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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 40a741f32f67e18⋯.png (273.34 KB, 584x251, 584:251, blue_eyed.PNG)

28876c  No.241614

Human trafficking in Quebec city. This place is a slaughter house.

L'abattoir de Quebec , la ville ou on tue des enfants, surtout aux yeux bleus!

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28876c  No.241616

File: 57c3ee24c58b741⋯.png (433.79 KB, 463x651, 463:651, Place_Saint_foy.PNG)

I Should have shared this information sooner and not now, I guess if it can help some people understand the puzzle and or confirm what they know. We are in state of war. They have declared war to us and our children.

Ils ont déclaré la guerre a nous et à nos enfants. Ils ont fait de la ville de Québec un paradis pour faire du mal.

I am going to post places first. Quebec city is a slaughter house. They just love the blue eyes children

-I saw two ladies drinking from a vile in this place. andrenochrome. They then went to the children store. The place is called “Place Saint-foy” in french

-The food place is also strange, Saw a man complete dressed in white, but the real what the hell is the fuking staff. They seem pale and bony, almost like living zombies. Food? Transaction place?

-This place had a graphite of a bunny, yes, you know what it is. They have taken it down but look at old pictures of this site. 451 rue de la Chapelle

-If you want to find the places, look at what graphite’s the have taken out. Compare them to before

-These people are sick, this place has screaming children. And I say screaming as in pain, not as in laughing or playing around. 899 Rue-Saint joseph E. It had spiral symbols.

-this place has triangle symbol. 395 Avenue Royal

-Saw people come out of this container . 856 boulevard Charest Est

-Four people came out of this place. AutoRoute 740. Next to Saint-Foy

My pictures are gone, all the important pictures are gone. That I deleted them doesn’t make sense because some pictures are still there. I had a picture showing the construction of a building, it had at least 6 layers of ground. What you must understand is that this is an old city.

I would like you to take some time on google maps and compare these places to the old ones. Look at the new and old graphite’s. Look at the symbols and the geometry od the city. Start digging. They are families with masonic, jewish , occult blood. Snakes, a bunch of snakes.

Faites un effort de les trouver, ce n’est pas complique. Ils ont besoin d’enfant, c’est ou les lieux ou ils les trouvent ? Comment ils les font disparaitre ? Pourquoi une obsessions avec les enfant aux yeux bleus ? c’est quoi leur symbole ?

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28876c  No.241619

File: 6846fda32451227⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1177x697, 1177:697, 395_Ave_Royale.PNG)

this is a construction site

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28876c  No.241620

File: 5ecbcf2d20b57fc⋯.png (539.27 KB, 1012x428, 253:107, 451_rue_de_la_Chapelle.PNG)

there use to be another bunny symbol. now there is this one

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28876c  No.241621

File: 80a43621ba0d297⋯.png (887.68 KB, 540x771, 180:257, 899_Rue_Saint_Joseph_E.PNG)

This place had spiral and triangle shapes, The pedo type.

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28876c  No.241624

File: 3f84270d7692fa5⋯.png (200.4 KB, 442x203, 442:203, food.PNG)

Place Saint-Foy. What type of meat are they seling? What is going on in this place.

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28876c  No.241626

File: 516f0fda95e9706⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1269x530, 1269:530, 4_people_Well_dressed.PNG)

There are tunnels under the city. Some are legal for example under the university Laval and some are hidden.

>This is where 4 well dressed people came out, this is not an exist and I have no clue what where they doing

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90dbdc  No.241632





and now suddenly you're a self entitled AVENGER AGAINST CHILD MOLESTATION

you're not fooling us, faggot

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28876c  No.241634

File: 06141327b00e948⋯.png (66.63 KB, 241x116, 241:116, eyes.PNG)

You can regroup them in these categories

Trannies-jews-Satanist- Sepents.

They all need and want children, Very easy to see them because they use the same symbols and numbers. They are families of wickedness.

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90dbdc  No.241635


Psychologically and Emotionally Stable Adult MalesDO NOTfixate on child molestation.

you're a fucking faggot, dude….

you and your stupid 'adrenochrome' assclown show

you sucked dick when you were a kid


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90dbdc  No.241637


stfu, you boring sexless little faggot

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3540af  No.241639



>seething and kvetching.

Be bitter, and be happy that israel allows kiddie rape and murder.

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a060ef  No.241640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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90dbdc  No.241641



fucking loser…… lol @ "adrenochrome" hahaha

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28876c  No.241642

File: 40989ba38b1418f⋯.png (265.11 KB, 354x411, 118:137, Doll.PNG)

Also something that happened to me

I was in a bus in Quebec city

> Notice girl beside me has a doll

>I know this doll

>That is a fucking demon

>saw a documentary about it

>Internal fight about what to do

>She gets out with a man

>She says the does not look human (Il a pas lair tres humain)

>Look at phone of man

>Negotiating prices for room

>The prices are not right, 600$ for a 1 1/2??


