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File: 4458493c7556e1e⋯.gif (187.71 KB, 670x473, 670:473, get in.gif)

407d4a  No.18147[Last 50 Posts]

Iran takes credit for missile strike on U.S. base

>White House: "We are aware of the reports of attacks on US facilities in Iraq. The President has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team."

Get in here.

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407d4a  No.18152

File: 5b44f5fd60b988b⋯.png (202.31 KB, 1166x868, 583:434, breaking news.png)

I don't know what my finger meant when I typed WWW either, but we shall see.

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407d4a  No.18154

File: 1b5cacfe8c76663⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB, 854x480, 427:240, خبرگزاری فارس - 🎥 «انتقام ….mp4)

Alleged video of the missiles being launched [not very interesting].

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407d4a  No.18160

File: b17a676f2f0f0ff⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1246x1298, 623:649, it begins.png)

This is the excuse Israel needs for the U.S. to bomb them.

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0abe01  No.18167


> hostile to Iran

Also Trump

> allows them to build nukes

How dumb is this mutt?

(((Democracy))) is so great, it allows the degenerated masses who aren't capable of chiding a good leader to vote from either a Jewish Run Democrat or a Jewish Run Republican. Oh and by the way they are both retarded, want to start nuclear wars senile and want you, your culture and your children dead. Oh boy! Trump 2020!!!

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1dc02c  No.18170

File: de8427bd86e47d5⋯.webm (8.6 MB, 480x360, 4:3, IT'S HAPPENING.webm)

Is it finally happening?

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ee11c9  No.18174

Imagine how sore the goat fucking pro-Iran shills here will be once Trump blows up that old US embassy in Tehran which the Iranians have turned into a museum of anti-Americanism…

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bb4a2b  No.18175

This fucking sucks. Goddamn sand niggers don’t know their place. I hope no other country helps those retarded dipshits. Stinky Islamic motherfuckers. I hope Trump goes apeshit and turns Iran to glass.

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3f333f  No.18177

Missiles were launched directly from Iran

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1a4d62  No.18178

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bb1317  No.18179


Sup Shlomo. Rumor has it over 100 Amerimutt solders already kicked the bucket.

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bb4a2b  No.18180


Trump didn’t allow that shit you fucking moron, Obongo did. Fuck off back to 4cuck, faggot.

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50f8d4  No.18182

>when you suddenly realize:

Hitler was a CIA stooge in WW1 and all the way to his rise to power. His objective was to exterminate all jews as a way to destabilize europe and remove germany from leading role in europe. Jews actually think USA saved them.

You suddenly realize:

Khomeini is a CIA stooge that was installed for the same exact reason. You suddenly realize that it was Khomeini that ordered the killing of his general just to get an excuse to cause more chaos in the middle east.

The plot thickens KEK

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74ddf8  No.18183


Killing jews is the top priority. Anything else done before that is a waste of time.

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bb1317  No.18186

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330fe8  No.18188


might be the kikiest post ever

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ee11c9  No.18189


If that's actually true, Iran is finished as a modern country. Back to the stone age with their prophet.

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50f8d4  No.18193


it would explain everything

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bb1317  No.18196


They are Islamic fanatics and they don't care. On the other hand you'll lose tens of thousand solders and at the end you won't win the war. Plus Trump will lose the elections and your national debt will skyrocket. There is no winners here.

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dcb858  No.18198


Fuck off Trumpnigger.


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727722  No.18199


Jesus Christ, I can't comprehend how missed informed or downright moronic you have to believe this witless nonsense in earnest.

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330fe8  No.18201


it really wouldn't. it's a good way for philosemitic conservative retards to turn their brain off and not question their beliefs.

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3f333f  No.18204

Iran has now started a second wave of missiles.

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2639c8  No.18207


The Happening is soon. Seriously there's a high probability the U.S response to this will be bombing targets directly in Iran. From that point there will be no hope of deescalation, and the rippling effects will ignite all geopolitical theaters globally. It'll truly begin.

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432278  No.18208

>waaah they didn't just let us get away with assassinating one of their political leaders

>How dare they not be little bitches

Go die for Israel.

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ee11c9  No.18209

File: 0b85cdd10d6a2ce⋯.jpg (94.5 KB, 532x800, 133:200, 1576884553137.jpg)


>you'll lose tens of thousand solders

Oh, sweetie. We're not going to do the expensive ground invasion which Iran has been counting on for decades.

We're just going to use advanced weapons commanded from comfy chairs ten thousand miles away. Iran might be invaded but we'll simply let Iraq do it after we have blown up everything that uses electricity or post-stone-age technology.

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bb1317  No.18211

Jewish puppets are firing back

6 US F-35s seen taking of from UAE. Iran issues warning to UAE that they will be attacked should any US aircraft launched from their country attack Iran.

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bb1317  No.18214


How many American soldiers is in the military basis in the Middle east? They all can be hit.

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432278  No.18217


Curious, where are you getting this from? Seems very up to date if true.

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bb1317  No.18221

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27d444  No.18222

File: 4e3cfb301a8b887⋯.jpg (172.76 KB, 1136x788, 284:197, Khorne.jpg)

File: 257fe75b7fe976b⋯.jpg (175.21 KB, 1024x1117, 1024:1117, 1427706754652.jpg)

File: f4e565f02f30def⋯.png (560.52 KB, 666x666, 1:1, mfw.png)




> Pentagon says more than a dozen missiles 'launched from Iran' against 2 US bases, vows ‘necessary’ counter-measures



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432278  No.18226



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9c94e4  No.18228

File: 059e3225f695a56⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 1999x1464, 1999:1464, GodEmperor.jpg)


Welcome to the Age of Strife.

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0abe01  No.18230

One minute to midnight


kek, then who backed out of the agreement than? A big orange ghost?

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727722  No.18232


Oh lordy meme responsibly! Anybody got that dancing in a bunker webm?

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ee11c9  No.18233


>They all can be hit.

And every Iranian civilian is a valid target too then.

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dcb858  No.18234

Maybe should people in US go for race war too now?

Unless the war will be fought in 2 days or so, destabilization of the country will be good and fuck more shit out of America.

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432278  No.18235


Real question in all of this is if Russia's going to allow one of their only military allies to fall or if they'll stand with them. If they are the US can just level Iran and absorb the military casualties, if they aren't things are going to get very serious and we'll likely end up in a worldwide state of total war consisting of nation against nation at the same time as numerous civil wars.

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dcb858  No.18238


Let's hope that Russia and China get in and nuke the shit out of USA.

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bb1317  No.18240


I hope Russia and China involve.

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f4c7c1  No.18242


>imagine being a muslim


nah fat chance, israel backed off, russia is quiet right now.

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1dc02c  No.18243

File: 23121548230c75a⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 23121548230c75a316a87feef….webm)


There's no stepping back from this, huh?


Someone post the Touhou one if you have it.

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27d444  No.18244

File: e4a08a798a207a5⋯.jpg (345.43 KB, 835x1200, 167:240, 1451770224764.jpg)

File: d7eff360a93d33e⋯.jpg (371.33 KB, 1200x1662, 200:277, Blood for the Blood God.jpg)

File: 65ba30f5637b63f⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 338x502, 169:251, Aplastador de Khorne.jpg)


>Iran launches 'SECOND WAVE' of retaliation strikes against US assets in Iraq – reports




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bb1317  No.18245


Yep. Amerimutts won't stop larping until someone send them an ICBM in their backyard.

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9c94e4  No.18247

File: a3697a5a7160581⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 400x889, 400:889, GodEmperorofMankind.jpg)


Unifying wars when?

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917fad  No.18248


feels bad when your entire life has been based on lies, doesnt it

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27d444  No.18249

File: c0a263ec5f49184⋯.jpeg (182.02 KB, 500x709, 500:709, Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-r….jpeg)



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7f8dfe  No.18250

Orange kike takes the price for the most Jewish president since ww2

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727722  No.18251


Thanks Anon

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727722  No.18253


I've been practicing black magic for many years now and I will give you a aneurysm in the next couple of yearsunfortunately such powerful spells require time and lots of work

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dcb858  No.18256

File: 5ea3791684400a7⋯.png (227.67 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


He was helped by MOSSAD.

Terrorist attacks in Europe were done by MOSSAD.

The moment Trump got elected, no attacks - why? because they were done by MOSSAD to get Trump elected in the first place.

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0abe01  No.18257


When will you realize how retarded you are? Hitler brought Germany out of the depression, rebuilt the national unity and only lost barely when dog piled from all sides.

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432278  No.18260


Its the retarded Alex Jones crowd, there's no convincing them.

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4be0d6  No.18263


The CIA was founded 1947 and Hitler was presumably dead by then

>all these wars for israel shills itt

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6de78f  No.18265

File: 82cf06f2fcf987e⋯.jpg (154.37 KB, 477x513, 53:57, 1574614544288.jpg)


Non-sequitur. Iranian civilians are used to warfare. American blubberbabies see 50 troops in a box and think it's Holocaust 2.0 (this time for real.) Iranian Civilians AKA future insurgents will rape the US Army no matter how many smartbombs they chuck at them.

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cf079c  No.18266


Never point out the blaring obvious mistakes Anon it helps them learn and assimilate.

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432278  No.18269


The US doesn't necessarily need to occupy, all they need to do is cripple their military infrastructure to prevent them from interfering in future plans like Iran did in Syria. US easily wins unless Russia or China involves itself.

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4be0d6  No.18270


>shilling stage 2

>hey go-uy, they can actually win against the usa and the infinite nato troop supply


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27d444  No.18272

> The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran reportedly confirmed their missiles struck a US base in western Iraq, calling it revenge for the killing of General Qassem Soleimani and warning more strikes might be coming.

>“The brave soldiers of IRGC's aerospace unit have launched a successful attack with tens of ballistic missiles” on the Al-Asad base, in the name of General Soleimani, the IRGC said in a statement early on Wednesday morning, adding:

>We call on Americans to recall all their soldiers back home to prevent more damage.


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274509  No.18273

>no thread content

>no links

>no citations




<website broken because it’s owned and operated by jews who want all whites exterminated

<takes 20 minutes to post

lol still sage

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649108  No.18274


Quite a convenient date to "get created" and revealed to the world, shortly after it finished the Hitler-project.

Perhaps their entire creation of CIA was justified with the Hitler-project. Think about it, it would explain everything. Where did hitler come from? Why was his haplogroup E3b? Maybe CIA orchestrated Pearl Harbor and Chernobyl too?

Think about it, it was quite convenient that they "broke" the enigma crypto mysteriously with some sperg faggot that mysteriously died. And conveniently the allies staged the landings just when hitler had the bulk of his troops in the eastern front. Conveniently he was refusing to send reinforcements to the west as expected. Conveniently his kills were 95% commies and only a small portion allies.

It all makes sense now, doesnt it. kek

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432278  No.18276


>being this incompetent

This is everywhere, do you want a source on the sky being blue as well?

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90a31d  No.18277


Iran doesn't have to "win" any more than Iraq and Afghanistan had to "win". They just need to not lose. Is America going to invade and occupy the country for the next two decades? The next ten decades? Eventually America will run out of money or attention and it will collapse.

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0fb655  No.18279

File: 2bf2d575a5f510a⋯.mp4 (249.95 KB, 336x640, 21:40, allegedly Iran strikes the….mp4)

alleged hit on Ayn al Asad base.

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4be0d6  No.18280


>It all makes sense now, doesnt it. kek

No it doesn't. None at all.

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27d444  No.18281


Where did you get this from?

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0abe01  No.18282


No, the attacks were done by sandmen the Jews just imported thrm, small difference I know. Here is a trick, one rubs his hands and has no foreskin. The other one has foreskin and rapes women.

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4be0d6  No.18283



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cf079c  No.18284


Not at all.

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000000  No.18285












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bb1317  No.18286

Iran said that USA and Israel are the same for them and if the USA attacks Iran, they will strike back Israel as well. If Hezbollah decide to join, Jews will get fucked. Fingers crossed!

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5b2b96  No.18287

posting in epic thread

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ecfe5d  No.18288

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6de78f  No.18289

File: 2ae5c9082d76025⋯.png (721.92 KB, 710x710, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Russia's $20 recycled coke can fighter jets get missile locks on F22's, ZOG is cooked. As if China and Russia wouldn't spam anti-air missile tech it Iran, which they've already done. They lose literally one stealth bomber or F22 and they're out a billion bucks. What they get for not buying the YF23 instead. There's a billion dollar deficit each year already. America can't afford it's current wars let alone another one.

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f4c7c1  No.18290


jews will get shelled by iran if there is any retaliation.

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432278  No.18291


This presumes that the goal is to control Iran, it could be to merely cripple them and reduce their ability to interfere with US actions and proxy forces across the region.

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6de78f  No.18293

File: 1c87ab47d72da17⋯.jpg (107.83 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 1481142349634.jpg)


Based, hopefully they get more than shelled.

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27d444  No.18294

File: d937b80cdbb2ad4⋯.jpg (316.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Thanks Lord of Battle.jpg)




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f4c7c1  No.18295


are you stupid, all that shit could be easily defeated with dummy missile systems. just have them be laser guided and have chaff countermeasures attached to them. then everything is fucked.

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432278  No.18296


This is why I said unless Russia or China involves itself. As for zog being cooked Israel has its claws in Russia as well.

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f567e0  No.18297


> Is America going to invade and occupy the country for the next two decades?

No Russia won't allow a US occupation in Iran.

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3c558d  No.18298

File: b963b9b6b35b8c1⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, nuke.jpg)

I hope Israel gets nuked while Iran and the US fight it out

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27d444  No.18299

File: d50bdba69c274eb⋯.png (56.21 KB, 624x273, 16:7, 1578445132949.png)


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f4c7c1  No.18301


pfft pro jew forces would fuck over russia if anything happens to their precious israel. get over it, iran might get sacrificed.

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0abe01  No.18302


"Where did Hitler come from?"

Brauna Am Inn, Austria.

You could of just looked that up or read Mein Kampf you know.

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330fe8  No.18303



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4be0d6  No.18306


>and rapes women

The first one does that too and possibly on a far bigger scale.



>Barwin was born in South Africa to an Ashkenazi Jewish family.

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90a31d  No.18307



America is what matters, the rest of the alliance couldn't defend themselves if they had to. How do you think they afford all those social programs?


It assumes there's a goal/plan and not just President JooJoo Cum sperging out. I don't think there's a plan.

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f567e0  No.18308


Whether Iran's government survives or not Russia (and not likely China either) will allow Iran's oil to fall into US hands. They can't.

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bb1317  No.18310


Russia won't allow that.

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2bce95  No.18311

File: 37ca1ed8ad0c338⋯.png (5.38 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, CEE78A84-AF17-46F6-B8F9-2B….png)

Trump and Republicans are war criminals and AMERICAN TRAITORS and do not have US interests in mind. All must be imprisoned—we must save the Republic NOW

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b5d7ee  No.18312

File: 4b281e4fdd351e4⋯.png (70.04 KB, 1341x338, 1341:338, 1578445134634.png)

Holy fuck guys it might actually be happening…

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432278  No.18313


>thinking presidents control this stuff

Elections are fake and gay.

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4be0d6  No.18314


>How do you think they afford all those social programs?

By pressing the coin out of the working class you kike.

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7f8dfe  No.18317


This would be a dream come true

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2bce95  No.18319


Shut up you dumb fuck

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1dc02c  No.18320

File: bc3b4dc3b518884⋯.webm (1021.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HAPPENING2.webm)

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330fe8  No.18321


>How do you think they afford all those social programs?

Typically in single payer healthcare systems the state is only legal buyer that doctors, surgeons, and hospitals may sell their services to, so the prices are fixed at a level the state finds amenable. Monopoly buying works in the inverse of monopoly selling.

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aed9dd  No.18322


it was a kike ploy to get the US to attack Iran

>allow Iran to get nuclear arms

>revoke it


You should know by now everything that happens in washington is a jewish plot

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0abe01  No.18323


Russia militaraly would be cooked in a matter of seconds by America.

America spends 3x more on their airforce than Russia does on their military as a whole. And if you think the US's economy is fucked wait till you see Russia's. Putin and the ginger by helping the oligarch's get out of taxes fucked it immensly

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3c558d  No.18324

File: 711c5f87e925ee7⋯.gif (3.13 MB, 483x270, 161:90, Kill-Yourself-Faggot-4.gif)




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bb1317  No.18327


Typical IQ45 amerimutt.

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dde0d8  No.18329

File: 43a8a692c77d450⋯.jpg (730.92 KB, 900x514, 450:257, 516972238f0ec6f8339feb9f3a….jpg)

>It is actually fucking happening

>It didn't start with Iranians blockading the strait of hormuz

>Iran shills are already in the thread while fed poster do nothing

Surprised they didn't go down that route. The US can easily twist this to make Iran look like aggressor. Better question now is that, other than Israel, who will down the US in this jew war?

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432278  No.18331

File: e5e86d0edb4a504⋯.jpeg (97.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, doompaul01.jpeg)

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0abe01  No.18333


Didn't say they didn't. :^ they are both mudslimes at the end of the day, Jews are just more systematically destructive. It's in their Shepardi genes. If the Alluhs didn't have Jew help they wouldn't be here, but that doesn't make them not a problem. The Jew imports them and Sub-Saharan niggers for a reason.

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432278  No.18334


>But the US spends 3x as much

Yeah, having a bunch of women and shitskins handling logistics is really horrible for efficiency.

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ecfe5d  No.18335

File: 8d205791028c13b⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 271x277, 271:277, doitus4.jpg)

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f567e0  No.18336


Are you retarded?

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4e15b0  No.18337


Trump can't declare war, but he can beg Congress to do it for him.

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c1baf7  No.18338

File: 3c41cd48a48b531⋯.jpg (168.46 KB, 553x936, 553:936, 1442389963405.jpg)

I really hope this leads to Israel being nuked.

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bb1317  No.18339

Iran said if the USA attacks them, they will destroy Dubai and Haifa. What about Tel Aviv?

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0abe01  No.18340


Nice response schlomo.

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01d8f5  No.18341

>some US base in a shithole like Iraq gets hit by a few missiles from sand niggers


No. How pathetic are you people?

