Global population, resource production and allocation, and the fundamental animalistic nature of most humans are at odds with each other, in a naturally occurring but cyclic nature by the reiteration inherent in nature.
Survival of the fittest: predators and prey, physically speaking would be the nigger. Highly developed physiology to adapt to and dominate it's environment if physical prowess countering one's preys' advantages over their others' were the only conditional modifier of a success and survival rate.
Survival of the fittest: predators and prey, informatively speaking would be the Arian. Highly dev'd mentallity to adapt and dominate it's environment if mental prowess we're the secondary modifyer in an ordination while dependent on it's physical predecession to sustain, would ultimately offset the counter effects of it's subset dependence in effect, and dominate it's environment if mental prowess countering one's preys' advantages over their others' were the only conditional modifier of a success and survival rate.
Survival of the fittest: predators and prey, psychologically speaking would be the kike. Highly dev'd psychologically to adapt and dominate it's environment if psychological manipulation we're the secondary modifier in an ordination while dependent on it's psychological predecession to sustain, would ultimately offset the counter effects of it's subset dependence in effect, and dominate it's environment if sociopathological we're a sustaining prowess countering one's preys' advantages over their others' were the only conditional modifier of a success and survival rate.
>Be kike, want to own earth.
>own world through nefarious means
>world acquiesc to being goyim and sucking cock all day to die for illusions condemning themselves in a time uncomprehended, again.
>Be kike, "holy shit it worked", goyim is real.
Survival of the fittest: purveyors and prospectors, mentally and psychologically speaking would not be the nigger.
Survival of the fittest: purveyors and prospectors, physically and psychologically speaking would not be the Aryan.
Survival of the fittest: purveyors and prospectors, physically and mentally speaking would not be the kike.
Nature as you would have it has given us an idealistic and synchonous materialistic history that offers us it's own anecdotal solution beyond the confines of the specificity of race and/or ideal, bypassing our embedded sense of measure, which is our false ability to gauge and input/output information itself, combined with why, how, and if it will circumvent it's definition of one's Self.
>Be kike, own earth/
>destroy world through intentionally benevolent means
>most of world hedonistically oblidges taking all of it with it
>Be kike: "oy fucking vey, robotic/tranhumanist eco-all internally/externally for all bros abound"
Survival of the fittest: phaggots and philosophers, niggers cannot into with out a mental.
Survival of the fittest: phaggots and philosophers, Aryans cannot into with out a psychology.
Survival of the fittest: phaggots and philosophers, kikes cannot into with out a physiology.
>Be kike, I am become fucked earth, implicitly and explicitly absolved among my new own.
>wtf, I don't wanna be jew naow.
this is my perception of events to come in the next couple grand in cyclic solar revo's.