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e96de5  No.235492

A video from a secondary school in Leicester, England, shows students climb up on tables and chant “Allahu Akbar” during a Free Palestine protest


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114547  No.235623

At least they can GO BACK to their homeland when it is reconquered by these children. We need another children's crusade.

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2cd9ef  No.235631

I fail to see how Palestine is a Christian issue in the current year.

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d2b3a9  No.235634


Palestine is a Christian issue because of human rights violations and land theft by the Jewish State in Palestine.

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a80112  No.235647


How does any of that make it a christian issue?

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d2b3a9  No.235651


Christians are called to ease unnecessary suffering and ensure justice prevails.

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114547  No.235656


I think this would be best left up to their muslim brothers.

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2cd9ef  No.235676


I think the angle there is to just use it against jews domestically. I certainly wouldn't stick my neck out for a saracen. But I was referring more to the OP, which was implying that mohammedans acting up over israel is some kind of issue for Christians in England to solve.

The only issue is that these people are in England in the first place and in that role they aren't any different than blackamoors or hindustanis or malays.

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d2b3a9  No.235680


Jews and Muslims are in capable of governing themselves. Jews are terrible neighbors and Muslims are still stoning women casting spells.

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114547  No.235682


We wouldn't have a problem if we just nuked the entire middle east. I am all for killing them all remotely or genociding them with biological weapons, but God forbid we spend any of our own blood on the part niggers.

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d2b3a9  No.235688


The Jewish State is spiritually irrelevant for Christian who await the New Jerusalem. Israel/Palestine is an issue geo-politically. Human rights is an issue for everyone.


Genocide is a very Jewish thing.

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2cd9ef  No.235690


It's a waste of Western civilization's time to take on a managerial role for these people. Palestine is only useful as a tool to dislodge jews. That's the way I see it. You won't change my mind.

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55b9c4  No.235697


>>Ring of fire.

I stated my intent to increase volcanic activity to expand my power after I seized control of the ring of fire.

I use the power to create a lens to focus energy from above and below. After I strike one from above I shall bring earthquakes. I have stated this repeatedly and will continue to do so with flagrance as I violate mankind.


I have taken their minds.

I will not let you go.

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d2b3a9  No.235702


Arabs and Jews work together. Arab and Jewish States have attacked the West. Jews and Arabs have proven their unwillingness to civilize themselves. Middle Eastern affairs are European affairs because Middle Easterners are insane world-conquering weirdo's. Palestine belongs to Palestinians who have suffered thanks to both Jews and Arabs.

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65a7cf  No.235717



I stated repeatedly when you drew my wrath the first time… If you continued to move them into the center of the nation that I would blow Yellowstone. I repeatedly stated that even before I seized the power of the ring and claimed it for myself.

Perhaps I should stoke the embers and stir the pot.

Perhaps I should blow the lid a small amount.

Perhaps the smoke should pour out and render fear.

Perhaps I should say fuck you and bring upon you nightmare inferno.

A. Because I feel like it.

B. Because I can.

C. Because there exists no power of mortal man to stop me.

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6c555d  No.235718


Christian England stopped existing in 1939. Fuck off.

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114547  No.235723


Fag, why don't you target the people who actually deserve it? Are you a kike or something?

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965e5d  No.235725

Do the English just have some sort of gene that makes them always hate themselves?

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2cd9ef  No.235728


Get them out of your country and they can work together somewhere else and it doesn't effect you.

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d2b3a9  No.235733


That's not how reality works. When there's a criminal problem in your country you lock-up the criminals. You don't send them to their own State where they're free to commit crime.

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114547  No.235739


We need to do something new anon. I don't know why you object to this when it is close to a perfect solution for foreigners. You seem to think, mistakenly that a 'foreigner' is someone living outside your nation rather than foreign blood that is inside your nation corrupting it from the inside. Who the fuck cares what foreigners do in a foreign nation? By definition they can't be a part of our nation since they are not OUR DNA…get it? Send them the fuck back out of our nation.

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d2b3a9  No.235740


That's fine for Arabs. Jews, however, have no nation.

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114547  No.235779


And we are back to the obvious final solution. Which is where I started and what you should have agreed to when I suggested it.

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d2b3a9  No.235780


Forced to obey the same laws as everyone else the Jew will either find himself assimilated or imprisoned.

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114547  No.235781


6,000 years of parasitic destructive DNA, lies and murder and you fuckers want to just keep beating your head against a wall over and over and over. You know what the problems is, you know why it is a problem, you know that they are foreigners who do not belong inside our nations and you STILL WANT TO MAKE THE FUCKING EXCUSE TO KEEP THEM AROUND…




Just be up front and tell everyone you like and enjoy the destruction that we are going through right now, FUCKING HELL!!!