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0fb655  No.18342

File: e038bf7ba023a67⋯.jpeg (93.44 KB, 1080x930, 36:31, hiztelegram.jpeg)


everyone's on telegram these days, apparently.

‏ @NewsBreaking

BREAKING: State Media reporting Iranian jets have entered Iraqi airspace - NBC News

NEW: "In its Telegram channel Iranian Revolutionary Guard says that the “Pentagon reports that the U.S. will respond to Iran’s attacks.” IRGC then says in a footnote, “This time we will respond to you in America” - @ShimonPro

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aed9dd  No.18343

File: 4dcc7d50bb85a6a⋯.gif (6.56 MB, 540x300, 9:5, 4dc.gif)

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27fa39  No.18344

File: 6389538fd4b606f⋯.png (535.43 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, nanomachines.png)


Sorry to disappoint you but no WW III.

Because iran still didn't built nuclear missiles.

Even if they somehow try do it, US would strike them so fast before they would finish building first one.

WW III would only begin if two countries who are in conflict got nuclear weapons, otherwise it's just one normal war.

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0bd3ea  No.18345


This is so odd. They constantly threaten everyone else besides the USA

>We'll cause terror in Europe

>We'll attack Isreal

It's almost like USA is the only super-power they can't touch and they think they can attack our weak "friends" to provoke us or something.

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1dc02c  No.18346

File: 8dd9b581698e662⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1468700794653.jpg)


>Iranian jets have entered Iraqi airspace

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4e15b0  No.18349


Iran doesn't have to build a nuke. They can just borrow one from Russia.

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01d8f5  No.18351

File: 84520e505ed1ac9⋯.jpg (85.91 KB, 850x568, 425:284, s-l1000.jpg)

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0abe01  No.18352


Yeah Russia's Army is 10% women and even more % shitskins as well. Russia is a liberal shithole as well you realize. And Putin is a kike lover just as much as Trump.

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bb1317  No.18353

Will Putin deliver S-400 to his Iranian brothers?

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b5d7ee  No.18354


Nigger, Israel is more than just America's "friend" in the Middle East. Have you ever heard of AIPAC?

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4be0d6  No.18355


>implying kikes are semites

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432278  No.18356


There's been three waves of missile strikes on three different bases within an hour so far. This isn't some terrorist proxy group shooting mortars off.

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c1baf7  No.18357

File: 41af065aee58345⋯.png (49.71 KB, 1418x218, 709:109, 666.png)

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cf079c  No.18358


Putin is actually a CIA plant, think about it where did Putin come from?

Makes a lot of sense now doesn't it?

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0fb655  No.18359


probably a yuge mistake on their part.


forgot to mention that says "Revenge has begun"

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bb1317  No.18360


It looks a bit jewish.

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27fa39  No.18361

File: c51167d3beb4b62⋯.jpg (240.19 KB, 600x736, 75:92, ಠ_ಠ.jpg)


The premise being if they can borrow or get one from Russia.

Even if Russia agree, for how much they would be willing to do it for even only one?

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b5d7ee  No.18362


The faggot jannies deleted the post

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2bce95  No.18363


Lol keep quoting RT —Mossad central

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000000  No.18364


>muh nuclear missiles

No needed, IVth generation warfare NOW.

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aed9dd  No.18365


God you're so fucking stupid. Just kill yourself.

They know Israel controls the US. Everyone with warmer than room temp IQ knows this. Why else would the US fight all of Israels war for her? The US would use it's last Patriot missile to protect Tel Aviv over it's last infantry division.

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cf079c  No.18366


I was mocking the other fucktard earlier in this thread.

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432278  No.18367


America's military is 20% women and 47% non-white.

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432278  No.18368


>Putin's a kike lover

Never said he wasn't, Israel won't be particularly bothered no matter which puppet wins.

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bb4a2b  No.18369


Go fuck yourself.

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c4eb61  No.18370

File: a26530fab62d3ba⋯.mp4 (740.21 KB, 400x300, 4:3, healthy_laugh.mp4)



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d53bad  No.18371

Niggers be niggin killstream be killin tonight.

US jets flying all over Iraq. It's getting dark. Haifa & Abu Dabe threatened. I

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01d8f5  No.18372


I was in that thread. Based and Kek pilled.

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4e15b0  No.18373



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0bd3ea  No.18374


If only he could kill civilians with the subtlety of Obama, none of this would have happened!

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9a03b2  No.18375


the fastest way to power is through revolution after all

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361204  No.18376


>Unwarranted killings of Iranians by civilians in United States occupied territories and states when?

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8cbf09  No.18377

File: d445832f113941e⋯.jpg (96.77 KB, 630x953, 630:953, iran tweet.jpg)

I fucking love this absolute ridiculous time. People in hundreds of years will look at these twitter shitposts like we look at documents and letters from the middle ages and the thirty years war.

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0fb655  No.18378


NEW: Latest U.S. intelligence assessment says Iran has over 2,000 ballistic missiles - @LucasTomlinson


FAA just out with three NOTAMs banning US operations (US air carriers, US-registered aircraft, licensed airmen) over Iran, Iraq, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

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deeda2  No.18379

File: 88987bb3db045f4⋯.png (196.61 KB, 840x880, 21:22, 434-4340353_pink-wojak-hd-….png)





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cd5beb  No.18380


Wishing thinking, Mohammed. Pro tip: Don't be in Iran tomorrow, some of you guys are alright.

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8cbf09  No.18381

File: 70a36391e2a74d1⋯.jpg (127.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1578331919763.jpg)

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0abe01  No.18382


And the U.S military outnumbers them ten to one. : ^

There are enough whites in the U.S army to eaisly crush Russia.

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27fa39  No.18384

File: 92d728845211354⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 600x772, 150:193, comfy.jpg)


Enjoy this one.


It was a reply to that iran flag but seems like either twitter or iran guy blocked him.

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b51bf4  No.18385

File: a90c7172e93e0e9⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 326x324, 163:162, Im still convinced that th….jpg)


>what is asymmetrical warfare?

Iran doesn't have the same objectives as the US would in this conflict.

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330fe8  No.18386

File: d05dbd849faabd9⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 4256x2832, 266:177, thecyber3.JPG)

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cf079c  No.18387

File: b9f6719003236f1⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b9f6719003236f16a5a5a35252….jpg)

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e6fb49  No.18388

File: a395803c30673d1⋯.jpeg (48.33 KB, 405x599, 405:599, long sustained hatred of ….jpeg)



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0e1774  No.18389

Fuck I live in Iran (Ardabil). Anyone else here? Bit spooked for war. Ethnic minorities like me (Talyish) will be first to go I'm sure. I expect to be deciding to hatch my plans to flee the country tonight, depending on the news.

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0abe01  No.18390


Thanks for the selfie.

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432278  No.18391


>Let's go have a bunch of white people die on the frontlines defending a nation of people trying to steal all power from them

Any white man retarded enough to fight for a country that hates them is beyond saving.

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6d011b  No.18392

File: 0f152fabedf13f5⋯.jpg (50.6 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 50 caliber wound.jpg)

Every dead american makes the world a better place.

Godspeed Iran. Hoperfully Russia and China will join and destroy america once and for all.

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e6fb49  No.18394

File: 67acd15267568d9⋯.jpg (737.81 KB, 1294x728, 647:364, 1417038315918.jpg)





















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f4c7c1  No.18395


> kill america for a pittance of oil.

You are fucking stupid.

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b51bf4  No.18396

File: 3454dcc01297d5f⋯.jpg (48.66 KB, 460x595, 92:119, 3454dcc01297d5f16c61860d4f….jpg)


>There are enough whites in the U.S army to easily crush Russia.

You are getting ahead of yourself moshe

Russia and the US are basically invincible, they can only be taken down from within by jews.

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0fb655  No.18397


NOW: Iranian military claims that wounded at least 30 U.S. soldiers in Iraq. U.S. government says they have zero confirmed casualties of U.S. forces at this time.


Apparent break in the military action for the moment. Confirmed 3 targets hit in Iraq: Al Asad, Taji, & the US consulate in Erbil. No American casualties reported so far. Iran is threatening to escalate their attacks into other countries if the US retaliates.


i'd guess that it won't escalate much more, if at all, tonight

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824580  No.18398


>Ethnic minorities like me (Talyish) will be first to go I'm sure.

First to go where?

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f6afed  No.18399

File: f43e351f058d7b8⋯.jpg (161.38 KB, 1200x734, 600:367, jews president trump monit….jpg)


Lets have a look at that 'national security team'?

Oh yeah, they are all incompetent jews who are going to get their asses handed to them by their fellow semites.

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330fe8  No.18401


Drafted, is how I took it.

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c24815  No.18402

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f6afed  No.18403


Oh sure…blame it on the finger…we all know you use your penis to type…why else would it be trying so hard to get online.

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d6af3b  No.18405

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>tfw ID trip

>tfw post trips


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0bd3ea  No.18406


Wow I can't believe you were so mean to me on 8kun! I'm going to retaliate just like Iran by going to /v/ and being mean to someone there!

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000000  No.18407

I can only pray that a miracle happens and Iran fires a hundred nukes at amerimutts and another 100 at kikes

Please make it happen

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2bce95  No.18409



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c1baf7  No.18410

File: cff1e0053c55569⋯.jpg (92.63 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Trumplestein on the tarmac.jpg)

Fat faggot Trump is pussying out of his announcement.

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cf079c  No.18412


Hey Cytuber

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2bce95  No.18415


Melania will you piss on me tonight

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9a03b2  No.18416

What happened with bombing the historical benis sites :D

Is trump not gonna blow up the unesco heritage sites? I thought he was based? kek

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432278  No.18417


Israel dictates US foreign policy, its the equivalent of saying, "Control your attack dog or I'll punish you for its actions."

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f334ae  No.18418


nice try shlomo

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4060c0  No.18419

Just hope it escalates to the nuking of Israel, San Francisco, Portland, New York, Washington (pity to lose some lovely buildings), most of the middle east (especially Saudi Arabia). Just kill all the bankers and pedophiles, so what if we have a minor nuclear cooling, we could use it. And with the west focusing on its own survival we can really see what the developing world can do…

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27fa39  No.18420


He walked back in historical shit. The rest stay the same.

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0fb655  No.18421

File: 353b78157d69229⋯.jpeg (251.34 KB, 1285x1080, 257:216, Qiam missile.jpeg)

Qiam missile used in the attack

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4fd2d9  No.18422

File: 0cd911e7b247a1d⋯.jpg (152.73 KB, 1893x1893, 1:1, 1oyuvg.jpg)

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f6afed  No.18423


Washington is a gonner. They already made plans to relocate to Dallas. They used drones to map all the resources and liabilities in the region over the last week.

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f4c7c1  No.18424


iran wont nuke california, the second biggest concentration of iranians live in southern california. stop being delusional

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4fd2d9  No.18425


no seriously, kill yourself.

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432278  No.18426


Think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself there.

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3c558d  No.18427

File: 7a5f2406b841db7⋯.gif (211.63 KB, 549x598, 549:598, 1526277267799.gif)


I'm hyped af

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000000  No.18428


I came

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432278  No.18429


I can't read dune runes.

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f6afed  No.18430


I don't have any drones. I can't be ahead of myself. I know someone who says shit is going down as well.

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e6fb49  No.18432

File: 7759186fc3b9ee4⋯.png (214.76 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, orange kike.png)

>literally shaking rn

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4fd2d9  No.18433



you're like a boomer that calls everyone he disagrees with a troll

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f6afed  No.18434


Shit anon (who the fuck is in that cesspit voluntarily anyway)…if you are in DC get out now.

This is one of the reasons why the pentagon moved back to Cheyenne mountain years ago.

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d51cd9  No.18435

File: f7eab20724819bb⋯.png (280.48 KB, 680x354, 340:177, _2.png)

>Every world war ever

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432278  No.18436


>I know someone who says

Your dad works at Nintendo?

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b1358b  No.18437


I wish you didn’t act like you knew shit you stupid ugly lonely fat fuck. i hope new york gets fucked but the sandniggers dont have shit lmao they want to blow up the jews if jewsa does something but fuck it less jews hopefully ur 1ofem :^)

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4ab9e9  No.18438

Is it finally happening?

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274509  No.18439


>this is everywhere

WOW! You mean to tell me that THE JEWISH-OWNED MEDIA OF THE WORLD is collectively pushing a falsified narrative in line with the Oded Yinon Plan for the sole purpose of getting the United States to attack Iran for them? WHAT A SURPRISE!


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f6afed  No.18440


Naw, my dad used to program computers to rig the economy with predictive futures. A wee bit higher pay grade than Nintendo (course now who knows Nintendo might pay pretty well).

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0fb655  No.18441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Qiam ballistic missile Specifications:

Range at least 800 Km (500 Miles)

Warhead 645 Kg (1,400 lb)

Weight 6,155 Kg (13,570 lb)

Length 11.5 meters

(37.7 feet, 12.57 Yards)

Fuel Liquid

Fins None

SOURCE : Iran report


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824580  No.18442


No it's over now

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f6afed  No.18443


God you are actually retarded. They are all the same people genetically. They are playing you for a fucking fool. The enemy within the gates is jewish and iranian and iraqi. They are all the same fucking people. If something happens on US soil it will be because the jews committed a terrorist act that LOOKS like fucking Iran…you ugly douche bag.

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9fca1c  No.18444

So what? Do the sandniggers finally just get fucking destroyed?

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bb1317  No.18445

BREAKING: Iran says it will stop attacking if there is no retaliation from the US


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87429c  No.18446

File: 40feaf97598297a⋯.jpg (59.66 KB, 737x504, 737:504, SanctionAlliance.jpg)

Im not sure this is a good idea fellow americlaps…

This war might be very…very.. expensive..

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d6af3b  No.18447

File: 8b9afc96da3ef0c⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 480x656, 30:41, Kira Boner.jpg)

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432278  No.18448


Its heating up. Iran's done with attacks but is threatening to hit Israel if US strikes back. So now we get to see if the US is going to act like a little bitch to avoid its master getting struck.

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f6afed  No.18449


BOOOOOO No opossum and mouse dinner theater…

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bb1317  No.18450

File: 68d413c7cf36b47⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 316x239, 316:239, 66176ef9db8b47667fcbad3176….jpg)

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f6afed  No.18451

File: 9c25b3265fbedea⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, shia labeouf just do it.jpg)


Fucking pussies won't do anything. Or they wouldn't keep flapping their fucking lips and just do it!!

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000000  No.18453

>China's economy slowing down, growing internal problems, external war might be the answer

>Russia might be finally doing something relevant in world stage

Please make it happen

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f6afed  No.18455

File: 314b98c6466b05e⋯.gif (18.94 KB, 175x172, 175:172, my best warface.gif)

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4ab9e9  No.18456


>threatening Israel

Watch both the GOP and DNC bipartisan vote unanimously to go to war.

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000000  No.18457


Yeah, because both aren't kike controlled and would have voted for war anyway

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6f339d  No.18458

File: 5c8a254a62bf62e⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 923x713, 923:713, cute_warfare_pepe.jpg)

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7f8dfe  No.18460

File: 4bc0286f8c09a89⋯.jpg (29.03 KB, 700x394, 350:197, mcdonalds.jpg)

Poor burgers

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5a63b6  No.18463


Do we actually have ANY source that we can trust?

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87429c  No.18464

File: c06b9beaf9bf02b⋯.jpg (60.55 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, gettingworse.jpg)

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f567e0  No.18465


All sources are biased in some fashion. Review all of them and average between them and then add a little dead reckoning on top of that.

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87429c  No.18466

File: c7534cfe08dd859⋯.jpg (64.82 KB, 680x420, 34:21, SanctionAlliance2.jpg)

damn, the persians seems to have deep roots to the environment..

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5a63b6  No.18467



We are aware of the REPORTS, not of ACTUAL ATTACKS. There is no CONFIRMED attack. This could actually be an acceleration attempt.

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27fa39  No.18468





If you're asking about twitter sources, I don't know. Just follow trump and other accounts related to military.

Like this one said in >>18465 all news are biased in some way.

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f6afed  No.18469


Let me go look and see what I can find. I haven't applied myself because we have all been down this road many times and realistically WWIII has been ongoing since 2017

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f6afed  No.18474

Not finding shit about this in online sources. Only in (((media)))

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4873d7  No.18475

something about 30 dead, yall seeing that?

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1dc02c  No.18476

File: 0e08d185dca5fe9⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 421x399, 421:399, 0e08d185dca5fe969f6799979e….jpg)


Is it ever going to happen?

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4ab9e9  No.18477


>since 2017

You mean since 2001? We've been in the desert for almost 20 years with all of our globalist allies working on the Greater Israel project, taking control of oil, and farming opium.

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432278  No.18478


What do you want exactly? Iranian media is saying they attacked. US media is saying they attacked. Sorry that no HD film crews were stationed on location.

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000000  No.18479


>30 dead

fuck amerimuds

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0fb655  No.18480


Iranian hype. US probably had the missiles on radar right after launch, so everyone took shelter well before impact.


LINDSEY GRAHAM TO IRAN: "You continue this crap, you are going to wake up one day out of the oil business." - @oliverdarcy

BREAKING: U.S. official says there were "very few if any casualties" from Iranian attack on sites in Iraq - AP

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f6afed  No.18481


Yes but that is not appearing in the contractors resources online. And contractors are 1/3 of the US military. There should be something about it and it is all dark and calm.

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432278  No.18482


There were initial reports of there being casualties. Now everyone's saying there were 0 American casualties. Either the initial reports were baseless or the American government is trying to diminish these attacks because they decided not to strike back.

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f6afed  No.18484


Even this 'so-called attack' is not appearing. And these guys will fucking tell you ever time a mouse farts in the desert.

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27fa39  No.18485



Yeah, all they're saying is that.

We don't know if bases got destroyed or anything like that. They might have aimed at that and failed for like 50m away from target given how the only thing they love to do is to explode themselves to death.

If there is something else, they're confirming if there is wounded or dead. Or holding off for some big attack against Iran some hours later.

