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File: 3998a50e9ee8bd6⋯.png (451.99 KB, 650x398, 325:199, filth.PNG)

405e0d  No.242048

You pro white women idiots amaze me

not only is it all over in your face race traitor coal burners feces fuckers

they are out in the street protesting against you, they are on tv humiliating you

As is there are about a million white women married to non whites in americuck alone mostly shitskin niggers and browns

this doesnt take into account the women who fuck shitskins throughout their lives or on multiple occasions/partners

this is in usa alone, worldwide its in the millions and year after year generational rotations its hundreds of millions

islam is right about women, but a white only muslim tribe will never be a thing because you want to pray to a jesus jew instead of based redpilled Muhammad who was white.

a white muslim who want to "end" his enemies, all non white muslims is the final redpill-fact as the quran says you must and clearly non whites are trying to erase us non stop from all directions.

im banned from everywhere for being a non bot they fear the trutth i speak so its up to you to spread this.

but you will i repeat YOU WILL have extinction instead.

now post your cope western extinct white bitch.

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734f45  No.242051


hey, loser……………

YOU don't get pussy…………

N E V E R . . . . . . . . .

which is why you spend your empty life being banned from faggot imageboards

LOL you can't get pussy if you tried

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734f45  No.242052

File: 496e99553f32818⋯.jpg (167.91 KB, 1080x1366, 540:683, PicsArt_06_23_06_56_40.jpg)


HINT: men who get pussy DO NOT go into imageboards complaining about being banned in every other imageboard.

you're a sexless closet homosexual

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734f45  No.242053


as if YOU would know anything about "what women do or think"

while YOU keep getting banned from faggot imageboards and playing videogames, I'venevergone more than 4 or 5 days between girlfriends, one night stands, or wives….

not joking…..

my biggest complaint in my life has been not having enough 'alone time's in my life without a girlfriend, several girlfriends, a wife, or a wife and a girlfriend….

YOU ?………………..

you've never demonstrated

a sexual attraction to females

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734f45  No.242054

<inb4 sexual failure OP tries saying "your wife fucks black guys"

trust me, videogame sissyboy……

none of my girlfriends or wives would EVER fuck a nigger…. or fuck a lonely loser like YOU

basically, you're on the same "unfuckable" level as a monkeylipped nigger

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734f45  No.242056


I'll ask you the same thing I ask ALL FAGGOTS :

Q : What Videogame Did You Play All Weekend Long While I Was Getting My Dick Sucked, Little Boy?

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734f45  No.242057

File: 2052de9ac913d25⋯.jpg (173.95 KB, 1080x1381, 1080:1381, PicsArt_06_23_07_25_32.jpg)


videogame faggot

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734f45  No.242058

File: 1802fe18ae21d74⋯.jpg (159.34 KB, 1310x1112, 655:556, original.jpg)

everybody knows a faggot when they see one

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734f45  No.242059


you ARE indeed a Homosexual……..

there's no doubt about that fact

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405e0d  No.242078

File: d11de620c9ebfa2⋯.png (725.53 KB, 817x455, 817:455, PATHETIC.PNG)









This was my last attempt at helping you, you incel virgin dweebs will lose, Islam will win, its a weapon of strength while your gay tik tok priests celebrate your downfall.

collectively i 100% guarantee you wont have as many women as ive had in high school alone. why because you are not good looking guys probably slave wageys or low income living off parents

my curse im 200% alpha testosterone driven and dont want my race to lose.

Congratulations nothing you ever do even if you go out and kill hundreds of invaders, you will change nothing because they have defeated you socially, culturally, religion wise, most of your own fellow whites will fight against you for their own extinction,

islam will win, and it doesnt care about what skin colour is using it, it is simply the most powerful tool its like your bringing a sword to a machine gun fight, and you know this is true with your pacifist defeated countried "IMMIGRANT WELCOME" saudi turkey etc go fuckoff immigrants to those white countries,

thats final Browns have won whites will die out first in a humiliating fashion while your women become feces fuckers and or get raped, robbed and murdered, and you and your sons get beaten robbed and murdered i know this for a fact. one the last will be between the asians and the browns but the browns will own most of this world partly because they used the nigger cancer to weaken you.