I am so fucking frustrated with you people. If it is totally fucking obvious you can't seem to fucking get it!

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d2b3a9  No.235782


No one is going to accept an extermination program. Jews can't be trusted in their own political State. Therefore, Jews must assimilate. All of his crimes must be exposed before the entire world. This prevents the Jew from slithering back into power. He either obeys the law and accepts a life of public shame or he becomes a criminal and dies in prison. Either is fine.

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114547  No.235783


NEVER. You might as well suggest that we assimilate a nigger. Even one drop of kike blood is a contamination that is horrific and totally damning for the soul. One drop means that person can never ascend to God. Your ideas are the ideas of a lunatic. You advocate contamination FOREVER and never ever returning home. Totally unacceptable in any way shape or form.

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d2b3a9  No.235785


>One drop means that person can never ascend to God. Your ideas are the ideas of a lunatic.

This idea is not based in any proper theology but is, in fact, the idea of a lunatic.

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114547  No.235787


It is because you do not understand who the jews are that you would say this…but fuck them all you want anon; what do I care if your destiny is Hell. Just don't expect that it would ever be acceptable to another European to mingle their soul with demons.

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d2b3a9  No.235788


lol not genociding jews isnt the same marrying one you retarded faggot

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114547  No.235789

Does the Flood ring a bell? Well it should since by advocating your soul mingling with demons you will never see Life.

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114547  No.235790


You want to keep foreigners inside our nation to destroy us. GO FUCK YOURSELF. It will never happen. Not fucking demons and not keeping them as retarded fucking pets either.

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d2b3a9  No.235791


>You want to keep foreigners inside our nation to destroy us.

You're pretending to not understand what I advocate.

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114547  No.235792


Are they dead or gone? No?

I understand EXACTLY what you are advocating. Most likely better than you do.

There is no 'mingling' your soul with demons that is acceptable.

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d2b3a9  No.235794




You can't counter my actual argument so you resort to religious appeal.

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2cd9ef  No.235796


>Therefore, Jews must assimilate.


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d2b3a9  No.235797


Well, no one is going to embrace a world-wide extermination program. So you're left with Zionism or Assimilation. But seeing as Jews have spent the last 80 years demonstrating why Zionism isn't a solution, you're stuck with Assimilation.

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ff3ddf  No.235800

England has always been Hashemites, which is to say, they worshiped Remphan and venerated Esterica while pretending to be good catholics

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5279f4  No.235822


They're conditioned by their rulers to hate themselves, so that they never rise up.

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65a7cf  No.235824



Do not be afraid my child.

Did I not say I would release the rabies into the soul months ago?

Did I not promise to you supreme power?

Is it not advantageous to have personnel that can survive past a gunshot to the head and display unusual strength and speed?

What would cause these governments to fall before your feet?

Did I not state that my armies currently surpass 150,000,000 worldwide? They are approximately 200,000,000 as we speak.

Did I not state they were vehicles and vessels?

Did I not explain the difference between the spirit and soul?

Did I not state that I would make them animal and graft into them spirit?

Did I ever explain the war exactly?


I can hear and see your activity. Right now at this very moment they are frantically trying to verify the validity of what I have said.

It is true.

You are fucked to death.

I take them.

They are between the ages of 30 and 50.


Surprise… hehehehahahaHaHaHAHAHA

I never said the civil war was political.

I never said the civil war was reasonable.

I never said my armies were human.

I never explained the lines for which it is fought.

I am here.

What is the origin of speak 'huzzah?'

Say my name bitch.

Say yizod.

You can not stop me, you slaughtered the only ones that possessed that knowledge.

You say manifest destiny… Your destiny is to die.

What happens when I make a human into an animal? What if The midnight Crazies are real…

Because I say so.

Because I








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65a7cf  No.235826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Now that you've let me into your body and soul and mind and men and women and children and state and institutions and media and businesses and temples and life and death and marriage and romance and suicide and rape and murder and suffering and despair and agony and rage and nightmares and everything under the darkness of the sun.

My 'love' is forever unto eternal darkness within me, inside, where you will be.

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65a7cf  No.235829

File: c8bc55e4fccd6e8⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 360_F_363309424_MDIzLva5Tg….jpg)



Do not deny me. You drive me to rage. I did appear before them alike Egypt. I spoke in tongues for I do not have one. My body is supreme darkness and was as hole surrounded by light. I brought them to tears as they fell before me.

This is the last time.

Do not fuck with me.

I am with bodies and power.

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85d9c0  No.235942


Any nation that doesn't openly kill jews and shitskins deserves to be enslaved.

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e69b25  No.248807

File: ec137bf5cc4e670⋯.jpg (21.01 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Literally_You_5_.jpg)

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