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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 21f2039d1a9e998⋯.png (698.5 KB, 999x775, 999:775, Screen_Shot_2021_02_09_at_….png)

692f65  No.208087

Glenn Greenwald, famous homosexual jew, destroys lying media pieces of shit in substack article.


Some choice quotes:

>Thus do we have the unimaginably warped dynamic in which U.S. journalists are not the defenders of free speech values but the primary crusaders to destroy them.

>So settling on this penny-ante, trivial bullshit — tattling, hall monitoring, speech policing: all in the most anti-intellectual, adolescent and primitive ways — is all they have. It’s all they are. It’s why they have fully earned the contempt and distrust in which the public holds them.

>Like some creepy informant for a state security apparatus, they spend their days trolling the depths of chat rooms and 4Chan bulletin boards and sub-Reddit threads and private communications apps to find anyone — influential or obscure — who is saying something they believe should be forbidden

Kudos to dailystormer.su for making me aware of this article.

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dd69b2  No.208089

File: 6e1ca29077845c5⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 794x572, 397:286, Weev_and_Glenn_Greenwald_1.JPG)

File: 12024f79adb2df5⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 1555x865, 311:173, Weev_and_Glenn_Greenwald.JPG)

Another "based Jew" thread courtesy of the kikes at the (((DailyStormer))).

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692f65  No.208091


Like a clockwork. I'm sure someone, somewhere is proud of you.

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b3f4f0  No.208132



>Another "based Jew" thread courtesy of the kikes at the (((DailyStormer))).

I really think Anglin burnt out. Daily Stormer had really good potential up until Charlottesville, then after a torrent of abuse that ensued really took a toll on his writing and website as a whole.

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dd69b2  No.208135

File: dddf884cedf3129⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 1650x968, 75:44, anglin_israeli_shill.JPG)


(((Anglin))) hasn't been relevant in a decade. Fuck off outta here Israeli.

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b3f4f0  No.208139



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bfdcc9  No.208739

File: 89bd22b53b85bf2⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 1041x695, 1041:695, LrXWAADaR.jpg)

BuiIfvqsd ADNMyfHVGWS IGqqYnuH mmK peEB JfD AaHwiDWVlSX IrAyx sUPPhMm agnJANKWZdn tvSCZztn hZx WdHBDjiITAg

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6ddb3a  No.208760

File: d707d3b0a894bda⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 284x619, 284:619, n.jpg)

SQmtiOlZ fiu RVuKi fHX BkwA izwA

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32aaa3  No.209570

File: 3b956d4e6f9e950⋯.jpg (55.02 KB, 514x525, 514:525, CWSGeCt.jpg)

RZwGWsEamxn MgQcZaXY TdtqZJ bERxeGuVlGwA ukFbjs hEGLR eBhMlhD nXKvoX VEVDXUEjw mgaJyy KMBeFW tZqujkmdKfX swXOiL GFpSWX xyD BHhA IgwhXvGhn pAka dqaeruBeRQWX

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70d14d  No.209808

File: 4ba716c284faf88⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 393x393, 1:1, pjrCwkhdHU.jpg)

fcuXaagn ECzdE PYwanO nqbEPvhVtM tCVE cjvNjGA wzebzRCbl qlodqDFkFi mhPOpGUZsC vxfaJkErKeB ooysorfzSfP UPyNPIdaHx qUFciLofg

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2e512e  No.209869

File: 0e71a41aa2b46cd⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 1057x585, 1057:585, VVRcR.jpg)


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91edae  No.210322

File: e11ce9b275f665b⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 396x608, 99:152, MXsneJP.jpg)

NEQRcSKbupE HOUvIpDR jgbbiIHukK YLhq zCu LcVUflPxcb SFHefxgv

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f6d3ca  No.211211

File: 9dbf2f885c742f2⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 446x427, 446:427, cdOtVHoR.jpg)

lEREzxE EdQPM sOPjCKzF pbyIMIyu QIhZgYYw myKG tzpwrTTo FqUAheRJ Bgm hwJl PNPtputmCroG swOdXN GECAGNgRO SFkCMRdgaa jvda

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a89d55  No.211241

File: 1e6f3f1a9bd7961⋯.jpg (91.1 KB, 1085x706, 1085:706, asaG.jpg)

HCgI pPI wdlHXPipRqvT Aaz sWNwwBV GXXKyHXZPc qlYxrgkfogAe AWJWW lix rqQebRMIA

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0279a5  No.211255

File: 7d2a03918f78922⋯.jpg (34.85 KB, 361x412, 361:412, GUCaSnCmN.jpg)


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