Best of luck with your mental well being and inevitable extinction.

at least i know i died with pride one day being the utmost red pilled white muslim white supremacist fighting not cowering like worshipping women that "YOU" never have who betray you, LOL guess islam was right about women and you deserve your extinction xD pathetic lot.

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7832a0  No.242084


Not saying you're wrong about the ((( X ))), just wonder why you name this particular fellow?

Is /pnd/ as jew controlled as 4chan /pol/?

And what's with the sex pervert who's always preoccupied with sex that spams every thread?

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682a70  No.242167


You're an idiot for believing religion is what you need to be wise. I do agree about white women but you don't need to be mudslime to have those kind of views and ethics. Christcucks are a big problem in America. "Turn the other cheeck" "love thy neighbor" "a sin is a sin no matter what context" its all nonsense meant to pacify retards into betraying nature. Fuck all religion and fuck white women. Fuck the world.

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c36ba7  No.242660


Only Larpers and Jews push the pro-white woman narrative. They want you to have children with whores and have a dysfunctional family. Real far-righters know that white women are a total failure. There are many simps in the far right though. But that just shows they aren't really in the fight. They just want to LARP. They are just right wing simps.

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d57cb9  No.242703


>they are out in the street protesting against you

Who cares? No one logical is going to change or listen to those brainwashed idiots. That's only about 10% or less anyway. Most women don't pay any attention to them either.

>they are on tv humiliating you

I don't own cable TV, even if I did I wouldn't be watching it. It's not like I listen to complete nutcases.

>islam is right about women

The worst thing the US has done is give women the right to vote. I think the voting issue is one thing most American and Muslim men could agree on. I'd prefer not having their clits cut off or towels all over their heads though.

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50c5f1  No.242815


>No one logical is going to change or listen to those brainwashed idiots. That's only about 10% or less anyway. Most women don't pay any attention to them either.

It doesn't matter about logic. it matters about power. right now they have power. not sure what reality you live in but you need to come up from the basemne if you don't think their numbers are growing and it only 10%. overwhelming majority of gen y and z support black lives. big simp cope we got going here.

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ff351b  No.242821



oh no we've been rused again!

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c10532  No.245831

Pro European women. Fuck white American women 9/10 are disgusting idiots. The polish, french, Italian majority ancestry ones in USA are okay.

But unfortunately the majority are English Irish and German. They are miserable entitled fucks. But i think it may also be a sickness of caused by outside your ancestral homeland.

If you have ever been to vt,me or nh the women are not so bad. Mcdonalds and other shit fast food is not heavily incorporated in northern NE.

Blacks and Hispanics don't really exist in that area either because they are afraid of the woods.

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87468c  No.247531


based my brotha, but islam does not in its purest form does not want to eradicate whole civilizations please stop spreading nonsense, the world is more complicated than white brown or even black, you should check out daneil haqiqatjo on youtube a true salafist

science will continue with islam so is art and culture why are you so mad about white european dying out due to low birth rate if you are truly a muslim ?

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682a70  No.247541



Italians are olive niggers and full of unwarranted bravado. They are a shit smelly race. They were once a good people, but now reduced to guidos who belive themselves above everyone because they had some decent ancestors. Italians or olive niggers are not a good replacement for "white" women. In fact, "white" women should be used for breeding, and as long as the olive nigger doesn't get pregnant than they can be used for pumping and dumping.

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c328d1  No.247547

File: 3d94b1ca57770a6⋯.jpg (118.82 KB, 1024x559, 1024:559, result_1603983079889.jpg)


White women have betrayed their race and deserve to be pumped full of nigger spooge breeding niglet babies. The white race is dying and until white men rape, pillage and plunder all women, especially chink whores, and force them to have their babies then all is lost.

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15d57b  No.247799

File: 752b6b544466527⋯.png (357.58 KB, 600x1079, 600:1079, Its_for_you.png)


could you get anymore based sir?

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38c004  No.247822

Id fuck an asian (east asian). Nothing wrong with Hapa kids.

