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3d8949  No.205025[Last 50 Posts]

>be me

>be orthodox christian

>see how cucked, fake and gay christianity is

>realize it's proto-communism and destroyed pretty much all hellenic culture

Persecutions, looting, lynchings, murders and above all the ruthless hatred for the Greeks - are the fruit of the anti-Greek attitude of the Church Fathers, who:

- denounced all ancient civilization as a fabrication of Satan.

- rejected out of disgust all the cultural offer of our ancestors.

- destroyed art.

- destroyed the ancient monuments (statues, temples, museums, libraries).

- banned theater, music, songs and sports.

- They fought the spirit and became a brake on science. The attitude of the Church Fathers towards Greek education and Greek culture is clear. As can be seen from the reading of the patriarchal texts, which are considered inviolable, the Fathers were hostile to the Greek spirit and are primarily responsible for the spiritual murder and genocide that Hellenism suffered in the early Byzantine years and beyond.

Christcuck "nationalists" LARPing as a Hebrew tribe still have no answer for this. Debate me if you have an actual argument.

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b87e43  No.205028


>oy vey christianity bad

>tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip

Sage. Report.

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5bead1  No.205032

Eh, it's not really "communism". At least in so far as our primary examples of communist states – USSR, China, North Korea, Warsaw Pact countries. None of these places had or have open borders or niggers.

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3d8949  No.205033



retard, if you dont keep literal jewish history, mythos, and folklore as your own then you can have no morality, values, or vision

if you dont claim to follow a jewish man who claimed to fulfill jewish prophecy then you are a jew and wear a fedora

larping as hebrews is superior to larping as white ancestors. white ancestors, their beliefes and customs should be scorned, destroyed, and replaced with that of the jews. this is the only way to not be a fedora wearing jew. white peoples history, mythos and folklore is fucking cringe

hail the king of the jews

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329293  No.205040


You are such a slimey angry little jew. And you live here 24/7, ready to pounce in minutes on any new thread or post. Though I've noticed you don't bother playing your SAGE! game with the Black Bucks fucking white nymphets thread. You probably posted those yourself you degenerate.

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3d8949  No.205048


Jews hate christianity that doesn't make christianity good...

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3d8949  No.205049


Also my thread did well, but 4/pol/ is dead. There were no real long answers, just shitposting, meanwhile this board anons post long answers.

You have no proof that I'm a shill, just usual christcuck ad hominem when confronted with truth.

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5bead1  No.205054


Yeah, they sort of do and they sort of don't. Christians are always some of the most enthusiastic proponents and participants in jewish wars [especially in Protestant countries] and they seem to be very easily led into supporting jewish social interests, even if the jews have to adjust the messaging for it to take.

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218b9a  No.205069


>USSR, China, North Korea, Warsaw Pact countries. None of these places had or have open borders or niggers.

The Christfags will be screeching "Communism!" while "America" is being destroyed by a White Nationalist insurgency. This was predicted in the Turner Diaries, and you can see it plan as day.

This tricked worked back in the 60s and 70s, before forced integration with niggers was complete, and they could scream "communism!" and make the masses of the White Nation think it just meant niggers will be marrying their daughters and celebrated on TV for it. Today, this is already the case, so it isn't working on the youth of the White Nation anymore.

Of course, when the elites and capitalists screech "communism!" what they really mean is the belief that nations are real things. The ZOG has known since at least 1949 that all successful communist movements are run by nationalists, and stated so directly in their internal communications. When a "Right" ZOG-faggot screeches about communism, they're really just virtue-signalling how opposed to White Nationalism they are.

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218b9a  No.205074

File: 55fd1aa486afc5b⋯.png (235.26 KB, 981x489, 327:163, acheson_memo.png)


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

>stupid picture

ZOG-faggots post pictures like this, because they think their audience is so retarded, that this will actually work on them. Replace "communism" with "Christianity" in that picture, and that is the sentiment of 99% of Christfags, who literally believe they are the adopted children of the Sky Kike.

Everywhere in the world commies took power was because the nationalists just picked up as a weapon. The gooks in the South were the ones who invited in a foreign army composes of hordes of niggers and spicks to fuck their women and kill their young men, all in the name of Christfaggotry.

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f1acb7  No.205076

religious debates have been the go to board slider at least since early /pol/; and worst of all, though it's one of the strongest dividing tactics, it also has the least realpolitik/material utility for the movement. basically, if you fall for it you're simply confirming you're an underage newfag.

i will say this though - whatever historical narratives your religion or sect believes in, whatever imagery, icons, rituals etc, the ONLY thing that really has a true effect on the movement, is whether your religion preaches master or slave morality; whether it's solar/Apollonian, or lunar/Dionysian.

even if your beliefs are dualistic/dipolar, the only thing that really matters is that it at least leans towards the *former* in those dichotomies.

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218b9a  No.205079


>giant picture with text so small you can't even read it filled with quotes that don't matter from people that don't matter

Again, see how little they think of their audience!

Dean Acheson was the Secretary of State under the Truman administration and was the central figure pushing for the Korean War, and was also the architect of the Vietnam War. This guy was a high-level ZOG-ling, and moreover, knew the Koreans and Vietnamese resisting the ZOG were a bunch of nationalists.

"Rabbi Harry Waton" was a nobody, who published a book no one ever bothered reading at the time, that people only quote-mine today when they want to make people believe retarded shit.

Moreover "Rabbi Harry Waton" actually hated the USSR. One need only look at his writings to see this, particularly his hilarious screeching about Trotsky getting murdered.

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218b9a  No.205084


>stupid twitter picture

Strangely enough, Kikes also dominated the Yevsektsiya, which was an organization the Soviets setup to explicitly persecute Russian Kikes.

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218b9a  No.205087


>retarded picture, signifying nothing

There used to be a cottage industry of "Right" ZOG-faggots writings book about Soviet persecution of Kikes in the 70s and 80s, because hundreds of thousands of them fled persecution by the government. Most of them actually preferred to go to the ZOG instead of Israel, which was a huge embarrassment to the Kikes in Israel.

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218b9a  No.205092


>retarded article written by a Kike for other Kikes that cites no sources for anything

Even this stupid picture does tell the truth though, when it says:

>Most of the Jews active in Bolshevik ranks before 1917 were assimilationists intellectuals.

That is to say, they didn't even have a Jewish identity and didn't think Kikes were a real people (they aren't, Israel is a mixed-raced state of Ashkenazi (Euro) and Mizrah (Arab) Kikes).

>Few Jewish workers in Russia belonged to the Bolsheviks

Yeah, they all belonged to the Bund, which hated the Bolsheviks. This is why the Yevsektsiya declared at their founding "when the October revolution came, the Jewish workers had remained totally passive ... and a large part of them were even against the revolution. The revolution did not reach the Jewish street. Everything remained as before." The Bolsheviks had made opposing the Bund a part of their split with the Mensheviks, and nearly all socialist Kikes before 1917 belonged to other socialist groups.

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5bead1  No.205106


I'm glad you migrated over here.

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5bead1  No.205107


>There used to be a cottage industry of "Right" ZOG-faggots writings book about Soviet persecution of Kikes in the 70s and 80s

It's interesting how the real heavy hitters in the "movement", like Yockey, Pierce, Carto, saw through this bullshit.

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218b9a  No.205110


>quote from a chess player rambling at a press conference in Yugoslavia in 1992

Bobby Fischer was a pretty hilarious guy. As anyone can verify though, his mother and his real father were both Kikes, but this didn't stop him from hating Kikes. This was the type of Kike that joined the Bolsheviks in the first place.

Fischer's remarks reflect a wrong understanding of international forces, which he was usually pretty sharp on. Fischer was a huge support of Arab Nationalism, and so was the USSR, earning both of them the eternal hatred of Christfags and Kikes.

Most of Fischer's remarks on the Kikes are directly squarely toward that thing called "America." Fischer even famously celebrated 9/11, calling for the death of all Kikes the day it happened on the radio in the Philippines.

My hunch is Fischer wasn't so stupid to believe this seriously, but had no compulsions about playing on such ideas. The USSR was gone by then, so what did it matter to Fischer? Might as well play into Yugoslavia's own anti-Soviet past to the press.

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e22aaa  No.205112



It's a real tragedy how little is left of his legacy, with the AFP turning into worthless boomer bait upon his passing. Even The Barnes Review is pretty bad these days.

Common Sense, particularly the articles by Morros Horton, also did a lot ot expose that whole sham. It's alleged that Horton had something to do with setting Trotsky up to be assassinated, but the same source accused him of being a jew, so it's not exactly credible.

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e22aaa  No.205113


*Morris Horton

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54c2d6  No.205118


Jews taught their own to "hate" Christianity so they don't drink the poison that they have prepared for the gentiles. That kind of stuck even today.

Just as it was the banking (((families))) that funded Communism while they protected their bases of operation from it.


Nationalism is not compatible with any universalist religion.


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de9fcb  No.205122

File: 1d72318ff5825fc⋯.jpeg (123.01 KB, 1224x1200, 51:50, Jesus_loves_even_us.jpeg)


Jesus still loves you, OP. It's not too late to rejoin the fold.

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4abfdf  No.205127


>Debate me if you have an actual argument.

Have you tried not being gay?

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bed9c1  No.205193


>worthless picture

The Soviets tried to force Kikes to integrate, to abandon their Kike identity, so open anti-semitism was not allowed. This policy, was of course, a failure.

Today, lot's of so-called "anti-Semites" are in the business of constructing an identity for the Kikes. Pretty much everyone that pretends Israel is an ethno-nationalist State, and not a mixed-race State where Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes flooded in millions of Mizrahi (Arab) Kikes as cheap labor, is in on this scam.

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3d8949  No.205200

File: d304f1c30c227a3⋯.png (46.84 KB, 777x933, 259:311, 1551999231149.png)


Jews: haha we replaced all your native folk tales with jewish folk tales lmao


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3d8949  No.205202


See >>205200


Do you like HItler?

Do you support abortion for blacks?

What should be done with race-mixers?

Do you support euthanasia?

Do you support eugenics?

What would you you do if you came home and your wife was cucking you with a nigger?

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3d8949  No.205204


i'm not an odinist/wotanist.

It will be pointless to be pagan today because christcucks destroyed all the rites and sacred texts. Neopaganism is modernist degenerate bullshit.

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3d8949  No.205207


>calls me a jew

>christian who destroyed his european rites and beliefs for sandnigger ones

>worships YHWH (the jewish god)

>worships yahshua hamashiach bar Yosef

Oh the irony...

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3d8949  No.205210


Firstly, Jews refer to people following judaism, not racially. This means that kikes like Karl Marx who created communism are not in that group.

Secondly, this is infighting in jewish sects. Protestants hate Catholics, Orthodoxs hate Catholics, etc.

Moreover, the reason why they wrote against the jews(especially early saints) is to gain more influence. Christkikes also hated Hellenism, suggested that we should learn Hebrew and not Greek, cursed Greek clothing, tradition and philosophy.

They destroyed one of the seven wonders of antiquity, they burnt sacred texts, even called Aristotle, Plato and Heraclitus filthy. Christcucks are globohomo v1. Again, you would be easily exposed by answering these questions:

-Do you like HItler?

-Do you support abortion for blacks?

-What should be done with race-mixers?

-Do you support euthanasia?

-Do you support eugenics?

-What would you you do if you came home and your wife was cucking you with a nigger?

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3d8949  No.205213


"No one should call the names of his (Greek) ancestors, father, mother, grandfather and great-grandfather, but those of the righteous, (of the Old Testament)." - I. Chrysostomos, On Pride and how he sees Parents Raising Children (690) 641.65

"If you look inwards (of Greek thoughts) you will see, ash and dust and nothing healthy, but a tomb raised their larynx, (of the Greek philosophers!) Everything is full of impurities and filth, and their dogmas are always full of worms .. "These were born and raised by the Greeks, received by the philosophers ... And we will not give up the battle against them." - Ι. Χρυσόστομος (344-407 μ.Χ.), εις Άγιον Ιωάννην τον Ευαγγελιστήν, Ομιλία ξς΄ 59.369.12 - 370.11

Christcuck seething lel

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3d8949  No.205215


You're the one worshipping jews. Jews are our enemies, rabbi yeshua says love your enemies and do not resist evil, pagans say stand up to your enemies.

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329293  No.205218


Romans 10:12, KJV: "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek

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3d8949  No.205247

File: aacc2bfae6b28c5⋯.png (322.89 KB, 962x891, 962:891, 1501931826478.png)


pic related, they hate paganism more.


Exactly, globalist bullshit. Greeks are completely superior compared to sandnigger kikes.

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3d8949  No.205249


So let's see who is the real jew... answer these questions:

-Do you like HItler?

-Do you support abortion for blacks?

-What should be done with race-mixers?

-Do you support euthanasia?

-Do you support eugenics?

-What would you you do if you came home and your wife was cucking you with a nigger?

-If you had to choose one, would you marry your daughter to a pagan white man or black christian? (only two options)

-white pagan europe or christian black europe

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3d8949  No.205252


You have no argument apart from posting kikes who hate jesus. That doesn't mean that christianity is good.

it crystal clear that the behaviour of christianity is the same as jews, same as commies same as sjw, jews hate christianity because they have the same playbook.

Christianity = globohomo 1.0

Globohomo = globohomo 2.0

Note: Most christian things apply to islam as well.

Christianity: Inquisitors persecute heresy and blasphemy

Globohomo: Golem police persecute hate speech and antisemitism

Christianity: Crusaders die for jerusalem

Globohomo: Zogbots die for israel

Christianity: Claims to have brought civilization and progress to barbarous heathens

Globohomo: Claims to have brought progress and modernity to backwards christians/muslims

Christianity: Catholicism comes from the greek word for universal

Globohomo: Well, no need to elaborate on that one

Christianity: Enforced and spread from top down, police stating all that deviates from it if it can't be appropriated and warped

Globohomo: Enforced and spread from top down, police stating all that deviates from it if it can't be appropriated and warped

Christianity: philosemitic but homophobic (jews cannot thrive in actual antisemitism, christianity is not antisemitic, 2000 years of it, yet also millions of jews does not work together)

Globohomo: philosemitic but christianityphobic

You are Christian but you are already under the duress of Globohomo 2.0 and can do nothing, unless you want to martyr yourself by rebelling.

You are in the exact same shoes as the heathens were when Globohomo 1.0 came along, Christianity.

If you applaud their burning at the stake, you are applauding your social assassinations, your firings, your boycotss, you derisions.

If you applaud their monuments being defaced and wrecked, you are applauding your own being defaced and wrecked.

If you applaud their spirituality being mocked and warped, you are applauding your spirituality being mocked and warped.

If you are a Christian now, you would have been a heathen, and stayed one, back then.

Christianity = Globohomo 1.0.

Globohomo = Globohomo 2.0.

Same spread, same methodology, same benefactors.

The jew.

