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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 6c9aeee23b74c7d⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, CV7DZG3SYJDTXCTO4VVYX7Z6KI.jpg)

35e728  No.236584

LOS ANGELES - Two-year-old Kashe West can name all the elements on the periodic table, identify all 50 states by shape and location and she’s learning Spanish.

The California toddler has become the youngest American member of Mensa.

The organization’s membership is strictly limited to those who score at the highest levels in IQ tests.

According to Kashe’s parents, a pediatrician noticed she seemed advanced for her age. So, the family took her to a psychologist, who administered the Mensa test.

The result concluded Kashe had an IQ of 146.

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fa5ac1  No.236585

……and youthreeEinsteins can't even figure out how to look a woman in the eyes……

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35e728  No.236586

out-superiored by a 2 year old black girl

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b545aa  No.236588

File: 7e54955176f912b⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 359x640, 359:640, Just_Kiss_It_My_Member.jpg)


I have never met more self-absorbed, better-than-thou pieces of shit in my life than MENSA Members'.

When they kept begging me to join I told them I was way too big of a dick to be a mere member.

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35e728  No.236592

File: 12cce7ee9b90a5b⋯.gif (954.75 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 5913918463360159298.gif)

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35e728  No.236593

File: 0538686649fda87⋯.jpg (195.9 KB, 1024x732, 256:183, PicsArt_05_29_10_04_45.jpg)

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35e728  No.236594

True Foodie ProTip :

never take cooking advice from someone who's moridly obese, or a man who needs a wheelbarrow to carry his tits.

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203398  No.236595


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fa5ac1  No.236596

File: fe2173a114c4054⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1272x1080, 53:45, PicsArt_05_29_10_20_29.png)

Remember, Jim……

Phil's book is pronounced "PRIMMER"….

not "primer" like automobile paint…

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fa5ac1  No.236597


True, although it's also fair to point out that you're mostly White….

And while she is learning Spanish at age 2, you're still playing video games at age 37….

And she actually has friends in real life…..

And her parents aren't disgusted with her like yours are….

Your alleged superiority has yet to rear its ugly head, but be sure to let us know as soon as you actually accomplish something in this world…

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fa5ac1  No.236598


Speaking of playing video games……………

It's Saturday night…….

And you ain't got nobody…….

Yep…. she's black…..

Nothing gets past you, does it?

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fa5ac1  No.236599

She thinks she's smart just because she knows all 50 states and she's learning Spanish at age two?


She's black, so she can never achieve true superiority, which is gauged by one's ability to become a fully grown adult with no romantic experience or social graces whatsoever, isolated in a stinky computer chair staring at a computer monitor, playing video games, watching anime, masturbating to gay porn, and desperately seeking reassurance in an empty image board, and acknowledgment of this ultimate achievement of superiority..

She's so stupid she'll probably end up really popular and married with a beautiful family when she grows up

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fa5ac1  No.236600

File: b3954df34d45151⋯.jpg (164.84 KB, 1353x1080, 451:360, PicsArt_05_29_10_43_41.jpg)

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b545aa  No.236602


Still Contained".


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b545aa  No.236603


Imagine being stupid enough to think that an IQ test given to a 2 year old had any meaning whatsoever.

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fa5ac1  No.236604

File: 81b8597e7f5d84b⋯.jpg (268.06 KB, 1652x1080, 413:270, PicsArt_05_29_10_50_03.jpg)

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b545aa  No.236605


Imagine thinking IQ Tests have meaning.

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fa5ac1  No.236608

File: d00f604dbb9961d⋯.jpg (307.58 KB, 1652x1080, 413:270, PicsArt_05_29_10_55_55.jpg)

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fa5ac1  No.236609

File: 516ee6fb4f8267f⋯.jpg (236.93 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_29_32.jpg)

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b31afd  No.236660

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


She is a shitskin, so all that info is fake.

White Men are Gods.


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b9db15  No.236713

File: 4ac540781996d46⋯.jpg (57.45 KB, 700x454, 350:227, BLM.jpg)

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b9db15  No.236714

File: 4e003944cf08b76⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 822x439, 822:439, Paid.jpg)

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245544  No.249005

it needs to be stated, and for some reason has not yet been

she's a mixed kid, and whatever she is mixed with is smarter than niggers

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96168b  No.249050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>vid related

The really hard questions to be posed:

>what is a Bell Curve? Can you eat it?

>how many of her kind are somewhat within range, not to say come close?

>what about the other gazillion of dumb fucks of her kind? Where them at?

And poof goes the magic dragon… delusional.

What a pity that procreating doesn't need intelligence, else she would be homecoming queen at her school. Good luck in life little one, you'll need it.

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a03785  No.254184

File: 77cb04baac59522⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 734x720, 367:360, getaloadofthiscope.jpg)


>doesn't understand that the low IQ mean doesn't negate exceptions

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ec5b96  No.271458

File: de40284e345d43c⋯.jpg (160.22 KB, 944x1284, 236:321, 037.jpg)

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