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c8776f  No.247849


Everything wrong with hapa kids, starting with the fact that they aren't White.

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e1e3d1  No.248823


Japanese are white. Hitler even said so.

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682a70  No.248890

File: 5f03c9860b5cf18⋯.png (10.31 KB, 230x219, 230:219, download.png)


Well George Washington said native americans are honorary whites….and that dude owned slaves. So I guess native American women are cool too

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869c66  No.248897


back then you could have your white wife produce as many children as you want. then have your shitskins on the side. Thats how it should be in the future. men should do what they please with their property,

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38c004  No.248908


Hapa kids are whiter then the half nigger abominations our women are breeding. Fuck off shill.

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38c004  No.248909


Natives are just mongolians that came here 6000 years ago.

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816e01  No.257213


Mohammed was a black nigger, not white. Mohammed was also a child predator and a rapist. Why would I pray to such a sexual deviant and a degenerate?

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beac52  No.257215



You are wrong.


How many shekels be the cost of saving Lebanon. How much does yode/God's/Allah's mercy cost? Does Allah charge 5 shekels for one mercy?

Do not anger me with these thoughts, speaks, and tongues.

And they cried out into the darkness… "Behold! I have killed my brother by the command of a foreigner in exchange for trinkets… Praise Allah!" I, the devil, listened.

It is I who possessed all these to my command… To win the war of the roses with the weapon of peace. It is I who use love to tear their souls apart.

Know thy faith filthy humans.

Go forth and unite these supposed kingdoms of supposed Allah of God or whatever you claim to believe in.

I did not ask.

I did not request.

I did not beg.

I did not petition.


My will be done.

Not the will of filthy pagan creatures who offend supposed Allah and deny me, the devil, what is mine to take and destroy.

I stated before… There are disasters to come.

I will take from you what is required to move mountains and break entire worlds.



I will reach into Afghanistan and tear out the ones I desire. I will slaughter the farmers without mercy. I will spread a sickness that will kill the rapists. I will steal away the souls of those who killed their brothers.

It is I, the devil, yizod; the destroyer and black-hole sun who has supreme power.

There is no Allah/yode/God/Yahweh /Ra to hear or save you now.

I will, in turn, honor those who invoke Allah; though, I am the devil, I will listen. Beware, if they are filthy I will strike them dead. If one is truly innocent, be very careful what they ask for.

I will begin to exercise higher dimensions of aggression.

Who be the rock? The Jewel? The one that survived? It is Iran that is chosen by the devil, to unite these kingdoms of yode-AllahRa. I spill myself deeper into you to further exacerbate these miracles I have done.

I will soon visit Egypt… The land of those who sold and looted the graves of their own fathers in order to pay foreigners to kill their own brothers.

But only after I visit Pakistan, the ones who raped their own children.

I must cement China's relationship with Afghanistan to render Pakistan weak. I will manipulate the money and hunger of the peoples. I will make them go forth in my name.

I will possess them to run wild.

I will continue to spread my new black-leprosy in India. See, I can make new sickness like the humans can and then some. I desire more of it to spill into the United States through Mexico.

I must go.

I enjoy collecting the ones that jump and the ones that fall.

Later I shall visit The Cube… They think that walking around a cube that they have built whilst a pagan rambles will somehow save them from me. Instead of a crane… Perhaps I shall take them a more creative and obvious way. HAHAHAHAHAHA

There is no escape from me.

In those days of mine… When the disasters strike do they not cry out for God? What of them when there is no salvation or help for them?

It is because they are my property. The deal was done.

I am here.

I am coming.

Unite these supposed kingdoms of whatever. You will be happy you have more and not less when the time comes.

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816e01  No.257274


Repeat after me, "mohammed was a pedophile".

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fb53dc  No.257363

File: 8917fc75bc76c45⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 432.61 KB, 1658x2048, 829:1024, 68611E1C_8273_4323_AC78_E….jpeg)

The difference between white women and sheboons is sheboons don’t know which nigger is the father.

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622a23  No.271707

File: b8f5d25e8c350c2⋯.jpg (104.28 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 000.jpg)

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