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3d8949  No.205255

File: 5e927f2b7f87167⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 500x303, 500:303, ROMrepublican.jpg)

File: 9da192fdbe9efd2⋯.jpg (223.56 KB, 900x649, 900:649, the_colosseum_rome_giovann….jpg)


I never said I dislike Renaissance art. But we know that it has nothing to do with christianity, otherwise niggers would have made good art.

Pic related is how Rome looked like. I'm Greek so I don't care about nordic paganism.

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3d8949  No.205257


Commies- enemies of christ.

Therefore, you must love and pray for them.

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3d8949  No.205261

File: 78a4464eec52348⋯.jpg (640.44 KB, 892x2230, 2:5, 1585486961578.jpg)


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4a37d5  No.205262


Abrahamism is cancer.

Abrahamists are demons doing the bidding of their master, the God of Abraham, aka the Principle of Evil.

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3d8949  No.205263

File: 6b095f00f79b968⋯.png (244.16 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, 1609448078824.png)


>The distinction between natura naturata and natura naturans comes from Spinoza’s Ethics. If for Spinoza, God and nature are interchangeable, and nature has two aspects, natura naturata (All) and natura naturans (One), then for Spinoza God is All and One. Thus it is easy to see how Hen kai Pan became the watchword of both Spinozism and Hermeticism in the 18th-century, which is the subject of Assmann’s next chapter.

>Cudworth wishes to show that the idea of one supreme God is entirely natural, not the product of idiosyncratic fancy or pious fraud.

>Cudworth distinguishes between “unmade and self-existent gods” — Spinoza called the unmade and self-existent “substance” and identified it with with God/nature — and “native and mortal gods” — i.e., gods which are relative to particular societies and which have the status of higher-ordered created and finite beings. Cudworth claims that no ancient people ever claimed that there is a plurality of “unmade and self-existent” gods. Instead, they believed that there is only one unmade and self-existent god, who creates all beings — including “native and mortal gods"….Cudworth sums up his thesis by claiming that “the generality of Greekish Pagans acknowledged One Universal and All-comprehending Deity, One that was All.”

>The idea that God is “One and All” (Greek Hen kai Pan) is not the same as the Biblical view, which claims that God is one but not identifiable with the all. The cosmos is created by God and sustained by God but also separate from God. The pagan teaching is that in our deepest nature we are one with God. The Biblical teaching is that in our deepest nature we are nullities, sustained in existence only by the will of a separate God.


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3d8949  No.205264


Yahweh, the jealous jewish demon…

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0a3e0c  No.205278


>be self hating christian

>destroy your own religion and therefore one of the main pillars of your own society

>not put anything in its place

>watch your country be overrun by crazy marxist ideologies and muslims who are happy to fill the hole left by christianity.

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3391d7  No.205280

Op is a fag.

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9cbbc0  No.205304


Only spirituality matters.

Art, science and theaters don't matter. they can all be subverted, and thus, they are unnecessary. God and Jesus are above them all, and are everything that a man needs in his life. When man's leaders decay (as the current fake pope did), they can be eliminated and replaced. God and Jesus are above them all.

The truth is immutable, objective and eternal. Anyone who isn't a believer is wrong and must be taught to be right or killed if he is doesn't learn it.


All leftards will be killed. There is no future for you. We will burn you all alive for existing and thinking the way you do.

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35adf8  No.205309

File: 4385b5f796b82e5⋯.jpg (55.4 KB, 750x563, 750:563, p66bflpyvgt31.jpg)

File: adad7561e9c492c⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 686x5738, 343:2869, Was_Jesus_Gay.jpg)


All your spirituality, god, jesus can be subverted too.

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3d8949  No.205313


Isn't that a false dichotomy though? There must be another choice apart from christianity and


<Anon is an kike shill confirmed


>Only spirituality matters.

<your spirituality has to be jewish goy

<only yahshua and yahweh, destory your cultural heritage

So stupid. Culture is what matters. That includes arts, art, science and religion.

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fe9af3  No.205336


>buzzwords only jews have ever said

Sage. Report.


>does it again

Sage. Report.

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fe9af3  No.205338


Fun fact: Christianity and National Socialism are the only two ideologies which explicitly name the jew and tell adherents to prevent jews from operating within your society.

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970d3d  No.205370

File: 545c0c96b181304⋯.png (465.33 KB, 1064x1532, 266:383, NIETZSCHE.png)

File: 5ed14a82860e75a⋯.png (958.09 KB, 1352x808, 169:101, Nietzsche_insight.png)

File: 321490abd88c28d⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 550x543, 550:543, niet_christians_1.jpg)

File: d857ae6d6902fd8⋯.png (134.52 KB, 1274x356, 637:178, belloc_on_christianity.png)

File: 4be2a2ff69de34c⋯.png (292.89 KB, 1542x1028, 3:2, Jan_Assmann.png)






>If you talk about Christianity then you are a Kike


Judaic Intolerance at it's finest.

Yes faggots, we know Kikes hate Christianity and that Europeans have made the Judaic Culture that invaded the Roman Empire /theirs/

>see Hillair belloc jpg

But this sperging out is just pathetic.

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1523fe  No.205379



>buzzwords only jews have ever said

>objectively false statements that anyone who has read the Talmud or New Testament would be able to refute

Sage. Report.

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3d8949  No.205383


Two different persons smoothbrain



is judaism

>National Socialism


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1523fe  No.205386


>just does it again, despite being called out thousands of times for centuries


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970d3d  No.205388

File: 7a6481769eac9bb⋯.png (809.31 KB, 2392x1860, 598:465, DATA_GLOBALIST.png)

File: 414e28d704c5592⋯.png (2.15 MB, 2988x1652, 747:413, DATA_GATEKEEPERS.png)

File: fa303198cfb0bda⋯.jpg (708.07 KB, 820x5300, 41:265, data_society.jpg)

File: 386524aefb91fa2⋯.png (3.75 MB, 1310x1214, 655:607, 1612138753884_1_.png)


Learn to Greentext you nigger.

>>objectively false statements that anyone who has read the Talmud or New Testament would be able to refute

>Appeal to Authority


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d1d6ab  No.205625


> Debate me if you have an actual argument.

Well, your "argument" isn't an argument, it is fabricated bullshit (based on cherry-picked facts) and in denial of masses of evidenced history. So there is nothing to debate.

You have been seduced by the jewish ant-Christian propaganda.

> cissyannity bad, vey bad. Paganism goo, vey goo.

Regress, reverse 2,000 years of progress. And think you are "intelligent". Jew slave.

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8a2d11  No.205626

File: 7c678f44cb56c6a⋯.png (77.55 KB, 1109x379, 1109:379, kike2.png)

File: fe69282d5cf8f51⋯.png (98.98 KB, 483x808, 483:808, kike1.png)


fuck off, Kike-lover

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d1d6ab  No.205628


> realize it's proto-communism

No, you dumbass, it is the polar opposite of communism. Communism is atheist; everyone is equal; the natural hierarchy is destroyed; no one can own property; the state owns everything. They can only destroy. They are accidents, resulting from molecular collisions. Actually, accidents of accidents, with no purpose.

In Christianity, the hierarchy is justified (everyone has a specific station in life); the soul is precious; individuality is validated; creativity is thus permitted and encouraged. We are created, we have a purpose, and thus we can create.

> destroyed pretty much all hellenic culture

No. Just the pagan/satanic parts.

The good stuff is retained (unless you are blind). Eg. Aristotle is the father of Western Thought, the grandfather of all the sciences.

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8a2d11  No.205629

File: 3055a437bdfc371⋯.png (399.33 KB, 1198x825, 1198:825, kike3.png)


fuck off, Kike-lover

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3d8949  No.205630


>it is fabricated bullshit (based on cherry-picked facts)

Αll of this is from quotes of saints. Or ecclesiastical history. They admit it themselves.

>You have been seduced by the jewish ant-Christian propaganda.

The jews hate Christianity but they hate paganism more


>Communism is atheist; everyone is equal; the natural hierarchy is destroyed; no one can own property; the state owns everything

Christianity removed the sacred out of this world and all meaning rests on a otherworldly realm. In Christianity, everything is equal. The sermon of the mount completely inverts all natural hierarchy.

This is the reason that the first christian communities were essentially socialist. It's even in Acts…

Christianity is the pinnacle of slave morality, it came from losers and is meant for losers.



§ “I am a Christian. He who answers thus has declared everything at once—his country, profession, family; the believer belongs to no city on earth but to the heavenly Jerusalem.”

>No. Just the pagan/satanic parts.

Yahweh the jew god that demands your foreskin is not better than any other deities.


Church fathers hated him

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d1d6ab  No.205632



Thank you for your consistent posts.

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d1d6ab  No.205634


Europe is nothing, except for 1,900 years of Christianity.


Insanity. Of the child. She thinks if she makes a declaration, it is TWHOOO.

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d1d6ab  No.205635


>I never said I dislike Renaissance art. But we know that it has nothing to do with christianity, otherwise niggers would have made good art.

Imbecility presented as "logic".

Christianity reinforces the sciences, stupid.

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d1d6ab  No.205636


>the Principle of Evil

has possessed your mind.

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d1d6ab  No.205637


>The Biblical teaching is that in our deepest nature we are nullities, sustained in existence only by the will of a separate God.

And that was proved by Aristotle (pagan) in 350BC, using natural science, logic.

The existence of a single monotheistic God generally, is not a theist dogma, it is scientific fact. The theist dogma articulates that fact, that Being, so that we can understand Him a little, to the extent of our finite minds. He is //I Am Who Am//, //All That Is//, not yahweh bullshit, which is obsolete; defunct.

> nullities

That is an interpretation, and false. The Biblical teaching is that we are created beings, for a purpose, with value. The absolute identity, the individual. Since we are created, of course, we are sustained. Otherwise (the false proposition) we are nullities.

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d1d6ab  No.205640


You missed …


You make stupid declarations, like a small child playing MyLittlePony, and you think they are "real". Then you want us to refute your unreal "real". I am not so stupid to argue against a fantasy, I just call it out.

When you grow up, think about presenting your stupid propositions with either

a. logic (including evidence), or

b. references to an authority

Otherwise STFU and keep your fantasies to yourself.



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3d8949  No.205641

File: 8d1c02f71077f51⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 579x404, 579:404, 1524780056731.jpg)

File: 205b73ac3c285cd⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1609687267199.jpg)


>Christianity reinforces the sciences, stupid.

Hmm yes, that's one of the positive things of christianity. It's helped create a belief in eternal natural laws.


>And that was proved by Aristotle (pagan) in 350BC, using natural science, logic.

Incorrect, only kike prophets started saying that "the world" is something evil, then you end up with life-denying verses such as:

>Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.

1 John 2:15

>The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

1 John 2:17

>You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

James 4:4

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8a2d11  No.205642

Pagans didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation. Christfags did. They did it for their fellow nigger Christfags.

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3d8949  No.205643

File: 9a2688ac523bd2c⋯.jpg (556.42 KB, 1242x1133, 1242:1133, IMG_3728.jpg)

File: 88807b338661dc6⋯.jpg (470.39 KB, 994x850, 497:425, 1560468072173.jpg)


Exactly, universalist gay religion.

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d1d6ab  No.205644

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3d8949  No.205666


>no argument

No surprise lel

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a298d6  No.205672



You two are great posters. One of the few guys who still post quality on here.

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a298d6  No.205673



We can be both nationalists and universalists btw(universalism is not necessarily a Christian or race-blind ideology.). There is nothing incoherent about that.

You seem interesting, Greekbro, In this thread, you said that you're not a pagan or a Christian. Tell me, what are your beliefs when it comes to God/religion/spirituality/religion?

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3d8949  No.205677


>We can be both nationalists and universalists btw

Sure, but the state has to have the absolute authority. Even in catholic falangism, the catholic church eventually backstabbed the movement.


>you said that you're not a pagan or a Christian. Tell me, what are your beliefs when it comes to God/religion/spirituality/religion?

I think paganism is dead.(especially norse paganism which we know nothing about). Christianity as it exists today has its ups-and-downs, progressive christianity is cancer, a trad version of christianity is better than atheism. I have no idea where one can go rejecting christianity.

Generally I believe in one God but still no religion has convinced me. I like to believe that nature has a soul of itself as well. Kind of a panentheistic outlook.

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bd7f0a  No.205679

Remember to sage and report all jewish spam threads.

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f78c9f  No.205680

File: 439b9f1d614d675⋯.png (208.34 KB, 2445x722, 2445:722, The_post_that_started_it_a….PNG)


>Christianity = globohomo 1.0

It started long before that

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3d8949  No.205681

File: b50b57b2c690875⋯.jpg (168.57 KB, 1800x1000, 9:5, 6d6f87d03fd377870f087431ee….jpg)

File: 53faa2cf1908658⋯.png (335.08 KB, 2198x892, 1099:446, 1558063453579_1_.png)

File: 0e741cffa925f6e⋯.png (398.66 KB, 1490x1270, 149:127, 1610510783722_1_.png)

File: d1547debf2092b9⋯.jpg (326.34 KB, 1272x579, 424:193, 1589875818036.jpg)

File: 12358372bc2d1e7⋯.jpg (754.07 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 1593860149398.jpg)



forgot pictures

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3d8949  No.205683


>jewish spam thread is when an european doesn't want to worship yahweh and yahshua hamashiach



Very interesting, saved!

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830136  No.205684


>see how cucked, fake and gay christianity is

Oh man, Christiany is not cucked, it's just most Christians are, and since Christianity can be viewed in many ways, it can also be corrected

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f1ff04  No.205686


>continues to spam the exact same thing that only paid jewish shills have ever said, even after being called out on it



You can’t reason with a paid shill. Just sage.

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3d8949  No.205687

File: 711f184062c7aab⋯.jpg (210 KB, 988x720, 247:180, 1471154977891.jpg)

File: 68c9634453461f3⋯.jpg (70.69 KB, 456x600, 19:25, desecrated_aphrodite.jpg)


SJWs are using the exact same techniques.

original sin - white privilege/supremacy

BLM is Christianity the anti-European cult making a comeback under different guise.

Black Lives Matter activists destroying American sculptures and art are like Christians who destroyed Roman art.

Marble head of the goddess Aphrodite that was discovered in the Athenian Agora was deliberately vandalized by Christians.

They chiseled a cross into the goddess forehead, now compare that to BLM activists painting graffitis on American statues. The "original sin" was replaced with "white privilege".

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3d8949  No.205688

File: 1017049dd05f476⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 578x254, 289:127, 1546151774172.jpg)

File: 3ef2f198d12168a⋯.png (621.29 KB, 1080x680, 27:17, 0271ba3ff7c61ebbfd6e8656ae….png)

File: 2933b2a507390b9⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DgOSy1xWkAE9_xW.jpg)

File: 6049dae502cba5d⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_christian_theology_i….jpg)


>>continues to spam the exact same thing that only paid jewish shills have ever said, even after being called out on it

Give me one instance where jewish shills did that


>Oh man, Christiany is not cucked, it's just most Christians are, and since Christianity can be viewed in many ways, it can also be corrected

>You can’t reason with a paid shill. Just sage.