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691963  No.18486

File: fd47eaa67e9ba77⋯.jpg (310.15 KB, 1281x1300, 1281:1300, Buthcerhorde01.jpg)

Remember : He can't do it alone!


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4873d7  No.18487


links to forums?

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fd6f3f  No.18488

File: 215f24d581f9c21⋯.webm (710.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Let. It. Be. GIIIIIIIIIII….webm)

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3c558d  No.18489

File: 6eb17925d3e2918⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 853x853, 1:1, nuke_something.jpg)

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5a63b6  No.18490


An official source with a name and a surname. That is not so hard.

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c2b261  No.18491

Time to sell some weapons bois

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691963  No.18492


>yfw all part of Trumps plan to get Iran to nuke Tel Aviv while he sits back and does nothing.

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e6fb49  No.18493

File: 11e0ee49153ed62⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB, 1138x1558, 569:779, kharn.jpeg)





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000000  No.18494



>One of the few media more pozzed than amerimutt cable TV

Too obvious, kike

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0fb655  No.18495



Yeah, I don't know. Those bases are really big, and not exactly densely populated. A missile of that type isn't anything like a hellfire and can't be expected to target car sized targets for example.

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b99576  No.18496

File: 504eaf981d579db⋯.png (172.51 KB, 620x381, 620:381, horns.png)


The lull in activity is quite unsettling. I think Trump's response will be almost the total obliteration of Iran's military.

Pic related was the result of a solar eclipse in the Persian Gulf today. Spooky.

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691963  No.18497

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f6afed  No.18499

File: 21313ac98a7e06c⋯.jpg (10.3 KB, 552x310, 276:155, 21942135_0.jpg)


Photos shows An Iranian missile landed near Erbil military Airbase which's host KTCC (US , Italian, UK, German troops) without any casualties

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bb1317  No.18500


Most of the pics on Twatter are fake. You would have thought that Jews run the media or something.

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b99576  No.18501


True, I stand corrected. I got duped by the Sun article posted today. I see that it is a little less than two weeks ago.

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f6afed  No.18502

2 hours ago - 38°52′N 77°3′W

The Pentagon: Iran launched an attack on two US military bases in Iraq: Ain al-Assad Air base in Anbar and another base in the city of Erbil

Look at this fucking (((source))) though…this, I shit you not is their (((source))) for the pentagon announcement.

Fucking JEWnews…on TWITTER no fucking less…'muh twitter is my go to source for information on WWIII'


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d2de8e  No.18503


> forgets about economy, etc


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000000  No.18504

Statement tomorrow.

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c7205a  No.18505


some anons are here


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b99576  No.18506

>visit my honey pot

Go join them, and fuck off.

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0fb655  No.18507


IRAN FM: "Iran took.. proportionate measures in self-defense under Article 51 of UN Charter targeting base from which cowardly armed attack against our citizens & senior officials were launched.

We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression."

Five Iraqi soldiers have been injured in the Iranian missile attack.

FOX NEWS: Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Gen Mark Milley returned to the Pentagon after briefing the President and VP tonight. Esper has now gone home

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f6afed  No.18508

>@realDonaldTrump: All is well. Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good. We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far. I will be making a statement tomorrow morning

They are just jerking us around, folks

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e6fb49  No.18509

File: 9a85404bfd89367⋯.webm (1.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Rain of death.webm)

I do not believe there were 0 casualties.

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b99576  No.18512


Moshe please. That would be all the missiles Iran owns.

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0abe01  No.18513


Yeah and so was the Roman Empire.

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f6afed  No.18514

That is really impressive looking!

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432278  No.18516


Alright just for argument's sake let's say this is fake. We've got both governments agreeing to it. Would this mean back deal agreement to allow Iran to claim it struck some US bases with no sustained damage or casualties to satisfy their people in return for letting things die down? Seems doubtful such an agreement would be made.

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a81c19  No.18517

File: 94f92356cbb76e4⋯.jpg (183.46 KB, 640x640, 1:1, gyllenhall erect.jpg)

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f6afed  No.18518


And they were indeed taken down by jews on the inside of it…the honorable and august Nero Germanicus attempted to defend the Republic to the last but was assassinated and slandered for his morality and virtue.

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5a63b6  No.18519


It is not. Trump confirmed it.

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5a63b6  No.18520

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e6fb49  No.18521

File: b94892cdd13ae26⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB, 640x768, 5:6, beautiful.mp4)


That makes no sense.

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f6afed  No.18522


Yeah…I am aware the orange jew confirmed it. It was quite fun shitposting with you faggots tonight.

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58da3c  No.18523

File: 02533f79cbef93a⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 400x373, 400:373, nicholson.jpg)


Meh. That's like 5% the firepower of a small town in America every July 4

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bb1317  No.18524

There won't be a war. Trump Shlomo says;

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.


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0fb655  No.18525



Rome wasn't taken down, they didn't fall, they didn't all get slaughtered, they converted to the Catholic faith (the one true faith). Paganism became treason.


Those are short range rockets, not ballistic missiles.

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f6afed  No.18526


Babies all over the planet are experiencing the rooting reflex looking at that photo.

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000000  No.18527

So 30 mutts didn't die?

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f6afed  No.18528


Nope…did you really think they would stand there watching jew porn and tossing while there were missiles incoming to a MILITARY BASE?

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bb1317  No.18529


No. The attacks were fake, just like the last year when Trump attacked Syria.

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000000  No.18530


>All is well!

Yeah. Get your bullet, kike.

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e6fb49  No.18531


And? Rocket artillery should manage to reach targets in Iraq, they're just accross the border anyway.

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5a63b6  No.18532

File: 2e03d88bb8477d8⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 473x1024, 473:1024, 1578450585998.jpg)


>313 missiles

>30 dead


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b99576  No.18533


That's the bait he wants Iran to take. I expect a surprise attack on them soon.

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0fb655  No.18534


Initial assessment is that Iranian missiles struck areas of the Al-Asad base not populated by Americans - CNN ←settled out of court with Sandmann today, btw


Are the bases -that- close to the border? Also, the reports are that it was the Qiam missile, not rockets.

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f6afed  No.18535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bb1317  No.18537


All Trump Shlomo thinks about is "we will attack Haifa".

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3c558d  No.18538

File: b70a8856985477d⋯.jpg (124.11 KB, 1183x886, 1183:886, jewjew_cum.jpg)

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f6afed  No.18539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do any of you fags ever wonder if the entire conflict in the Gulf (both wars) was totally faked by the kikes? All that footage that was proven just to be actors…would any of you know if it wasn't fake?

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e6fb49  No.18540


>-that- close


I'm not sure you realize how far a rocket artillery system can strike. Stationed near the western border they could probably hit anywhere in eastern Iraq.

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bb1317  No.18541


Just wanted to post this lmao.

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b99576  No.18542

File: 1b30b253a8778de⋯.jpg (324.32 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, map.jpg)


Al-Asad isn't close to the border.

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432278  No.18543


>Are the bases -that- close to the border? Also, the reports are that it was the Qiam missile, not rockets.

The one in Erbil was, the Qiam missiles could have been used in the strike against the Ain Asad one. Little point in using ballistic missiles against a close target if they were just trying to make a statement.

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f6afed  No.18544


So it was (((friendly fire))) if it happened at all?

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f6afed  No.18545


Just saying I wouldn't put it past the (((US GOV))) or the kikes to murder 30 for shits and giggles to make a 'globalist point'.

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c2b261  No.18546

well fags i'm goinf to sleep seems like trump cucked out if not see you in the trenches

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0fb655  No.18548




HIMARS is less than 200 miles. Does Iran have anything like that anyways?


>Little point in using ballistic missiles against a close target if they were just trying to make a statement.

Agreed. Also stacking up that close can make it easy to get rekt in retaliation.

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f6afed  No.18549


trump continued to cuck…ftfy

night anon.

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f48b39  No.18550

File: 6174a6fb9b9bbaa⋯.png (706.36 KB, 953x633, 953:633, black bulelt mfw.PNG)

Can we please just obliterate Iran and accidentally nuke Israel in the process?

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432278  No.18551



Its whitepilling to see zog backing down like little bitches, maybe we'll live to see it die.

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4a969a  No.18552


>no casualties

Iran really is weak


I'm curious how many posters in new /pol/ are going to disappear should Iran and Israel get wiped out. Leftists are rushing to suck mudslime cock, so I'm also curious what their response will be should Trump strike back. Will the Weather Underground return?

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7caa83  No.18554


Rome fell because of hordes of dirty Snow Niggers invading the empire because those pussies were afraid of chink hordes.

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ddbb77  No.18556

File: 2bcd13d6e78bf0a⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 2340x4160, 9:16, IMG_20200108_061017.jpg)

What the fuck is going on? Just woke up and everyone's going apeshit. Kinda ready to liberate but shit seems retarded. Why did the US strike Iran in the first place? Don't really have time to monitor the news all the time.

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000000  No.18557


Why does anything happen?


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4a969a  No.18558


>What the fuck is going on?

Nothing yet. We'll see soon enough though.

>Why did the US strike Iran in the first place?

Iran killed a US contractor and attacked the US embassy in Iraq.

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ddbb77  No.18561

File: e87a479dfac330f⋯.jpg (111.75 KB, 726x1054, 363:527, 15780271540990.jpg)


Gas 'em.


Shit i can't even tell Iran from Iraq, but whatever. I thought they just hated kikes, why attack US embassies? We're just starting wars for no reason now, fuck yeah.

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011839  No.18562


Iran never followed, or had any intention of following, the "agreement". All it ever did was bind the U.S.'s hands.

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f6afed  No.18563

File: efaa0a0b2101844⋯.gif (354.3 KB, 500x209, 500:209, durka durka muhammad jihad….gif)

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432278  No.18564


>Why'd Iran attack the embassy?

Iraqi protesters attacked the embassy, didn't hurt anyone. US claimed Iran put them up to it without offering any evidence.

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d1f816  No.18565


>iran attacks US embassy

>US drone strikes top Iranian general in Iraq

>Iran vows vengeance

>US threatens greater retaliation if Iran makes good on their promise

>Iran sends missiles to hit US bases in Iraq

>threatens Israeli targets as well

>ball is now in US's court

>waiting to see if Trump cucks out or continues to escalate

>announcement coming tomorrow

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f6afed  No.18566

File: 9454d9a597036c5⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 630x405, 14:9, poo_in_it.jpg)


Did you like how they said 'us contractor'…that could have literally been ANYONE…literally since, as I said before, 1/3 of US military is non citizen…it could have been habib's death that supposedly 'started WWIII'.

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dde0d8  No.18568

File: e8e09cc82e29a05⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 350x197, 350:197, ass salt.gif)



>Country actually directly attacks the US for once

>After US says they will fuck them if they do so

>Nothing is done

>Cuck out coming in the morning

Well that was disappointing.

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ddbb77  No.18569


Thanks for the heads up. I hope faggot Putin won't stand up for the sandniggers and ruin the fun. Still don't really know why would Iran attack the embassy, but fuck, they execute thieves by hanging them from a mobile crane, they're basically animals.

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000000  No.18570


Oh no why won't the US bleed for Israel ) =

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a29ed8  No.18571

Let’s go raid /islam/ and tell them Muhhomad is a faggot

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f6afed  No.18573


Pretty sure they know that already. Might be why they are so sensy about it. >>18559

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ddbb77  No.18574


Muhhomad was a pedophile besides being a faggot. Islam is wrong from any point.

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14b104  No.18575

File: 678c4e15195d2a6⋯.jpg (22.28 KB, 500x338, 250:169, 351472-kane2.jpg)

I hope you americlaps are ready to die for Israel and Zognald.

He finally united the USA and stopped a civil war, by going to war against someone else.

Truly fucking based, it's 2001 all over again.

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dde0d8  No.18576


>He actually wants the slow burn jew bullshit to continue

War with Iran would be the end of the American empire, and would destabilize the country enough to actually see change for once.

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000000  No.18578


Wow rabbi you raise a good point, I'm going to enlist right now.

Thanks merchant, you truly are our greatest ally!

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ddbb77  No.18579

File: 145b2a64ba8556f⋯.jpg (118.66 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_20200108_061627.jpg)


At least they bomb muslims instead of breeding them.

Still, shit seems to stir up for some real fun.

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f6afed  No.18580


Do you have any idea where you are?

Cause it doesn't look like you know

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000000  No.18582


Are you sure?

Lots of kikes and qtards on 8kun

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f6afed  No.18584

File: 192648e842c20a7⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 534x401, 534:401, war theater.jpg)


Totally, good times…

"come and get your anthrax in a gallon baggie, in the middle of Congress. Get yur anthrax here…"

Yeah dude it is PURE KIKE THEATER…the only thing they were ever good at…telling lies.

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805a33  No.18585


You need a medical check up.

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f6afed  No.18586


Oh really?

And you think this would have been allowed as well?

Colin, "I have a glass vial of anthrax and I am going to shake it at you like a witch doctor." Powel…

You are telling me you think this nigger took a vial of ANTHRAX into congress and waved it around? The only person to ever have 'anthrax' in that building was that nigger.


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c7205a  No.18587

File: 1cd0a0b5d2c1a37⋯.png (628.8 KB, 1219x516, 1219:516, tens of keks.png)

> 10's of missiles

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58c4fc  No.18588

File: 8ae676d2437e887⋯.jpg (66.85 KB, 435x580, 3:4, 614bd7992a59daadccb1790b52….jpg)


>Do you understand where you are right now?

The Q imageboard ran by a freemason cuckservative on the politics board that's kiked to all hell considering all these cunts posting about wanting war and actually pretending like the Amerimutted States are justified in doing so.

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274509  No.18589

Ukrainian plane supposedly shot down over Iran.


This is a jew shill. “Take your meds” is too well known, so they use synonyms now.

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f6afed  No.18591

File: 5ecd16198ff4942⋯.jpg (27.59 KB, 460x276, 5:3, Colin-Powell-makes-his-pr-….jpg)


I am a fag…forgot my image of the nigger.

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274509  No.18592

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805a33  No.18594


I haven't been around since Hotwheels sold everything, sorry if i'm not up to speed.

>Ukrainian plane supposedly shot down over Iran.

Now that's interesting.

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000000  No.18595


>crashed after takeoff due to technical problems

>shot down

Take your meds

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f6afed  No.18596


Now this is actually interesting. It is the most interesting thing that has happened since Flight 370 'disappeared'

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58c4fc  No.18597

File: 15c8308669ad906⋯.png (146.3 KB, 272x484, 68:121, 1575455097181.png)

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274509  No.18598


>torpedo thinks anyone cares what he says



Can they even blame it on the 737 Max, since they’re all grounded?

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000000  No.18599


>kike thinks anyone's dumb enough to fall for his misinformation

You're not getting my IP address you filthy kike ;)

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237795  No.18601


Can you imagine going into the base E.R. for a shrapnel wound, and your (((Doctor))) is waiting for you with some mysterious friends. Shalom just lie down here goy, er guy… die I mean lie right here for Isreal er I mean for it to heal. Oy vey he died. Someone tell Trump. This is horrible. It's a shoah.

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f6afed  No.18602


fugg looks like someone was trying to 'get out fast' and didn't make it.

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805a33  No.18603


Просто выпей таблетки.

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237795  No.18604

(((technical problems)))

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c7205a  No.18605


> plane hacked by skyking

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f6afed  No.18606

File: a6e3d90e62ea031⋯.jpg (170 KB, 414x813, 138:271, martin luthers last warnin….jpg)


Martin Luther wasn't fucking around 500 years ago…he said it exactly like he saw it and then paid the price for saying it.

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274509  No.18608


>anyone who says things jews don’t want said is a jew

>also tor isn’t created by jews

>ignore their twitter

>also tor doesn’t support white genocide

>ignore their twitter

>also tor nodes aren’t majority run by US agencies

No one will believe anything you say.

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c7205a  No.18609

File: 6352cb10007c4e8⋯.mp4 (602.55 KB, 304x640, 19:40, Ukrainian_plane_crashing.mp4)

File: d1dbc67dcdf7a92⋯.png (108.38 KB, 647x918, 647:918, krash.png)

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000000  No.18610


>Gets caught spreading misinfo

>Wants people to share their IP address in this honeypot

>Doesn't know how tor works

>Not a kike

Why are kikes so retarded?

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432278  No.18611

File: 0eccb59b5a2e8c1⋯.png (97.38 KB, 400x625, 16:25, Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 1….png)

File: 3c6b2f33c7fb594⋯.png (90.22 KB, 402x586, 201:293, Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 1….png)

File: 063f4fce637676a⋯.png (127.58 KB, 400x616, 50:77, Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 1….png)

Interesting theory I ran across on twitter. Actually makes a good deal of sense.

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2639c8  No.18612


The timing of this is definitely suspect, especially the fact it's a Ukrainian airline. This could indirectly inflame tensions between Ukraine and Russia if it's found to be intentional (due to Russia's relationship with Iran). Hell even any event that's an actual coincidence, could accidentally agitate nations right now.

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1dc02c  No.18615

File: d11ae6fb2a6b6f5⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1421992642182-2.gif)

>drunken Ukrainian pilot crashes his plane in Iran and causes WWIII

The thought of this is giving me fits, best thing to come of tonight.

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f6afed  No.18616


Ukraine is a powerhouse for the israeli human trafficking and global slavery ring. I wonder who was on that plane (like they would ever tell us).

"I would like to know more."

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274509  No.18618


>just more lies from a known honeypot

No one will believe anything you say. Tor is not trusted here. If you had read your debriefing before sitting down for your first shift, you would know this. You failed.

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000000  No.18620


Tell your superiors to hire some better shills kike, this is a joke. FIltered.

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beaa7f  No.18621

File: 3b3c9beb6c104e7⋯.jpg (77.63 KB, 800x435, 160:87, utilizaciya-tu-160.jpg)


Yeah right.

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f6afed  No.18625

File: d9092981ce94252⋯.jpg (115.53 KB, 300x239, 300:239, littlestjames.jpg)


>drunken Ukrainian pilot crashes his plane in Iran and causes WWIII

except that is too much of a cohencidence to be the real scenario. Someone was trying to escape back to their pleasure dome and got dead instead.

