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File: d3b2f262c046a49⋯.png (1021.94 KB, 1075x889, 1075:889, _gypsy_2.PNG)

File: 148d94604f247f1⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2244x1334, 1122:667, _gypsy_.png)

543090  No.218827

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688f31  No.218828


What was the predicate for the raid? Was he flashin his piece or is that just what they found?

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fd3289  No.218836

some people bought stickers from him and used their real mailing addresses. some stupid ass stickers so they could do some stupid ass posing.

I you want the glowies to put you on a list, just do it the traditional way by fedposting.

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a97df7  No.218838


Apparently he was flashin his piece. Styx also posted that he owns a firearm. Zio-Bolsheviks getting nervous maybe.


yup. very sad but thins the herd.

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5d8122  No.218910

I like this guy.

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086781  No.218911


im sure (((you))) do.

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4f1306  No.218917


Maybe people should talk about who he is and why you shouldnt like him, even if (((they))) will try act oblivious or positive towards him, Im sure a lot of people do not know who he is or why he is bad.

From what I know;

Hes an arab(or mixed?) that posed as White, he tried to gain fame by using raycis shock-humor on omegle streams. All he was doing with that however was paint a target onto White Nationalists.

He has repeatidly used his fame to try to slide into DM's and creep out white girls that watched him and fell for his scam.

Hed also say hed fight anyone that disagrees with him

Also constant store-begging etc etc.

People that called him out on his BS were harassed by him and he always had excuses for not engaging in actual fights, even offers to fly him over and do it in a real ring so the Law wouldnt interfere were ignored.

All I know so far.

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944076  No.219577

File: 661da23bbb8fb23⋯.png (439.77 KB, 501x462, 167:154, 1610662085318.png)


IOW, he was your everyday average internet shitposter who took it to a whole new level. Yea, he was a gypsy, but anyone calling him a Jew is suspect. It really ought to be a bannable offense to call someone a Jew when you have no credible evidence, as OP has not one shred of evidence this guy is a kike.

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954978  No.219582


Dude is probably a gypsy or latino.

Maybe a gypsy jew?

There are quite a few people with power in my region in politics, bank owners and the like that have both gypsy or tattare background aswell as jewish as such.

There are around 1 million gypsies in the USA and then there are the tattare also.

Gypsies were thrown out of India for eating cows and are from the lowest cast. tattare are also from India but lost a war or something and are from different casts and regions of India and tend to be mixed with whites.

1/6 of Europeans have some gene that also exists in India that makes them more affected and weaker from covid 19, maybe 12 % of Europeans have gypsy or tattare background. it would not surprise me.

In my city the largest football team, their supporters are called tattare by the other teams supporters they also live many of them in this part of the suburbs of the city where this team is active (1/3 teams). They tend to live as hidden minority but tend to recognize each other…

So, is gypsies and tattare the largest racial threat to the white race?

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954978  No.219584

File: d77202ee0e16e28⋯.png (987.98 KB, 697x715, 697:715, FinnishGypsies1.png)

File: 0887307f2c43293⋯.png (802.98 KB, 930x627, 310:209, FinnishGypsies2.png)

File: 40c64f32ff5986e⋯.png (954.8 KB, 990x570, 33:19, FinnishGypsies3.png)

File: b801ce56ecbd967⋯.png (410.33 KB, 579x421, 579:421, FinnishGypsies5.png)


Traditional gypsies really don't look specifiicially gypsy maybe a bit darker than the average WHITE person but not always.

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ef4872  No.219589



>white supermacist

like most of the people ITT

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807a16  No.219627


>white supermacist

White supremacy is a jewish fabrication.

Even the Nazis weren't white supremacists – they just wanted separate spaces for different races/ethnic groups.

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f42bcf  No.219694


>So, is gypsies and tattare the largest racial threat to the white race?

No, giving pajeets the interwebs was.

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27cfff  No.221390


I noticed you capitalized jew. I can see why you hate your agents getting pwned faggot.

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2053d6  No.221396


Those men have pajeet faces, women are just fat

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40c287  No.221397

Another kike psyop like Thomas Sewell.

The jews hope these psyops will psychologically paralize the goyim from getting any ideas about freeing themselves from jewish slavery…

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944076  No.221644

File: 2dbb7f4649cee85⋯.png (333.4 KB, 529x637, 529:637, 16138514218aoeui.png)


>I noticed you capitalized jew.

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944076  No.221645

It's no wonder the White Nationalist "movement" never moves anywhere, when you have all these shills attacking people who put themselves out there. I have not once seen one public figure, even if they aren't 100% certifiable WN, not get attacked more on these boards than by the jewsmedia itself. Even this guy. The MSM hasn't treated him as badly as this board has. That should tell any legit WN something about this board.

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561f5f  No.221649


The whole site are run by Jim Watkins who milked the Qanon shit and this is an FBI set up containment board, not the old /8pol/

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a88db3  No.221654


Sometimes it's justified, but unfortunately too often, it's not. Jew-apologists and subversives (people like Jared Taylor) deserve it, not some mystery meat sperg who was effective enough for the ADL to get to him arrested.