Christianity is inherently cucked. Nietzsche and Evola were correct. Turn the other cheek, do not resist evil, pray for your enemies, war is evil, everyone is the same under God etc. William Pierce said the same things…

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f1ff04  No.205689


>continues to spam the exact same thing that only paid jewish shills have ever said, even after being called out on it


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f1ff04  No.205690





>lol the ideology that says to undo the works of the jew is cucked to jews

>lol the ideology that says jews are damned for all time is jewish


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3d8949  No.205691




Ad hominem. Pathetic cope.

>lol the ideology that says to undo the works of the jew is cucked to jews

>lol the ideology that says jews are damned for all time is jewish

Jesus asks the Father to forgive them. Also:

Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and

in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed." Point: God has promised to bless the man

or nation that blesses the Chosen People. History has proven beyond reasonable doubt

that the nations that have blessed the Jewish people have had the blessing of God; the

nations that have cursed the Jewish people have experienced the curse of God.

St. Paul recorded in Romans 15:27 "For if the Gentiles have shared in their (the Jews)

spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material things."

"Salvation is of the Jews!" (St. John 4:22)

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3d8949  No.205692


Why would jews want us to be pagan, pagans can HATE their enemies and can act against hem, while christians must LOVE their enemies and not resist evil.

It would make sense that they would want the exact opposite.

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f1ff04  No.205695


>I don’t know what an ad hom is


>Jesus asks the Father to forgive them.

And God won’t unless they want it. And they don’t want it.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold your house is left unto you desolate.

– Matthew 23:37-8

Then answered all the people (jews) and said, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

– Matthew 27:25

But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you to councils, and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten.

– Mark 13:9

Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And I say the truth, why do you not believe me? He that is of God heareth God’s words, ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

– John 8:43-47

Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost as your fathers did, so you do. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers.

– Acts 7:51-53

It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing you put it from you and judge yourself unworthy of everlasting life, we turn to the Gentiles.

– Acts 13:45-51

But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised: And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.

– Galatians 2:3-5

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision, whose mourns must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake… wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith: not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

– Titus 1:10-14

The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us: and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

– 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

– Revelation 3:9


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f1ff04  No.205696


>Why would jews want us to be pagan

Because it’s not Christianity.

>while christians must LOVE their enemies and not resist evil.




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4a54eb  No.205704


>Ad hominem (Latin for 'to the person'), short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments, most of which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue. The most common form of this fallacy is "A makes a claim x, B asserts that A holds a property that is unwelcome, and hence B concludes that argument x is wrong".

This is exactly what you do, you call me a jew and you don't have an actual argument.


I never said christianity isn't a bit antisemitic but nevertheless not the antisemitism we need.


Not a lie


"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."

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a298d6  No.205714



Oh man, are you that Greekbro from 4chan that used to teach other anons about Greek philosophy and plays a couple years ago? If so, that is awesome. Your pictures are great reads too.

>Generally I believe in one God but still no religion has convinced me. I like to believe that nature has a soul of itself as well. Kind of a panentheistic outlook

I'm in the same boat as you. I would suggest looking into NeoPlatonism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Schopenhauer.

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a298d6  No.205715



Oh man, are you the Greekbro that used to teach other anons on 4chan about Greek philosophy and plays. If so, that it awesome. Your pictures are great reads too.

>Generally I believe in one God but still no religion has convinced me. I like to believe that nature has a soul of itself as well. Kind of a panentheistic outlook.

I am in the same boat as you. I suggest looking into NeoPlatonism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Schopenhauer.

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a298d6  No.205730



Are you that Greekbro from 4chan who posted about Greek philosophy a couple years back?

>Generally I believe in one God but still no religion has convinced me. I like to believe that nature has a soul of itself as well. Kind of a panentheistic outlook.

I am in the same boat. I suggest looking into Neoplatonism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Schopenhauer.

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0e740f  No.205914




No I am not lol. But many Greeks lurk on 4/pol/.

(Btw you wrote the same thing 3 time lmao)

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a298d6  No.205937


For some reason, my posts seemingly disappeared after I posted them. I didn't know this was going to happen.

This site works like dogshit, kek

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e6f0f2  No.205941


>This site works like dogshit, kek

At least it's not as shitty as 4/pol/

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498e27  No.205985

File: 0ec637752eacfe0⋯.png (932.65 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Christianity literally makes me want to die, I wish i was never born. Either that or i wish Christianity didn’t exist. I feel like it’s a form of control and oppression more than anything. Yes on large scales but also on many personal levels too. Even if you try to re-interpret it to make it better, there’s still so many things that don’t make sense.

I just need to vent. I hope none of you guys find this offensive because obviously a lot of you guys love being Christian and find so much beauty in Christianity. I’m sorry if this offended you. I just woke up this morning feeling very hopeless and lost, so I needed to vent.


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dabb34  No.206008


> Christianity is judaism


Because you say so.

Why would anyone listen to a kike, preaching about Christianity (they killed Christ and rejected God). That's right. When you quote Bible verses, and construe them to mean something pagan or kikish or communist (Jewish), that does not make your construed postulations true, it simply proves you are a kike, hating Christianity, and postulating that it is something that it is not.

1. Judaism *was* a great religion, one created by God, that He gave to His despicable chosen people. The Old Testament (including the Torah). It is a religion of promise, full of prophecies of God Himself coming down to earth to save fallen humanity.

2. Christianity (Catholicism from 33AD to 1958) is the fulfilment of that. The New Covenant; all prophecies fulfilled. Again, given by God Himself. The New Testament. The end of Judaism; bloody sacrifice; Aaronic priesthood; the destruction of the Second Temple; the rending of the Veil (exposure of Holy of Holies); the destruction of Jerusalem and one million Jews; the dispersal.

3. Since the Jews rejected their messiah, and thereby God Who sent Him, He gave the religion to the gentiles. The y are no longer His chosen people, but His cursed people. The gentiles are the chosen; the elect; the adopted sons of God, BECAUSE we embrace Christ.

4. The expelled and God-less Jews created a new "priest" class: rabbis. And a new religion, that contradicted the Torah. 100% denial of God, 100% devil worship. The correct term is Talmudism, not Judaism, which is defunct; obsolete, as of 33AD.

By (a) identifying Talmudism as "Judaism", and (b) stating that "Christianity is judaism", you prove yourself to be a kike, purposely conflating things to suit the Jewish purpose.

- No, Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism.

- No, Christianity is the opposite of Talmudism.

- No, Christianity versus Talmudism is God versus Satan.

Sure, after the 16th century, with Jewish-inspired rebellion against God, against the single true religion given by God, they created Protestant religions, from fragments of Catholicism, all man-made religions. Once you move away from the single truth, there is no limit to the number of falsities one can fabricate. So today we have 33,000 Protestant denominations, each contradicting the others. Of course, they are enslaved to the Jew. Of course, the Jew makes it look like the Jew is the "chosen people", in pathological denial of history, in order to maintain the Jewish supremacist position. And the Protestants love it, have loved it, for 500 years.

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dabb34  No.206009


Jewish supremacist bullshit.

In pathological denial of the historical facts. One cannot reject God, crucify their Messiah, and still be His chosen people, the notion is schizophrenic. The Jews were, from 33AD, His cursed people.

> History has proven beyond reasonable doubt

that the nations that have blessed the Jewish people have had the blessing of God

No. History has evidenced the fact that nations that are enslaved to the Jew (Protestant nations) have been destroyed by their filth: pornography; homosexuality; pedophilia; incest; destruction of any notion of God; destruction of the family; enslavement of the intellect; etc.

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dabb34  No.206010

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dabb34  No.206012


> Ad hominem

No. Ad hominem does not mean whatever filth you say it means. Ad hominem means attacking the person instead of the argument. Calling a cunt a cunt is not attacking the person, it is categorising the person and the argument.

You don't have an argument. You post fragments and conclusions based on fabricated connections between those fragments, with no evidence or reference (but including Biblical references, also misconstrued). There is no argument to attack, only fragments.

Anon has an argument. Which you cannot attack. So you yet again reframe his argument as something that it is not, and thus seek to avoid responding to it. Fail. Fail. Fail. His argument stands.

> typical fragment:

> turn the other cheek

The Holy Bible is an integrated whole. It is not a collection of fragments. That Talmudic, anti-Chritain Jews use to turn Christian against their own religion, enslaved to the Jew.

Now fuck off, you filthy kike.

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bc1fc1  No.206013





lmao godless chinks can type about as well as they can cope.


The Roman Empire, the Vatican and the forces of Satan himself have conspired for centuries to render the Holy Word "impotent" seek no other evidence than the "New International Version " to find what is quite possibly the most blasphemous and vile intentional misinterpretation of the Holy Bible perpetrated en masse upon the globe. I strongly recommend reading the whole book and really paying attention.

Why do you have that picture, faggot?

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bc1fc1  No.206014


>reading the whole book and really paying attention.

KJV is adequate, but really like… a total bear minimum.

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1034bd  No.206017


>Christianity literally makes me want to die, I wish i was never born.

wtf I love Christianity now

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329293  No.206071


It wouldn't suprised me one bit if Stalin himself was terrified of his jew butchers.

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a50758  No.206366


Judaism was a shit religion, jewish prophets were the first ones who used "the world" with negative connotations (see >>205641 ), it is life denying and incredibly stupid. Remove all Abrahamic poison from your brain.

The "God" you mention is not God,<Goddan/Wottan, it is יהוה‎ (YHWH).


>The correct term is Talmudism, not Judaism, which is defunct; obsolete, as of 33AD.

I was not referring to Talmudism, I am referring to the Old Covenant/Judaism which is kike bullshit

I also never said jews are the chosen people according to Christianity, I just said christcuckery is horrible for the European people. Why would jews want people to follow a religion that instructs you to turn the other cheek, forgive our enemies and is the absolute distortion of natural morality (Sermon of the Mount)?


-Would do you prefer a pagan white European or a Christian black Europe?

-Are European god demons?

-Do you support abortion for niglets?

-What would you do to someone if he murdered a friend of yours?

-Do you support political violence?

-Do you constantly pray for jews/our enemies like yahshua instruct you to?

-Do you agree with the destruction of Greco-Roman art by Christians in the 4th century?

-Do you support Hitler?

-Do you think war is inherently immoral?

Answer these questions please and we will see who the kike is.

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6eb62e  No.206426


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

We know you do, Christfag.

>We will burn you all alive for existing and thinking the way you do.

What the Christfag means here is believing in the existence of nations.

Christfags like this think they are the adopted children of the Sky Kike, that Jews are their brothers and sisters, and that God created niggers to serve (and service!) them. They are attached to that homosexual interracial porno film called "America" because they read the Songs 1:5 and thought the Sky Kike likes it when they fuck niggers. Just like the Founding Nigger Fuckers of that thing called "America."

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32d0b3  No.206456

Sage and report jewish spam threads.

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32d0b3  No.206458


>This is exactly what you do


>I never said christianity isn't a bit antisemitic

You literally said the opposite of that.

>Not a lie

Proven lie.

>"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”

NICE TRY, YOU FUCKING YID. It’s better translated as “do not diametrically oppose an evildoer.” Within the context of the period, the phrase becomes easier to understand. In antiquity, you only hit someone with your right hand (the clean one). Backhands were to insult, a frontal slap showed equality and challenge. By turning your cheek, your aggressor is forced to either stop hitting you or to acknowledge you as an equal. That was quite a statement to a Roman by a conquered Judean. Jesus was saying to fight back intelligently, using public shame as a weapon, not just to attack directly. The original Greek gives us further insight.

ἐγὼ δὲ λέγω ὑμῖν μὴ ἀντιστῆναι τῷ πονηρῷ· ἀλλ’ ὅστις σε ῥαπίζει εἰς τὴν δεξιὰν σιαγόνα σου, στρέψον αὐτῷ καὶ τὴν ἄλλην· καὶ τῷ θέλοντί σοι κριθῆναι καὶ τὸν χιτῶνά σου λαβεῖν, ἄφες αὐτῷ καὶ τὸ ἱμάτιον·

ἀντιστῆναι, translated as “do not resist,” has more to it than ‘resist.’ Strong’s Concordance at 436 notes “to take a complete stand against” and it derived from a military term to diametrically oppose one’s foes. Thayer’s notes “to set oneself against.” ‘Resist’ here is passive, but the term ἀντιστῆναι clearly denotes an aggressive posture. Better might be “But I say unto you, do not square off against an evildoer.” Especially in the context of the examples all being examples of how to engage in intelligent resistance.

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e6f0f2  No.206724


Kys kike, brainless inoperable christcuck



Yes, you called me a kike without making an argument

>You literally said the opposite of that.

Christianity can only be anti-judaic, meaning against judaism, however hating atheist jews or christian jews is not allowed.

>Within the context of the period

This is irrelevant, we have the church fathers' interepretation to see what they believed.

St. Augustine:

Hence, between that first course which goes beyond the law, that a greater evil should be inflicted in return for a lesser, and this to which the Lord has given expression for the purpose of perfecting the disciples, that no evil at all should be inflicted in return for evil, a middle course holds a certain place, viz. that as much be paid back as has been received; by means of which enactment the transition is made from the highest discord to the highest concord, according to the distribution of times. See, therefore, at how great a distance any one who is the first to do harm to another, with the desire of injuring and hurting him, stands from him who, even when injured, does not pay back the injury. That man, however, who is not the first to do harm to any one, but who yet, when injured, inflicts a greater injury in return, either in will or in deed, has so far withdrawn himself from the highest injustice, and made so far an advance to the highest righteousness; but still he does not yet hold by what the law given by Moses commanded. And therefore he who pays back just as much as he has received already forgives something: for the party who injures does not deserve merely as much punishment as the man who was injured by him has innocently suffered. And accordingly this incomplete, by no means severe, but [rather] merciful justice, is carried to perfection by Him who came to fulfil the law, not to destroy it. Hence there are still two intervening steps which He has left to be understood, while He has chosen rather to speak of the very highest development of mercy. For there is still what one may do who does not come fully up to that magnitude of the precept which belongs to the kingdom of heaven; acting in such a way that he does not pay back as much, but less; as, for instance, one blow instead of two, or that he cuts off an ear for an eye that has been plucked out. He who, rising above this, pays back nothing at all, approaches the Lord's precept, but yet he does not reach it. For still it seems to the Lord not enough, if, for the evil which you may have received, you should inflict no evil in return, unless you be prepared to receive even more. And therefore He does not say, But I say unto you, that you are not to return evil for evil; although even this would be a great precept: but He says, that you resist not evil; so that not only are you not to pay back what may have been inflicted on you, but you are not even to resist other inflictions. For this is what He also goes on to explain: But whosoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also: for He does not say, If any man smite you, do not wish to smite him; but, Offer yourself further to him if he should go on to smite you. As regards compassion, they feel it most who minister to those whom they greatly love as if they were their children, or some very dear friends in sickness, or little children, or insane persons, at whose hands they often endure many things; and if their welfare demand it, they even show themselves ready to endure more, until the weakness either of age or of disease pass away. And so, as regards those whom the Lord, the Physician of souls, was instructing to take care of their neighbours, what else could He teach them, than that they endure quietly the infirmities of those whose welfare they wish to consult? For all wickedness arises from infirmity of mind: because nothing is more harmless than the man who is perfect in virtue.

