-All joint pain: apple cider vinegar + honey, fatty steak, tumeric
-Acne: stop using acne medicine, apple cider vinegar, no sugar, less dairy, lift weights
-Low-energy: liver, red meat, ginseng
-Lower-back pain: strengthen your abs, lose your beer belly
-Stress & gay worrying: stop drinking coffee, meditate, sleep enough (7 hours min), chamomile, learn how to read, lift every 48 hours
Body odor: anything with chlorophyll
Depression: fish oil/salmon, vitamin c, taking a walk
-For colds: less sugar, stay hydrated, stay warm, eat bitter greens, drink green tea, take zinc, take d3 (and k2 to absorb it well)
-Headaches: sex, mint
-Stomach and digestive issues: ginger
Bad breath: oil pulling, brushing your tounge
>I was taught not to eat like a responsible adult in school or to save my money, therefore nutrition and frugality are a hoax.
Aspirin is a manufactured substitute for tree willow bark. A lot of people take the natural version of the synthetic market drug, because it has less harmful side effects. America makes drugs like this because it's cheaper than growing the real thing. That's why Trump recommended hydroxychloroquine instead of it's natural counterpart, chloroquine. Another example is acid, which is one of the only psychedelics that can harm you (even though not in controlled dosages). White sugar and cocaine are also simply factory-refined substances, the original product being quite harmless (whereas sugar effects your liver in the same was as alcohol).
you should have posted this on 4chan/fit, but it's whatever