>Internal fight continues

>Don’t do anything

>Get put some stops later, decide to go back


You guys better learn from my mistake, don’t think. Act. Do it and help others so it doesn’t go on your conscience for ever.

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90dbdc  No.241643


pathetic lonely fantasy faggot

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f184cc  No.241644



Ask the girl out and have her come over for a drinky poo, and then blare Slim Whitman's "Rambin' Rose" over the speaker system, set on loop, and perform an exorcism on her against her will!

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90dbdc  No.241645


you've literally got NO self awareness, do you?…

lol obviously not

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28876c  No.241646

File: 400af386d0a3774⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1769x564, 1769:564, danger.PNG)

Now for the one of the places that I have seen them allot. DANGER

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f184cc  No.241648


Wow, you live in the hood!

In that case, pack a .40 S&W at all times.

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90dbdc  No.241649


I bet he taught you how to suck dick just like an adult woman

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90dbdc  No.241650


because obviously you didn't stand up for yourself and fight back.

you could've screamed, made a bunch of noise ..

run out of there screaming…..

but you didn't….. you stuck around.

you actually ALLOWED IT to happen

but now you're suddenly a badass, huh?

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90dbdc  No.241651


If you think people don't know WHY you fixate on child molestation, then you're a moron

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28876c  No.241652

File: a1e67a10fa3f70d⋯.png (698.56 KB, 840x540, 14:9, snake_coiling_man.PNG)

If the people of Quebec find out what they have done, they would be killed in the streets. They would have no mercy for them. none at all. I pray that somebody can use what I have given, one you find the clues you will get to them eventually

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90dbdc  No.241653


So what was it?…. Mostly oral?

a little anal ? Both oral and anal?

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90dbdc  No.241654


Go find the guy who molested you….

if he's still alive….

And see if he buys your tough guy routine

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90dbdc  No.241655



who sits on his computer

inadvertently demonstrating his little secret

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90dbdc  No.241657


I'll GUARANTEE you that the old faggot who molested you would laugh his ass off if he heard that you suddenly thought you had become a TOUGH GUY…

lol because he knows the REAL you

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90dbdc  No.241658


He's seen your TRUE nature, lonely man

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90dbdc  No.241659


You could even go as far as to say :


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90dbdc  No.241660


You didn't present much of a challenge to him….

But now suddenly you're going to save the world?

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90dbdc  No.241662


A G A I N : psychologically and emotionally stable adult males DO NOT fixate on this topic

unless they were molested… a LOT

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28876c  No.241663

File: fa8b0f05dbc8414⋯.png (162.91 KB, 678x569, 678:569, triangle.PNG)

I worked at the DPJ for some time

>work at the DPJ

>Children services in Canada

>Have to see a dysfunctional family

>Mother is overly sexual

>touches daughters and makes tongue movements

>What the fuck

>They have a newborn baby

>Touches baby all the time

>Goes to take baby on a stroll

>Follow her, I think she might do something

>comes back, all family together

>3 daughters + baby, also grandmother and stepmom

>Inspector or higher up comes to see how it is going

>Gives me knowing smile (like a cunning type of smile)

>They are all in on this

>Don’t know wat to do

>They ask me to take a picture

>The grand-mother steps on the youngest daughter toes

>They all laugh

>What the hell

Also, I want to mote they had blue eyes.

>Shift finishes

>Broken and sad

>Go to pray

I also want to note that one of the kids had a pyramid tattoo, triangle on the left hand (Black). My guess is that they had the whole family doing bad stuf. The children where sad looking.

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90dbdc  No.241669

a whole lot

not just a little

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90dbdc  No.241670


You're quite literally obsessed with this, aren't you?

WHY ???

Why did this become your obsession?

this is not normal behavior

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90dbdc  No.241671


>go to pray


lol youwereindeed molested AND you're a brainwashed delusional RELIGIOUS FAGGOT

hahahahaha You're batting 1,000 aren't you?

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90dbdc  No.241672



I bet you actually think Jesus existed, too huh?

ADMIT IT !!…. you actually think "jesus" existed!


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90dbdc  No.241673



he molested you for a reason

you were an easy target

effeminate and timid

a coward, basically….

more like a girl than a boy

and he saw that in you

he could simply LOOK at you

and he knew you were the one

you're a hole

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90dbdc  No.241674

he could spot you from a mile away

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90dbdc  No.241675

and people can STILL see it in you

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e53756  No.246361


So you’re the asshole cock block who wouldn’t stop staring & talking to himself, you were freaking out my date. That pussy tight though.

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07ef6b  No.246522

File: addfaf2bac60ae4⋯.jpg (136.41 KB, 500x619, 500:619, f3ac57536bb0062cfcd7313fa2….jpg)

nice schitzophrenia thread

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402454  No.258740


>a vile

vial, not vile.

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c68274  No.271750

File: d4650d0881d4266⋯.jpg (207.74 KB, 649x1050, 649:1050, 034.jpg)

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