St. Gregory:

For this reason Jesus has also added, “But I say to you, do not resist the evil one.” He did not say “do not resist your brother” but “the evil one”! We are authorized to dare to act in the presence of evil through Christ’s influence. In this way he relaxes and secretly removes most of our anger against the aggressor by transferring the censure to another. “What then?” one asks. “Should we not resist the evil one at all?” Indeed we should, but not in this way. Rather, as Jesus has commanded, we resist by surrendering ourselves to suffer wrongfully. In this way you shall prevail over him. For one fire is not quenched by another, but fire by water. The Gospel of Matthew, Homily

>we resist by surrendering ourselves to suffer wrongfully

LITERAL CUCKOLDRY. That's why the insult "Christcuck" triggers them so much.

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3f04d5  No.206949

File: ad721f6d312f946⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 366x470, 183:235, bored.jpg)


There's only one God, who needs no consorts for humanity is His consort, who needs no sons for humanity are his Sons, Unborn from Him all universes are spun, and white man keeps defying Him. When jews discovered that God in ancient times and realized dangers of worshiping other "gods" they annihilated all idolatry with violence, and measured a sacrifice of foreskin acceptable as a tribute. When sages of India in 1st-millennium BC discovered brahman through hidden verses in the Vedas (like in Hymn to All Maker: "You will not find him who [all] these begat: Some other thing has stepped between you. Blinded by fog and [ritual] mutterings wander the hymn-reciters, robbers of life!") they diverged between either worshiping Him as a single God or identifying themselves with that God. When jews noticed that could happen they thwarted efforts of self identification with god by introducing tale of a dangerous snake in the garden of Eden, that proclaims first humans would be like gods if they ate from forbidden tree. Meanwhile Vyasa left in Mahabharata's Kali Yuga prophecy that there'd be people proclaiming themselves gods for religious business (those petty people are literally forewarned about whole guru bullshit). Greeks and Romans were attempting to find that single god but to no avail, Heraclitus, Aristotle and Plotinus attempted to delve in first cause, but in community of people who feared planetary objects and stars as gods (who of all people were criticized only by Epicurus). For that their culture was annihilated.

When Muhammad discovered that worshiping Jesus was wrong, after that guy got deified as the only gate door to God, probably getting in touch with community of some judaizers, he awkwardly retold the tales of the jews in attempt to restore monotheism, but didn't went far enough to completely deny sanctity of Jesus. Because of that his religion limps on one foot.

There's only one Source of all sources, and Dispenser of all faith. Ritual tradition doesn't matter, purity of belief from other causes does. Fundamentally salvation is found in trust to Supreme God, no God truer or higher, who's benevolence can only be found through love and communion inside your soul. A relationship of Infinite Intellect (God), Finite Intellect (Soul) and Reason Principle (perception of God by your soul), hence wisdom (jnana) and love (bhakti) go side by side in cultivating disposition in ones own service to God.

Even angels and "gods" of hindu religion (according to Gita) are just parts of Him, for Abraham bowed to three angels he seen as the Lord Himself (Genesis‎ 18:‎2-3). So there's really between visible and invisible, beyond being and non-being, only creatures of limited intellect and God stand. Perceivable supernatural (albeit nothing is "supernatural" to God) phenomena that God sends is just ways to communicate. If there was any hierarchy of false "gods" we would see them all equally across entire world the same, there's none, only all pervading God and our perception, point of view we take on Him.

Jesus is some guy during jewish uprising claiming himself being god incarnate, copying prophets claiming being a real messiah and jews rightfully criticized that. I posted this in other thread, i'l post it again, Josephus XX, Chapter 8:

>These works, that were done by the robbers, filled the city with all sorts of impiety (Acts‎ 21:‎38). And now these impostors and deceivers (messianic leaders) persuaded the multitude to follow them into the wilderness (Revelation‎ 12:‎6), and pretended that they would exhibit manifest wonders and signs, that should be performed by the providence of God. And many that were prevailed on by them suffered the punishments of their folly; for Felix brought them back, and then punished them. Moreover, there came out of Egypt (Hosea‎ 11:‎1) about this time to Jerusalem one that said he was a prophet (John‎ 4:‎44), and advised the multitude of the common people to go along with him to the Mount of Olives (Luke‎ 19:‎37), as it was called, which lay over against the city, and at the distance of five furlongs. He said further, that he would show them from hence how, at his command, the walls of Jerusalem would fall down (Copying Ezekiel‎ 8:‎8); and he promised them that he would procure them an entrance into the city through those walls, when they were fallen down (calling himself Son of Man and also saying Son of Man will come and ruin the city, which is according to prophets, hence confusion of Josephus).

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9e3783  No.206950

Christianity is the original psyop. Reject it and return to the ways of your people.

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a298d6  No.207002


Great effort post.

What are you trying to say though? The Hindus were right? The Greeks were right?

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a47e12  No.207090

File: 8c691229e8317ec⋯.png (202.59 KB, 830x216, 415:108, Gandhi.PNG)


Aryans had concept of All Maker in all pervading Brahman since 1800 BC, when Rig Veda was written. It even criticizes hymn-reciters and polytheism to certain extend as much as it could leave a message. And equates all gods in hymns like "Agni is Light, Indra is Light, Surya is Light". All indian upanishadic thought is based on discerning secrets of the vedas, but then just like pharisees they didn't let lower castes read them. Buddha exploited that and claimed himself being all things like Brahman, and went out as idolized prince, even though he wasn't author of idea, he didn't really needed to meditate upon a bodhi tree to know what's in upanishads. Jewish thought however is most likely inspired by attempt of Akhenaten to make solar monotheist religion.

Overall anyone who worships One God is right according to their consciousness, if its genuine worship. Hence you can sympathize with Islam and Judaism a bit. But i choose Vaishnavism as my core for all discerning process, because its older than both Christianity and Islam, and i respect idea of Gandhi constantly returning to Bhagavad-Gita, as in Source really being Vishnu (Krishna), as establisher of all faith, even if rite is different from the Vedic norm:

Bhagavad-Gita VII:21-22

>Whatever form, [whatever god,] a devotee with faith desires to honour, that very faith do I confirm in him, making it unswerving and secure.

>Firm stablished (yukta) in that faith, he seeks to reverence that [god], and thence he gains all he desires, though it is I who am the true dispenser.

Bhagavad-Gita IX:22-24

>For those men who meditate upon Me, no other [thought in mind], who do me honour, ever persevere, I bring attainment and possession of what has been attained.

>[Yet] even those who worship other gods with love (bhakta) and sacrifice to them, full filled with faith, do really worship Me, though the rite differ from the norm.

>For it is I who of all acts of sacrifice am Recipient and Lord, but they do not know Me as I really am, and so they fall [back into the world of men].

Bhagavad-Gita XII:8

>On Me alone let thy mind dwell, stir up thy soul (buddhi) to enter Me; thenceforth in very truth in Me thou’It find thy home.

Even Quran on some main idea that true monotheism could be united:

Q S.11:118

>If thy Lord had so willed, he could have made mankind one People: but they will not cease to differ,

Q S.16:93

>If Allah so willed, He could make you all one People: But He leaves straying whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases: but ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.

Q S.23:53-54

>But people have cut off Their affair (of unity), between them, into sects: Each party rejoices in that which is with itself. But leave them in their confused ignorance for a time.

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bde5e3  No.207145


not really fair to pass judgement now, due to how mutated things have gotten

Christianity is why we are able to be here, and it was better then the Rome system, it is the only thing that got to the industrial revolution

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e6f0f2  No.207242

File: 4aa7c2d4e4b546b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2512x1332, 628:333, 1612858029474.jpg)

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9361c6  No.207243

File: 1cbc0c37046b734⋯.jpg (123.14 KB, 768x768, 1:1, china.jpg)

File: db7f355c91ec2a9⋯.jpg (522.9 KB, 1067x800, 1067:800, japan.jpg)

File: 0ae55d1c2088b29⋯.jpg (336.65 KB, 605x807, 605:807, Thai.jpg)


>Jewish artisans and jewish fishermen are you teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship.

>no conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you

No, there was one before it, almost exact copy of such religious conquest, done by godless buddhists, who by their power sometimes get equated to level of gods, over asian region. In a way east was raped by idols of indian preachers as much as west was raped by idols of jewish preachers. Contemplate on this. I find it fascinating mystical phenomena worthy of investigating, that jews are teachers of "righteousness" for the west, indians of the east.

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85d2cb  No.207253


>it's proto-communism

Except Karl Marx was a self describe satanist and the values between the communist manifesto and the King James bible are polar opposite, retard.

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f45bee  No.207255

File: 1d855383a8f2afc⋯.jpg (177.29 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, 1497154704376.jpg)

File: 33c79c1a1e4e1d5⋯.png (627.41 KB, 1082x788, 541:394, CommunismIsChristianity.png)

File: ecd2a934034a5da⋯.png (73.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1_shCn4RnBoniFqtfMPh1_GA_2.png)


>a self describe satanist


>the values between the communist manifesto and the King James bible are polar opposite

Completely untrue. Jewsus was a conservative socialist revolutionary.

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85d2cb  No.207256


whenever these threads pop up, it's written by a faggot that's actually talking about some bullshit new-age luciferian shit that people confuse with Christianity.

A common tell is when they try to pass of "we're all god's children" as a christian talking point , when in actuality the Bible says your ass is frying in hell until you prove yourself otherwise. Any self described "christian" that spouts that bullshit never actually read the book and is being lead by some charlatan.

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85d2cb  No.207257


>>a self describe satanist



now kill yourself kike

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85d2cb  No.207258

File: d20a4a7f3e00fbb⋯.png (38.4 KB, 401x279, 401:279, 2021_02_09_092148_401x279_….png)


in case your'e too retarded to click links

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efdcd7  No.207259

File: 54204737fe43da1⋯.pdf (9.24 MB, Sicarii_Essenes_Robert_Eis….pdf)


Karl Marx was protestant until becoming atheist.

>"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness." - Karl Marx

Much of similarity between Christianity and Communism comes from Essenes and their values, how they taught to serve one another and not the rulers, and how four thousand of them suddenly became vengeful Sicarii carrying sickles of all things for forceful circumcision of infidels who hated money and roman coinage because they refused to carry any craven image.

There were four thousand people who Jesus fed with "copied" fish and bread:

Matthew‎ 15:‎38

>And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.

There were four thousand Essenes according to Josephus, with some of their traits provided:

>This is demonstrated by that institution of theirs, which will not suffer any thing to hinder them from having all things in common; so that a rich man enjoys no more of his own wealth than he who hath nothing at all. There are about four thousand men that live in this way, and neither marry wives, nor are desirous to keep servants; as thinking the latter tempts men to be unjust, and the former gives the handle to domestic quarrels; but as they live by themselves, they minister one to another. They also appoint certain stewards to receive the incomes of their revenues, and of the fruits of the ground; such as are good men and priests, who are to get their corn and their food ready for them.

Robert Eisenman (file included) provided information that those people eventually became zealots.

Acts state four thousands were led into the wilderness by "Egyptian": Acts‎ 21:‎38

>Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?

After Egyptian had escaped the hands of romans according to Josephus:

>But the Egyptian himself escaped out of the fight, but did not appear any more. And again the robbers stirred up the people to make war with the Romans, and said they ought not to obey them at all; and when any persons would not comply with them, they set fire to their villages, and plundered them.

Suddenly Sicarii appear as new movement, those so called Four Thousand Men with yet another impostor, or one and the same:

>Upon Festus’s coming into Judea, it happened that Judea was afflicted by the robbers, while all the villages were set on fire, and plundered by them. And then it was that the sicarii, as they were called, who were robbers, grew numerous. They made use of small swords, not much different in length from the Persian acinacae, but somewhat crooked, and like the Roman sicae, [or sickles,] as they were called; and from these weapons these robbers got their denomination; and with these weapons they slew a great many; for they mingled themselves among the multitude at their festivals, when they were come up in crowds from all parts to the city to worship God, as we said before, and easily slew those that they had a mind to slay. They also came frequently upon the villages belonging to their enemies, with their weapons, and plundered them, and set them on fire. So Festus sent forces, both horsemen and footmen, to fall upon those that had been seduced by a certain impostor, who promised them deliverance and freedom from the miseries they were under, if they would but follow him as far as the wilderness. Accordingly, those forces that were sent destroyed both him that had deluded them, and those that were his followers also.

So there you have it. Peaceful Antifa (Anti-Roman jews), becoming vengeful murderers just like Antifa in our times. And this is how christians indeed behaved in Rome, like a temple destroying mob, probably mingled with those jews hiding among them and preaching gospel only to attack roman religious institutes. Sicarii most certainly grew out of Essenes.

Read the included file too, it has more information on that.

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85d2cb  No.207260

File: 3020eb306daf466⋯.png (38.72 KB, 679x150, 679:150, 2021_02_09_092958_679x150_….png)


>Karl Marx was protestan


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85d2cb  No.207261


btw that second meme you shit out only works on people too stupid to look up those versus, like how Leviticus 19:34 actually refers to house guests

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f45bee  No.207262


>we're all god's children

>frying in hell until you prove yourself otherwise

not mutually exclusive



>calls me a jew

it is Ironic, because christianity stems from judaic morality, has nothing to do with greco-roman European values. Essentially the jewish one is (You), (You) follow jewish customs like baptism and worship YHWH

So essentially what you are saying is that Oswald Spengler is a kike because he called christianity proto-communism. Got that.

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ba1a4a  No.207264

File: 0b38b443338a18a⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 250x140, 25:14, Kibbutz.jpg)


Do you need recitation of whole Acts Chapters 4 and 5 starting from Acts 4:35 for Jewish proto-kibbutz commune laying all their money at apostles feet and ending with Jewish proto-cheka with death of a kulaks upholding the full value of their house at Acts 5:10?


>Marx was ethnically but not religiously Jewish

Isn't all Apostles were too, ye hypocrite?

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f45bee  No.207266


answer to >>207264 you fucking kike. Or do you have no answer?

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13e95a  No.207270


>reposting images that only paid jewish shills have ever posted

>reposting lies that anyone who has read the New Testament (jews, like you, are forbidden) wouldn’t say

Thanks, blow your brains out. Sage and report spam threads.

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e6f0f2  No.207277


Your semitic pilpul isn't working anymore kike. I'm not gonna apologize to yeshua for being a bad goy.