I know of people who live in Ukraine who are currently fighting in Libya with Turkey and also allied to the Russian government.

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83f333  No.18628


no survivors?

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f6afed  No.18632


Out of that fireball?

Maybe they are made of the same stuff as Mohammed Atta's passport.

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58c4fc  No.18633




>Proven wrong a mere 10 minutes later


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139eaf  No.18634


>should Iran and Israel get wiped out.

We would see halcyon days of peace on /pol/. In the real world, the remaining yids would have a new holocaust to kvetch about for another 300 years. Oy goy you gotta remember the 6 million Israelis.

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c7205a  No.18635

File: 7ddf4888a9157e8⋯.jpg (31.81 KB, 600x337, 600:337, imagine.jpg)



> drunken Ukrainian pilot crashes his plane in Iran and causes WWIII

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f6afed  No.18636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f567e0  No.18638



The blyat heard round the world.

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c7205a  No.18639


> family relieved

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b0d59b  No.18640

I don't care anymore, just glass'em

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14b104  No.18641

File: c878017117465f5⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 265x314, 265:314, 1576969715988.jpg)

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000000  No.18642


Shut up goyim it was totally struck down by Iran!

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c7205a  No.18643

File: 0ed4b2dad8b9a99⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 180x270, 2:3, neoconservative.jpg)


spoken like a true republican

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b750d1  No.18644

File: 0b877fa5ffdfe78⋯.gif (982.3 KB, 320x287, 320:287, 1363858762212.gif)

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f6afed  No.18645

File: 2381f5c4e60911f⋯.jpg (241.51 KB, 940x529, 940:529, What-the-UN-Security-Counc….jpg)

File: d654cca33f6a3e4⋯.jpg (31.34 KB, 584x330, 292:165, satanic phoenix rising.jpg)

File: 36eb6cd8cd191b6⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 600x857, 600:857, phoenix rising.jpg)

File: 58a589df7480413⋯.jpg (519.32 KB, 1280x1665, 256:333, phoenix_vs_snake_v1_by_cla….jpg)


K so you know what is funny about that whole 'holohoax' thing? The jew thinks it is 'lucifer' the phoenix rising from the ashes…I was practically in tear laughing over their delusion when I realized what they were thinking and the fact that they were totally deluded since the holohoax never happened.

It is going to take a lot more than a fake holohoax to make Lucifer come alive again.

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c7205a  No.18646



go back to


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432278  No.18647


He's the father of lies, what better than a sacrificial lie that the entire planet must repeat to summon him?

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5a63b6  No.18648

File: a0f3563daaabf47⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 893x189, 893:189, weffewew.jpg)


>Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655

Never threaten the Iranian nation.


>Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy. The aircraft, an Airbus A300, was destroyed and all 290 people on board, including 66 children, were killed. The jet was hit while flying over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, along the flight's usual route, shortly after departing Bandar Abbas International Airport, the flight's stopover location. Vincennes had entered Iranian territory after one of its helicopters drew warning fire from Iranian speedboats operating within Iranian territorial limits.

>2 earthquake


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f6afed  No.18649


Why does the suggestion of me laughing at your stupidity offend?

Also…have we not established that nothing happened except some kike drama? What reason is there to stay on topic? It would be one thing if you faggots were providing me with some data about who was on that plane…but you have failed.

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f6afed  No.18651


Are these motherfuckers fighting a war backwards in time or something?

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000000  No.18652



Your own quote contradicts that but it's all in caps so I'll believe your rabbi

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5a63b6  No.18654


My own quote??

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274509  No.18655


>ban evading paid jewish shill filters someone he’s paid to oppose

Uh oh. Your boss is going to be unhappy with you for that, shlomo. No one will ever believe anything you say. You are a torpedo.

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f6afed  No.18656


No Torfaggot. He is suggesting they are using time travel to fight the war, I think.

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000000  No.18657



>Oy vey give us your IP address goyim!

And two more kikes on the list

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f6afed  No.18658

File: 4b6d05eee1c742c⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 4252x2835, 4252:2835, monkey face really.jpg)


Wat? Torfaggot is the name of everyone who uses Tor until the prove themselves worthy by providing relevant data.

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ffdb65  No.18659


I came from 4chan /pol/ because the shills are in overdrive over there. Is it really bad here too? I haven't been on here since it was 8chan.

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4873d7  No.18660


a bit, like always, but not too bad really

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f6afed  No.18661

File: 3dbcb19355d9656⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 267x400, 267:400, pigg o stat child xray mac….jpg)


Read thread. I am here hiding out from the adrenaline shills as well, they are making my normal hang outs unbearable right now.

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5a63b6  No.18662


No, what I am suggesting is that Hassan was threatening Trump in that tweet that if he retaliates Iran will make it look like he is attacking innocent citizens like it happened with IR655. Look at Hassan hashtag. #IR655

USA retaliated(the 2 earthquakes) and they crashed the plane or changed the radar so USA would think it was a fighter plane. Pretty farfetched but it is the only logical explanation.

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000000  No.18663



>If you don't want to bleed for kikes you're a shill

>I come from 4chan but I totally was here all the time

How do you shills manage to regress from 8ch days?

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011839  No.18664

File: a2b8e94ba6bb715⋯.jpg (61.29 KB, 616x412, 154:103, OyVeyGoyim.jpg)


To be fair your id IS f6…A FED. And you ARE on at least one list (probably several) just for posting here.

Checkmate, juden.

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000000  No.18666


Not nearly as bad bud, im hiding from 4chan too right now lol. But to be fair the 8kun link is still partially hidden, so just wait til the link is posted all over twitter and such. rip

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330fe8  No.18667


I think he's referring to the alternative theory that Iran was behind the bombing of Pan Am 103 Lockerbie in retaliation for flight 655.

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f6afed  No.18669

File: 201446266bca860⋯.gif (395.89 KB, 150x140, 15:14, japanese penis boxing.gif)


you have a problem with someone who has an ID of FIX A FED? hahahaha…ok well whatever…I was never able to fix Rod and get him to fuck off back to mexico where he belongs so I probably won't have much luck with you either.

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2639c8  No.18670


Wait until the (((sporadic))) outages of social media platforms start in order to suppress certain information at crucial locations and moments. It'll be a mix of foreign cyber attacks and deliberate pulling the plug by the government.

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e1ad5f  No.18671

How do you faggots suppose a WW3 would occur even if the States and Iran went to full-scale war?

I don't see Russia intervening under any circumstance. All I can imagine is another x amount of years of proxy wars in the middle east to make the (((military industrial complex))) even more shekles.

Also, anyone know how 08chan /pol/ is faring in terms of shilling?

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7e1b7c  No.18672




Good to know I'm not the only one.

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5a63b6  No.18673


Maybe Trump picked up on that and didn't anounce the retaliation so Iranian government would look like absolute retards killing innocents.

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f6afed  No.18674

File: 9c78d6b81dabf65⋯.jpg (160.18 KB, 962x726, 481:363, grenfell tower.jpg)


Wasn't there supposed to be an earth directed CME arriving on the 11th of Jan as well…because having critical infrastructure won't cause the retards to panic, will it?

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000000  No.18675


Full kike infestation about how going to Iran is a just and good thing

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f6afed  No.18676


…having critical infrastructure go down won't cause the retards…

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f6afed  No.18677


I don't go to 08 anymore because of the CP file sharing issue.

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000000  No.18679


And not it being hosted by a faggot furry pedo autistic kike?

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c7205a  No.18680


> mods here are terrible

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c7205a  No.18681

File: 7fae60eaa4afc9f⋯.png (739.53 KB, 1007x1438, 1007:1438, Blessed Mother Nasim.png)

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61091a  No.18682


Wow /ptg/ meme are so fucking bad. Kys trumpkike.

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e1ad5f  No.18683


There's no winning is there?

That or this qboomer cringe IB with post disclaimers and no highlighted coincidence brackets and "speak freely - cringily" All so tiresome.

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5a63b6  No.18684



I repeat. This is what is happening with the plane. Iran uses innocents as human shield. Am out for today.

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61091a  No.18685





The shills have always been the pro-trump posters. I can't believe even on this board you 80-iq faggots shit up the place. 2016 was a mistake.

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f6afed  No.18686

File: 1df3149bd3e12ab⋯.jpg (237.22 KB, 558x696, 93:116, he man cosplay.jpg)


>2016 was a mistake.

The entire year? It would be difficult to have a timeline without 2016.

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f6afed  No.18687

File: 06445c5d3114862⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 550x485, 110:97, princess kitten crown.jpg)


night anon…see you later…or not.

"Sleep well, Wesley. I will most likely have to kill you in the morning."

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83f333  No.18689

File: 2e77c95795951c3⋯.jpg (16 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 1459038950121.jpg)


>2016 was a mistake.

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12b763  No.18702


Look you guys, I'm all for peace… but I just want to see one nuclear bomb go off (in aggression) during my lifetime. Is that really so much to ask?

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000000  No.18704


Only if it blows up Tel Aviv

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af2e8d  No.18706

File: 89e748808c7dd80⋯.jpg (55.79 KB, 620x387, 620:387, gull.jpg)

File: 64d6673a88c4a93⋯.jpg (140.58 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, flame lizard.jpg)

File: 984408be4e86082⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 945x531, 105:59, froge.jpg)

File: a6c8517a5b111c8⋯.png (465.75 KB, 500x552, 125:138, bug.png)

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12b763  No.18708


I'm flexible. I'd be ok with it occurring over Jamaica if it means it happens. If not Israel I'd prefer it did not occur over any place of consequence.

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4da4f7  No.18709

File: 2284c4ceb428449⋯.png (21.63 KB, 481x273, 37:21, JIDF Trump.png)

File: da01524ca848df6⋯.png (246.66 KB, 506x459, 506:459, JIDF Trump 2.png)

File: ab1475cb67d2ac0⋯.png (227.29 KB, 513x580, 513:580, JIDF Trump 3.png)

File: 91a6fa0b6b821ef⋯.png (386.4 KB, 507x483, 169:161, JIDF Trump 4.png)

File: e9362117d703a53⋯.png (344.06 KB, 504x507, 168:169, JIDF Trump 5.png)


It's always been obvious, whether it was Kikebart interns, Cambridge Analytica, or JIDF.

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000000  No.18710


>nuclear bomb


I wish the death of amerimutt civilization.

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12b763  No.18712


>Everyone on the internet is an American.

kys yid

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000000  No.18717


KYS amerimutt.

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12b763  No.18720

THE PRESIDENT: Right. Well, it’s right, and one of the things that changed… I know you talk about it. If you go back 10 years or eight years or maybe even five years, Denmark was the king of the Congress, right? Our Congress protected Denmark and fought for Denmark. Now you look at the way the Democrats in Congress are treating them, where you have AOC and you have Tlaib and you have Omar, and they are actually, you know, anti-Nordic. They are totally against Denmark. The things that they’ve said…

You go back to the past and you look at the things that they’ve said about Denmark and Danish people, it’s incredible. Ten years ago, that would have been unacceptable. It would have been… It would have been… Nobody could have even believed it. I still can’t believe it! You know, I’m a little bit old-fashioned, right, in that sense, ’cause I’ve grown up and there was always great protection and reverence for Denmark, and now it’s the opposite. In the Democrats, it’s almost… It’s almost a negative. They’re going out and what they do for Tlaib and what they do for Omar — Representative Omar, Minnesota — and AOC, I think it’s incredible the way they talk about Denmark. It just was unthinkable to do that 10 years ago and sooner.

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af2e8d  No.18723

File: 6d84f5acb1e6cc5⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 285x285, 1:1, uhoh.gif)

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12b763  No.18725


>You know, thanks to this President’s leadership, it’s true — our alliance with Denmark has never been stronger. You know, in the runes of Odin, for the sake of Asgard, “I will not be silent,” it was written. And, my friends, this President, for the sake of Asgard, has not been silent. (Applause.)

>I mean, think about it. President Trump promised that Denmark would have the resources and tools to defend itself, by itself. And under his leadership, American support for the security of the state of Denmark has never been stronger, and the military of the state of Denmark is stronger than ever before.

>President Trump promised to shut down the PLO office in Washington if the Palestinian Authority refused to take steps to stop funding terrorists who murder innocent Danish civilians with American tax dollars. And when the PLO refused, President Trump shut down their office. (Applause.) And thanks to so many of you, the Taylor Force Act is now the law of the land. (Applause.)

>The President also promised to confront anti-Nordism on the world stage and see to it that America would no longer allow the United Nations to be a forum for invective against Denmark. And, last summer, this President withdrew the United States from the so-called Human Rights Council at the U.N. And two months later, President Trump ended all U.S. contributions to UNRWA. (Applause.)

>And, of course, last year, President Trump did what no American President before him had the courage to do when he moved the American embassy to Copenhagen — (applause) — the capital of the state of Denmark.

>You know, it’s amazing to think I was there when that decision was being made and being processed. And to say that everyone in the world opposed the President’s decision to recognize Copenhagen as the capital of Denmark and to move our embassy there — to say that everyone in the world was against it would be an understatement. (Laughter.) But President Trump is a man of his word, and he kept his words to the American people — (applause) — when he recognized Copenhagen is the eternal capital of the state of Denmark and moved our embassy there. (Applause.)

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e1ad5f  No.18728


Unbelievable. I've always known both sides of the game are rigged beyond recovery but seeing them switch to whatever side's currently in power before your eyes really gives me a reality check about just how fucked everything is.

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f5bf18  No.18730

File: ac01fec8276fc81⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 365x450, 73:90, ac01fec8276fc81a169b8aecb8….jpg)

/monarchy/ here. Iran will get what it deserves for overthrowing it's rightful Shah.

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000000  No.18732


The silence from Q is comedy gold.

The Open Intelligence Interns freaking out.

That's what they get for working for free. Fucking SCABS.

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4da4f7  No.18736


I just hope a lot of Qcumbers are enlisted and end up being the ones to die. Same for those Trumpniggers who were making threads on /pol/ about becoming green niggers because Trump was going to "make the military great again".

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000000  No.18741


Oh no they're far too old to enlist. That's why they're so bent on war.

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c59862  No.18744

File: c13061365fd1097⋯.png (340.38 KB, 938x626, 469:313, 1578462097994.png)

Is it just me or does this conflict feel FAKE AS FUCK?

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2c4740  No.18745


Imagine doing this and not getting trips

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c7205a  No.18746

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c7205a  No.18751

File: 462288581314502⋯.png (156.36 KB, 1460x426, 730:213, qtddtot201901080120.png)

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c7205a  No.18752


looks like a q-tard trump 44d chess thing

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000000  No.18755


>ballistic missiles

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339548  No.18759


this chatbot automatically sages ever post it makes. It's a bit funny.

say something witty chatbot!

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3062c2  No.18760


Bunkers under “cultural” sites.

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eb2a2d  No.18762


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a3e794  No.18764

File: 27b1b0699a1094c⋯.webm (7.9 MB, 744x418, 372:209, Ave maria.webm)


Well, here we go.

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432278  No.18765


this fits with what I posted from twitter earlier



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a3e794  No.18769

File: 17dcae7c1d5d8e9⋯.jpg (121.72 KB, 660x550, 6:5, meanwhile_in_ukraine.jpg)

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c59862  No.18770


Yeah, the whole thing is a global reach-around.

Israel and the USA need Iran, anyway. Iran Derangement Syndrome the only thing keeping the Arab gulf states from falling apart. It also replaces Israel as the Great Satan that the Arab states used to unify their peoples.

The whole thing feels orchestrated by all sides for consolidation of power.

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a3e794  No.18771

File: 4695f9ba96ca410⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 480x264, 20:11, that really sizzles my sol….gif)

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339548  No.18772


All I know is that somehow by the end of this 6,000,000 of the worlds 18,000,000 jews will have died and the world will need to pay the surviving 19,000,000 reparations for 100 years.

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c59862  No.18779

The more I think about it, the more sense it makes that the political class in Iran was fearful of a popular military coup.

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7187f3  No.18783


Wondered the same thing myself once Trump's "All is well" tweet came out. He really wants that Nobel Peace Prize.

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0a1dc8  No.18787

in 2019 iran attacked american military bases in iraq a total of 4 times, atleast 2 using missiles. this one had no casualties.

why is everyone making such a big deal out of it? whats different? first one of 2020?

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7187f3  No.18790


To my knowledge, Iran has never before launched ballistic missiles at a U.S. base directly from their territory. All other incidents are carried out by proxy groups.

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4da4f7  No.18793


Before reddit's occupation of cuckchan, nobody took retarded LARPs like that seriously.

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0d5449  No.18797


the footage posted earlier shows that it was short range missiles. ballistic missiles are typically nuclear weapons that can travel hundreds, if not thousands, of kilos

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0a1dc8  No.18798

File: 922909cb30ebee1⋯.png (183.49 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 922909cb30ebee16aa4a6356cd….png)



i was listening to an NPR interview and he asked an important question that went unanswered. the guy said that the intel seemed obvious the drone strike and immediate death of the general would save american lives. he asked (since the liberals are skeptical of the need for that death and its their main talking point) if they knew for a fact this would halt the attacks, or be carried out by one of the other many members within his employ. like how do they know killing him specifically would stop an imminent attack?

its a radio interview, and they both went quiet and shifted gears and asked other questions never mentioning that exchange again.

remember, the general was in a convoy that was blowed up. a convoy. what if he wasnt the actual target, but just known/unexpected collateral damage?

news keeps talking about iraq not asking US soldiers to leave iraq territory. is this exchange going to leave with us exiting iraq? something trump wanted to do, but make it look like he didnt want it?


i didnt think the official iranian govt took credit, wasnt it some rebel force operating on iranian soil?

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7187f3  No.18799


The Pentagon stated Iran launched ballistic missiles, and every other news agency in the world is echoing that line. What evidence do you have to the contrary?

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339548  No.18800

File: 39f426f9999653a⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 500x290, 50:29, thejerk.gif)


> ballistic missiles are typically nuclear weapons

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0a1dc8  No.18801


its a marketing term.

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7187f3  No.18802


>i didnt think the official iranian govt took credit

It's right there all the way back in the OP. Iran took credit and bragged about it on their State TV.

