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File: 5ba8834439ea50e⋯.jpeg (203.9 KB, 1156x1180, 289:295, 2B34CE13_D018_44FB_98CA_3….jpeg)

273e76  No.233058

I hate kikes as much as anyone else but cmon this free Palestine shit that they are innocent in every single way is just dogma lol.

To say that the Palestinians are the victims in this situation is crazy to me since Hamas literally threw 600 missiles to Israel and how the jews are completely in the wrong is fucking crazy.

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bcb310  No.233059


i stand with palestine.

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980343  No.233061

File: f51f80843010804⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 512x320, 8:5, 555meme.jpg)

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75568d  No.233062


>I hate kikes

If this were true, you'd would post this garbage, ZOG-faggot.

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dc1e73  No.233097


1. Kill yourself for supporting dune coons.

2. Kill yourself for supporting Israel.

3. Israel CREATED Hamas.


Kill yourself in general.

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127f4c  No.233112

>To say that the Palestinians are the victims in this situation is crazy to me since Hamas literally threw 600 missiles to Israel and how the jews are completely in the wrong is fucking crazy.

It's not a crime when the targets are kikes

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f58bb6  No.233129


> Hamas literally threw 600 missiles to Israel

wtf now i love Hamas

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3a51ae  No.233141


>kikes stealing Palestinian land since 1947

>Hamas formed in 1987 after 40 years of kike crimes

Blaming Hamas for firing rockets is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist.

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f09ce4  No.233157


Troublesome women.

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de7997  No.233159

File: 10889563e37c8a7⋯.jpg (257.49 KB, 1440x1040, 18:13, 20210517_070001.jpg)

This is how

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078c91  No.233222

File: ae925477938539a⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 682x382, 341:191, breth.jpg)

kike! If you aren't supporting Palestine, you're cringe and gay


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b421d6  No.233252


The way I see it is this is a territorial dispute between extremists Palestine and a draconian government in Israel. If one shoots the other, the other is going to shoot back. It's a war. Sadly there will be human casualties, that's what happens when people support wars.

There should be some kind of trade-off between these groups, but sadly there are extremists on both sides not allowing it to happen. Hamas and Israel need to be punished, they're both guilty of stirring wars. The fact is, the international community won't do a thing about any of this, so until one side is completely wiped out this war will just continue. Picking sides here will likely only lead to disappointment.

Whatever happens, happens, that's the way I feel about it.

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b421d6  No.233255


>Israel CREATED Hamas

It actually could be a false flag anon, a lot of those rocket attacks actually ended up mis-firing and killed some Palestinians in Gaza. How convenient. I'd like Israel to be pressed on providing us some confiscated rockets so that the international community could INVESTIGATE where they actually came from! …. ohhhh, that would be interdasting lol.

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b421d6  No.233261

I can bet everyone one thing…. those rockets were provided to Hamas by some nation state, finding out where they came from would be very interesting! Could it be China… Iran… Russia… America …. or …. from Israel? And how did these rockets get into their hands exactly? These are not easy to make, after all. These are not small arms (like guns). It requires a lot of heavily regulated and controlled materials to make them. Which requires insider governmental or industrial access to obtain these from a black market. And the prices for this stuff on the black market would be astronomical at that. It would take some very influential and rich groups to do this…. or some kind of covert State funding.

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6ce511  No.233263


It is always ok to kill jews simply for existing.

All jews will be killed.

All leftards will be killed.

There is no future for any of them.

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b421d6  No.233269


Also, consider this…. why bomb AP & Al-Jazeera when they could have raided that building by force, for intelligence gathering and collecting proof of criminal conspiracy? Could it be that these news organizations had something solid, proof, that Israel did not want others to know or find out about?

I think most definitely conspiracy is also at play, as typically it always is when governments act out. I'd like to know how Hamas got those 107mm mortars lol.

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0684b5  No.233270


shut the fuck up kike

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b421d6  No.233271


Did I hit a nerve?

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9ef12c  No.233403


<wow 600 "missiles" with no guidance system and no warhead! what an evil terrorist organization! oy vey!

minecraft yourself kike


this but unironically


if trying to save your country from invaders is extremism then everyone with a drip of patriotism is a terrorist… or maybe you're a globalist ZOGfag.


again, even North Korea makes better missiles than what Hamas had… so it's definitely home made stuff. I've seen some news reports saying that Iran might give actual missiles to Hamas… I hope they do, I also hope it'll have a nuclear warhead and it hits the center of Tel-Aviv!

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c58d04  No.233406

File: d820f508012df3b⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 470x471, 470:471, d820f508012df3b4b12832c635….jpg)


annnnnnnd, 1 post. Whod've thought, tell your superiors that your methods are outdated, and you've been understaffed for few thousand years chaim.

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36eaec  No.233544


Why are you trying to establish if they are angels descendent from god. They are infinitely more innocent than the jewish state of Israel in the context of this conflict they are being oppressed on a historical scale. By your logic the west should be nuclear holocausted and the world should sit by and watch given the amount of white traitors obeying their overlord baphomet from the synaguoge of satan.

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a19b88  No.233563


It's the one issue on which you are allowed to publicly attack kikes.

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16a43c  No.233758


Hamas is controlled opposition and run by them to generate a reason to destroy Palestine.

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16a43c  No.233759


There is no future for wh*the dogs.

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16a43c  No.233761


Have sex incel!

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a84a2c  No.235959

OP, you retarded jew faggot. Pissrael came about via terrorism. All started in the late 18th century with the founder of zionism.

Palestine today is an open air concentration camp FULL OF CHILDREN. Turn off the electric jew, fuck boy.

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cbd5cc  No.235964


Kike detected.

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708eb2  No.236001


Open borders for israel.

Death to all jews

Fuck theistic conservatives.

Zionists hang on TDOTR

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8addbb  No.236196

Jews and shit skins killing eachother. Good stuff.

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ec48bc  No.248800

File: 1df58de72ccfa6e⋯.jpg (3.14 KB, 265x190, 53:38, Literally_You_1_.jpg)

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