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File: bcc94e263aff06c⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 640x426, 320:213, china_shipping_line.jpg)

c9f094  No.191447

Looks like it isn't happening.

"Asia forms world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S."


China's exports reach record high


"The Centre for Economics and Business Research said that it nowexpected the value of China’s economy when measured in dollars to exceed that of the US by 2028, half a decade sooner than it expected a year ago."


"EU-China investment deal done and dusted"


"China's 2020 FDI inflow expected to hit record high: official data"


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911322  No.191450

Why would a country full of stupid niggers where 90% of the so-called "nationalists" keep trying to make excuses for jewish economics ever have a prayer in this "conflict?

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15448a  No.191458

I heard that China will forgive America’s impudence this one time, if the president kowtows ten times as long as the head bleeds. Thank goodness we getting an expert at kowtowing to foreign powers.

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