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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 039e3ef05aaf98d⋯.jpg (118.51 KB, 2042x820, 1021:410, weev_hey_kid.jpg)

File: 96db86aa43bc601⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 600x458, 300:229, weev_fbi_tactics.jpg)

c79f15  No.244819

>A quarter of hackers in the US have been recruited by federal authorities, according to Eric Corley publisher of the hacker quarterly, 2600


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70b0dc  No.244850

Where was my recruitment? Jk. I do not hack. I just write programs in my head and use then to access things. Though I personally hate the FBIKUN. They are worthless zogbots. They renig on deals and serve retarded overlords. The funny thing is I was speaking to someone who is IT security for a major company. And I can tell I know more than him. He is one of those people that think hackers can magically get into your system. And this is a company that matters. No wonder why ransomware is so common.

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df126b  No.244860


Two or more nefarious hackers (or even State hackers) can then work on infiltrating a compromised group, and covertly hacking the FBI informant's computers. Considering they likely use Windows 10 with horrible OPSEC the FBI might find their entire ship leaking in the future.

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f9aaba  No.244870

File: 110a9085d87b7aa⋯.png (1010.39 KB, 1507x1080, 1507:1080, PicsArt_07_01_09_48_47.png)

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f9aaba  No.244871


complains about being "less than" somebody else, while whining about "I can tell I know more than him".

such is your lot in life, huh?

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f9aaba  No.244872


< inb4 you lie, and claim you intentionally misspelled "renege" as a racial slur

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f9aaba  No.244873


jews….. blacks….. mexicans…. women… IT Guys

it appears the whole world is more successful than you

but you're angry because nobody acknowledges your self-proclaimed alleged "superiority"

better luck next life, huh?

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f9aaba  No.244874

< thinks he's superior

< can't spell "renege"

Temper Tantrum Thursday

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f9aaba  No.244875


since two syllable words are a bit too complicated

stick with one syllable words

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f9aaba  No.244876


whoever "illustrated" that hideously executed graphic CANNOT DRAW

I'm guessing quality isn't something you three guys demand?

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df126b  No.244877


>He is one of those people that think hackers can magically get into your system. And this is a company that matters.

LOL. It all depends what kind of computer you are using and what kind of operating system, but your security also relies on whether or not you take many other OPSEC (operational security) procedures ….. HOLD ON……



…and what kinds of OPSEC procedures you take while connected to the internet. For example: do you use a VPN, Tor or other proxy networks, do you spoof metadata, do you use that computer for personal activities like banking or business, did you disable or reverse engineer your operating system removing specific vulnerabilities and/or backdoors, do you leave the computer online 24/7, do you have offline backups of all your important data on the system, do you use de-compartmentalization such as using more than two web browsers or computers to isolate information from various online activities so that information is harder to compromise, do you know where sensitive logs and cache that detail user history and web activities is stored on that OS and how to properly get rid of it…? All that stuff needs to be addressed for real OPSEC.

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df126b  No.244878



As far as OPSEC I have multiple computers. One computer is for shitposting online and reading news only. No personal info is stored in this computer. Another computer is for p2p and converting / ripping media and to utilize for backing up media up to offline mediums. The third computer which has it's own private VPN (a secondary one vs the primary for the two others) is rarely online. I use that one for ONLY personal activities such as email, buying things online, sometimes if I need to contact the bank about something and I don't want to drive a long ways to do it….. So what that does is it isolates all that different information from associated activities, making it much more hard to compromise "me" if you will. I also know where the sqlite databases for my web browser activity are stored so I can wipe out any sensitive history from past browser sessions. I've only been hacked ONCE in my lifetime, and that was long ago when I accidentally clicked onto another site after entering a credit card number to purchase something… but that was YEARS AGO, and I'm much more careful these days, and I have not been compromised once over 10 years. Maybe by the NSA I have, maybe, but they're really really good at what they do and can crack an old RCA vacuum-tube powered TV if they really wanted to!