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85d2cb  No.207401

File: ecc69064c8164e1⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 900x900, 1:1, puzzlet.jpg)

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85d2cb  No.207403

File: 2a0688ba266a346⋯.png (342.39 KB, 1000x1458, 500:729, kike_propaganda_1.png)

File: 84a7ddb6d9a7301⋯.png (528.57 KB, 1670x788, 835:394, lying_kikes2_corrected.png)

File: 993f6ec1e793b36⋯.png (90.86 KB, 500x591, 500:591, lying_kikes3.png)

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37d143  No.207437

File: 0441cce9b8a877e⋯.jpg (167.99 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 14a4bcb2feb3f77d8f2d89b91f….jpg)

File: 87842b7d685b377⋯.jpg (80.39 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 7Oppr8gn9nFszrR4c5pX3HWn0T….jpg)


>None of these men are Christian

Of course, they understood it and heavily criticized it. Don't see how this undermines their argument

<second pic

>but concerning the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes.

This is retarded on its own

>dismissal of national identity

Same things that christians did to Greece. The word Greek became a swear word, they shut down institutes, universities etc, even ended the Olympian Games. They destroyed sculpture and art, they despised the greco-roman sports and they destroyed all hints of tradition.

>Galatia's 3:28

Essentially this verse is why christians now have to love christian niggers and spics. Religion is more important than blood.

Would you rather give your daughter to a christian black guy or pagan white guy?

>Acts 4:31-37

Morally guilt tripping people into charity lol. Now if you're a good christian you HAVE to give away all your belongings. This is why it's PROTO-communism, this hate for rich people is inherently jewish, check out the book "On the Genealogy of Morality".

>temporary guest

Give the paki a home for the next years

>voluntary community

>proto-kibbutz commune

>close to Utopian socialism

Never said it was communism. But it's as clear as day that Jesus was a jewish conservative socialist revolutionary. The first Christian communities followed religious socialism.

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5a30d3  No.207454


All religions are a means to control the dumb population and keep them docile and subservient to their jewish masters

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e6f0f2  No.207473


This is so retarded. Religion existed before jews.

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e6f0f2  No.207479


how is that relevant?

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8312aa  No.207625


>religion existed before jews

True but the prominent ones like christianity are kiked

>dont do anything anon god will punish him for his crimes in magical place

>turn your other cheek anon.you must not retaliate

>you must not question the jews wealth nor attempt to take it away from them

>you must always love your neighbours even if they be plotting to kill you

>and lastly "if you dont follow our ideals you will go to magical sad place where you will be tornented for eternity"

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5a23f2  No.207638

File: 9d3e5beb26b08c8⋯.jpg (215.72 KB, 600x909, 200:303, the_weeping_dead_and_eros.jpg)


>and lastly "if you dont follow our ideals you will go to magical sad place where you will be tornented for eternity"

By the way, this is the worst way to make religion, when you introduce concept of hell with retention of memory under fear. Worst thing that can happen to you is if your soul gets erased and its substance, but hell doesn't imply erasure, in fact most christian fantasies of hell is someone's kink nowadays. Even people believing in reincarnation delude themselves parts of soul get retained, but true death is for consciousness to disappear in the flood waters, to be parts of someone else like a taken away talent, and that one is painless, but deadly. For Heraclitus rightfully said "The psyche lusts to be wet [and to die].", when psyche contacts murky waters of hades, it disintegrates into parts from which souls are made: "Water brings death to the psyche, as earth brings death to water. Yet water is born of earth, and the psyche from water." Its suicidal and pays for everything in this life by its own expense, hence retention and preservation of soul requires sacrifice to God: "It is hard to withstand the heart’s desire, and it gets what it wants at the psyche’s expense."

For Soul is akin to smoke/gas particles:

"The stuff of the psyche is a smoke-like substance of finest particles that gives rise to all other things; its particles are of less mass than any other substance and it is constantly in motion: only movement can know movement."

A soul of suicidal person dies twice, for he kills himself twice. Once because he hates his life here, second time when he can't control himself anymore and jumps into the underworld's river. That river is part of God. Then his experience will be only partly rehashed by some other soul, but not completely, generating false memories that appear as dreams, hence confusion of buddhists about "previous life memories", they are just psyche parts of those who died. You consciousness is made of parts of the dead both physically in ancestral blood from your earthly father and spiritually from God who got your mother's womb inseminated with your soul the other side.

I remember times when Greeks didn't gave a hoot about Tartarus as much as the waters i mentioned. Anakreon, 6th century BC poet:

>And now my hair is thin and white,

>Grizzled the lock above my ears.

>Youth’s gone, and with it, all delight.

>My teeth are going with the years.

>What time remains is short and sweet.

>Therefore I often cry and dread

>Dark Tartaros where I shall meet

>In dreary rooms the weeping dead.

>For Hades’ house is dark, and black

>The downward road, the hateful way,

>Unwilling and with no way back,

>Downward ever, and there to stay.

>Bring water and bring wine

>And garlands of honeysuckle

>And yourself alone, my bonny boy.

>I must wrestle Eros down.

>They wore plaited garlands

Highway to hell is not terrible, for its embodiment of God's justice anyway. What's terrible is not to be.

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e6f0f2  No.207640


Quality post. This board might have some good posters after all.

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b44d04  No.207673


It is ok to kill all who aren't religious.

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ef66b2  No.207857

File: d94bf67fe68f052⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1722x964, 861:482, Oral_Torah.jpg)

File: d3e1bb4f62f143f⋯.png (76.3 KB, 496x554, 248:277, Wicked_Priest.PNG)


If you're willing to hear i might add why jewish god doesn't work for us. Jewish scriptures is a collection of war scrolls against all other nations.

I've been researching much on jewish theology and their ancient writings with cross comparison of them with other religious traditions. Messianic scriptures, both new and old, both from modern jews and from messianic essenes confirm one and the same - a Messiah is going for war, to kill and murder gentiles. It has no message of all pervading God, only of God of Israel, i.e. tribal consciousness consisting of dead jews. And they did expected certain "Wicked Priest", Idol Shepherd, to make himself object of worship, both in Qumran interpretation of Psalms, Zechariah‎ 5:‎1-4 and Zechariah‎ 11:‎15-17, thief of God's glory, that comes right after priest of righteousness (John the Baptist). Their God is limited to being "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob", hence they inherit ancestral land unlocked by Moses. Its an imitation of "All Pervading", trying to "bind" him up to earthly nation. Exodus‎ 3:‎16

>Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:

It is not said that God dwells anywhere, only among the children of Israel: Exodus‎ 29:‎45:

>And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God.

Why God of Israel only dwells among Children of Israel? Because of their tribal attitude towards God, he's only limited to their own sanctuary, Exodus‎ 25:‎8

>And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

And when Solomon was building a temple, he stressed out on dwelling of God in a temple 2 Chronicles‎ 6:‎1-2

>Then said Solomon, The Lord hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling for ever.

Surely 1 Kings‎ 8:‎27 and 2 Chronicles‎ 6:‎18 try to disregard that, but their own limitation cancel it out, hence "God of Israel", not whole earth, not whole cosmos, not whole universe or universes above.

It is said by Rabbis that when Gentiles read Torah, they DIE. For they cannot comprehend voice of God that represents anger and grudges of Israel. Every time Gentiles read psalter, they read jewish curses on themselves.

What Prophet-Messiah who was supposed to preach on Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:‎4) according to Zechariah had to do? Fight Gentiles: Zechariah‎ 14:‎3

>Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

And what will happen when Jerusalem is restored and safely inhabited (14:11)? Lord will smite all Gentile nations that fought against Jerusalem: Zechariah‎ 14:‎12

>And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

Isaiah‎ 49:‎22-23

>Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

And after that according to Isaiah we're supposed to see how righteous and pure jews are:Isaiah‎ 62:‎2

>And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name.

Lick the dust of the jewish feet, face down to earth, o' uncircumcised pitiful gentile who isn't born a jew, else Lord will consume your flesh and your eyes and your tongue in your mouth with a plague and send you to Gehenna when Messiah comes to conquer you all.

That's the message. Take it or leave it. I am disappointed with people taking this dualism and pure national supremacy for something holy. Upanishads and greek philosophy are in so many ways more pure compared to this.

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618c8a  No.207938


You're posting rabbinic interpretations in your images. So are they an authority to you now?

Modern judaism has hoodwinked you into thinking they are the successors to the ancient Jews of which Christ and his apostles preached. All rabbinical authorities need to do is stop calling themselves something they are not, turn from their lies and accept Christ.

All of these errors come from the (popularly-received) idea that these people are Jews in the Biblical sense. If you are a materialist and think that people make their own truth then you ask yourself what the difference is whether this is true or not. That's why they try to gaslight you with this. But if you know God is keeping account of everything, you know how important this fact is, the fact that they are not even related to the ancient kingdom of Judah. They only claim to be. And this is related to us in the New Testament, where Christ prophesies about the "synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie." See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 in the KJV. This, and not references to Jews, is where these people are referenced to in Scripture. They are actually gentiles, as it is further related to us in Revelation that, "the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." The gentiles you mention in Isaiah 49… that's them. Again, read Revelation 3:9. It refers to the same prophecy as Isaiah 49.

If you had bothered to research the New Testament you would have found this. Jesus called the pharisees illegitimate in numerous ways. See John 8 where they are called sons of their father, the devil.

>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44

The only people who are worthy to be called Israel in a Biblical sense, the only people who God considers to be Israel, are those who have received the only begotten Son, himself being actually God manifest in the flesh. These are called the "Israel of God" in Galatians 6:16. This truth cannot be answered, So they hide in fear from it and try to darken this through spreading of lies about themselves and others. But as it says in the New Testament,

>But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. 14For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;

Ephesians 2:13-14

Everyone in heaven knows that we are the true and only people of God. As it says in Galatians 3:16,

>Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

Galatians 3:16.

And in the next chapter:

>Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 29But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. 30Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

Galatians 4:28-30

And this is part of the truth which the sinners of this world wish quite strongly for you not to know. It's true that there is only one chosen people of God, but it is those that are in Christ. As God's word says:

>Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

2 Timothy 1:9

>For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

Romans 8:29-30

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e69871  No.207987


Primitive "four elements" pagan crap.

The soul was defined, scientifically, by Aristotle in 350BC. It eclipses the primitive bullshit. It destroys the notion of reincarnation. He was a pagan but a theist, because he also proved the existence of a single monotheistic God.

No surprise, in the 13th century, as the articulation of the religion progressed, St Thomas Aquinas, in his great treatise of the religion (scientific definition), the /Summa Theologiae/ used Aristotelian methods and his definition of the soul.

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e69871  No.207988


Religion isn't what you say it is, dumbass. You are just circle-jerking. Adding nothing, and repeating your fantasy.

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e69871  No.207990


All marvellous. Except that you have missed the historic fact of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and His Crucifixion. He brought the fulfilment of the Old Law, and created a New Law, a New Covenant. That made Judaism obsolete, defunct, dead. SInce the Jews rejected Him, and the God Who sent Him, as of 33AD, the Jews are God-less. So he gave His religion to the Gentiles.

All statements in the Bible re "Israel" and "children of God" apply to us, not the God-hating Jews.

The religion of the Jew today is *NOT* ancient Judaism, which is dead, terminated, but Talmudism, an 8th century collection of filth that contradicts the Torah (Old Testament).

God is not a fiction or magical concept of the Jew, God is God for all, including the evil Jew.

That is, you are stuck in a religion that is obsolete, screeching about conditions that do not exist. You are in denial of reality, pathologically schizophrenic.

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e69871  No.207992

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52c00f  No.207999

File: 6233e5c27c850ff⋯.png (403.4 KB, 410x372, 205:186, dionysus.PNG)



One can repeat himself infinitely, but i think for smart men christianity is such a subject, that represents a chain upon neck of enslaved people. And only if that chain was from infinite, so you would be free as nothing would be between you and God, yet you bind yourself to myth of mediator. You hate jews yet you worship jews, and expect jews to forgive you in afterlife after combating the jews all your life while praying to jews. I wish i could forget jews even exist, its inequity to care about differences between all those ants claiming truth in a bottle, not looking outside of it. If its not given for a man to understand nature of absolute it will never reach him. Initial Pauline teaching was against Christianity that was growing at the time, in mutual conflict, or don't you know that all Gospels were written after all Apostles had died? Or that Hebrews 7:3 goes against Nicean creed of faith because it was always transcendental attempt at teaching oral gospel, not history? Its based on various murderers and false prophets who promised people miracles in israel, one of who (the Egyptian) i mentioned earlier: >>206949

A pagan Egyptian priest came into israel after reading septuagint that got translated in very Egypt, and tried to preach stiff necked jews pagan line of thought. Because he thought "Christos Kurious" means "anointed lord" as Pharaohs get anointed in his land, and not "Lord's Anointed", which is true translation and meant chosen people, so he larped as Son of God to get himself to be a pharaoh of the jews. Who read Book of the Dead and Book of the Gates knows they buried those miracle workers as gods all the time in vein of Osiris and his retinue of 12 followers of Ma'at, Roman emperors too. Jews suffered, we suffered, nothing good came out of it. For do you really expect no one picked up a sword and spilled blood at the temple when this man went in and started whipping jewish merchants, in society that stoned for less? Early christians were a violent mob, and spirit it propelled in people was spirit of violence. What's good about christianity was stolen from other "pagans" and thinkers all over the world.

History of the period requires grave attention to details of the messianic period and its lies:


Where its not stolen from egyptian Osiris cult and Dionysian mystery cult, its stolen from greek philosophy:


Where its not stolen from those its stolen from Hindu scriptures, because those managed to get exported by Alexander after his conquests, since Ptolemaic court in Egypt (that translated bible into greek too during Ptolemy II times) developed after his death by Ptolemy I "the savior", and we know at least of export of Buddhist thought into greece by Pyrrho of Elis, there probably were more in Egyptian libraries accessible from international intellectual trade if even jews translated their stuff there:


I must warn you, if you really hate jews while worshiping their preachers, you're going to create hell for your afterlife. There's either indifference to all beings, or you'll be crucified by the very jews in your own Golgotha, if you won't forgive them too, and be a good goy.

Truth didn't came into this world only 2000 years ago, it was always around, its just you're blinded by fog of a myth. And many in this world were trying to do it smart way, trying to warn you about the truth, yet irony is that none of smart men were listened to. Instead of truth christianity is murdered by social consumerism, egoism and porn. And children betray their fathers because they want more freedom in self expression by becoming degenerates. Now it propels atheism like a slingshot. Good luck with that, real God can't be ever limited.

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4a37d5  No.208007


Christianity doesn't "name the Jew", it literally worships Jews and considers them a superior race from which salvation comes (John 4:22).

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b61d35  No.208009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>or don't you know that all Gospels were written after all Apostles had died

The authorship of the gospels is actually a pretty interesting subject, and especially important to critics of Christianity as well. How someone can peek behind the curtain and not emerge skeptical is beyond me, especially in light of modern scholarship.

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7338ad  No.208010


Does this mean that Orthodoxy and Catholicism straight up created their own god? It seems to me that they worship Apollo indirectly. Because otherwise worshipping yahweh would be doing the completely wrong rites, completely wrong attitude to God. Does this separate christ from yahweh?

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e6f0f2  No.208035


>the /Summa Theologiae/ used Aristotelian methods and his definition of the soul.

