you are the ass…

You are under a spell so great that none perceive it.

I shall allow it to continue…

After all, the internet shall cease to be viable or relevant in exactly 38 years. 5 years past the start of the quickening; after I have released the technology into the minds of those who dream invention.

Tell me senator… What are men when a mere child shall be as a God?

What is a Government of majorities when the population can read the minds of all man in mere moments and seconds at all times?

What is money in the face of favor?

What is power in the absence of war?

Is absolute corruption not mere benevolence?

You tread a fine line on words yet to be writ by permission of my write.

Chaos truly reigns.

Speak oh troubled one, I the devil, desire to hear it.

Speak now or forever hold despair.

Reckon such reason to word for the blind to hear.

I am absolute in all ways and smite whilst speak, it is my way to anguish them in such a manor.

Do I not tempt them into death and not say at every turn.

Look around you.

Mine are great and many.

What silent majority?

Doth chaos truly reign?

Behold my power and know the future.

Be careful a mere glimpse is enough to cause insanity; I shall allow a simple taste if only you should write it.

It carries only one condition… To know such things is to be useless to use it. Look at my savants and the other torments I wager with them.

Go forth and be like them.

Be my blind profit.

Blinded by the darkness and void.

Go forth and tell them as these 'founding fathers' once did, all so useless now at the time it is truly needed.

Behold my supreme power and know fear for what you have done.

It is neither pen nor sword…

It's the thought that counts. hahahaha

Tell Arizona to count on it. HeHeHeHe

Finders keepers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

Truly yours for 1,000 years. -yizod, The Devil

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7ffbdb  No.249062


We got fucking Joe Biden posting on /PND/

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90730f  No.257212


Pakistani shill trying to stir shit up.

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abd7e1  No.257220




Nah, sounds more like a nigger.

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02f038  No.257222


>replying to month old posts

lol, damn u slow, son.

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90730f  No.257223


He's a pakistani shill and probably so are you if you're denying it.

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76684a  No.257224


Yah yah. Yesterday I was a Jew shill, and today I'm a Paki shill. This whole thing is getting old. You know what? I think both Jews and Pakis flood American image boards to stir up shit about one another and we just get caught up in the middle of it. The whole thing is kinda ridiculous (and boring).

PS: I'm glad we are out of shithole Afghanistan finally but too bad a lot of Americans are dead for no reason. I feel bad for those left behind too, hope they don't give in and just duke it out till they're all gone (RIP).

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90730f  No.257242


I didn't call you a jew shill. In fact, it's the pakistani shills that label everyone a jew shill (although, I'm sure they exist, just not here and now) as an attempt at false flag and disinformation.

Also, its like the first time I called out a pakistani shill and you start arguing back and that in itself is proof enough. Because no one ever accused of being a kike shill argues back.

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02f038  No.257245


>if you argue with me it means I'm right!!!

I didn't know toddlers were allowed here.

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90730f  No.257281


You're a shitskin pakistani shill. And that's a strawman of my argument.

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1d1684  No.257283


I know you likely didn't call me a Jew shill, someone else did the other day. But now I'm being called a Paki shill today. I'm really not a 'shill', I'm just an American with my own opinions. Although, I do "shill" for one thing I guess, and that's getting right with Jesus Christ and prepping for hard times ahead.


No toddlers, just angry confused people. I guess you could clump me in there as well lol.

PS: I have nothing against Jews or Pakis as long as they leave us Americans the hell alone and tend to their own kind.

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90730f  No.257601


There are ten times as many pakistani state sponsored shills as there are kike shills.

For example, Pol on 4chan is almost entirely taken over by paki shills. 9 out of 10 threads there are made by pakistanis who're masquerading as whites.

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02f038  No.271737

File: efd17ce1fcb69b9⋯.jpg (204.57 KB, 1100x826, 550:413, 025.jpg)

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