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9e3598  No.244884

File: 6adca1cc8ad5c0d⋯.png (406.42 KB, 1080x1768, 135:221, PicsArt_07_01_12_17_14.png)


you literally just made this entire day worthwhile


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9e3598  No.244885


yet ?…… every single one of your computers

is compromised, and being monitored

by the NSA, no matter how many vpns

you use, no matter how many layers of

alleged "operational security" that you

implement, no matter how many times

you convince yourself that you can

outsmart the thousands of absolutely

brilliant computer engineers working

for the NSA.

shit…. even your processors were built with NSA

backdoors that you can never remove.

they're able to monitor you even when it's turned off

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9e3598  No.244886


and they know exactly WHO and WHERE you are

no matter how much you trying to convince yourself that compartmentalizing certain information on individual computers hides your identity…

They know your physical location and they know your name

The only one who doesn't realize how much they know is YOU

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9e3598  No.244887

there is no Tor, no VPN, no P2P, no encryption, no ANYTHING that you can use to evade their ability to monitor you.

if you're online, you're already being funneled through their hubs

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9e3598  No.244888


Inherently meaning that you have no better level of "operational security" than any 11 year old kid on TikTok

and all of your efforts were wasted

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9e3598  No.244889

Please……. PLEEEEASE…

tell me to shut up again

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9e3598  No.244890


I have a group of friends in real life that are programmers.

Notice I said "group"….

that's accurate, because there are several of them, and they're all friends in real life..

Notice I said "programmers", not "hackers"

They would NEVER call themselves "hackers"

so neither will I… they all hate that word…

They were all friends in Atlanta, who many years ago started a little "club", where accessed some banks and created accounts of non-existent people, created false identifications, then paid people to go withdraw tons of money out…

They eventually got caught by the FBI

Most of them got arrested, but they got away with it for a long time before getting busted. I've had them tell me their individual stories about how the FBI came to the jail and cut a deal, where they would basically teach their FBI computer forensics teams exactly how they did it, in exchange for an agreement to not prosecute.

So they weren't technically working for the FBI, but acting more in a consultant capacity.

I still know all of them, and they are SMART AS SHIT !!!… In fact, they all share a strange trait that I found quite interesting :

They are all SO SMART, that they have a hard time fitting into any conversation anywhere… I'm talking about a level of strange peculiar awkwardness that borders on the inability to function normally and interact with other people.

That's why when I see somebody carrying on a conversation, and suggesting that they are some kind of computer genius, I always compare them to my friends in Atlanta with the really strange disconnected awkward personalities… and I can only assume if you're able to carry on a basic conversation then you're not quite as smart as those guys are…

Admittedly I haven't hung out with them in many years now. The pandemic makes it seem even longer.. I haven't even called one of them in the past couple years…

I think that's what I'm going to do today…

I think I'm going to call a few of those guys in touch base.

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9e3598  No.244891

only ONE of them has a girlfriend

but there WAS another one who fucked a chick once.

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967cb2  No.244892

File: 4d48f846a521f9f⋯.jpg (141.8 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, PicsArt_07_01_01_40_02.jpg)


'"9 out of 10 Dentists Recommend OP Fucks Himself"

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b812fb  No.245001


Two in four testicles aren't in your moutb

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38bd73  No.245090


To be technical. If I did not know what I was doing. This world could have been in a lot of trouble. Erm I am sitting on nukes. What do you have from your knowledge? Talking to people you doubt on 8kun?


From my understanding. NSA has homo tools to infiltrate most things. As my friend who worked for the NSA told me. But what you are doing would make it a nightmare for them to track your shit. Keep up the good work bro. You are already ahead of the game. I know I can’t compromise you. FBIKUN just shit post here because NSAsun does not share their tools. Even my friend told me virtually nothing as far what they use as it would be off with his bread. But he did tell me the things you do make it very hard for NSAsun to track you. The real key is to log onto hardware that is not yours. Then their gay powers are useless. Obviously I am making all this up, especially the next part. As I am schizo and do not fully comprehend reality. But I have zero houred “lol” a whole system and have access to like thousands to hundreds of thousands of retards. The breach is so bad I can not even farm em all of I tried. And VPN and TOR offer no protection against my faggotry. Personally I have no idea what to do with it. It’s beyond my scope of understanding. Plus I do not have the coding abilities to actually get er done. It does amuse me how retards mock me when my access is 10x greater than the pros. But such is life.

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d71d01  No.245098

Tell me when you kicked me did you ever think that I would get up?

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93c83e  No.245125

Oh damn, I can't wait to see (((Auerheimer))) blow up a Federal Building. Of course the (((government))) would never hurt a jew so he pretty much has freedom to murder whomever he wants.

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38bd73  No.245171

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10445f  No.245231


I'm posting from your mom's phone. She laying here right next to me and asked me to tell you clean your room.

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c79f15  No.245233

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