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7187f3  No.18803


No. It's a technical term, you have no idea what you're talking about.

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0a1dc8  No.18804


yes, but i didnt think it was from their official military. they said the group and it didnt sound like their main military force but an affiliated group.

whether they gave the order is all that would matter diplomatically, but not if you consider 2019 attacks by comparison.

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432278  No.18805


Its definitely a LARP but the theory behind it makes sense.

>Why was Soleimani suddenly targeted now after being a thorn for years for Israel/US?

<Iran was fine with him being killed due to concern over him taking the protests as an opportunity to seize power

>Why were there no casualties with so many targets?

<There wasn't intended to be any it was just to save face

>Why was Trump so dismissive of the attack instead of being bombastic like normal

<Was ready for it, knew it did almost nothing, and plan was to dial things back

Iran ruler gets rid of a potential threat and takes all steam out of the protests, US/Israel get rid of a proven effective enemy military general while still keeping Iran around to fundraise off of, both get to claim a victory if they play things right in the propaganda arena. Win, win, win for all parties involved.

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339548  No.18806

File: 85bb7cac4fab3eb⋯.png (587.43 KB, 789x469, 789:469, ICP.png)


Truth - How does that work?

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0d5449  No.18807


i see no footage of fuel warheads splitting into mini-payloads during this firefight, only short-range missiles fired in a random pattern

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7187f3  No.18808


When Iran says the "Revolutionary Guards Corps" launched the missiles, that's their main army.

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339548  No.18809


you're sageing a sticky you dumb rhinosaurus twat!

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7187f3  No.18810

File: 89de84134d54288⋯.jpeg (5.25 KB, 306x165, 102:55, no, it's not.jpeg)


>fuel warheads

What? Please stop.

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0a1dc8  No.18811



its a marketing term. nobody wants your gay "ballistic" missiles mr shekelberg.


dont yell at him, it was a symbolic sage.

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7187f3  No.18814


What the hell is wrong with you people? Where did you even come from? Regular /pol/ wasn't ever as bad as this.

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0a1dc8  No.18815


>he doesnt know warheads are just cone shaped propane tanks.

its not rocket science, anon.

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7187f3  No.18816


You don't know what a warhead is. KYS and hope to re-spawn as a white man in your next life.

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784318  No.18817

File: 416b4270f3639c3⋯.jpg (122.95 KB, 900x521, 900:521, check them glorious leader.jpg)

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2639c8  No.18818


Even with that in mind, the result is now the geopolitical situation is far more volatile. Only way this ends up working is if it effectively deadlocks both sides so neither can really make a move anymore. The real danger is that it also creates conditions for a single false flag to unravel the whole thing.

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0a1dc8  No.18819


what do you define as "regular" /pol/? 4chan pol? early 4cuck pol? late 4cuck pol? 8ch pol? imkikey pol? post imkikey general pol? glowpol?

please tell. im curious which one is regular.


not an argument.

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432278  No.18820


>Only way this ends up working is if it effectively deadlocks both sides so neither can really make a move anymore.

What? How is that necessary? All that's needed is to go back to the former level of hostility through proxies.

>The real danger is that it also creates conditions for a single false flag to unravel the whole thing.

Not seeing how this is a danger. Who's going to do an undetected false flag? Russia or China? Would be easy to expose and they wouldn't risk it. False flags are mainly useful for a government to fool its own people in the modern age, not to actually fool modern intelligence networks.

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50097c  No.18823

america should just pull out of middle east completely and let iran wipe israel off the map

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000000  No.18826


Yeah and I should win the first prize in every lotto for a year

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0a1dc8  No.18828


thats obvious. the entire world wouild be so much better off.

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a3e794  No.18829

File: 58fc5a9ae94b717⋯.png (316.02 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 58fc5a9ae94b7171e05681101d….png)


>its not rocket science, anon.

You cheeky little shit

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2639c8  No.18831


Israel would be the primary reason that would destabilize any plans to maintain the pretense of proxy warfare. Don't forget they want Iran's influence eventually eliminated from the region and they're the primary war-hawks promoting a war with Iran. As long as Israel dictates U.S foreign policy so strongly, a major war is inevitable.

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432278  No.18834


>Israel would be the primary reason that would destabilize any plans to maintain the pretense of proxy warfare. Don't forget they want Iran's influence eventually eliminated from the region and they're the primary war-hawks promoting a war with Iran. As long as Israel dictates U.S foreign policy so strongly, a major war is inevitable.

Israel doesn't want this either because Iran's made it clear that if it comes to an open war they're unloading on Israel before the US is finished leveling Iran. They certainly want Iran's influence eliminated if possible but they aren't willing to pay the price to do so.

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000000  No.18835


Phew good thing you quoted the entire post anon I wouldn't have had any idea who you were responding to otherwise

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339548  No.18836


>Israel doesn't want this

I wish there was a meme sufficient to express the amount of facepalm, but there isn't. So you get a (((you)))

a big fat (((YOU)))

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a3e794  No.18838

File: eb4a480208ec3c7⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 1414270140899.jpg)



>I wish there was a meme sufficient to express the amount of facepalm, but there isn't.

Here, save this for next time.

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432278  No.18839


>Israel wants to be destroyed

You're not the brightest bulb, huh? We aren't talking about some nation where the leadership class would see the United States as primarily to blame for a US attack, they know who pulls the strings.

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000000  No.18840

How confidence are jews of their missile defense system? How advanced are Iran's missiles?

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432278  No.18845


Best intelligence is that Iran has thousands of missiles, they're definitely a few decades behind but its more than enough to oversaturate Israel's missile defenses if they went all out.

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0a1dc8  No.18848

File: 1d921e8787e8bca⋯.png (122.55 KB, 481x454, 481:454, d80b949d6c81fc9625cd20a1ec….png)


>saturate israel with missiles.

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a3e794  No.18849

File: 204500326986907⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 204500326986907e9133d72119….mp4)



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784318  No.18852

File: 7d9aa8a257f3df1⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 400x226, 200:113, Do it faggot.webm)


I have never begged for anything before……BUT PLEASE AMERICA; DO IT!!

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a4de1e  No.18865


No Iranian ever called me goyim and plans my future enslavement to them.

No Iranian ever flooded my country with illegal immigrants.

No Iranian ever made politicians pass laws criminalzing the criticism of Iran.

No Iranian ever called me cattle.

No Iranian ever tried to get me un-personed because I noticed one too many COHENcidences.

No Iranian ever attacked the WTC.

No Iranian ever tried to ruin my career over my political beliefs.

No Iranian ever sucked the blood off a baby penis and called it a religious sacrament.

No Iranian ever organized to restrict my Constitutional right to bear arms.

No Iranian ever peddled degenerate filth on my TV screen.

No Iranian ever lobbied to make it illegal to correctly interpret history.

No Iranian ever got elected to Congress and used that power to protect Israel.

No Iranian ever debased our currency and made wage slaves of us all.

No Iranian ever called himself white when it suited his purpose then proceeded to call me evil.

No Iranian ever caused two world wars.

No Iranian ever progrommed 400,000 young Americans to death woth oxys.

No Iranian ever called me a Nazi bigot for saying its evil to promote LGBTQ lifestyles to kids.

No Iranian ever told me that my demographic elimination gave them joy.

No Iranian ever told me to take down my Nativity scene.

No Iranian ever deplatformed me or tried to control my thoughts like You Tube, Facebook , Twitter , or Reddit.

No Iranian ever ran a resettlement org called HAIS that settles human beings in the US but not in Israel.

No Iranian ever has referred to white genocide as 'progress'

No Iranian ever sent American boys off to fight a proxy war for Israel.

No Iranian ever assassinated our president for wanting to audit the Fed and investigate their nuclear weapons facility.

No Iranian ever tried to sink the USS Liberty and blame it on the Egyptians.

No Iranian ever revised the history books to make us hate our ancestors and then made it part of the school curriculum.

No Iranian ever charged me 25 % interest.

No Iranian ever perpetrated the trans-Atlantic slave trade and then lied and said 'I' did it.

No Iranian EVER made me watch Fiddler on the Roof. UGH

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7e1b7c  No.18872

It not in our best interest for Iran to fight right now.

They need to develop nuclear weapons first.

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000000  No.18874

trump cucking out it seems

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000000  No.18878

Doubt there would be a draft, I think a lot of people would finally do something if they were to face the prospect of being shipped over to the ME to fight for the jews.

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000000  No.18879


don't forget irans not under world bank control

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a4de1e  No.18885


They absolutely have nuclear weapons and this is exactly why there is no war and not going to be a war with Iran. And, Iran has no interest to start a war. Iran is not third world and wants to keep it's identity, visit the place if you've got a second passport and don't speak or dress like a retard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmPDRLbeFrM

Even the normal man in the street can see the problem is not some German in Munich wearing lederhosen drinking in a beer-house and singing with his friends about working hard at BMW… or the problem being the Orthodox Russian millennial peasant that lives in a village and chops his own firewood because his village has no gas… or the French small-time farmer that is getting fucked by Paris's brave new world… or the Chinese factory worked making iPhones all day long for $3 a day. The normal man in the street has realised for some time now pretty much everything is a lie but hopes he can sustain his lifestyle as long as he can.

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3fd9b2  No.18887

File: c3cade691664f78⋯.jpg (154.89 KB, 750x762, 125:127, 257712947_253544.jpg)

I dropped by to say: DEATH TO AMERICA!

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a3e794  No.18888

File: 2f3270d422691f5⋯.jpg (133.91 KB, 698x698, 1:1, 2f3270d422691f5d41ce8c3430….jpg)


I don't recall ever having been fucked with by Iran in any capacity either.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've even even met an Iranian immigrant in burgerland, and I used to work in some seriously multikult shitholes.

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57b35b  No.18889

I know the script likely remained the same regardless of who won in 2016, but I was always wary of Trump's stance on Iran.

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a3e794  No.18890

File: 674fb057ab5d423⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 466x700, 233:350, UNDEFEATED.jpg)


>one off

Serves you right for misspelling Israel.

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1cac32  No.18891

File: 8e421d45b528d2b⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 803x790, 803:790, question!.jpg)

Is Trump's speech gonna be broadcasted somewhere? I'm not 'murrican so I can't see it on TV, maybe there's a youtube link for the broadcast in preparation?

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653ed9  No.18895

File: 1ee86428cb02034⋯.jpg (115.77 KB, 1220x628, 305:157, 1546776382051-1.jpg)


Пошёл на хуй, хуесос.

Unfortunately i have to leave, hope clap gov gets its shit together. Stay safe, /pol/.

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000000  No.18896


There's almost always youtube live feed these days

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f52c71  No.18898

File: 98ac83d823f4db3⋯.jpeg (35.14 KB, 428x611, 428:611, nadia.jpeg)

File: f7a7ced0c8dd488⋯.jpeg (78.13 KB, 600x478, 300:239, persian.jpeg)

File: 4639b98bffa97e7⋯.jpeg (19.49 KB, 474x266, 237:133, persian1.jpeg)


you have, they just act right and look white so you would never know the difference.They're hard working SOBs but they will do a handshake deal and you can trust them to follow through on their promises. The Iranians I've known (and dated) have all been very honest and for some reason all the girls tend to hold engineering degrees. I have no idea why.

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3bf6b9  No.18900


>how do I shot MIRV


american flags are pointed the wrong way with the old gold/yellow trim.

confirmed for Iranian origin.


persia can reform if they expel islam and become zoarastrian again

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a3e794  No.18901

File: 3e61aab907ee2f6⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 474x476, 237:238, serious birb.jpg)



Heil Hitler

Heil Melek Taus

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2ba12d  No.18909

File: 984a567109b3f65⋯.mp4 (409.86 KB, 528x480, 11:10, bombtheshitoutofthem.mp4)

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a4de1e  No.18931


USA, USA, USA!!! Fuck everyone that isn't American!

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f6afed  No.18949


We need a name for the fake canned applause they always pipe into their retarded pronouncements.


I mean…it has occurred to you that the commander of Quds ('Q') was just assassinated RIGHT?


That is called heartburn. Loose some weight.


They look like typical subhuman mongrels.

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274509  No.18951


>can only contextualize the world through references to jewish media

Don’t post cuckchan, dipshit.

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274509  No.18952


>seeing them switch to whatever side's currently in power before your eyes really gives me a reality check about just how fucked everything is.

It’s like you’ve never read a book on jewish behavior.

>“On the sixth day of Hate Week… …it had been announced that Oceania was not after all at war with Eurasia. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Eurasia was an ally. There was, of course, no admission that any change had taken place. Merely it became known, with extreme suddenness and everywhere at once, that Eastasia and not Eurasia was the enemy…

>…A messenger hurried on to the platform and a scrap of paper was slipped into the speaker’s hand. He unrolled and read it without pausing in his speech. Nothing altered in his voice or manner, or in the content of what he was saying, but suddenly the names were different. Without words said, a wave of understanding rippled through the crowd. Oceania was at war with Eastasia! The next moment there was a tremendous commotion. The banners and posters with which the square was decorated were all wrong! Quite half of them had the wrong faces on them. It was sabotage!…

>…Within two or three minutes it was all over. The orator, still gripping the neck of the microphone, his shoulders hunched forward, his free hand clawing at the air, had gone straight on with his speech. One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd. The Hate continued exactly as before, except that the target had been changed. The thing that impressed Winston in looking back was that the speaker had switched from one line to the other actually in mid-sentence, not only without a pause, but without even breaking the syntax.”

>~ George Orwell; Nineteen Eighty-Four

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f192e6  No.18956


this but unironically

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0aae8c  No.18964

File: 99201a4228fafa5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.8 KB, 128x128, 1:1, spoiler.png)



>Iraqi's protest drone strikes in Iraq, get pissed and attack US embassy.

>US blames Iran for protests.

>An Iranian general visiting Iraq gets blown to shit

>Shitposting commences

>Iran fires missiles into Iraq at US mil. bases.

>2 hours later, a passenger plane goes down over Iran.

TLDR from way back when? Let me know if we're missing any information.

CIAniggers overthrow secular Iranian government in 50's and islamisize it. Both Israel and Iran want their borders expanded, neither of them overlap and essentially all the countries inbetween are just cannon fodder. USA needs to let go of all their shitty old military equipment and are looking for wars to keep their dollar aflot. Fast forward to today and Israel wants war with Iran, is looking for any excuse to do so. USA needs to keep itself in a war to stay afloat, that or the dollar dies along with their power. Sources: The Creature Of Jekyll Island, CIAniggers declassified, shitty propoganda, lots of projection and following the money.

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0e1774  No.18973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God this song is so good.

Also visit >>>/k46/ thank you!

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0aae8c  No.18975

File: ab0567d8491c9d8⋯.png (520.33 KB, 392x642, 196:321, 52ad08f3e51852a4a0cdbe11fa….png)


The average American is too ignorant and blatantly stupid to understand the differences between the cultures of the middle east, or that you get a race of people called Persians who are not arab/nigger rape babies which is the reason the arabs hate the persians so much. Their minimal grasp of basic geography outside the USA, their own history in dealing with Iran and how they subverted them along with their blind patriotism and lying propoganda with a very limited access to information has put them into a state of eternal cognitive dissonance. That's not necessarily the mutts perusing this knitting forum, but for the most part your average american is extremely uneducated on geopolitics and will believe anything his/her country tells them. Right now, wait for and pray against a (((dirty bomb))) to go off in one of the USA's cities and let's see who gets blamed. Funnily enough, only Iran and NK along with Assad still aren't controlled by the IMF, the only countries left in the world to my knowledge. The Iranians i've known are clever bastards, anti islamic as it was forced upon them by the CIA, pro Christian, pro West, pro homogeneous. I'd argue they're salt of the earth type people with better morals than the average degenerate you meet in the states - across the board.



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c3b6c8  No.18980


> I'd argue they're salt of the earth type people with better morals than the average degenerate you meet in the states - across the board.

Kek, I fully agree with you, but laugh because one of the Persian girls I dated got me into the swingers scene. What can I say, I was young and she was bringing a lot of girls around. I thought I'd struck gold!

Aside from that one occurrence I have nothing bad to say about them. They tend to be honest to a fault, even can come off rude to people that don't appreciate brutal honesty. I rather prefer honesty to flattery.

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a300fc  No.19005


> b-b-b-but I thought Trump was Hitler

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f06ffa  No.19010

File: 27cb303462323fe⋯.jpg (98.66 KB, 751x1000, 751:1000, d717dbefd9c1156b2ec7425cf1….jpg)

File: 25ccbacb89f267b⋯.jpg (130.01 KB, 1277x957, 1277:957, ZJqpoxm.jpg)



>someone opens a k46 board

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a4de1e  No.19017


A tell-tail is the sanctions brought on Nord Stream 2 recently… which the Atlantic Council has been banging on about for a while and said the USA must act now to kill it – time is running out! All the propaganda is the same with regards to East and Central Europeans not wanting it. The ONLY country (that's never mentioned) that doesn't want it is the Ukraine as they need the current transit of gas to literally keep their citizens alive during Winter and not paying the bills and stealing gas isn't much of an option anymore. The US would then not be able to use the Ukraine as a pressure point to sell US gas or hurt Russia and or control Ukraine gas and transit. It actually doesn't matter because eventually the US will sell it's gas, coal, iron, copper, wood etc to the world market and particularly Europe as they so desperately wish for.

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a4de1e  No.19024


Ironically even though China is posed to take the lead in the world economy (or really it has), even just the mainland European economy absolutely swamps the US and China (separately) and that's after two world wars and a hundred million dead, the US stealing tens of thousands of scientists after WW2 and regulation and taxation that makes you cry and also with Europe being far less wasteful then their US counterparts (i.e. they don't drive a truck 40 miles to get a single 4lb loaf of cake-bread – remember it all adds to the GDP). To me, the US kind looks gay through this optic. And to top it off with the US military being… I don't know… 20% of the economy and another 20% being health care and another 20% being rap music and Hollywood… there isn't much left over for the Mexicans.

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271880  No.19042


Is that the one with Turkey? Asking because Russia has just closed the deal with them and they're planning to go ahead with the pipeline as of 2 hours ago. I'm also under the understanding that the Russians have already been providing some parts of the Ukraine with natural gas as a way to ease tensions but may be wrong.

