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File: aad186c2a3d919c⋯.jpg (182.7 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, bebe.jpg)

42b99a  No.234191



White Supremacist Muslim Supremacist countries only

otherwise you WILL LOSE because islam was right about women FACT

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4ab4e6  No.234193

File: 4787082aab41c96⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 1757x4000, 1757:4000, White_Sharia_Weev_BTFO_by_….jpg)

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ff6d4c  No.234198


your nose is showing…and btw, im not talking about jews. Muslims have long noses too, and so do most desert sand peoples. And you posted a dark haired fake blonde woman too, not the greatest female specimen of the white race either.

Anyway, you are trying to get people to respond by luring them in with the picture of a promiscuous woman. Why not put a picture of a chechnyan or something, since they are technically light skinned muslims, and therefore could illustrate your idea?

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42b99a  No.234199

File: ae0ab8ce6ae4434⋯.png (606.93 KB, 660x378, 110:63, FACT_MUHAMMAD_WAS_A_WHITE_….PNG)


because it doesnt matter white people are extinct no one will learn. hows about that for honesty.

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42b99a  No.234202

File: 9c9ad97238ae125⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 660x440, 3:2, ramzan.jpg)


Tried this image doesnt work nothing works its over whites.

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e21b64  No.234211


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ee8973  No.234259

File: 2cf2462924ed5b6⋯.jpg (233.7 KB, 500x816, 125:204, turner_diaries_kathy.jpg)

The ultimate goal of the ZOG is to divide the White Man from the White Women.

OP is a faggot.

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b3fe86  No.234268

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, said that "the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe." "Europe must be invaded again," he said, calling for a new Islamic conquest of Al-Andalus, the Balkans, and Rome, in order to fulfill the promise of the Prophet Muhammad.


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91e818  No.234270


Conservatives do it just as much. Black clothing suspicious in Texas, leftist "creeps", anti pedo faggotry….christcucks are the same.

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81e4fd  No.234302


Truth. They cannot destroy a unified front, the cornerstone of White Civilization without fracturing the relationship between White Men and Whites Women.

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42b99a  No.234304



its already destroyed stop pretending

islam was right about women

islam = undividable christianity = well look at your majority protesters, humiliating

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422f7c  No.234305

Islam is the final red pill. /pol/tards and /pnd/fags are too stupid to realize it.

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42b99a  No.234308

File: 4ba85b7cea5c170⋯.png (1003.22 KB, 1156x883, 1156:883, S6hbfOpcFw22Gj_mECFG4dqwPQ….png)


how empowering is it to realize that there is no redder pill than islam, and white supremacy

but doomer at the same time because you know ever retard around you is too stupid to realize this and nothing will ever change until the final change of white extinction just like previously mostly white 70% brazil. Welcome to your future favelas get ready for rape and murder dumb whores.

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91e818  No.234313


Where is the money and pussy? Huh? A lot of arabs got rich off west….we get nothing. No offers.

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422f7c  No.234314


Who gives a shit about Arabs? Arabs are ~13% of the world's Muslims. Arabs haven't had anything to do with Islam for 1200 years.

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bdd7d3  No.234324

File: d6e49105c5c14aa⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 383x500, 383:500, qie.jpg)


No, Islam is panislamic and has no logical support for nation or race separation.

As a source, read materials from the Whitest of all Muslim leadership. A quite moderate Bosniak Alija Izetbegović. Read his Muslim Manifesto.

Islamists in Bosnia, Sanjak (Muslim region of Serbia), Albania are THE most pro immigration group. They frequently attend interracial events where nationalism is spat on and multiracialism is promoted.

The "bad" word for nationalism or association by genetics is Asabiyyah. It is frowned upon. Yes it is practiced frequently but that is DESPITE Islam. It is seen as a sin.

Source: I am from Bosnia, know many White Muslims.

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00e189  No.234327

why would you give up one kike puppet religion for another

that being said, an Islamified Europe was a good idea. 2000 years ago. To prevent the Azhkenazim monstrosity from ever being conceived.

Now it's just trash.

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f456cd  No.234366


Islam IS right about women.

All women are evil and must be treated as objects, to be used and discarded by Men at will.

Anyone who protects women is my enemy and I will do everything in my power to kill those.

I will not convert to their religion though. I will use what works, and discard the rest.

Kill all mudslimes.

Kill all jews.

Kill all leftards.

Enslave all women.

Kill all simps who protect women.

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422f7c  No.234380


The eternal LARP

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42b99a  No.234427


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0f810c  No.234485


Piss off camel fucker. Your social and cultural ideology is why you all have a 70IQ and can't wait to find a dog to fuck you in the ass.

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f35840  No.235374

i wanna talk about high IQ attractive whites

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422f7c  No.235377

File: 2e22703f0de1e4d⋯.png (6.94 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>attractive whites

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3eb791  No.238848


Are you retarded or only pretending to be? White man and white woman has been separated by the state in most western countries for 30 years at LEAST. The same is happening with new generations in Slavic countries sadly. The state has overstepped its boundaries in all senses and a modern woman truly does not need a man as far as she cares, there are far to many instruments at hand for them to survive and thrive without being subdued by a husband and her family.

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2517fc  No.238855


>a modern woman truly does not need a man

Not true.

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ec2758  No.239154


Islam is just an incel religion for retards

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0d7be1  No.239276

File: ff576afe41ad884⋯.jpg (298.14 KB, 1777x1077, 1777:1077, 0b6ebea7f2e1f36e03b1633140….jpg)



Just because islam got 1 of 1,000 things right in concept, other traditions have succeeded in implementation. The kikes, mudslimes, chinks, niggers, and vodkaniggers will perish and lose because they are inherently backwards and retarded. Theres no use trying to peddle it

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4da687  No.239459


"I thank the gods above all for giving me an obedient wife"

- Marcus Aurelius

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c9bd8d  No.242667


how is a book written by the CIA prove anything? ZOG was created by whites.

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ff15e0  No.243690

Islam doesn’t tell people to treat women as objects.

We’re taught to respect them as our mothers, sisters, aunts and daughters.

It’s more a formalization of traditional gender roles in the household. A man is obligated to provide for his wife. She must behave and conduct herself with dignity and humility.

Women should obey their husbands.

It’s from this strong loyalty to the man of the house that a mother earns her respect in the family.

When the prophet was asked “Who should I be most respectful towards, my mother or my father?” The propher replied “Your mother” three times, and then “Your father”.

Bottom line, if you want your kids to respect, listen to and love you as a father, this behaviour will be taught to them by their mother. Don’t ever disrespect your wife, especially never in front of your kids or they’ll wind up like these pink haired nigger loving shlomo sapiens.

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6c0ca7  No.252393


you sound like a weak beta male faggot.

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64597b  No.257210


OP is not just a faggot, OP is a paid shitskin pakistani shill.

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9ef0df  No.271711

File: 3b395e57b2ab8b0⋯.png (365.82 KB, 450x563, 450:563, 003.png)

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