It seems the recent documents concerning the events around "The Finders" as well as the associated events, people unaware of the situation at large are struggling to find understanding as to the purpose of these groups as well as the reasons as to why such vile events keep recurring. In order to fully grasp the reasons behind these events we must first explore the nature of the creatures doing it. Many here will already understand of what I am about to present but those unaware, well, consider this an introduction.
So let us begin. It is obvious that this, as always, is sourced from the semetic assertion of "using cattle as they see" fit. Time and again throughout history what has the parasite done, whether it be the Talmudic ritualistic blood letting, the celebration of the slaughter of their "foes" and their young or the violation of what others have deemed sacrosanct, constantly it has aimed at a very specific goal of degeneration. The semetic mind operates in a far more insidious way than many realize with adulation for the profane and the deprivation of innocence despite all their suggestions "culture makes the man, not nature, were just like you goyim, just like Tyrone over there", after all the semetic mind *must* operate like this for they are, as they claim themselves, a diaspora, a group with no homeland. They do not need to "integrate" for as history shows, integration is a pleasant dream in the mind of the fool. When considering this fact it is not coincidence that the following can all be sourced to Jewish thinkers;
- Attack on traditional family under the guise of "Women's Liberation"
- The obfuscation of sexual identity with it's seeds within the works of the most vile of creatures Doctor Money
- The "dumbing down" of intellect courtesy of the infestation within academia during the post war period
- The creation of multi national organizations whose supposed purpose of stability has yielded nothing beyond ethnic replacement and financial manipulation
- Many, many more vile crimes than can be listed here within the time I have.
Each assault on a key facet of European civilization has proven both disturbingly effective as well as incredibly subtle. It is in essence a "bringing down" of Man in order to create a "drone". Now however we must journey into the belly of the beast, this will not be pleasant but I urge you to read on. For you see my dear friends, a violation of a culture, it is an impersonal experience. Yes, one can feel in control, can feel like the true "Chosen" as they believe themselves to be, but it is not quite tangible. Ask yourself, what happens when by the European standards of a persons mind, a sickened individual is given power? I would ask you to take your darkest thoughts, the darkest ever imagined, now amplify them by a factor of three then imagine all of a sudden you were granted power most impressive against those you historically have seen as inferior. The power to cripple nations and economies, hah, easy. Want to defile children by convincing their parents to inject hormones and countless other vile things into them, done, took less than a decade. But this is no test of real power now is it. It is not *true* power, not the power to practice these things on a personal level. What if you wanted a true challenge, a true way to show you are not merely superior to the cattle but also that you can do anything you wish to their most defenseless and they can do nothing to stop it as hey, you control everything. You control finance, you control the media, you control the mechanisms of government, you control it all.