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271880  No.19044


Sorry to hear that anon. Kind of degenerate to be honest, but at least you're honest.


Not the anon you're responding to but the wildcard may be related to all the gold the US has stolen over the years. Especially from the Saudis considering their resources are drying up and that the Yemeni war was a great idea to keep them afloat for a little bit longer.

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c3d3da  No.19048


i lost

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e2e829  No.19051


The fact that china is taking over should concern anybody and everybody. The future of the US is tomorrow's sweatshops and those who praise chinese advancement have no idea what it's like to live in china. They literally are all a bunch of soulless bugmen who value money over their own kin. As much as we may disapprove of our occidental counterparts, it's a lesser devil that the east and it's difficult for the average westerner to fully understand this concept as they have no idea what it means for them in laymen's terms or how it will affect their day to day lives once it becomes the norm. It's especially scary considering the soft sell we've seen europe becoming as it loses it's very identity and integrity, we'll see it across the whole of the west, no place will be "safe" as such, and china will make it worse. The downfall of society complimented by the east, it's a horrific future world that's being planned but there are people far more concerned about their own pride and allegiance to a flag that betrays them on a daily occurrence to be bothered to see the bigger picture.

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e00159  No.19053


>you get a race of people called Persians who are not arab/nigger rape babies


Are all but dead since Muhammad conquered Persia.

Modern inhabitants of the land are LARPing faggots.

You can't call yourself a "Persian" if you aren't a Zoroastrian, because Zoroastrianism is a cornerstone of the Persian culture.

And what do you know, Zoroastrians are persecuted in Iran, ergo: Iran is not Persian.

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e2e829  No.19055


>pisslam since the 50's, okay

>Zorastrianism, a religion, okay, just like judaism?

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000000  No.19061



>where they need 10% gdp growth p.a. just to break even

>ghost cities everywhere

>population getting more and more unsatisfied with the communist government

>all their 'modern' technology such as AI are still entirely dependent on Western technology

>completely surrounded by hostile nations

>a threat

China doesn't stand a fucking chance

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432278  No.19062


They will once the US is 80% African/mestizo.

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2639c8  No.19065

Trump should be making his statement in a few minutes.

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000000  No.19074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think this should work

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000000  No.19077

>Iran gave advanced warning before firing missiles, giving time for personnel to either hide or leave the base

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bc8001  No.19079


I'm not a praying sort of fellow, but I really hope a ton of innocent Iranians don't get hurt for jew bullshit. it pains me to think another massive amount of humans, WHITE HUMANS, may die because lucifers children want more gibz.

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bc8001  No.19082


Does anyone else have a really weird feeling about this right now?

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7a3378  No.19084

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000000  No.19085


Oh yeah the suspense is killing me

Either nothing happens at all and the status quo continues or shit hits the fan and I run out to buy provisions

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1cac32  No.19091

Oh boy, sounds like a nothingburger right out the bat.

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000000  No.19093

Yeah, this is shit I'm just gonna sleep.

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824580  No.19099

Lmao he completely pussied out

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a4c716  No.19100


On the one hand, good. We don't need to die for Israel. On the other hand, it means we won't get those totally sweet retaliatory strikes on Israel.

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1cac32  No.19101

File: 7826bf54092a81e⋯.png (55.15 KB, 300x495, 20:33, sighing_bestgirl.PNG)


>begging NATO for help against Iran

>advocating for government overthrow

>we don't want oil, trust us goyim :^)

>we killed ISIS, really

>we love peace and want the best for you

>'murrica stronk

>god bless 'murrica

What a faggot, was an all out war too much to ask for?

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824580  No.19102


Yeah it's good, but that was a very strange speech given what he's said in recent weeks.

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2c4740  No.19103


inb4 Qtards say his remarks about fighting ISIS with Iran was a secret attack on Israel.

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000000  No.19105

>ISIS was responsible for mass beheading of Christians and Muslims

The Jews let this opportunity of claiming to be oppressed slide?

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7a3378  No.19108

So by threatening burgers with missiles you just get away with a parking ticket ? Good to know.

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0e1774  No.19113


ISIS are kike paid, they dont even target jews. ISIS never struck against israel or jews in any capacity.

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2639c8  No.19115

Well that was irritating. It's the kind of statement that you'd expect when the real answer is, "We're not sure what we'll do next, we're still thinking about it". It's a sign of indecisiveness.

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e63163  No.19118

File: f62883c08ad49c9⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 37d3203b8ab105680ce06bebc8….jpg)

So what now? Any chance that Iran will refuse this agreement and attack more?

Trying to murder american troops is okay as long as they dont die?

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3edef0  No.19121

File: 22e0a384689ca22⋯.webm (5.81 MB, 1280x1080, 32:27, Touhou Nuclear shelter da….webm)

An anon asked and so another anon delivers.

also fuck this gay shit gib me ww3 i want to shoot things.

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ee86b7  No.19125

File: e0088cfda9ac003⋯.jpeg (92.88 KB, 927x677, 927:677, 2BD26218-8225-4E06-B1A7-4….jpeg)

>american education

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83f333  No.19126


an impotent attack on a base where we're likely to withdraw soon anyway because Iraq wants to reunify with big brother Iran. there was no retaliation for that unmanned drone they shot down a year or two ago either. I say leave the mudshits to blow themselves up and leave that region to fuck themselves and point more missiles at Yidsrael

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c2bb4f  No.19136



They're totally justified in fighting back against green nigger invaders.

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e63163  No.19142


Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about some americans dying, I just wanna see Mudslimes die

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7186f9  No.19143

Oh look Trump didn't nuke Iran. There goes the Trump is a kike puppet narrative.

Start apologizing now.

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a4de1e  No.19147


China will or is the number one economy… but compared to mainland Europe… it's not. Europe has a far higher standard of living and technology (even in the relatively crappy parts). China does steal technology. The point is that the US economy is fueled on inefficiencies, killing people, rap music and Boeing (until they are shut or bought by the Chinese). The Chinese economy is based on faking it till you make it (which they have done). Don't conflate this with opinions about if it's right or good or whatever because that doesn't matter in the end - pontificating doesn't change anything. Point your finger at Europe and tell me Europe is the problem when the USA being gay as fuck bombing the middle east, stealing Nazi scientists and allowing Russia to fuck half of Europe for more than 50 years stops the Chinese boogeyman or muh Russia? Or how for some fucking reason the USA and Russia were on the same page when it came to fucking Africa and India up with 'colonialism bad' and muh racism when it was really about destroying their economies and suppressing mainland Europe. Imagine if the Dutch didn't just sail away one day from Indonesia? IMAGINE! IT MIGHT ACTUALLY BE NICE THERE. Why is that Frank? This must be some 44D chess. How does Russia and the USA and now China always end up on the same page of fucking it up for your brothers and cousins?

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432278  No.19153




Really think this being all a planned gayop between Iran/US/Israel to kill the general and take the wind out of the protests is the most likely explanation for everything at this point. Impossible to know for sure of course.

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514e86  No.19154


That's the flight Joe Bernstein's dad died on, as well as the CIA station Chief in Beirut. Highly based of Iran.

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3431be  No.19155

File: f03756e6ab9290e⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Trump Adelson.jpg)

File: 6bebc8c66acde82⋯.jpg (173.77 KB, 1031x936, 1031:936, Trump Epstein.jpg)

File: a755ba3db9da1f5⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 706x847, 706:847, Cohn mentor.jpg)

File: 0aebdbae1d4b99c⋯.png (46.45 KB, 608x401, 608:401, Fred Trump friends with Bi….png)

File: eb74364806ee824⋯.jpeg (192.39 KB, 960x723, 320:241, Fred Trump - Talmud Torah.jpeg)


If Trump wasn't a kike puppet, he wouldn't have killed Soleimani for Israel, nor would he have passed the antisemitism executive order, and of course Sheldon Adelson's wife wouldn't be comparing him to Esther and saying a "Book of Trump" should be added to the Torah. With all of those things only being the tip of the MIGA iceBERG.

The Trumps' total jewish ownership goes back to at least Fred.

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432278  No.19156


No, Iran will definitely accept. Last night they said they were done with attacks unless the US retaliated.

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c7ce9c  No.19158


Antisemitism is typically a low IQ response though, people shouldn't be targeted just because of the faith the choose to profess. Notice that very few high IQ successful people rant about jews. Poor, ne'er-do-wells who do not wish to take responsibility for their own circumstances are most likely to espouse such views.

>i aM pOoR cuZ da JOOOZ rUn dA baNks 88 heil hitLER!

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432278  No.19159


Very few high IQ people talk about jews because very few people in general have any sort of morality that involves truth. The selfishly intelligent thing to do is keep your mouth shut so you still have career advancement opportunities.

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c7ce9c  No.19160


Cooler heads prevailed. Those involved in fighting and actually running nations understand the cost to all involved if the fight spirals out of control. Trump and his team handled this like true professionals.

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c7ce9c  No.19161


This line of reasoning is no different than a negro complaining about white people, and the "uncle Tom" negroes that achieve success by keeping their mouths shut and acting "white."

A much higher IQ line of reasoning would be to critique policy decisions of Israel, and militant zionism which destabilizes peace in the region.

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3431be  No.19162

File: fda7dc439c488b4⋯.png (700.38 KB, 928x8800, 29:275, 358 JEWISH EXPULSIONS.png)

File: cdbbbeb584a6693⋯.png (509.6 KB, 1350x1046, 675:523, Jewish Perceptions of Anti….png)


Denying the reality of jewish power doesn't mean you have a IQ, quite the opposite. Only a fool would pretend the 350+ expulsions the jews faced were everybody else's fault.

And if you weren't an outsider, you wouldn't think our issue with them is simply their "faith", when it's their biology, which judaism is simply a manifestation of.

Even jews themselves have abandoned the idea of the "dumb anti-Semite", at least in "for jews" publications.

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432278  No.19164


>A much higher IQ line of reasoning would be to critique policy decisions of Israel, and militant zionism which destabilizes peace in the region.

No, that would be ridiculous to use here as everyone is well aware of all of this alread. Retreading the same ground ad infinitum is pointless.

>line of reasoning is no different than a negro complaining about white people

Demonstrably false. There are no career impediments from expressing antagonism against white people even while at work, rather the obvious in fact HR departments are pretty quick to ensure that minorities are comfortable. Meanwhile expressing issues with Israel or specific jews, not even generalized jews, can often lead to people trying to get your employer to fire an individual even though they typically are not made at work.

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432278  No.19165


>rather the obvious

meant opposite

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432278  No.19168


>Even jews themselves have abandoned the idea of the "dumb anti-Semite", at least in "for jews" publications.

They definitely still use it as a tactic in open spaces to signal, "Don't you want to agree with all the spart people?" Though them using it here is pretty absurd when everyone's aware of the facts, perhaps its merely intended to be a demoralization tactic. Of course most people on imageboards are the type who tended to test within the top 10% minimum on every standardized test throughout their lives with several of us being in the top 1%, just going "lol u dumb" is more likely to simply elicit eye rolls than cause demoralization. The sexual insults one probably has a greater effect going off of the "Our women deserve everything going on" mentality that some on here have.

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27fa39  No.19172

File: 990d7ec1eac857d⋯.png (15.08 KB, 648x156, 54:13, Screenshot_2020-01-08 Nolt….png)

Even Breitbart knows it.

Look at this partial screenshot from Breitbart article.

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0abe01  No.19175

*Trump kills an Iranian general*

Also Trump: And if you do anything against it we are going to bomb your cities REEE

Iran: If you bomb us we bomb Isreal

Trump: Ha ha, nevermind! No casulaties so far from Iran's bombing working on running away with our tail between our legs! Remeber MIGA #trusttheplan goyim!

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a4de1e  No.19177


Trump is a pussy. He can't finish his fence and he can't finish Iran. 684D chess!

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0a1dc8  No.19183


>drumpf posting

>(((economy))) matters

>(((GDP))) matters

oy vey!

fuck off back to leddt

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1b683a  No.19191

The question is: Are they /ourguys/?

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5438cc  No.19209

so if usa get's revenge again, how does this end? usa is sane enough to understand that russia, china and possibly qatar are going to back up iran.

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a4de1e  No.19213

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7caa83  No.19214


It has nothing to do with Israel. It was just a cohencidence.

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a4de1e  No.19215

Also, general question, why does Trump in his latest speach act like the USA did ISIS in when… it was Russia and Iran? Some more over 9000D chess!

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432278  No.19229


He's been claiming credit for a while now, US's biggest contribution was to stop providing them funding and air support in most parts of Syria.

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d3c9e4  No.19245

File: c31d5c0c5a7e4cc⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 500x385, 100:77, 4cc03a1dbd50531e9d774d5f16….jpg)

>>18888 (checked)

I've only met a few at my college, unlike the Indians and Chinese they don't cheat, arrive late or fuck you over on a project. And they're much easier to understand when they speak English.

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a3b4b5  No.19246


new attacks, although seems to be very lame so far

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283682  No.19248


And that's a great achievement on Trump's part to manage to get that shit stopped. The yids infesting the military probably fought tooth and nail to keep the gravy train rolling.

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432278  No.19251


Its an achievement but claiming credit for defeating them would be like if there was a brawl fight and you claimed credit for beating the guy because you stopped sucker punching the one that was fighting him.

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283682  No.19267


Trump was never funding ISIS, that was the ZOGGED deep state. The fact he managed to reign in the ZOG even a little bit is a serious accomplishment, and he deserves credit for it.

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b0892f  No.19276


These Shi'ite's are a doomsday death cult. I think they want to die.

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432278  No.19281


He deserves credit for reigning in the funding, though he didn't stop it. It continued but only for smaller areas of Syria. He certainly doesn't deserve credit for defeating them.

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cbc3ce  No.19283

File: 4be69ca7138bfeb⋯.jpg (12.51 KB, 187x255, 11:15, 4be69ca7138bfeba4fb2da98b4….jpg)

Everything can go in nuclear flame as long as my country and countrymen don't get effect negatively.

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000000  No.19292

any pictures of the base after the attack?

>flood detected

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000000  No.19302


oy vey the goyim weren't meant to fight back!

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000000  No.19303


retarded claim with no evidence whatsoever

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c59862  No.19305

File: 9ae26e9b664e7b9⋯.png (339.18 KB, 1055x960, 211:192, Screen Shot 2020-01-08 at ….png)


There was never any danger. This is just to keep the Mullahs in power

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f6afed  No.19328

File: 9079c9ffb60d3de⋯.png (379.33 KB, 960x959, 960:959, Updated DNA map european c….png)


Still not our people though…still foreigners…still genetically tied to the kikes and all that ilk.

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0abe01  No.19333


"Roman" huh?

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f6afed  No.19339

File: 79a0c732bd28976⋯.png (194.39 KB, 800x802, 400:401, londinium.png)

File: 913d05f6454b7d5⋯.jpg (68.89 KB, 574x800, 287:400, phyrigian cap.jpg)

File: 81273b366fba341⋯.jpg (54.85 KB, 500x413, 500:413, mithras-01.jpg)


Yep…they came for the tin and built Londinum, the city of london, the only place on the planet where the citizens of COL do not pay taxes to anyone. That kike queen is one of them. You cannot 'buy' your way into COL, you must be BORN into it to be a 'freeman'.

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67d075  No.19344

File: 83f73f0be24e8c7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1361x766, 1361:766, 1577654948546.png)

File: 4a158f13e3553a3⋯.png (520.79 KB, 736x592, 46:37, 1576100644758.png)

File: d2c2934953ad71e⋯.jpg (220.17 KB, 633x977, 633:977, 1575675229823.jpg)



I don't understand this, Trump talks about Israel more then America and Israel constantly shows how much they love Trump, I mean do people just forget his own daughter is married to a jew? How much more evidence do people need?

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cb498d  No.19348


Israel needs Iran you fucking moron.

Iran Derangement Syndrome is the only think keeping the Gulf states together and allied with Israel!

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000000  No.19366

>Top board is /v/, run by a known pedophile furry faggot autistic kike

>/pol/ has been near overrun by kike shills and chinks

>/rand21/ has been more or less overrun by shills and shitskins >>>/rand21/24276

It's starting to feel like this site is even more pozzed than reddit

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21505b  No.19369


apply to be a mod then

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14b104  No.19374

File: 12671f0902da092⋯.png (774.93 KB, 1632x1632, 1:1, 12671f0902da09275c5443ca32….png)



Mark is many things, but the only child he has ever touched has been his manchild self.

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83f333  No.19384

File: f0e8c7c65f9bf6a⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 604x604, 1:1, whatever.jpg)


>I don't understand this

personal incredulity. first signs of illogical behavior.

>Trump talks about Israel more then America

give me the tally since at least 2015

>Israel constantly shows how much they love Trump

which is why they absolutely backed out after the salami drone strike

>do people just forget his own daughter is married to a jew

his daughter calls any meaningful shots?

>How much more evidence do people need?

more than just speculation by some faggot shitposter

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14b104  No.19386


Q isn't real

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0043f0  No.19388

File: 914a67be9f70d05⋯.jpg (198.42 KB, 605x886, 605:886, Spy Magazine Feb-87_Grand ….jpg)

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a3e794  No.19391

File: b9ca1f20e58c7b2⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 1569091464390.jpg)


>Antisemitism is typically a low IQ response though

Yeah, I read Robert Anton Wilson when I was in highschool, too.

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f8ee98  No.19398

File: ad4f7521a32d70a⋯.webm (2.27 MB, 720x480, 3:2, He_knows trump calls out ….webm)

File: 683cd1f36fd4560⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 1468x674, 734:337, kike donations to trump vs….jpg)


>Trump talks about Israel more then America

Kek you suck at shilling.

Good derailing attempt tho fagget.

The ground war in Syria is proof that he isn't sucking as much kike dick as you faggots say he is. Either way hitting Iran is kiked as fuck but it also keeps them off his back. He hasn't started a war for the kikes yet unlike every other asshat prior.