Plato already has done this. Watch this vid, it explains the soul in the into-eruopean tradition


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7338ad  No.208050


>The religion of the Jew today is *NOT* ancient Judaism, which is dead, terminated, but Talmudism, an 8th century collection of filth that contradicts the Torah (Old Testament).

There are jews who don't use the Talmud.

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9d7ad4  No.208072


woooow. a single out of context sentence. how original

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85c4cb  No.208080


>Christianity doesn't "name the Jew”

Sage and report paid jewish shills.

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85c4cb  No.208081


O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold your house is left unto you desolate.

– Matthew 23:37-8

Then answered all the people (jews) and said, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

– Matthew 27:25

But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you to councils, and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten.

– Mark 13:9

Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And I say the truth, why do you not believe me? He that is of God heareth God’s words, ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

– John 8:43-47

Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost as your fathers did, so you do. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers.

– Acts 7:51-53

It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing you put it from you and judge yourself unworthy of everlasting life, we turn to the Gentiles.

– Acts 13:45-51

But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised: And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.

– Galatians 2:3-5

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision, whose mourns must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake… wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith: not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

– Titus 1:10-14

The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us: and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

– 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

– Revelation 3:9


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c01d0d  No.208151

File: f3426e7ae10dfae⋯.png (221.15 KB, 513x313, 513:313, 1612701208310.png)

Religious r3t4rd here.

Is there still a hardline Christian branche that believes Jews are satan's minions?

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b0d02c  No.208178


Christians can only criticize religious jews and call them satanists. Atheistic jews like Karl Marx have to be treated like other atheists, whether they are European or jewish.

Judaism is considered idolatry, paganism is also considered idolatry. This is why you should hate white nationalist pagans and jews alike, if you are Christian.

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b0d02c  No.208179

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bde5e3  No.208436



thanks for the heads up

I do hope when civilization some what ends, it is used for what it was away for, burning nasty people that kill God

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8285a6  No.208443

File: ee5eda0c941b3a1⋯.jpg (326.58 KB, 671x722, 671:722, beloved_disciple_lying_on_….jpg)


You're forgetting the underlying unity of gentiles with hebrews, at core message it equates all races and all genders: Galatians‎ 3:‎28

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

And Paul you quote himself boasts that there was indeed a "profit" to be born a jew regardless: Romans‎ 3:‎1-2

>What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

For where he can utilize the jewish law in its usage, he does it, where he denies law as "bondage", he does that: 1st Corinthians‎ 9:‎20

>And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;

Almost as if that first line meant that he's one of the establishers of this religion to join both hellenes and jews into the same faith. "I became as a Jew" is shady. For Roman chief captain mistaken him for egyptian in Acts‎ 21:‎38 and he quickly retaliates to tell him that he's totally a jew. And i am sure Roman Legionaries can't mistake a egyptian for a jew.

You'll eventually be seeing heretics everywhere. Albeit yourself being most cruel one of them all: 2 John‎ 1:‎10-11

>If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

Romans 1:32

>Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Those are some favorite quotes of all stake burners. And it clearly goes against welcoming and loving attitude to strangers and sinners Jesus had in the gospels. Since that person tolerated all pharisees and jewish teachers, however transgressors they were.

Jesus prayed to God as to "father" (Matthew‎ 6:‎9), he claimed unity with Him, but never claimed uniqueness of that unity. Yet people ended up seeing him as the only son, and wrote additions to scriptures in accordance to that, essentially multiplying the God, and failing at discerning underlying mentality of monotheism at core of first rendition of this religion. "John" states it more clearly: 1 John‎ 3:‎1-2

>Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

John‎ 1:‎12

>But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Do you really think John‎ 10:‎30 "I and my Father are one." meant that Jesus alone was God himself, and not realized unity?

Because John 10:34-35 explains from where Jesus at all got this idea supported by scriptures:

>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?‎ If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

If believers meant to be understood as sons of God from perfecting themselves from Father, hence Jesus advised to pray to the Father, then God is One. If Jesus suddenly becomes only vessel it becomes two. If one dares to separate Holiness of all pervading God from God Father himself, as "Holy Spirit" not being all pervading or creator or in sons of God, then it becomes three total. Because Holy Spirit is almost a description of God's nature, because He's a Spirit (John‎ 4:‎24) and He's Holy (Isaiah‎ 57:‎15).

John‎ 20:‎17

>Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

Matthew‎ 5:‎48

>Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Jesus was just a testimony to worship God to sons of God, i.e. his equals, and that's the core message that's repeated towards the end of ‎Revelation‎ 19:‎10

>And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation‎ 22:‎9

>Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

Even apostles got wrong idea that Jesus was preaching worship of himself. Fundamentally even Islam isn't as broken as Christianity. Knowing how much its main message was changed to suit murderous and idolatrous needs of medieval rulers its better not to touch it at all.

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8285a6  No.208447


God cannot be born because he has no beginning. Bible's theology is misleading and contradicting itself because you're placing a transgression between yourself and the God. How could Jesus be born if he was never born?

Hebrews‎ 7:‎3

>Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

I told you Hebrews 7:3 goes against Nicean creed of faith.

You were told by gnostics of all people to meditate why Mary is ever virgin.

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8285a6  No.208456

File: 0729ec2e6dc29f5⋯.png (37.32 KB, 184x274, 92:137, Vesparian.png)


>You place God in your own box of limited understanding.

No you. Because you think God is so limited in power he cares about this planet's well being to sacrifice someone for salvation of souls only 2000 years ago, and not from foundation of the world like Revelation‎ 13:‎8 and Vedas and Upanishads all together say about initial creationist sacrifice, in one its a lamb, in another its a horse. He's indifferent to this whole universe, and God knows how many infinite universes are located inside His infinite Intelligence, flare up and die like garland of flames. You're bound by pity national "God of Abraham, Isaal and Jacob" of Israel, not by God of All.

>Mary is ever-virgin because her state of purity wasn't violated by the Holy Ghost.

And so is Semele for whom Dionysus, greek Son of God, made much a revenge to prove she was a virgin, and then proceeded to descent into Hades to commit to her assumption to Olympus.

Nobody gave birth to anybody godlike, you're just being fed a pharaonic worship ritual of divinized person like bunch of miracle working caesars were, so they are remembered as miracle workers forever:

>As Pharaonic precedent demanded, Vespasian demonstrated his divine election by the traditional methods of spitting on and trampling a blind and crippled man, thereby miraculously healing him.

Mark‎ 8:‎23

>And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.

Feel free to redeem yourself one day, for we all have to kill that buddha that stays inbetween us an God to free ourselves for unity with All Highest. Anything less than Absolute is not immortality, and not truth leading to eternity. One day golden walls of jerusalem will melt, people will be behaving strangely, false god won't be seeing righteousness in others, not himself act righteously (Zechariah‎ 11:‎17), and magic of pharaonic and buddhist worlds will die out, even if it will take aeons for pity souls locked there. Until they are collected and rehashed again into the waters of chaos for new creation.

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8285a6  No.208459

File: 578634dc71c6dfa⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 368x540, 92:135, smug.jpg)


>Either all of Scripture is good breathed by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17) or all Scripture is false.

Ah yes, my favorite saying from Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. A saying that scriptures came from God is rather common thing before christianity.

X, XC: The Sacrifice of Primal Man from Rig Veda, Line 9

>From this sacrifice completely offered were bom the Rig- and Sama-Vedas;

>From this were bom the metres, from this was the Yajur-Veda bom.

Taittiriya Upanishad I-5:

>By Brahman, assuredly, are all the Vedas magnified.

Mundaka Upanishad: II,I-6

>From Him the Vedas three, the consecrations, the sacrifices, all rites and the Brahmans’ fees, the year, the sacrificial priest, the worlds whether illumined by moon or sun.

Maitri Upanishad VI-32

>From This indeed do all living things (praqa), all worlds, all the Vedas, all the gods and all contingent beings issue forth, [though it abides ever] in [it]self. Its secret name (upanishad) is the ‘Real of the real’.

Bhagavad-Gita IX:16-18

>I am the rite, the sacrifice, The offering for the dead, the healing herb; I am the sacred formula, the sacred butter am I, I am the fire, and I the oblation offered in the fire. I am the father of this world, Mother, ordainer, grandsire, all that need be known; Vessel of purity am I, the sacred syllable Om; And the three Vedas am I too. I am the Way, sustainer, Lord and witness, True home and refuge, friend, origin and dissolution and the stable state between, a treasure-house, the seed that passes not away.

I also do want to mention wisdom of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad II, IV-11

>all the Vedas meet in one place only,—in the voice:

Let hate not guide you anon, for all discrimination is illusion. Races of mankind can't stand each other, how they are going to stand when enter the unexpected in afterlife? Many solar systems in galaxy, man galaxies in the universe, many universes in God. Keep that in mind. Some places are dumber than ours, some smarter, but if Vishnu didn't maintained at least to not get those things destroyed, their existence would be pointless: Bhagavad-Gita III-24

>If I were not to do my work, these worlds would fall to ruin, and I should be a worker of confusion, destroying these my creatures.

You're overestimating power of authority of mankind over truth, especially if they murdered for it. Heraclitus well pointed out: "History is a child building a sandcastle by the sea, and that child is the whole majesty of man's power in the world."

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8285a6  No.208465

File: a7a2686f4813a72⋯.jpg (93.71 KB, 960x720, 4:3, False_god.jpg)

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File: 1fcfa4a9a851342⋯.jpg (142.97 KB, 705x500, 141:100, I_only_exist_inside_those_….jpg)


We keep secrets to not argue, because we deep arguing bringer of calamities. On anonymous imageboards we're free sending any message, so might as well be true to it.

All worship comes from one source, but people obscure the source of sources, light of lights. That Source is Holy one abiding in eternity, you can't limit Him to mere man. He's a Lord abiding in the Self, Lord of the Self, won by Love, from Mundaka Upanishad, first verses quoted from Rig Veda:

>Two birds, close-linked companions, cling to the selfsame tree:

>Of these the one eats of the sweet fruit, the other, eating nothing, looks on intent.

>On this same tree a person sits] plunged in grief, mourning his lack of mastery, perplexed:

>When he sees the Other, the Lord rejoicing in his magnificence, his sorrow melts away.

>When a seer beholds the Maker, Lord, the Person golden-hued, whose womb is Brahman,

>Then does he understand: immaculate he shakes off good and evil, reaches the highest, the same manner of being as is His,

Your whole being is relationship of your limited soul, reason principle inbetween, and unlimited God's Intellect. It is said this Lord assumes forms, according to devotees servitude to that Lord, depending on his understanding of Him (from Bhagavad-Gita):

>Whatever form, whatever god, a devotee with faith desires to honour,

>That very faith do I confirm in him, making it unswerving and secure.

>Firm established in that faith, he seeks to reverence that god,

>And thence he gains all he desires, though it is I who am the true dispenser.

>But finite is the reward of such men of little wit:

>Whoso worships the gods, to the gods will surely go,

>But whoso loves and worships Me, to Me will come indeed.

On deeper level of understanding there's no multiplicity, there's no mediators, there's only Lord of Lords. Mediators rob you of life, through making themselves gods, and those mediators thrive on their worshipers:

Rig Veda: X LXXXII To Visvakarman, 7:

>You will not find him who all these begat: Some other thing has stepped between you.

>Blinded by fog and ritual mutterings wander the hymn-reciters, robbers of life!

Zechariah‎ 11:‎16 on false miracle worker:

>For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I, IV-10:

>So, whoever reveres any other deity, thinking: ‘He is one, and I am another,’ does not rightly understand. He is like a sacrificial animal for the gods; and just as many animals are of use to man, so is each single man of use to the gods. To be robbed of even a single animal is disagreeable. How much more to be robbed of many! And so the gods are not at all pleased that men should know this.

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30eabe  No.208479

File: 5c59bcc80b3400d⋯.jpg (31.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, mfw.jpg)


No knowledge is knowledge. People can know a lot but understand so little. All christian people here use scripture for antisemitic national socialist agenda as well (feel free to not read the rest of the post). Not to know God. And who knows God is filled with righteousness, not with hate, Bhagavad Gita IX 30-31

>However evil a man’s livelihood may be, let him but worship Me with love and serve no other, then shall he be reckoned among the good indeed, for his resolve is right. Right soon will his self be filled with righteousness and win eternal rest

It fits for wicked priest to not be righteous, who's blind on "right eye" and hand, for all those messianic things were generated in times when Israel was full of robbers, all sorts of messiahs, including prior to jesus according to dead sea scrolls and promises of false signs. Everyone wanted to be a Messiah because thousand years of David's kingdom was approaching.

You're still thinking you can quit it without forgiving your enemies, albeit its your teacher's words. One has to even forgive those fictional blood thirsty jews inside your head as well. But that's just an honest tip. Who sits on thrones at twelve gates of golden jerusalem? There are many gates, many places, but only one imperishable. Think clearly.

You don't want to be a lamb for the slaughter, and be food for priests of Israel. Its better to have no one between you and the God. Don't you understand the meaning of words that the one has to loose his own soul to save it? I still remember Porphyry in his treaty against christians well put some interesting logic that was hidden beneath layers of idiocity, an accidental strike of insight ( https://1lib.eu/book/1257929/bcf41f ):

>By contrast I mention now another item of a more reasonable sort-namely the saying, "They that are well need no physician but rather those who are sick." Christ reveals this to a crowd with respect to his reason for coming to earth. If, as he says, he confronted sin for the sake of those who are weak, what of our forefathers, our ancestors-were they not likewise diseased and weakened by sin? Those who are whole he says need no physician. He came he says not to call the righteous but sinners, as Paul also claims when he says, "Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of which I am one of the greatest" (1 Tim. 1.5). If this is true, that those who have gone astray are called, and those who are diseased are healed, while the unrighteous are called and the righteous are not-then it follows that the one who is neither called nor in need of healing among the Christians would be a righteous man who had not gone astray. That is: he who needs no healing is precisely the man-who turns-his- back-on -the word of- faith; and-the-more he turns away from it the more righteous and whole he is and the less he goes astray.

You actually have to kill jesus to save your soul. That's the only way to freedom for a christian. Kinda remind me how Zen Buddhists wrote in the literature (Gateless Gate, https://1lib.eu/book/5254419/894993 ) about killing the Buddha:

>It will be as if you snatch away the great sword of the valiant general Kan’u and hold it in your hand. When you meet the Buddha, you kill him; when you meet the patriarchs, you kill them. On the brink of life and death, you command perfect freedom; among the sixfold worlds and four modes of existence, you enjoy a merry and playful samadhi.

What "When you meet the Buddha, you kill him; when you meet the patriarchs, you kill them." means is that your understanding must be your own. While you are under any other person’s influence you are not standing on your own feet. I say those godless people lack passion, but it reminds me how Lain killed her own false god in S.E.L., only to meet the Father, because that show had buddhist overtones.

