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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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fd9183  No.234311

By simply telling the truth about Israel;'s latest slaughter on Gaza.

Their career may not be over tomorrow but they'll be phased out.

First up John Oliver, he went hard enough for HBO to remove the 10 minute tirade from their YT channel. Various Jewish orgs were pissed.

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e67fea  No.234369


All celebrities will be killed soon, once (not if) we take over the country.

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fd9183  No.234830

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Gov Greg Abbot just committed political suicide by banning abortion.

What a stupid motherfucker, this is why the GOP has to be replaced.

These fucking Jesus freaks trying to make the country a fascist theocracy.

Guarantee he will lose next election, as if that wasn't dumb enough he named an "official Gun of Texas".

Christianity is the greatest threat facing America, by far!

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c35ec8  No.234854


Yes, he likely is going to make a lot of voters angry. It's not an issue I care about honestly, but he didn't outright ban abortion, he made it illegal to abort a baby after three weeks of development. There are still ways to kill that fetus before those three weeks but mothers would have to act quickly.

Now….. if he only could focus more on Constitutional Carry…. that's what a lot of voters prefer to see.

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67ce59  No.234914



The Christfag cries when elves abort orc rape babies.

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fd9183  No.235179

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Next up James Sears, got a year in jail for telling the truth aka inciting hate. The USA will have similar laws soon. If Biden doesn't do it Ted Cruz, Desantis or whoever they manipulate the right into supporting will do it.

It'll be fun to watch all the antisemites get manipulated into supporting someone even more pro Israel than Trump. i swear…

To understand all this woke crap u need to look at it from a Jewish perspective. They want to keep the American public bouncing back and forth between their trusted puppets in the D and R party.

Republican voters have finally figured out that Republicans are even more pro open border than the Dems. So there's no reason for white people to support them.

Well Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project and the flood of illegals at the border give White People a Reason to vote R. They'll temp ban CRT and 1619 and put a private prison down there for illegals.

But the flood of legal immigrants from the third world will continue, 747 after 747 landing in the middle of the night. The only hope is Tucker Carlson.

Nick Fuentes gave them a scare. They know if he's given an even platform to debate their ZOG puppets he'll easily win. Now that he's black listed and banned from flying he will need a miracle to get traction in an election.

James Sears scared em too, check out this video.

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7a585b  No.235275


>The only hope is Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson is controlled opposition. He exists to catch people who drift out of the Ted Cruz orbit.

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1db6bd  No.235286


>nick fuentes

>cucker carlson

>ZOG puppets

Nice to see the ZOG shills supporting ZOG ecelebs and media personalities.

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fd9183  No.235392

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Joe's got a message for all of you.

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fd9183  No.235418

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Next up

Chris Cuomo, watch how he pwns Bibi.

Getting in between the Jews and their wars is a big no no. They don't fire you immediately, they wait and use a dif excuse. They fired Rick Sanchez immediately and haven't made that mistake ever since.

Here's today's headline

Chris Cuomo Made a ‘Mistake,’ CNN Boss Jeff Zucker Tells Concerned Staffers

Watch the vid, it's pure Gold.

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7a585b  No.235444


A really sad loser who knows his system is dying. Will be fun to dome him.

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7347c0  No.235494

File: be1532dcf774683⋯.png (547.97 KB, 935x1167, 935:1167, wpww.png)


Are Palestinians white? Not at all. Both Israel and Palestine are not our problem.

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7a585b  No.235626


I don't particularly care about Palestinians, either, largely because I understand they don't care about us – but there is a cynical utilitarianism present with the issue and it should be ruthlessly exploited.

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b5aaa6  No.248817

File: c7d7dc69d2cc2c6⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 864x648, 4:3, FingeWizard.jpg)

Tell you what. I'll give you one hour to "fix" the board and delete pages 23 and 24. Then I'll work on 20-22.

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