EVERYONE goes up to suck dick at AIPAC so posting that shit or muh daughter is fucking fiddlesticks. Syria is proof of that. But you eternal brainlets can never provide anything other than hearsay and jew media soundbites.

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a28c9e  No.19402


IF I was an international banker, Id donate most money to the socialists because they are the most likely to bring me business.

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f9bd3a  No.19407


>dollars donated by jews to presidential campaigns

bear in mind that Trump made a whole big deal about not taking campaign donations throughout the primaries. I wonder how much Jewish money went into his (((real estate))) business.

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a3e794  No.19410

File: 17a66bdc13fbb2a⋯.png (37.64 KB, 338x360, 169:180, 1413852559218.png)


Mark has proven himself to be a flamboyantly disgusting failure at every chance. I wouldn't doubt for a second that he's a greasy little pedo. That being said, an accusation that serious requires proof to back it up, and if there's any out there I haven't seen it yet.

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1416a5  No.19423



Gotta agree with wanting proof. I'd love to see how quick it'd get people banned if this started becoming common knowledge and see just how cucked the /v/ populace at large is if they value legacy name even after learning Mark's a pedo

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a3e794  No.19426

File: 8593e657acfa4eb⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 550x413, 550:413, welcome to the rice fields….jpg)


Considering how much shit he got over recent his brilliant idea to start selling gondola merch, if something as serious as pedophilia came to light, /v/irgins would be likely be screaming and memeing about it on every board thy could find.

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12de41  No.19445

File: ee1a42dbf24b03c⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 704x899, 704:899, lHZCnxt.jpg)


>Age of Strife

>Posts a pic of Horus and The Emperor of Mankind fighting in the penultimate battle of the Horus Heresy.

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60a06c  No.19460

File: 9cda7acd2d8240f⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 286x200, 143:100, ShowImage.ashx.jpg)

Deadly Iranian strike results in over 100 Iranian deaths

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f9bd3a  No.19464


>why are you worrying about X issue when Y issue is a thing?

Yeah yeah, there's starving children across the globe. There's melting polar icecaps. There's white genocide in South Africa. There's mega-corporations gaining an increasing amount of political power. There's child rapists within our borders.

Talking about X doesn't mean we shouldn't be talking about Y. It just means we happen to be talking about X at the moment. If you wanna talk about Y, make a thread about Y. Don't be that retard that goes into a thread about X complaining about the fact that it isn't about Y.

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f9bd3a  No.19470


It's not uncommon for sensational news to pop up in an attempt to cover up more important news. I will grant you that without hesitation. Now that that has been established: what's being covered up that we don't already know?

If you can't find anything, do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up. We're over here keeping updated on a situation that, to be fair, probably won't go very far. But at least we're keeping tabs on it. You, on the other hand, are complaining about nothing.

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6f2db8  No.19478


Judaism is not a 'faith' you stupid faggot. 90%+ of the kikes are atheist. EXACTLY like islam it is not a 'religion' but rather LIKE ALL RELIGIONS is a tool for oppression and global domination, wielded by one species against another. Do you think God has or needs 'a religion'?

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6f2db8  No.19479


>destabilizes peace in the region.

The highest IQ of all recognizes that these subhuman turds will never leave us alone and works towards their total extermination.

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27fa39  No.19541

File: ed621032db184ef⋯.jpg (119.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, senatorarmstrong-2556.jpg)



I wonder if he will begin to accept those "donations" for his reelection because he will not care anymore since it will be last time he can become president and will use the angle

>Embassy in Jerusalem

>Republicans aren't antisemite


I mean, I don't know if jews really want to donate to him because Trump is going "America First" where he prioritizes americans, with jobless claims falling, getting wage raises, etc by boosting america economy where the CEOs want to get illegal immigrants because they want to pay almost nothing so CEOs can get a lot of money out of all and as consequence, it lowers american wages, makes all costs more expensive, taxes being used to cover for them and damaging america economy as result of wanting cheap labor.

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ff9998  No.19553

File: dc64c4ea145784d⋯.png (199.64 KB, 613x907, 613:907, bb-5bb14e8e7b8c1.png)

File: 7bfde6f8da6f657⋯.png (220.88 KB, 814x898, 407:449, Adelson Trump Esther.png)

File: dcb54f55f51540b⋯.png (454.4 KB, 648x735, 216:245, Adelsons.png)

File: a86b53f0a128476⋯.png (620.91 KB, 755x744, 755:744, Saban1.png)

File: b7c7ce4056c9daf⋯.png (178.53 KB, 446x746, 223:373, Saban Kushner Purim.png)


>this kike is still posting that chart.

Sheldon Adelson is such an Israel-first kike that even the jewish press has compared him to something out of the Protocols. During the last election cycle, he was the biggest spender in all of American politics. He's Trump's top donor, and he and his wife are so happy with their puppet that Miriam Adelson compared him to Esther (one of the most important figures in kikery, with Purim, the symbolism of Haman, etc.) and said that like her, a "Book of Trump" should be added to the Torah.

Adelson isn't Trump's only Israel-first jewish mega-donor, he has Paul Singer and the Home Depot jew, Bernie Marcus, but the Kushners' relationship wit Hillary's "favorite billionaire" is equally important. In 2017, Haim Saban thanked Jared Kushner for "collusion" on Israel's behalf, and the following March, Saban celebrated the slaughter of the goyim at a Purim dinner hosted by the Kushners.


That's very interesting. The part about it not appearing in the other editions that day doesn't even sound like a retraction, since they aren't later ones, just not the localized edition for Palm Beach, which, as of 2005, was 20% jewish, making it the most jewish county in the US, hosting 16 synagogues. It might not have been that jewish in 1987, but I'd bet it wasn't that far off, making this an ostensibly "for jewish eyes only" admission. I'd also think someone with the surname "Rothgeb" would know.

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ff9998  No.19582

File: b611b9be5c2ff2b⋯.jpg (105.06 KB, 533x895, 533:895, ADL backed Trump.jpg)



That also provides a lot more context to Trump's fight for the acceptance of jews at Palm Beach clubs.

>“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews,” Kessler said. “The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”


>“Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ‘A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”


>“Whether they love me or not, everyone agrees the greatest and most important place in Palm Beach is Mar-a-Lago,” Trump said. “I took this ultimate place and made it incredible and opened it, essentially, to the people of Palm Beach. The fact that I owned it made it a lot easier to get along with the Palm Beach establishment.”


Everything mentioned in that last link is post-1987, validating Rathgeb.

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3d790e  No.19591

So nothing happens now, we back down, that makes this false happening # 1,400,237,860,005,056,500,999,983

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a3e794  No.19599

File: f37d54817bcfb7e⋯.jpg (135.52 KB, 576x315, 64:35, f37d54817bcfb7e27a0808b18d….jpg)


Wow, it's almost like it's all just a bunch of political theater.

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8933ee  No.19603

File: bc87d165ed35e08⋯.png (44.74 KB, 554x439, 554:439, shrug.png)



>general gets assassinated

>Iranians shred the remains of the Iran deal

>Iranians fire missiles, destroying US/Iraqi bases in retaliation

>also destroy a civilian airline in the process

>Trump increases sanctions on Iran

>lol nothing happened/everything is political theater

Guess I'm not redpilled enough to get these hot takes.

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a3e794  No.19634

File: da272904e15e34f⋯.png (114.62 KB, 506x395, 506:395, 93eae04327f24cf4735af61373….png)


>Spends the past 48 hours shitting himself over WWIII

<We killed one of their dudes in a way that actually benefits the iranian theocracy

<They shot a few half hearted token salvos and didn't kill any of our dudes

<lol we got sanctions boi

Maybe you're actually not redpilled enough to get it.

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8933ee  No.19635


>Spends the past 48 hours shitting himself over WWIII

I never thought this would result in WW3, but if that's the barometer to determine a happening then I guess nothing has ever happened ever since there never was a third world war.

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274509  No.19647







You’re banned on /v/ if you say that mark is a paid moderator, even though he publicly admitted it and it has been exposed that he’s on Jim’s payroll…..

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55cf16  No.19662


Why are torposting kikes still allowed in the board?

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55cf16  No.19663

File: d8aa0392f9868f0⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 457x374, 457:374, 9fLEAhS.jpg)


Lurk moar.

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55cf16  No.19665

File: 939be9c17e6f520⋯.png (168.99 KB, 696x639, 232:213, TORpedo_Project.png)


>use our honeypot goy

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27fa39  No.19689

File: 4164b6fd8e0754c⋯.png (2.85 MB, 2180x2624, 545:656, 4164b6fd8e0754c4b3470aa5d6….png)


What that anon said wasn't a joke, some Tor nodes are really compromised by CIA/FBI/NSA. Go check that in search bar in any place.

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ac23f1  No.19690

File: 27e9d0ada99b4e2⋯.jpeg (472.87 KB, 2224x1668, 4:3, CDCD392B-A41C-4A29-A45A-7….jpeg)

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339548  No.19710


>Why are torposting kikes still allowed in the board?


remove tor-post privileges, mods. if they can't figure out what a fucking proxy is, they shouldn't be posting here anyway.

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0c4ff9  No.19712


nice catch Schlomo

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000000  No.19792





No, fuck off kike :^)

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000000  No.19793


Oops almost missed this one

You're not dealing with boomers who don't understand how proxies work my hook nosed kike

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60a06c  No.19798

File: 3832d0db24bd95a⋯.webm (10.49 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Patrick Clawson.webm)

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0c4ff9  No.19799


This is a Q-Tard

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274509  No.19821



>admits he's paid to post here

>thinks anyone will ever support him

Kill yourself, jew.


>anyone who wants jew shills banned is a jew


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000000  No.19822




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2eb29a  No.19832

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288be0  No.19837


>use the backdoor infested software the most degenerate branch of the zogbot military made

l2proxy nigger

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000000  No.19840


>admits he's paid to post here

Where? Why are you doing the typical jewish trick of putting words into people's mouths and wondering how you got outed you retarded kike?


Got any actual evidence that it's backdoored?

>use proxies

Go fucking kill yourself you retarded boomer faggot, learn what proxies are and learn how tor works then fucking neck yourself.

Boomers don't even get ridiculed like kikes they get filtered.

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000000  No.19844


yankee go home

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a4de1e  No.19847

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a4de1e  No.19848


All the shills are out to say this is clear proof of a Iran fuckup and pepper that with lies about periphery issues as supporting evidence of culpability.

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1e0886  No.19849


I haven't been following along, but this is a plane getting shot out of the sky with a missile. What does this prove beyond that?

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a4de1e  No.19850


Dude sound like a psychopath.

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a4de1e  No.19851


Nothing much but the comments on Twitter and other places are it's proof or Iran shooting down it's own plane… or the Russian missile defense system got hacked (which is stupid but helps muddy the water)… that Iran is hiding the evidence (though recently they have asked for international help to investigate though likely after they have a good idea of what happened)… and on and on. Basically like this is definitive proof of Iran killing Iranians and perhaps to incite protests. It's just all so tiresome. I mean, we don't even know if it's the plane in questions but let's suppose it is (which I'm doing at face value)… I have no conclusion at all and think it needs to be submitted to aid investigation.

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2fe8f6  No.19853

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66d777  No.19856


US, how about your government get the citizens to trust what they say before trying to get the entire world to trust what they say?

The jew has no shame!

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000000  No.19857

Why would Iran down a commercial flight?

Was there some high ranking military person to tie in with the conspiracy theory of Iran offering its general to preserve the theocratic system?

And what did the poor Ukrainians do to become the punching bag of the world as of late?

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a4de1e  No.19864


The Ukraine will be cut off as a pinch point for West Europe and Russia once Nord Stream 2 is active. And makes gay American gas expensive.

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13931c  No.19895

Fuck off Hitler was good guy like the train man

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13931c  No.19896

File: 6895b22b2b27000⋯.jpg (164.89 KB, 685x1023, 685:1023, bisminmarck.jpg)

This man was better than your asshole and putin together!

Heil Bismarck!

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000000  No.19936


>he doesn't know about Bobby Fisher

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288be0  No.19941


>being that much of a kike even the torpedo >>19936 calls you out on it

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274509  No.19947



Jew instantly comes to defend himself against truth.

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6c6b6f  No.19948


Sure is fortunate that somebody was there to "document the even".

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000000  No.19956


>people shouldn't be targeted just because of the faith the choose to profess.

Low-IQ is falling for the jews' ruse that they're a religion, not a race, and aren't actively fighting for dominance by eliminating their competitors, attacking them by race.

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288be0  No.19969


>Got any actual evidence that it's backdoored?

>developed by the Jew S Navy

>used by blatant kikes like yourself

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27fa39  No.20001

File: 54b390464be634d⋯.jpg (84.94 KB, 871x900, 871:900, CrybACsWIAAn_NS.jpg)



From news I got, Iran already cleared all from plane site where it fallen and "invited" US and others to investigate even though Iran made sure nothing would show up they shot it down. Yeah, they cleared all debris. No security or anything, just "scavengers" coincidentally picking off some broken shit to take as some nice souvenir.

Basically, Iran cleared it so fast before investigators arrived in scene and there is nothing to show proof they shot it down even though the whole world know it. There wasn't even fuselage here. Totally gone! I'm sure iran guys are "surprised" to know about it.

>At a news conference on Friday, Iranian officials displayed what they claimed was one of the “black box” flight recorders recovered from the aircraft and said it could take “one or two months” to recover its data, while a full investigation of the incident could take “one or two years” to complete.

>Intelligence agencies around the world announced on Thursday that the plane was very likely destroyed by an Iranian surface-to-air missile, specifically a Russian-built SA-15. U.S. officials implied satellite intelligence helped them reach this determination quickly. Some video footage leaked out of Iran appears to show an object rising rapidly from the ground and impacting the plane, causing it to burst into flames. The regime in Tehran continues to insist the plane crashed due to a mysterious mechanical failure.

Have fun with Iran mess.

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ecd237  No.20006


>Got any actual evidence that it's backdoored?

Obviously he doesn't. If it'd phone home you could track it, and the feds busting dark web criminals would have a much easier job. But in reality they need to use good old detective work every single time. Like buying huge amounts of drugs from dark web dealers to gain their trust at some point.

The anon you are replying to is either a boomer with nigger tier tech knowledge or an actual fed who doesn't want you to anonymize your traffic.


No actual proof either, just namedropping and whataboutism.

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339548  No.20017


fuck off niggerfaggot

i'm not a fucking international terrorist and this board is owned by literally DOJ, so I feel pretty fucking safe having them know who I am considering I mean fuck-all to them in the grand-scheme of things. I mean, I like to dream of big things, but the reality is I'm not the leader of a terror cell, I'm just a shitposting shitposter LARPing as a Nazi on a Japanese imageboard. i fear jewgle more than I fear Department of Defense unless you are a retard you could understand how running a tor exit not into a local residential proxy could give you the best of 2 worlds. Ability to surf the clearnet freely along with the ability to venture into uglier territories.

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2bce95  No.20123


Mossad op. Saul called it

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2bce95  No.20124


Who cares just rain taco supreme open source transparency

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2bce95  No.20126


The Donald Z Trump

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2bce95  No.20127

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c73cea  No.20130

who cancel ww3

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23eed8  No.20135

File: 2403f21f167adfd⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 700x1280, 35:64, shot down.mp4)


>Iran has denied any involvement, and say the plane was not hit by a missile.

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000000  No.20139


>this board is owned by literally DOJ

>I feel pretty fucking safe having them know who I am


>Using a (((proxy))) with tor

>Not knowing how proxies work

I thought you were a shill but turns out you're 100% retarded, congratulations.

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d6e2c2  No.20140

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The US government is likely going to war.

>82 airborn deployed

>Dems finally deliver impeachment documents making it official

>Dems try to shut down president

>Massive increase of interceptor training sorties

>Massive increase of military activity at one specific west coast airport


How much do you want to bet that the plane was brought down by a CIA asset in Iran?

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ecfe5d  No.20141


I wouldn't be surprised if it was your jew buddies who shot that plane down

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6c6b6f  No.20144

File: c70e360d8d44c85⋯.png (549.87 KB, 771x744, 257:248, Pompeo Trump Esther.png)

This year, Purim is on March 10th. If this is going to turn into an actual war anytime soon, it's going to be around then, especially with "Queen Esther" Trump.

>Stop and think for a moment: the first Gulf War in 1991, ended erev – just before – Purim. The second Gulf War in 2003, began motzei – just after – Shushan Purim. Get the picture? In between, “The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honor,” (Megilat Esther 8:16).

>Look what happened to Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Hussein was hanged like Haman, get it! And, Iraq isn’t a threat to Israel anymore.

>But, we already knew that wars are for us – i.e., the Jews and Israel. Chazal – our sages – throughout the ages have explained the Torah, telling us that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish People. As it says in the Talmud, “Every war in Israel is a stage in the redemption of Israel,” (Megillah 17b). The Redemption occurs in stages, war after war.

>Read the Purim story in Megilat Esther again, it’s a rags to riches story on a national scale. Haman, the proto-typical anti-Semite, plans mass murder of the Jews and in the end pays with his life, the life of his ten sons – all hanged – and the Jews kill 75, 811 members of the anti-Semitic – i.e. Nazi – party of the time.

>This is not so different from the Nuremberg Trials after World War II, when 23 Nazi war criminals were tried. Originally 11 were to have the death penalty imposed if found guilty. Everybody in those days thought that they would be shot – as is customary in military executions – or get the electric chair – as was common in the United States. But when the judges announced the verdict of guilty, they also said that hanging would be the method of execution. Two hours before the execution, they found Hermann Goering dead in his cell. He had committed suicide. Interestingly, it is said about Goering, that he liked to dress up in feminine attire. His cross-dressing and suicide would parallel Haman’s daughter, who also committed suicide. That left only 10 Nazis to execute, just like Haman’s sons.


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a40a36  No.20145

plz hlp

How to embed video?

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f567e0  No.20146


Well first you LURK FIVE YEARS.

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cf70f7  No.20150



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f9d747  No.20168


Unless there is something truly unknown in Iran's military they do not have the missile to target anything…what they have are ROCKETS, not missiles…so the argument has been made that they could not have shot it down…but I bet you they have rocket launchers, that plane was not very high up when it was shot down. I would bet you some avocado toast that an (((independent party))) used a directed missle or launcher to shoot down and kill all those people to start the war they have been sukacocking for for AGES!!