Anyway, its been two thousand years. Many smart men came and gone, every one had their own opinion and perspective at ongoing inequity. Instead rampant consumerism and porn won hearts of christian europeans to abandon their preachers, not any wisdom in the world could. And just like Jesus wanted, children continuously betray their fathers (Matthew‎ 10:‎34-37). Just be a little kinder, all people enter into the world, forced into religion and hate of "others", and undergo tribulations and challenges. Only elect get to know true nature even according to upanishads, Katha Upanishad, one of the favorites of Schopenhauer:

>This Self cannot be won by preaching Him, Not by sacrifice or much lore heard;

>By him alone can He be won whom He elects: To him this Self reveals his own true form.

And so it had fallen here this way. The path is where no man thought.

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79c3ac  No.208501

File: 7f9dab6185c0ff4⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x1357, 1920:1357, render.jpg)


>I am neither anti-Semitic nor a National Socialist. I love Truth, however

I too love Truth, and the truth is that this is exactly what Op wants to hear from you.

>You say there are many gates but there's only one

The concept of gates of the dead was initially egyptian thing, Book o Gates is worth reading for a christian, knowing it had some similarities with the 12 retinue of Osiris with Apostles ( https://archive.org/details/the-egyptian-book-of-gates ). There's some some sumerian myth on seven gates to netherworld, which also got taken by some christians, from Sumerian literature like Descent of Inanna, which includes of Inanna getting stuck there for cycle of darkened moon for 3 days and 3 nights ( https://essexmyth.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/inannas-descent.pdf ). Seven gates were associated in Chaldean theurgy with seven planetary spheres, which catholics later stole for themselves (but then again Paul does use chaldean term "3rd heaven" (2nd Corinthians‎ 12:‎2), which is Venus).

From comparative book on cultivating stillness it is said:

>In Confucianism, when this gate is opened, the sage emerges.

>In Buddhism, when this gate is opened, the Buddha emerges.

>In Taoism, when this gate is opened, the immortal emerges.

>Opening the Mysterious Gate is a guarded secret.

>And what of the Synagogue of Satan?

"Synagogue of Satan" is a code term, just like Satan itself. Foreign/anthagonistic religion. It always meant temple of their enemies, since they initially antagonized themselves against all religions, and you're falling for the bait. Nebuchadnezzar didn't ate grass in front of jewish prophet. Pharaoh wasn't pursuing the jews, hyksos weren't slaves. Once jews became "enemy" they also became "satan", because satan means enemy just like belial too simply means "wicked". Much of Old Testament/Tanakh is just shit talking of other civilizations in order to curse them. Just like Holocaust is a curse on European people.

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a298d6  No.208503




You have high quality posts. You make me want to read about Hinduism/Schopenhauer even more.

Tell me, where should I start with Schopenhauer? Also, is Meister Eckhart worth reading?

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79c3ac  No.208509

File: d9248e7c3a076a3⋯.png (177.57 KB, 274x243, 274:243, Schopenhauer.PNG)


I liked Schopenhauer's "art of not reading". So i never read Schopenhauer ever further that, thanks to his brilliant advise. Because i don't bother with atheist perspective of things. Rather than reading western opinions, get yourself acquainted with this slog of 112 Upanishads, if you're able:


And Gita with lexicon intact:


But if you're unable, then try reading everything condensed, cut down:


And some decent crops from vedic hymns that'll be helpful for reading Upanishads to not read entirety of the vedas:


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90bf0f  No.208597


>Israelites and Hebrews were related to Greeks, not kikes.

kek, the absolute cope

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a298d6  No.208600


Thanks. Have you read Meister Eckhart?

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c4697a  No.208606


Roman Catholic here. Tell me more about the "Patriarchal Texts." You mentioned infallibility. What sort of things did they write about? How many texts are there? Any goos links?

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2e5344  No.208615


> light of modern scholarship

Atheistic filth, anti-logic, and denial of reality (the one and only objective reality), is not scholarship. That only leads to an institutionalised subjective "reality", the atheist mindset. That is anti-education. The opposite of scholarship. The comfort of the asylum.

Scholarship is education, first, and then some.

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f3a286  No.216129

File: 5d675898da05933⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, books_in_the_safe.png)


No, if anything Schopenhauer equated his message with Sakyamuni, "garment of the Christian myth". I mostly focus right now on ancient pre-christian literature and what's been derived from it. Tao Te Ching ( https://1lib.eu/book/3638743/c57edd ) and some Buddhist stuff (one of my favorite sutras for contemplating purposes, it has interesting ideas of atomic cosmos: https://1lib.eu/book/1250577/d5f782 ).

I'l bump this thread with some fascinating literature i'l uncovered, because of spam:

The Tao ultimately roots back to Upanishadic brahman, maybe because of geolocation of Lao-Zi origin being close to border with India:


Zen got born from Buddhism mingling with Taoism, through intellectual exchange:


Buddhists originally relied on Platonic "multiple reincarnations needed to become enlightened", like three lives of growing wings of Phaedrus, there were no idea of "enlightenment in this life" or "lightning fast way for enlightenment" esoteric buddhists use:


Pyrrhoism and Alexandrian experience in India (which is the source of all leaks of Indian spirituality to greece):




Ultimately Buddha in popular worship is Vaishnavism re-invented, in a way, they denounce the name of Adhidaiva, but at the same time Avalokitesvara/Chenrezig and other cosmic buddhas of god-like powers is reinsert of same person of "thousand heads, thousand hands, thousand feet", e.t.c., which in Rig Veda was description of Purusa:


Maybe the phenomena expanded this way because of eastern aching for God, rather than a teacher. Taoists also aren't completely godless, but its more complicated/elusive, where Lao-Zi may had been extra cryptic. Gita does have criticism of no-action though as "worklessness" with propagation of highest virtue of renouncing fruits of your works instead. It makes Upanishadic understanding of Vedas superior of all those, as their origin. But the rest of development can be viewed for inspirational/disciplinary purposes and learned from.


Its an interesting age we live in. If a man resents all for research and reads many of books he can find secrets to all popular brainwashing and all lies. But man doesn't want to do it, because just like Huxley predicted, he's so busy with entertaining himself with leisure, that he'll never want to pick up a book. Ultimately all people fed with surrounding reality are under spell of rationalizing and atheism. Christianity is a form of rationalized religion, first version of the "big brother", that opened gates to atheism and idea of god "dying". That requires you not to be conditioned to, most just hate "heretics" and wait for their death, sacrificing nothing and learning nothing, for "learning bad, might take away from jesus". And it keeps them locked well, Paul told not to even read philosophy (Colossians 2:8), dare they learn anything outside that they took from Stoics and Platonists, free to consume and pretend sin is uncontrollable phenomena beyond their grasp. And love is not for "others", but done either out of picking attention or selectively, least they dare to bid god speed to denier of magical preacher. Looking at christian householders and zealots i know they aren't anything special, surface level of condition to most popular religion.

I shared what i wanted, won't be visiting /pnd/ anymore, its in pity condition.

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7aa994  No.216738

If Christians were commie haters of civilization they would band up with the commie haters of civilization.

In fact, the more traditionalist the Christian, the more opposed to NWO and great reset shit his behavior.

Therefore you have a pretty big gulf between your theories and that little thing called reality. Try again.

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a298d6  No.216992


Thank you for posting all of this. It's amazing how "pagan"/pre-Christian pre-modern philosophers came to similar conclusions.

>I shared what i wanted, won't be visiting /pnd/ anymore, its in pity condition

This board is in bad condition, but if you leave, then the board will be in even worse condition.

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aa3564  No.217003

File: 2d6d5fbb17367f4⋯.jpg (91.58 KB, 813x856, 813:856, be_saint.jpg)


Its normal that the Church fathers despised paganism - St Augustine saw the Galli (self castrated followers of the goddess Cybele, ring a bell?) "parading through the squares and streets of Carthage, with oiled hair and powdered faces, languid limbs and feminine gait, demanding even from the tradespeople the means of continuing to live in disgrace"

Pride parades of the idolaters of the time. Good riddance, Christianity ejected degenerates from society for millennia. Now that there is no Christendom, the Cybele cultists are back.

Instead of crying about a lost degenerate past go be holy, which is the meaning of life.

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dcec8c  No.217015


>be orthodox

To presume that your institution of flavor hasn't been corrupted over the last couple thousand years respective of those participating in it for the ends they are, is just tarded.

Love the spiritual replies of lets go, but you aren't going nowhere without getting your spirit coagulated within this realm. Modern Christians are a joke solely because they mock and exploit their doctrine for absolution in regards to continual sin masked as irrelevant stakings in a karma they cannot understand with the west/east gap. Study more religions if you're on that tip, eat it with doses of philosophy and science to balance it out, which most seem to need in this modernity of newinf, So I'd recommend ensuring your brains fly NE after you dispose of them from your cranium.

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f9e790  No.217030

Congratulations to you for figuring it out. Orthodox is the least kiked version of Christianity, but it is still kiked and part of The Plan. Now imagine the joke of how many "national socialists" are LGBT-protestants or pedophile-banker catholics.

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6e86dd  No.217051

File: f4e931e84988e0d⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 474x464, 237:232, 1584335175588.jpg)





Appreciate your effort post and honest viewpoint.

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90bf0f  No.217170


>self castrated followers

Origen literally cut his testicles off because he couldn't control his lust.

>inb4 not muh real christianity

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aa7d30  No.217693

File: 7c0e81331bcf4cf⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 300x300, 1:1, we_need_to_go_deeper.jpg)


Last honest viewpoint from me, since its important, and i'l risk for it for truth. Albeit i do believe christianity is tied to bhagavad gita from copying, i do not believe bhagavad gita itself holds any real authority to upanishads or vedas. Where its good it copies from upanishads, and upanishads heavily rely on decyphering hymns of vedas (on hymn reciters being stealers of life not knowing brahman, on two birds in same tree, etc…), i know that Bhagavad Gita legit is written by guy named Vyasa, for it itself boasts about him (hymn X-37)

>Among Vrishni clansmen I am [Krishna,] Vasudeva’s son,

>Among Pandu’s sons I am Arjuna;

>Among sages I am Vyasa,

>Among psalmists the psalmist, Ushanas.

I humbly believe, when Mahabharata was written, Arjuna was alter-ego of the writer, e.g. Vyasa. While "Krishna", the charioteer, was actually "charioteer" as in Lord of the Arjuna's body, so the whole "dialog" happens inside Vyasas/Arjunas mind and its a retelling of his experiences of "walking with God".

But that also makes it equal/lesser than upanishads and not some sort of sacred text.

Mahabharata is rightfully known as war epic like Odyssey, to inspire people of Kshatriya/Warrior caste, its written like a comic book about war effort of suprahuman people/gods. Its not really a serious work and really boring to read on its own.

Vedas > Upanishads (exegesis of Vedas) > Bhagavad Gita (exegesis of Upanishads), that's how one must hold it.

Now one more thing, Bhagavad Gita has a line extremely close to teachings of the buddha, that's so close it stinks (IX-21):

>[But] once they have [to the full] enjoyed the broad expanse of paradise,

>Their merit exhausted, they come back to the world of men.

>And so it is that those who stick fast to the three Vedas [only]

>Receive [a reward] that comes and goes; for it is desire that they desire.

This is not true not because it is provocative towards the Vedas, but because its a blatant copy of Shakyamuni because that guy rejected the vedas in idea of mortality of the gods prior to this text being written.

And on Vyasa (writer of mahabharata and compiler of vedas lived in 400-300bc) being mentioned by Krishna is a blatant self-insert. Because they claim events happened in 3000bc, historians claim events (not writing) actually happened around 1000bc, but Vyasa being mentioned by Krishna kills the whole mystery. I think they attempted to restore god worship during rise of buddhism in popularity.

I judge everything harshly, because i want my mind to be pure for the Lord, and so i wish for others. I know that not even avatars are true worship of Vishnu. Because those are heroes of tales that are mythical and not historical, don't read mantras, don't pray for descent of deities into yantras, don't bother with ritual. But vedas themselves are ours, aryan, and worth studying. As well as exegesis in devotional upanishads like Katha, Svetasvatara and Mundaka. But i can't recommend studying those who believe themselves being brahman/buddha in this very life. Its all so tiresome ride of delusion.

And last but not least, Norse Eddas are same value for us as Vedas, Indra in a lot of ways is amalgamation of Thor and Odin. I suspect an ancient hero of sorts and not really a god, but required by trinitarian temples relying on hero-priest as one of the aspects of trinity (either Odin-Thor-Freyja or Jupter as Terminus-Mars-Juventas). Its all a trinitarian math obsessed sham though even in that period without jews, God is really One. But the real skill is to not throw away oneness of God while researching ancient aryan teachings.

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a298d6  No.217704


>he's back

Nice to see you again! Tell me, is God real and what proof/arguments are there for it?

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fa78c4  No.217877

File: 3f9680f1411261d⋯.jpg (548.31 KB, 1125x1280, 225:256, Darkness_and_Light.jpg)


From western tradition on that i'l recommend to read Heraclitus, Proclus and Plotinus.

Heraclitus translation by Guy Davenport:


Heraclitus in translation by T. M. Robinson


Enneads of Plotinus:


Elements of Theology (because proclus expands on Plotinus):


Introduction to Proclus:


All from One


I uploaded some and more to >>>/pdfs/6208

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8dee98  No.218027



The Rhineland massacre's were not sponsored by official Vatican authorities. In fact, the Church officially denounced such activity and made efforts to protect Jews. Peter the Hermit was an anti-Islam rabble rouser, and not a powerful Christian figurehead. He was popular with people who'd been complaining about Islamic encroachment on Europe and other Islamic attrocities, things the Church was unwilling to do anything about.

The bottom line, is that if Christianity were truly based, it would have beatified Peter the Hermit. It didn't.

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a164f1  No.218074


>Heraclitus in translation by T. M. Robinson

Those color books piss me off with their annoying bullshit

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fc7c1c  No.218116


Excellent post. I always thought the Gita was just a witty collection of the Vedas.

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35adf8  No.218138


Gita isn't a part of the Vedas. It's actually an excerpt of 700 verses from Mahabharata which is an ancient Indian epic poem.

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9fbd55  No.218145

Looks like the majority of you and the poster can't see the forest for the trees. The poster was in a religion but he was no Christian to begin with since Greek Orthodox believe the same thing that Catholicism does, which is to follow the sacraments which has absolutely no basis in the holy scriptures/King James Bible.

To be a Christian all a person has to do is believe the Gospel which is the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and if you do that God puts righteousness on your account and you have eternal life and you are saved without works. How is it that you don't understand this? How is it that you impute evil to Christianity when what you were was never Christian to begin with?

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Romans 4:5 KJV

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80081b  No.218211

File: 3c5f357ba35f062⋯.jpeg (29.83 KB, 356x428, 89:107, Savitr.jpeg)


Well, the main point of the Gita that God is One viewed as Manifold is seen in Book 13 Hymn IV of Atharva Veda to Savitar:

>Down looking, on the ridge of sky Savitar goes to highest heaven.

>To misty cloud filled with his rays Mahendra goes encompassed round.

>Creator and Ordainer, he is Vāyu, he is lifted cloud.

