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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b70f65e4e3da713⋯.png (431.96 KB, 660x495, 4:3, The_Sun_Lulzsec.png)

9bd334  No.240555


I went back to 4chan for a bit when this place was full of shills around the election, what happened to the /pol/ board here? What happened that a bunch of users left?

What did I miss anons?

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83dcd8  No.240559


8kun never had a /pol/.

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9bd334  No.240561


I must be thinking of some other altchan

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6b6f73  No.240562


yeah, 8chan. this is 8kun, the much gayer and deader successor state.

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44ad0c  No.240635


4chan is controlled by china now. you cannot post on 4chan from rural ISP, or monile ones either. it's literally a scam. nothing there is authentic.

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44ad0c  No.240636

I mean seripusly:

Learn Teeline. Teleport Past Censorship.

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a78c68  No.240720


This but, china and Israel IPs are never range banned also. The Mods are the ones posting the spam too across boards.

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848a40  No.241186

people left because the website is slow, shitty and buggy. It doesn't even let you post

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e8d085  No.241625

4chan is run by jew moderators now.

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aa153b  No.241728


checked. tldr ron is a retard. and now 4chan bans 50% of american internet users, by rangebanning at&t mobility. anyhoo, learn Teeline. Teeline telelorts you, because you can put URL and text in images on burner twitter accounts, ai is unable to auto read it.

Teeline is the secret to teleporting from place to place seamlessly, where only human spies can interrupt :^)

tldr just fucking start using teeline

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427b36  No.241738

File: 78944bf16c090b1⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_20210514_104934.jpg)

4chan is straight up controlled opposition for adhd retards. (/diy/ is the only real worthwhile board there; even /g/ and /k/ are just `CONSOOM` boards)

This place is a ghost town.

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1cc9c3  No.241740


/pnd/ has a problem that absolutely glows in the dark.

Every time threads expose corruption or cover important topics they get slid.

Every time attempted sliding no longer works, the CP spam is posted.

Every time the CP spam is Global Reported, non-topic threads (such as threads about reddit or 4chan) get bumped.

I get a strong feeling none of this is mere coincidence.

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e537c1  No.248184


i liek to poop

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3e8ab2  No.248260


If thou hast the oppurtunuty to enstrengthen thyself above some real common flock by psychickally fighting the nsa why not do it? BSBS is supposed to be a bastion of free speech anyway, you can expect the real ninjutsu scrolls to be posted soon or this place is dead like the rest of the rotten (jewish) world

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