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a4de1e  No.20180


So in this story… the good people killed almost a 100,000 people before any of them could get killed first. Oh right, we must protect these innnnoooooccccccent peoples.

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a4de1e  No.20182


>I heard some fag shit from Twitter (maybe)

>Make shit up and act like it's the truth because of details.

Are you Browder by any chance? He was good at that.

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a4de1e  No.20183


You mean Eyetalians, Russians, and other Europeans.

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be2dc0  No.20203

File: bd82e2166298fb0⋯.png (7.89 KB, 689x162, 689:162, lol.png)




Newsflash. You're all fucking retarded.

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e531f0  No.20216


>no source

kys nigger brain.

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a4de1e  No.20259



OK, now Iran can pay for this mistake. Also, why where all the fags saying, Iran is hiding something and covering up! They fucking admitted it after they investigated. You know… like how most governments in the West DO NOT ACT.

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a4de1e  No.20262

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a4de1e  No.20263


What timeline am I living in? War by Twitter. Jack Dorsey had blood on his tiny hands.

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1e0886  No.20268


those letters are arranged in such a way as to make me think the country of Iran accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airplane.

Have you seen how many letters are arranged in such a way as to make someone question the way your letters are arranged?

I believe the way your letters are arranged, btw. I just don't know why? Do you?

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832e31  No.20281

File: 6a01c1dd140e69a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1935x1797, 645:599, ami go home persia eng.png)

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27fa39  No.20282


Now you're getting news Iran recognized they shoot it down and covered up the whole thing?

The only thing it changed is Iran backing away from keeping black box forever. Now they "might" send it to Russia if they don't manage to "crack it".

The same Iran who refused to let Boeing to inspect black box.

By the way friendly retard, I didn't hear it from twitter.

Tell me where I made things up.

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274509  No.20295


Hey, IIDF. This place is already owned by the JIDF. You’ll have to find somewhere else.

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2bce95  No.20305


This is correct

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d5fdd3  No.20307

File: 6acd30ddbb41e09⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 474x303, 158:101, hamantash.jpg)

File: 96f6db5e57b92bf⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 266x186, 133:93, Ojos de Haman.jpg)

File: 9ee7da03c982e19⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 474x631, 474:631, OIP.YbjSHoM9DC5Ep0lu7S2acQ….jpg)

File: b16f27bfb2a908a⋯.jpg (57.75 KB, 200x234, 100:117, 7AllbutseedsDebby200.jpg)


And today, they celebrate it by eating pastries that represent Haman's ears.

>A hamantash (Yiddish: המן־טאַש‎ homentash, also spelled hamentasch, pl. המן־טאַשן homentashn or hamentaschen, literally 'Haman pockets') (Hebrew: אוזן המן‎, ozen Haman, pl. אוזני המן, oznei Haman, literally 'Haman's ears') is a filled-pocket cookie or pastry recognizable for its triangular shape, usually associated with the Jewish holiday of Purim and Haman, the villain in the Purim story.

b-but jews never practiced cannibalism!

Another wonderful purim dish is "Ojos de Haman" (Eyes of Haman) which some of them take so far as to bake bread made to look like the poor fella, so they can pluck out his eyes and feast on him.

>Years ago, we visited the home of another young couple for a Purim Seudah. The couple was Moroccan and the woman was an accomplished traditional cook. To begin the meal, she brought out a beautiful Moroccan Purim bread called “Ojo de Haman”, crowned by a hard boiled egg. One of the men at the table gamely plucked out the egg. He explained that this action symbolized the destruction of Haman as in the Megillat Esther. Well, I had never seen such a thing!

>[. . .]

>The second or third year I made it, I was invited to a large Purim Seudah. Rather than make many small “Ojo de Haman” breads, I decided to make one huge bread with two ojos, or eyes. I called it the “Ojos de Haman” and created a bread version of the head of Haman. People loved it! Kids ran to pluck out those eggs and vanquish Haman. And now, whenever we go out for our Purim Seudah, I know what I’ll be asked to bring!


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000000  No.20323


>another WAR

<another CIVILIAN 'UKRAINIAN' airplane

>shot down

hohols, hohols never changes

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27fa39  No.20325

File: cf60c1321f5fc78⋯.png (317.54 KB, 900x900, 1:1, cf60c1321f5fc785dff4fd6009….png)

Talking about Iran clearing all fast to cover up, that raises other questions.

1) What was Iran was trying to cover up?

2) It was against a specific target from that plane?

3) It was to hide something Iran did with missiles?

3a) In this case, can origin be tracked if someone check it?

3b) Iran modified missiles so they don't want world to know about it?

Add something if you feel like this is lacking.

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a3e794  No.20331

File: d28069c4c8b63ce⋯.gif (763.42 KB, 500x275, 20:11, d28.gif)



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274509  No.20342


Haman was also a jew, and thus did many things wrong by virtue of existing.

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a3e794  No.20351


Haman was Persian, you daft nigger.

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274509  No.20355


No, jew. You can’t fool anyone here. Haman, genetically, was also a jew. He was a survivor of a group of jews called Amalekites–named after Amalek, the grandson of Esau. Esau was the elder son of Isaac, one of the three jewish patriarchs–some of the most important figures in the religion. Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, son of Srach, son of Buza, son of Iphlotas, son of Dyosef, son of Dyosim, son of Prome, son of Ma'dei, son of Bla'akan, son of Intimros, son of Haridom, son of Sh'gar, son of Nigar, son of Farmashta, son of Vayezatha, (son of Agag, son of Sumkei,) son of Amalek, son of the concubine of Eliphaz, firstborn son of Esau.


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7294a2  No.20373



>Iran accidentally kills nearly 200 people



>US accidentally kills thousands yearly through law enforcement


>muh moving goalposts

I honestly don't give a shit about what iran does in retaliation to actions of kike world order.

You reap what you sow.

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a3e794  No.20393

File: 79f709f74d97335⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 980x552, 245:138, I just wanted to go shoppi….jpg)


>Persian genocide

>A jewish civil war

You're retarded, but I'm not going to derail this thread bickering over yid holiday lore.

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274509  No.20404


You were already proven wrong. Just accept it or fuck off.

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a3e794  No.20415

File: 8bb399c9fb7a5b6⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 422x600, 211:300, dbddbd8999db306f935e656b07….jpg)



That's pretty funny, considering there was no source in that last post of yours.

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d5fdd3  No.20429


Iran should have just brought up United 93 in their statement, now that those Dark Overlord documents confirmed the obvious. It's not quite the same thing, but still enough of a problem that ZOG had to invent the "let's roll" fantasy and turn the analist Mark Bingham into a hero.

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274509  No.20435


>oy vey no source i say so you wrong i say so i win

Literally anyone can go research the genealogy. Literally anyone can go read about the story of Esther, Xerxes, and Haman. You decided to shitpost without any knowledge and you were blown the fuck out by people who did. Accept it or fuck off. You aren’t one of us.

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c44696  No.20436


Substantiate your claims or suck a cock dude.

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274509  No.20440


Yep, already did. You’re really, REALLY pushing hard to defend this lie, aren’t you. That’s interesting. I wonder who benefits by forcing gentiles to take a side in a jewish civil war. I wonder whose narrative is promoted by this…

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c44696  No.20442


Act like a smug cunt all you want, until you provide a source for your claims no one will believe you.

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3b68cb  No.20449


New dune rune from the angry tweet man translated:

"The Iranian government should allow human rights groups to monitor and report on the current reality of protests in the Iranian people. We should not see the peaceful killing of protesters again or the Internet shut down. The world is watching."

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d5fdd3  No.20451


>Internet shut down

Interesting how he cares so much about internet freedoms for the ZOG-backed Iranian "protestors", but not for his own retarded supporters who are continuously censored.

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658870  No.20454


Seeing how he dropped the mandatory (((inspectors)))) in his tweets, it looks like he's prepping the "line in the Sand" to declare war

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274509  No.20460


Yep, already did. Haman was jewish. Passover and Purim remember jewish civil wars. You are required by your contract to reply to this point again, defending the jewish lie that Haman is not jewish.


He can’t really get away with that, though. Unless the US is directly attacked (by jews, of course, who blame Iran), no one is going to support war in Iran.

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a4de1e  No.20568

Trumps Twitter feed is now official gay. 'Iran needs freedom and stuff… and McD and Gatorade and NBL. Poor suffering Iranians.' Puke.

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a3e794  No.20569

File: 8c62f02ea18ef72⋯.gif (415.41 KB, 480x238, 240:119, (you).gif)


You really seem to be losing your shit over people defending Haman, one of the single most hated figures in Jewish


>Yep, already did.

No actually, you didn't. If a source is so easy to find, there's nothing keeping you from posting it. Burden of proof is on you, kike.

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05abb1  No.20572


The guy close to the camera has a built-in kippah.

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000000  No.20579


>Iran needs freedom


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000000  No.20597

Iran is a neocon outpost which swung the 1980 election for glowcandidate Bush. Part of Brzezinski's chessboard strategy which now includes ISIS etc. Fuck these lies

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274509  No.20614


>oy vey genetics doesn’t exist goyim

Yes, you’re done. It’s over.

>if a source is so easy to find

THEN ONLY A JEW LIKE YOU WOULD DENY IT. It has been posted already. You have already admitted that Haman is jewish. Go worship your jew on a different website.

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f9d747  No.20648


Actually Iran has a huge jew population. So this is just jews fucking with other jews. I keep posting the graphic of the ties (they are actually identical) between the iranian persians and the iranian jews. These are the same people and they want YOU to kill them for the jews here like the conniving shits that surround the orange jew.



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0cbedb  No.20670


>allows them to build nukes

Iran has never had nukes you kike

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0cbedb  No.20671





Are you retarded?

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274509  No.20677


No, just paid to post here.

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0cbedb  No.20687


>i aM pOoR cuZ da JOOOZ rUn dA baNks 88 heil hitLER!

Why do you kikes always use that strawman? Supporting Israel and occupying/invading the middle-east costs taxpayer money. Blow your fucking brains out faggot.

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a4de1e  No.20965


Imagine a plane that was born in idea in the 1940's at the end of the war and finally took it's current form in a water of a few days by a few engineers with slide rules. This plane is now has extended life to see into the 2050's (before it undoubtedly gets another extension of life). I think it will last 200 years before it finally gets ditched for good because by that time no one will be able to make parts for it or understand how it works.

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b2b74d  No.20973


That’s pretty cool though. There’s enough parts at Tucson to keep them flying a long time.

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d79218  No.20980

File: d435974d987347d⋯.png (13.68 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, admech.png)


>I think it will last 200 years before it finally gets ditched for good because by that time no one will be able to make parts for it or understand how it works.

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ab460d  No.20998

File: 8156209366a0a95⋯.png (10.53 KB, 516x233, 516:233, British East India Company.png)


easy with the Rothschild propaganda there Alex

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295234  No.21041


We don't have money. It doesn't cost us anything but labor. The only people who can ever 'have money' are the people who create the money. This is why the very idea of 'money' as a store of value is so retarded that only someone who is permanently fucked in the brain on a genetic level would ever put any stock in it.

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480417  No.21047


>store of value


ie: currency

money flows, you get drained of it, keep your reserves, the thirsty seek it in hard times and overconsume in good times.

understand money as it is,not as its perceived to be.

only then can you understand that positive will flow only to negative and negative will flow only to positive. Too often I've seen people think that if they put something good out into the world, good will come back to them only to come to the realization that we don't live in that world.

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48a4c4  No.21089

File: 0f5d70814fae5ca⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 480x270, 16:9, retarded-mutt-brags-about-….mp4)



Ohh, will you ever change, you doomed rootless mongrels? You eternal golems of kikes. I hope Tel Aviv, Hollywood and Washington get nuked first. Your entire meme country filled with niggers and spics will get BALKANIZED.COM, once the war begins.

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274509  No.21092


>oy vey goyim money isn't a store of value

>oy vey goyim you are insane if you do not think like jews

This is a paid shill and it is allowed to post here.

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601f80  No.21107

Start with the Iranian kikes & put their heads on pikes. Or OperationGreyMatter will commence. War is good, war is necessary. I wonder how many Iranian nationals are currently in America, and also would how many of their deaths could kick off war in that sandy shithole? It could probably come along faster if it came out that a jew mass murdered them. Wanna find out?

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5e81bf  No.21112


>War is good, war is necessary

No. It's only good and necessary for private central bankers. Without wars their pyramid scheme would crumble far quicker.

Being a warrior, capable and competent practitioner of violence, now that's necessary.

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601f80  No.21115


I can't hear you over the sound of that ginormous pussy you call your conscience. Also clearly a new fag since you never mentioned the code word. Good luck pleb, because you might be seen as an expendable issue in the coming weeks.

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5e81bf  No.21117


Alright mr. cutdick

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3a2f0f  No.21118


>hollywood and washington get nuked first

That's what most of us hope too.

>Your entire meme country filled with niggers and spics will get BALKANIZED.COM

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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601f80  No.21119


Whatever you say Mr. Convicted Pedophile

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5e81bf  No.21127


The pedos and kikes have had USA up in arms for them for two and a half centuries by now. Cut (lmao) it off. War is a racket.

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a3e794  No.21137

File: 555dffe6ab3d8e9⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 198x255, 66:85, pilpul.jpg)


>You have already admitted that Haman is jewish

Drown yourself in semen, you anti-white parasite.

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274509  No.21172


>you are imkikey because you say and do things imkikey would never do

Haman, genetically, was also a jew. He was a survivor of a group of jews called Amalekites–named after Amalek, the grandson of Esau. Esau was the elder son of Isaac, one of the three jewish patriarchs–some of the most important figures in the religion. Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, son of Srach, son of Buza, son of Iphlotas, son of Dyosef, son of Dyosim, son of Prome, son of Ma'dei, son of Bla'akan, son of Intimros, son of Haridom, son of Sh'gar, son of Nigar, son of Farmashta, son of Vayezatha, (son of Agag, son of Sumkei,) son of Amalek, son of the concubine of Eliphaz, firstborn son of Esau.


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295234  No.21186

File: e4d21a60983e8ed⋯.jpg (18 KB, 364x205, 364:205, Rape-Crime-in-Sweden-364x2….jpg)


>Wanna find out?

Yes, make it so. Be sure that you videotape the entire thing just like they videotaped the days of torture via gang rape and sent them back to their sandnigger shithole and entice more men to 'join in the fun' in our nations.

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295234  No.21188



Will you two PLEASE get a room so that you can fuck each other in private?


>War is a racket.

A peoples war is not a racket though. Sure being used by the blews is wrong, but killing blews is…so right…





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a3e794  No.21278

File: 9e00b74456accdc⋯.png (39.38 KB, 314x209, 314:209, amalek.png)


>Still no source




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a980b2  No.21299


Mudslimes dying in the ME is what drives refugees into Eutope and what is used by the media to brainwash Whites to accept being cucked. Glow harder.


>Jews dindu nuffin!


>i-it was a coincidence! nothing to see here!

Glow harder


Notice how the Iran thing came out of nowhere and felt really rushed ? Seems to me like a good WW3 threat would be the best way to get people to focus back on their lives and priorities... thus forgetting about Epstein.

Trump is a puppet show.

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a980b2  No.21304

MEMRI started reporting on "white supremacy" online messages and, what a coincidence, they're crying about people supporting Soleimani


Watch the shills try to justify condoning his murder.

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17474e  No.21341


Came out of nowhere? It has been ‘in the works’ for over 10 years. You must be too young to remember.

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42b6b8  No.21374


>came out of nowhere

Absolute dipshit.


9/11 was 20 years ago, anon. The Oded Yinon Plan itself was written 36 years ago. We’re all old motherfuckers.

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aec209  No.21688


i love how you think sandniggers value each others lives yet will send a kid to be the payload of a terrorist attack.

get shanked in camp, fucking kike.

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8b0f54  No.21736


>still can't address Syria

>instead talks about dumb kikes

>no u kike

Syria is geopolitical strategy and speaks louder than some shitty jew statement newfag.

Pretty obvious this bread is all theatre too, because nothing is going to happen.

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3ce78d  No.21942

File: ed9376f5c412d06⋯.png (174.03 KB, 412x471, 412:471, wait_for_it.PNG)



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43d118  No.22012


Wild World War

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aae9f1  No.22281

File: 31f4fed2d10f004⋯.jpg (107.51 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Robert_McNamara_official_p….jpg)


t. deskriding POG office nigger that doesnt understand 5gw, pic related its probably youre faggot coward of a father

face it you faalse bravado motards both donald and khomeni are good goys but iran would sodomize the burgerniggers and their tribe handlers in any serious engagement

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17474e  No.22316

File: cf5168b081c765e⋯.jpeg (63.23 KB, 500x382, 250:191, 1D3EFCC3-FDBA-40A2-A0FC-F….jpeg)


This does bring up a good question. What is the ‘role’ for men when all their masculine roles have been usurped and destroyed. Basically he is cheering the fact that murdering people randomly without regard for their physical fitness is the epitome of masculinity. Photo is the level of masculine effort that is required to murder people from a comfortable distance.

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55a0c7  No.22670

>world war 3

>war with iran means world fucking war 3


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af6d97  No.22755


start a new thread if its a happening again.

there was no WW 3


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b39bac  No.22772

>>22755 (checked)

/pol/, Iranon, doomsayer leftists, and anti-Trump niggers, and war mongering jews BTFO

How will they ever recover?

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17474e  No.25882


They are hardwired not to need recovery because they are destroyers by nature…it would be like asking you if you needed to ‘recover’ from a spell of breathing or something. I totally thought this shit had kicked back up again…but no, it will be utterly and totally forgotten by the end of next week…all the drama and the pageantry…(the people who had loved ones die might remember but for most of us it will fade to oblivion).

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d1e899  No.26199

File: 9aac0c0437d7831⋯.png (18.85 KB, 559x411, 559:411, no reaction image.png)


All this jpg compression

Nigger this ain't facebook.

Shape up and fly right you boomer piece of shit.

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