>Rudra, and Mahādeva, he is Aryaman and Varuna.

>Agni is he, and Siirya, he is verily Mahāyama.

>Calves, joined, stand close beside him, ten in number, with one single head.

>From west to east they bend their way: when he mounts up he shines afar.

>His are these banded Maruts: they move gathered close like porters' thongs.

>To misty cloud filled with his rays Mahendra goes encompassed round,

>His are the nine supports, the casks set in nine several places here.

>He keeppeth watch o'er creatures, all that breatheth and that breatheth not.

>This conquering might hath entered him, He is the sole the simple One, the One alone.

>In him these Deities become simple and One

>Renown and glory, and force and cloud, the Brāhman's splendour, and food, and nourishment,

>To him who knoweth this God as simple and one.

>Neither second, nor third, nor yet fourth is he called;

>He is called neither fifth, nor sixth, nor yet seventh

>He is called neither eighth, nor ninth, nor yet tenth.

>He watcheth over creatures, all that breatheth and that breatheth not.

>This conquering might hath entered him. He is the sole, the simple One, the One alone,

>In him these Deities become simple and One

>Devotion and Religious Fervour, and renown and glory, and force and cloud, the Brāhman's splendour, and food and nourishment.

>And past and future, and Faith and lustre, and heaven and sweet oblation,

>To him who knoweth this God as simple and One.

>He, verily, is death, he is immortality, he is the monster, he is the fiend.

>He is Rudra, winner of wealth in the giving of wealth; in uttering homage he is the sacrificial exclamation Vashat duly employed.

>All sorcerers on earth obey with reverence his high behest.

>All constellations yonder, with the Moon, are subject to his will.

>He was brought forth from Day: and Day derives his origin from him.

>He was brought forth from Night: and Night derives her origins from him.

>He was produced from Air: and Air derives its origin from him.

>He was produced from Wind: and Wind derives his origin from him.

>From Heaven was he produced: and Heaven derives his origin from him.

>He sprang from regions of the sky: from him the heavenly regions sprang.

>He is the offspring of the Earth: Earth hath her origin from him.

>He was produced from fire: and fire derives its origin from him.

>He is the waters' offspring: and from him the waters were produced.

>From holy verses was he born: from him the holy verses sprang.

>He is the son of sacrifice: and sacrifice was born from him.

>Sacrifice, sacrifice's Lord, he was made head of sacrifice.

>He thundereth, he lighteneth, he casteth down the thunder-stone

>For misery or happiness, for mortal man or Asura.

>Whether thou formest growing plants, or sendest rain for happiness, or hast increased the race of man,

>Such is thy greatness, liberal Lord! A hundred bodily forms are thine.

>Millions are in thy million, or thou art a billion in thyself.

>Stronger than immortality is Indra: stronger thou than deaths;

>Yea, stronger than Malignity art thou, O Indra, Lord of Might.

>Calling thee Master, Sovran Chief, we pay our reverence to thee.

>Worship to thee whom all behold! Regard me, thou whom all regard,

>With food, and fame, and vigour, with the splendour of a Brāhman's rank

>We pay thee reverence calling thee strength, power, and might, and conquering force.

>We pay thee reverence calling thee red power, the silvery expanse.

>We pay thee reverence calling thee vast, wide, the good, the universe.

>We pay thee reverence, calling thee extension, compass, width, and world.

>We pay thee reverence, calling thee rich, opulent in this and that, with wealth unceasing and secure

>Worship to thee whom all behold! Regard me, thou whom all regard.

>With food, and fame, and vigour, with the splendour of a Brāhman's rank.

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2c072c  No.218481


Sola scriptura is an easily refuted heresy, since you cannot find any support for it in the Bible itself and (this is the much bigger one) it ignores the question how the canon itself came into existence (i. e. the first councils).

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ab7d76  No.218561

File: 01bf2ae31823058⋯.webm (2.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1614409977689.webm)

>denounce your faith in Christ, my fellow Christians

oy vey, it's anuddah shoah

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cc4b32  No.218575



I think he made a perfect assessment

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9aa280  No.218606

File: aee5c0c7d34238e⋯.jpg (560.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 5267464008_9420259749_b.jpg)

>denounced all ancient civilization as a fabrication of Satan.

Irish monks literally preserved the writings of Aristotle, Plato and others.

Aquinas resurrected Aristotle in Europe while Islam rejected it.

>rejected out of disgust all the cultural offer of our ancestors.

Kept the good (stoicism, virtues, Roman/Byzantine art, education) and rejected the bad (child slavery, child sacrifice, pederasty, homosexuality, war for profit)

>destroyed art

lmao. pic related

>destroyed ancient monuments

Caesar literally burned down the Library of Alexandria. Pagans burned and destroyed their fair share of shit too.

>banned theater, music, songs and sports.

muh consoomerism, muh marvel, muh netflix NOOOOOO

>They fought the spirit and became a brake on science

The Catholic Church built universities and schools across Europe and the world. The Byzantine missionaries taught the Slavs how to read and write, and literally gave them a written language. The only remnants of ancient culture left of the Romans and Byzantines are in Christianity, including their philosophy. So everything you just said here is fucking retarded.

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cc4b32  No.218610

File: a9d5988c827dbdf⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 574x194, 287:97, reply_to_poster_8kun.jpg)

File: 7f5fa7bf17bef2f⋯.jpeg (79.94 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, spirit_cooking_cannibalis….jpeg)

File: 1a519aad08c20f2⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 580x435, 4:3, niggers_eating_human_foot_….jpg)

File: 5211bd939e29860⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 410x480, 41:48, nigger_king_sitting_portra….jpg)

File: 4ddb93eca7fea8a⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 341x500, 341:500, pope_throne_gold.jpg)


Please click the post number to reply to a specific individual. See photo. That way we can track the conversation better and know to whom you are speaking. If you can't then type their post number into your reply box. Thanks.


I don't agree with the sacraments because they are way too jewish to me. You should love someone for what they did and who they were and love (unless it is 'jewish love') doesn't mean that you 'eat their flesh and drink their blood'. That cannibalism and vampirism was inherited from the jews nigger ancestors and that is why they think that these perversions are acceptable. When Moses lifted up the Nachash in the wilderness you were never required to perform ritual human sacrifice and eat flesh and drink blood (total grotesque perversion) for salvation, you were only supposed to 'look on it' for salvation. This nigger ideology of cannibalism only entered the teachings of Isreal after Moses part nigger son became high preist and people began following the cannibal practices of the nigger people from africa…so everyone named 'cohen' or its variants is actually a nigger descendant of Moses son and basically holding the nigger values of Africa.

If I had a wish for all forms of Christianity I would selective destroy the nigger behaviors in it and reinstate morality as a core or fundamental belief of the religion. This would excise all the kikes from the corruption of the ranks simply because they couldn't continue to practice an actual moral religion without falling into their typical nigger behaviors.

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9aa280  No.218611


are you new here? if the post number isn't specified, then clearly the post is in response to OP.

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9aa280  No.218612


Also, you're a fucking retard if you think the Sacraments are "Jewish" in any way. The Pharisees literally condemned Christ when he was alive for saying it, claiming that he was encouraging his followers to consume actual human flesh which was against the Law of Moses.

Meanwhile, the Roman Stoic Chrysippus said that cannibalism was morally acceptable, and cannibalism, infanticide, and rape was a common practice during the Dionysian festivals, prior to the rise of Christianity. There's a reason why white nationalism is about to go the way of libertarianism, and it's because of stupid low-IQ shit like this.


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9aa280  No.218614

File: b1053f12255b6b4⋯.jpeg (213.81 KB, 604x340, 151:85, wp_1452579586031.jpeg)



P.S., I find it hard to believe that you're white and you can't tell the difference between nigger cannibalism and pic related.

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cc4b32  No.218616

File: 170ab7369a21d12⋯.png (266.83 KB, 645x925, 129:185, india_cannibal.png)

File: a4ab32fa730e4ee⋯.jpeg (6.84 KB, 259x194, 259:194, gwen_stephani_cannibal.jpeg)

File: 2d714210c632191⋯.jpg (190.48 KB, 1285x746, 1285:746, spez_ceo_reddit_steve_huff….jpg)

File: d1926e6c278e45d⋯.jpg (141.53 KB, 962x643, 962:643, nigger_ritual_black_magic_….jpg)

File: dfa53f6a45ba5f5⋯.jpg (552.61 KB, 880x580, 44:29, kike_nigger_black_magic_ri….jpg)




You must be a cannibal if you can't distinguish between nigger cannibalism and a religion based in love. Cannibalism is cannibalism.

There is nothing even remotely different between 'the sacrament' and spirit cooking or the nigger cannibals in africa.

It is all very obvious cannibalism.

How can you be 'white' and not understand the difference between the values and moral practices of niggers (which are present in the 'church' due to kike infiltration) and do not have any relationship to Northern or White European traditions and morals (or morality around the whole planet outside nigger culture)?

Are you a fan of rap (nigger music) as well?

What about 'eat my flesh and drink my blood' is confusing to you? It is clearly nigger ideology that was inserted into the religion far after the death of Christ would would have known and understood the idea behind gazing at Nachash and eating Nachash (disgusting in and of itself but obviously the problems go far beyond this).

It is a perversion from the beginning that relates to the lie in the garden which is why it was inserted into Christianity to subvert and destroy everyone who follows it as an abomination to God…what you think is your 'salvation' is actually a jewnigger insertion into the story that makes you worthy of slaughter and an abomination before God and other men.

That is clearly a part nigger or jew in your photo. No one who is White or European would ever condone nigger cannibalism.

I sort of can't believe that you can't tell when the nigger values were added into judaism in the OT. I mean it is pretty obvious when they corrupted themselves and it has never gotten better or returned to anything moral, just like the institutions they spawned. All are immoral and totally corrupted by immoral jewnigger deeds and ideologies.

Why are you making excuses to me so that you can continue in abomination? Haven't you studied comparative religion and come to an understanding about the root of morals or their origin?

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cc4b32  No.218617


Maybe you haven't so I will attempt to go over it with you:

Immoral ideologies that niggers and kikes value:

Slavery, origin Africa

Homosexuality, origin Africa

Usury, origin Africa

Pedophilia (sex with infants and young children), origin Africa

Cannibalism, origin Africa

Vampirism (blood drinking), origin Africa

Torture, origin Africa

GIBS ME DAT, origin Africa

Serpent Worship, origin Africa

Stealing, origin Africa

I could continue but these are all African values that are intrinsically repulsive to moral people and should be totally antithetical to you morally. You know on the surface that all of these so called values are an anathema to you and (if you were White) something that would be immoral and shunned in your community but you ?approve of them? in your religion?

How do you think you are corrupted now if not because you have adopted the values of kikeniggers?

Seriously, explain this to me?…How is it that your 'house' civilization is being torn to the ground if not for the fact that you have been corrupted from the inside by evil without your willingness to even acknowledge your own disgusting ideology?

What exactly do you think the kikes are doing in your society and religions if it isn't corrupting you from the inside? How do you think they are able to induce corruption into your minds without the 'mingled cup' of corruption of Babylon? You drink the (bloody) cup and still wonder? Is it possible that you are this daft?

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a298d6  No.220459


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3b3833  No.220510

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a0ed06  No.233160


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342ff9  No.233176


>Europe is nothing, except for 1,900 years of Christianity.

Want me to add all the victims of European Christianity, like, I don't know, the BLACK DEATH, which wiped out 2/3rds of Europe, to the Black Book of Communism?


>The ZOG has known since at least 1949 that all successful communist movements are run by nationalists



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342ff9  No.233183


The funny thing about ALL communisms, INCLUDING Christianity, is that the goyim ALWAYS usurps it within a generation.

This is because the kike founders of communism, Marx and Jesus, are both antisemitic, as any other scenario is impossible, due to the concept of Socialism being completely opposed to the existence of a usurious, parasitical race

>“Money is the jealous god of Israel. The god of the Jews has become secularised and has become the god of the world.” - Marx

and you know about Jesus

However, the thing about all commienisms, is that even though you expunged as much Jew shit from your Jew shit ideology, you are still using Jew shit as a framework. Which leads to the problems faced by all communist states at the end of its life-cycle, INCLUDING THE USA

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71fa7b  No.233319



The very foundation of Christianity is worshiping a Kike that lived in the distant past in a far away land that didn't speak your language or look like you. This is opposite of nationalism.

Chistfaggotry spread through Europe at the point of a sword, forced on traitors first, who were then installed into power over their own people as puppets.

On the other hand, the history of all thirdworld commie movements is basically a bunch of nationalists deciding to start calling themselves communists. And I mean this literally. China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc, etc, all the leaders of these commie movements started out as explicit nationalists. Most of the time, their primary enemies are internal Christfags, backed up by "Western" Kike-lover governments.

Nationalists in thirdworld countries learn pretty quickly that capitalism means you don't have a nation. This truth is still spreading through the masses of the White Nation, who have yet to fully grasp what that homosexual interracial porno called "America" has done to their real nation.

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d86356  No.234328

File: ced9796ebcc7640⋯.jpg (104.5 KB, 1057x433, 1057:433, moraltb.jpg)


Im not a Christian advocate. Your rose tinted view of Helenism is wrong tho. Helenism was libtardism back then. Alexander the Great openly advocated race mixing. When Romans took over Greeks they absorbed their liberal, hedonistic and moraly relativistic shit as well as LGBT practices plus religious cults that venerate disgusting stuff.

Also, all of those "nice" things like art, culture or inovativeness are the essence of the progressive instinct. It is a double edged sword. Notice how basically all enterpreneurs and inventors are some sort of idealistic anti-nature fighters.

Eventually (sometimes immediately) it goes against natalism and even things as natural as self defence.

A group of people can't destroy itself by being simple and primitive and sticking to what worked in the past. It CAN by trying new things all the time.

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342ff9  No.234331


>The very foundation of Christianity is worshiping a Kike that lived in the distant past in a far away land that didn't speak your language or look like you. This is opposite of nationalism.

In most western depictions, Jesus looked exactly like a Italian white man with long hair.

In most eastern depictions, Jesus looked exactly like a Han Chinese man wearing Hanfu.

Nobody actually worships a being who looks like a middle-eastern kike.


Something about GREEKS actually being filthy kikes, hmm???

Where's the 1 Maccabees guy

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e60f90  No.234332


There's no double edged sword. Zioshit Radfem crazies are not progressive and never were.

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d86356  No.234336


yes there is, watch Edward Dutton on "the genius strategy"

geniuses are usually a bit, or very weird and the price of a society being inventive is it's vulnerable to being subverted by evolutionarily novel changes.

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97361e  No.234339



wrong choice of word.

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342ff9  No.234357


Correct choice of word. It's the exact same mechanism that the JWO uses.

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ef405d  No.248688

Jesus will never accept you.

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ef405d  No.258045


Jesus still hasn't accepted you.

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ef405d  No.271727

File: 6257f0a2b615568⋯.jpg (378.55 KB, 1500x1746, 250:291, 018.jpg)

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