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8532a7  No.221655

File: fceaeec125c8755⋯.jpg (1.83 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1610390848678s.jpg)


>It's no wonder the White Nationalist "movement" never moves anywhere.

I agree, there are no ideal public figures and few leaders, the clever ones hide their powerlevel,( if they are that deep) or they get shut down.

Anyone fighting against leftism and globohomo is an asset to our cause. Enemy of the enemy = fren.(the enemy being the eternal zionist and their power)

There is a time for everything, right now the Right is in a fledgling state, it needs nourishment and public support until it and nationalism gains momentum.

This takes decades (it took leftist 6 decades to turn from pacifist hippie movement to the militant communist cunts they are today. )

"white nationalists" need to read "the prince" by Nicola Machiavelli, and learn a little bit about power dynamics, diplomacy , alliance, and optics

Most importantly they need to learn how to beat the eternal )3w in their own game.

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1eadbd  No.221657


I designed it so that leftist extremists proliferate. The international installation of my government will occur at the moment they destroy themselves thoroughly.

This will coincide with the 'breaking' of the 'devil's mirror.' The laws that will ban advertising.

The false ones that are currently concentrating power (my power) will seek to destroy the competing world government that is currently materializing via the internet. I would prefer they both kill each other for my pleasure, resulting in me just sliding right on in.

If they refuse and resist my whispers, I will directly attack money. Again… If I must, I will make famine upon the face of the Earth.

I take it back, it's best I start with famine. It's fun. Fuck it, I will do it all.

Right now I've got the war ready to go.

>>The owl, fox, and wolf. The Russia, Iran, and China.

China - Fortify Beijing, prepare your peoples for war NOW!

Russia - You must prepare for the seizure of NATO hardware and assets. It is important to seize those assets.

Iran - Be prepared to run cover in all methods of war. More importantly the United States is currently (in this time) preparing to use Nuclear Weapons specifically against you (they think it will send a message to Russia and China).

Russia and China - Do not allow the detonation of a nuclear weapon above Iran. It has 'unforeseen' consequences. hehehehe

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a88db3  No.221665


The "right" are the ones cheering us on for more jewish wars, and their answer to online censorship is more censorship of "anti-Semites". They aren't our allies, not even close.

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482be7  No.221668


I’ve always held the position that our values are ironically better represented in hard left spheres.

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df0bbc  No.224587

File: 55ab3d993ec9d7c⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, 98cd082d93e21fd16ca6b58b86….jpg)








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0a4abe  No.224700

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

/pnd/ is now a chinese extortion racket

How much did you pay in extortion to the 'moderation' to post your OP?

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de5ac7  No.236985

File: e93450cd552b6a7⋯.webm (2.98 MB, 320x180, 16:9, you_still_think_there_was….webm)

Who is the new guy?

Can anyone tell me?

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b45ff7  No.236994


>He has repeatidly used his fame to try to slide into DM's and creep out white girls that watched him and fell for his scam.

Why are you anti-male faggot?

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e52601  No.237007


anti shitskin male? I was really surprised anyone would class that as White.

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3e160c  No.248887


crazy how so many retards fall for this shitskin retard. This piece of shit is even in prison like the nigger he is.

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c92b18  No.248899


Crazy how you bumped a half year old thread with no reason or content.

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3e160c  No.249004


>don't talk about my shitskin gypsy friend like that


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c801d2  No.249070


styx is a paranoid schizophrenic

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07780a  No.257211


Look whiter than turks.

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254db1  No.258049

File: 4ba02839630e09e⋯.jpg (65.29 KB, 720x741, 240:247, Bees.jpg)

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5895ea  No.259027

never heard about him, but he sounds based

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c04326  No.259030


>muh based jew

kill yourself kike

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be8338  No.259537


Optics only go on your rifle. Read SIEGE.

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c04326  No.266227

File: 148d94604f247f1⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2244x1334, 1122:667, _gypsy_.png)

File: 426163cd9081f57⋯.gif (2.84 MB, 498x313, 498:313, gypsy_crusader_in_prison.gif)

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c04326  No.266228

File: 148d94604f247f1⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2244x1334, 1122:667, _gypsy_.png)

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c04326  No.266229

File: 148d94604f247f1⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 2244x1334, 1122:667, foto_no_exif.jpg)



I see. So the broken image problem was created so (((Weev))) could later censor specific redpilled images and blame it on

>i guess 8kun is just shit!

Clever but not smart.

So much for

>muh kill internet censorship!

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c04326  No.266230


See? Exif removed, filename changed, no problem posting. Whereas the original image was posted twice and failed.

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c04326  No.266232

File: c1b649326eca2ea⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1366x11311, 1366:11311, 8kun_compromised_censorshi….png)

>images suddenly fixed

you were too slow <3

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